Showing 642 items
matching agreement
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1990s-2000s?]
Button distributed to and worn by Australian Nursing Federation members campaigning against changes to nurses awards. The minimum wages and conditions an employee is entitled to are set out in awards (also known as modern awards). Awards don’t apply when an employer has an enterprise agreement or other registered agreement and the employee is covered by it. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation became the Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) in 1989, and then became the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation in 2013, suggesting this badge is from the 1990s or early 2000s.Circular white and blue plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'hands off nurses' awards!' and 'AUSTRALIAN NURSING FEDERATION'.nurses, nursing, unionism, badges, buttons, pins, trade unions, labour history, australian nursing federation, wages, working conditions, employment -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Documents: Whitelaw Central Red White and Blue Mine Bendigo. 28 pages summary of gold mining correspondence - mortgage mining leases 943689340, contract of sale to Central Blue Gum GM 1933, leases with mining rights, treatment of pyrites agreement 1917 - J. Edwards & Co, Helen Streader - release of liability after being paid (pounds)125 by mine due to accidental death of husband 1912. Another for Ellen Lane 1916, list of titles held by Co , lease agreements Filcock and Manning, Andrew Harkness 'winding plant at mine' 1923, notice to perform agreement to Manning's 1916, Edwards Metallurgical Works 1917, map for 9777 Bendigo, contract for explosives with Dalgety & Co 1917, new scrip for lost shares 1917, Miner's Right 1911, sale of land Ra. A. Rankin 1910.MCCOLL RANKIN AND STANISTREETorganization, mining, central red white and blue, mccoll rankin and stanistreet. -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Agreement, Supply of Electricity, City of Port Melbourne, 1970s
.01 - City of Port Melbourne application and agreement for a supply of electricity on the left and information required for purpose of compiling Municipal Roll. .02 - Half size double sheet with ordinary conditions for the supply of electricity on first sheet and application on secondlocal government - city of port melbourne, utilities - electricity, beris campbell -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document: McColl, Rankin and Stanistreet: Deborah Gold Mine NL agreement with Monument Hill Consolidated ( Bendigo ) NL. Legal document between two parties, prepared by Haden Smith & Fitchett, Solicitors, 405 Collins Street, Melbourne.Haden Smith & Fitchettorganization, mining, deborah gold mine nl, mccoll, rankin and stanistreet: deborah gold mine nl, goldmining, monument hill consolidated ( bendigo ) agreement -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document. Envelope contains: - Company Re Organization - North Hustlers Mining Co, Leasehold transfer, Stock Option, Machinery Hire, Cert. of Inspection of Air Receiver, Cert. of Inspection of Boiler, Air Compressor Hire Agreement & etc.McColl, Rankin & Stanistreetorganization, business, gold mining - legal, mccoll, rankin & stanistreet, east moon gmc nl, gold mining, company re-organisation, north hustlers mining co, lease, stock option, miller & co (machinery) proprietary limited -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document: Eighteen page handwritten document. Contains agreement re claimholders rules in regard to the management and operation of the Catherine Reef United Claimholders Company, Peg Leg Road, Eaglehawk. Document contains signatures of all claimholders. (1861?)Catherine Reef United Claimholdersorganization, mining, catherine reef united claimholders, bendigo, eaglehawk, gold mining, share holders -
St Kilda Historical Society
Administrative record - Legal agreement, St Kilda Oriental Carnival, 1929, 1929
Uncompleted form for a legal agreement between the Committee of Management of the St Kilda Oriental Carnival, 1929 and a showman participating in the carnival over the period 30 March to 6 April 1929.Single sheet of yellow paper printed in black on one sidest kilda carnivals, st kilda oriental carnival -
Unions Ballarat
Towards peace in Indo-China, (Chatham House essays, 14), Eden, Anthony, 1966
Eden was Foreign Secretary in the United Kingdom for three terms and one of the authors of the Geneva Conference agreements on Indo-China in 1954. The Indo-China war happened from 1946-1954.Significant to the Indo-China War, UK foreign policy and politics.Paper; bookgeneva conference, indo-china, south east asia, war, indo-china war, btlc, ballarat trades hall, foreign policy, foreign secretary - united kingdom, french indo-china -
Melbourne Royal
Memorabilia - Showbag, Wilmers & Gladwin Pty Ltd, Life Savers Showbag, c. 1959
Life Savers were invented in America in 1912 and produced under an agreement in Australia from 1921. The name refers to the fact that the hole in the middle will prevent choking if the sweet is swallowed whole.Life Savers showbag, no content: paper bag with string cord handle, printed in colour; one side showing a roll of Butter Scotch Life Savers and two Scottish children dancing under it; the other, a roll of Pep-O-Mint Life Savers, set against an Arctic background[obverse] 3 PACKETS FOR 1-' EVERYWHERE / BUTTER SCOTCH / LIFE SAVERS / THE CANDY WITH THE HOLE / Also obtainable / in following flavours: / Crystomint - Stick-O-Pep - Orange - Lemon - Lime" [reverse] Cooling Pep-O-Mint Life Savers, the candy mint with the hole / Also obtainable in following flavours: Spear-O-Mint - Assorted floral - Vi-O-Let - Musk - Clove - Thirst - An-O-Sed / 3 packets for 1'- everywhere / [bottom] Wilmers & Gladwin Pty Ltdconfectionery, lifesavers, showbag, commercial -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
McColl Rankin & Stanistreet, Deborah Extended Gold Mines NL. Herbert Jackson Leed & Others with Eric Raymond Grelis and Deborah Extended Gold Mining Company No Liability. Agreement/lease lands in the mining district of Bendigo Parish of Sandhurst County of Bendigo described in Gold mining Lease Number 10902 Bendigo entered into the Register Book Volume 320 Folio 35337 at the office of Titles at Melbourne. Agreement Dated: 24/ 7/1940. Original and copy same Envelope to Mr J Stanistreet, Charing Cross, Bendigo, Vic., 3550 also included.organization, business, mine, mccoll rankin & stanistreet, deborah extended gold mines nl. herbert jackson leed & others with eric raymond grelis and deborah extended gold mining company no liability. agreement/lease 10902 bendigo 1940 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document. Envelope contains: - Insurance Policies, Receipts Hire agreement for Steam driven air compressor and site map and specifications. Tender for new compressor, treasure Bonds and Lease Agreements. Envelope with a 2 pence red postage stamp with the profile of King George 5th and a crown above his head addressed to Mrs. C. Russell of 7 Willowbank Road N7, Melbourne. War Damage Commission receipts. Correspondence from The English Scottish & Australian Bank Limited regarding Treasury Bonds. Receipt for Boiler Test, Certificate of inspection of Boiler.McColl, Rankin & Stanistreetorganization, business, gold mining - legal, mccoll, rankin & stanistreet, east clarence gmc nl, gold mining, insurance policies, treasury bonds -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Agreement, Erect Emersol Plant at Ingles Street, Port Melbourne, J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd and H G White Pty Ltd, 1 Sep 1949
Pale green agreement between messrs J KItchen & Sons Pty Ltd & messrs H G White Pty Ltd to erect a new Emersol Plant Building at Ingles St, Port Melbourne. Schedule of conditions of building contract.No. 25944industry, manufacturing, built environment - industrial, j kitchen & sons pty ltd, h g white pty ltd, emersol, f oakley, c e serpell, c r hansen, louis thompson, charles henderson, alder & lacey, ingles street -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Gordon Hildesley Neve, 3/10/1975 12:00:00 AM
Letter, 3 Oct 1975 from Mr Neve and copy of 1858 agreement with Box Hill Council relating to connection of electricity to his home at 39 Wattle Valley Road Mitcham,Letter, 3 Oct 1975 from Mr Neve and copy of 1858 agreement with Box Hill Council relating to connection of electricity to his home at 39 Wattle Valley Road Mitcham, later (1975) 12 Nara Road. With map.Letter, 3 Oct 1975 from Mr Neve and copy of 1858 agreement with Box Hill Council relating to connection of electricity to his home at 39 Wattle Valley Road Mitcham,electricity supply, neve, gordon hildesley, city of box hill, mitcham, wattle valley road, nara road, cook street, burnett street, sharrow road -
Vision Australia
Ceremonial object - Image, Proclamation between AFB and Lighthouse Inc, 1992
Copies of the Proclamation of understanding between the Association for the Blind and the Lighthouse Inc. These agreements were a symbol of the exchanges of each organisation, and the growing trend of agencies to link more to compatriots overseas as telecommunications improved.1 digital image of memorandum of understanding between Association for the Blind and Lighthouse IncProclamation Whereas the Association for the Blind, Melbourne, Australia and Lighthouse Inc, New York, New York are organizations that: - promote the welfare of people who are blind or visually impaired; - provide services to people who are blind or visually impaired; - strive to enable people to overcome problems associated with blindness and vision impairment, whether physical, psychological, educational, social or economic; - provide appropriate rehabilitation services to enable people to use their capabilities and to develop their skills so that they can participate as fully as possible in the community; - promote the interests of people who are blind or visually impaired and provide information and education to the general community and other professionals; and - provide at all times services to a high professional standard, with an appreciation of each individual's capabilities and goals. Therefore let is be known publicly that the Association for the Blind and Lighthouse Inc. formally establish an organizational affiliation to strive towards these common objectives for people who are blind or visually impaired. In Witness Thereof the Association for the Blind and Lighthouse Inc. cause their representatives to set their hands hereto on the 16th day of July 1992. (John Cook) For the Association for the Blind, Melbourne Australia (Barbara Sil??) For The Lighthouse Inc., New York, New York, USAassociation for the blind, lighthouse inc -
Vision Australia
Letter - Text, Letter regarding "Last Line" competition, 16/3/1961
Letter to John Wilson from Colin Trumble accompanying an agreement between the Association and Mrs Parkins over the 'Last Line' competition and advising of taking additional precautions to ensure its success. 2 page typed letter in response to queryOn top left hand side: Malleson Stewart & Co Solicitors & Notaries Tom Compson Trumble Roy James Mc Arthur Herbert Fitzgerald Walsh Richard Francis Maplestone Clark Frank Stewart Dethridge Ross Morton Macdonald Maxwell Rupert Ham Peter Campbell Trumble Colin Campbell Trumble William Gerson Shmith Roy Ernest Ricker Bernard James Walter Sydney Bruce Powell Telephones 61 3431 (8 lines) 62 3594 (4 lines) 62 3111 (3 lines) Telegraphic & Cable Address: Mallesons, Melbourne On the top right hand side: 105 King Street Melbourne C.1. Victoriaassociation for the blind, fundraising, john wilson, emma parkins -
St Kilda Historical Society
Administrative record - Legal agreement, St Kilda Mardis Gras Carnival, 1928, 1928
Uncompleted form for legal agreement between the Committee of Management of the St Kilda Mardi Gras Carnival, 1928 and any showman participating in the carnival over the period 25 February to 3 March 1928.Single sheet of yellow paper printed in black on both kilda carnivals, st kilda mardis gras carnival -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
[a] Cohns printed manilla envelope with handwritten captions, 'Burrough Service Agreement Contracts, October 1940'. No11 in letters and numerals. Six [b-g] Burrough's Ltd, McEwan House 343 Collins Street Melbourne service contracts for 1940 enclosed.bendigo, industry, cohn bros brewery -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
1. Contract of sale - Mrs L Kirby - South Frederick The Great 1935.2. Agreement Celia Jeffrey Kneebone Street Eaglehawk, North Hustlers. 3. Correspondence James Denton 50 Wills Street. 4. General correspondence. Various documents.MCCOLL RANKIN & STANISTREETorganization, business, goldl mine sale, mccoll rankin & stanistreet -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Document (Item) - Correspondence Relating to Miss Hibiscus Tour of Australia, Miss Hibiscus
Miss Hibiscus was an annual competition held in Fiji for a woman who would become a national spokesperson. She was engaged in a tour of Australia in 1962, and the organisers hoped to achieve an agreement with Ansett regarding her flights. -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Increased wages to Employees", "Notice to Employees at Kew, Malvern and Hawthorn Depots", Jun; 1920
Set of two Notices - Gestener printed foolscap sheet titled Signed using a machine stamp, W. O Strangward, Secretary. .1 - dated 30/6/1920, titled "Increased wages to Employees" and "Temporary bonus to other employees" advising of the cost of living adjustment for those with an agreement and a bonus for those not under the Union agreement. .2 - dated 1/7/1920 - titled "Notice to Employees at Kew, Malvern and Hawthorn Depots" advising that the pay week will end on Sunday in lieu of Wednesday, to bring into line with other depots under the board control. Two copies held.+trams, tramways, mmtb, payroll, wages, unions, agreements, hawthorn depot, kew depot, malvern depot, pmtt, htt -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Messrs. Cameron & Sutherland to Miss G. Alice Jones. Pink paper dated Decr 5 Sept 3, 4, Decr 17 & 18 and Aug. 1927. Re Morning Light Syndicate and Hire Purchase agreement Form. Total cost £3.13.6.miss g. alice jones - solicitor - account, messrs cameron & sutherland, morning light syndicate, mr bloomfield -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Typed letter headed Mr E F Granger, Liquidator, unsigned with no date in the year 1933 in reference to an agreement dated the 27th October, 1932 to surrender Certificates covering mentioned holdings and to indemnify against any further claims to such shares. (two copies)hanro, clothing, share register, hanro collection - liquidation, mr e f granger -
Greensborough Historical Society
Handbook, Watsonia High School Staff Handbook: supplement 1987, 1987_
This collection advises staff of their duties and responsibilities, including report writing, discipline. There is a plan of the Watsonia High School campus and a copy of a ‘Draft Agreement’ for teachers’ employment conditions copied from VSTA News, October 1990This collection demonstrates the professional responsibilities of school staff. A collection of typed and copied documentsTitle hand written on front cover.watsonia high school, staff -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Legal record, Malleson England Stewart, Essendon Tramway system, 9/1904 - 6/1906
Set of 7 typed, some bound foolscap documents associated with the agreement with the promoter for the construction of the Essendon Tramway system during 1904. Only the top page has been imaged. .1 - 21 page (top page loose), "The Town of Essendon and The Borough of Flemington and Kensington with A. E. Morgans Esq Agreement" dated 26/9/1904, sets out routes, gauge, motive power, maximum speed, safety, tolls and charges, use, power house, default and various responsibilities. Last page has signature details. .2 - 8 pages bound with a clip, marked "A", dated 26/9/1904, Agreement of Delegation of Morgan's rights to the North Melbourne Electric Tramways and Lighting Co. Ltd. .3 - 15 page bound with a clip, marked "B" dated 26/9/1906, (1904?) agreement of Delegation of Morgan's rights for the transfer of order under Electric Light and Power Act 1896. Dated by the Governor Arthur Talbot 24/10/1904. .4 - 22 pages, bound with a clip, marked "C" copy of agreement annexed to the Deed of Covenant for the purposes of identification. .5 - 7 pages secured with a pin - "Extraction the Government Gazette May 11 1904 - Tramways in the Town of Essendon and Borough of Flemington and Kensington" .6 - approx. 30 pages cotton bound - copies of various Indentures and Covenants between the parties and approved by the Governor in Council. .7 - 9 pages, Deed of Covenant marked "D" between NMETL, A E Morgans, the City of Essendon and the City of Melbourne dated 21/6/1906, refers to the Tramway Act of 1890. Would have been needed following the absorption of the Borough by the City of Melbourne.trams, tramways, nmetl, new tramway, essendon, power station, safety, flemington, kensington -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - Army Survey Regiment Map Production System Configuration GESS/RSSS, 11 May 1995
This minute encloses a copy of the Software Licence Agreement with Intergraph Corporation Pty Ltd that applies to the software packages within the Automap Raster Sub System (RSSS) and the Graphic Edit Sub System (GESS) at the Army Survey Regiment.A4 Army Survey Regiment Minute - Author AJ Spurling Manager Tech Spt Gp 11 May 95royal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr, intergraph corporation -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Indenture A Bostock Esquire to Messrs Aitkin & Bostock( Ernest), 1865
The Bostock, Manifold and Aitkin families were all pioneering families in the Western District of Victoria almost from the time of settlement. They leased and owned vast tracts of land and operated businesses around the district, often associated with the farming industry. This document is dated 5th July 1865 and is an assignment of stock by way of mortgage. Augustus Bostock is the mortgagor with James William Manifold Aitkin and Ernest Bostock as mortgagees. At various times they were involved in running businesses together, in particular the Aitkin and Bostock store and flour mill. Three of the Bostock men were married to three of the Aitkin sisters. The amount in question is £2157/3/2 and surety is 8000 sheep and their increase, presently running at Coomete. The penciled in details on the document refer to Robert Brand Paterson who was later in business with Aitkin This is one of a number of documents which relate to the Bostock family who were one of the most important pioneering families of the Western District. They owned and leased various properties around Warrnambool and were involved in many aspects of social and business life. The document itself is indicative of its time and provides an insight into the details and terms of such documents at the time.Large grey coloured, lined hand written document over four pages. Folded in four with date and details on one section. Red wax seal on page 3. There are extra entries written in black lead pencil in areas relating to the money and surety of the agreement.Signed by the following George Barber Warrnambool, Thomas Sunderland Deputy Registrar General, and Augustus Bostock. Hingston & Co, Chancery Lane Melbourne hand written in top left hand corner. warrnambool, bostock,augustus bostock james william manifold aitkin,robert brand paterson, coomete, -
Unions Ballarat
Jack Lang, Radi, Heather, 1977
Jack Lang is a former NSW ALP state treasurer and was elected Premier on two occasions. His government was dismissed in his second term of government by the State Governor due to his defying the Commonwealth Government's financial agreements' legislation.Relevant to the history of the ALP in NSW and the labour movement. Biographical interest.Paper; book. Front cover: Black and white with a caricature of Jack Lang. Front cover: title and editors' names.btlc, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, lang, jack, lang, john thomas, alp, australian labor party - nsw, financial agreements' legislation, premier - nsw, treasurer - nsw, biography -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Administrative record - Correspondence, The Municipal Tramways Trust of Adelaide, "Woods Gilbert Rail Planning Machine", 1915 and 1916
Carbon copy of Correspondence dated 15 June 1916 between The Municipal Tramways Trust of Adelaide and the Secretary of the Prahran and Malvern Tramways Trust regarding the "Woods Gilbert Rail Planning Machine". Consists of - Carbon copy (on quarto paper) from W. Goodman, on MTT letterhead to W. Strangward of the PMTT regarding assistance for the machine (and two carbon copies of the same letter on plain paper) and a carbon copy of the agreement between the Woods Gilbert Rail Planer Co. Limited of Victoria and the MTT giving details of Royalties, use and letters Patent. Gives the names of the parties who signed the agreement - dated 1915.trams, tramways, pmtt, letters, mtt, trackwork, rail wear, rail planning, machines -
Cornish College
Brochure, Cornish College, Introducing Cornish College, July 2011
The first brochure produced by the Cornish Project Committee, soon after agreement was reached with St leonard's for the purchase of the property. 45,000 brochures were printed and distributed by volunteers throughout suburbs around the College, to as far afield as Beaumaris, Hampton & Lyndhurst.The brochure lists the College website as “” which was used until VRQA registration was completed. After the College opened in 2012 the web address became “” A brochure printed in colour of on both sides of glossy paper folded to A4.campaign_to_save_cornish, prospectus, -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Letter, Andrew Fabinyi (Pergamon Press) to Robin Boyd, 25.08.1971
Letter summarising main points of recent conversation with Robin Boyd - agreement to publish Robin Boyd's manuscript for "The Great, Great, Australian Dream" early in 1972 with some minor revisions, to be received in a fortnight. Attachment included (see item D336.2)Typewritten, quarto, 1 page.