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matching miss n. pearce
Merbein District Historical Society
Document, The Story of Merbein, 1909-1950s
... Miss N. Pearce... Jarrett Miss E. Bennett Miss Cole Miss N. Pearce Miss Eva Hollis ...d.j. tulloch (author), cliffs white, h.w. hollis, james aif philpott, mr arnold, willie bennett, peter lee, alex bruce, state rivers and water supply commission, angus mccormick, yelta, merbein golf club, mrs e. spargo, merbein brass band, e.s. donaldson, f.a. deacon, william crosbie, e. fisher, j.h. hudson, c. bennett, w. adams, w.j. smith, e.s. collins, j.a. braidie, lake hawthorn, merbein train, mrs delahoy, c.j. sheridan, mrs delaney, mr bennett, picture theatres, post office, barney o'connor, dalmura, r.g. cameron, f.c. kane, myoora, h.g. lloyd, s.j. whiting, v. allen, r. allen, pioneer brick works, methodist church, methodist sunday school, h.c. lapthorne, merbein railway station, c. james, j.c. rose, n. treadwell, mrs wynne, miss troon, v. miss jarrett, miss e. bennett, miss cole, miss n. pearce, miss eva hollis, miss jean hollis, miss hazel hollis, miss kath hollis, mrs w.f. reeves, mrs r.m. voullaire, miss e. bannister, mr j. avery, mr l. holland, mr l.c. lapthorne, mr reeves, merbein public hall, mr j. worthington, merbein ana, mildura winery, research station, a.v. lyon, presbyterian church, s. thompson, a.s. lloyd, j.c. wishart, f. woods, e. smith, a.b. bruce, s. mcmeekin, finley fraser, a. fonder, e.w. wallis, james legge, gordon raff, g.l. hardie, p. murray, r.i. morris, james jones, v.f. hadleu, e. new, d.m. smith, charles weir, brigade fire, traders' association merbein, ratepayers' association merbein, p.v. appleby, a.j. chislett, w. bennett, d.w. peel, h. blaby, w. hazel, a.h. lee, w. grant, a.j. baldock, j. west, e. kelly, j.a. braidie, a.w. lee, j.h. russell, f. mckenzie, r.r. spence, p. swain, w.j. jones, i.w. heatherington, w.g. millhouse, e.w. smith, f.e.d. rankin, mr mcdonell, g. campaign, a. roots, friendly union of soldiers' wives and mothers, red cross society, merbein progress league, hugh a. leslie, a. hayles, j.p. power, j. davis, w.h. chaffey, f.j. walsh, a. roberts, d. richards, r.s. drury, a. robert, j.w. marrows, st john's church of england, r.b. davison, h.e. noltenius, g.e. menlove, st albans church of england - birdwoodton, mr wellington, progress association, elwood mead, merbein race course, rowing club, royal hall, j. lomax, f.j.p. pierson, c.h. foster, n. lumb, f.c. pierson., t. lumb, r. smith, w. quinsey, d. mctaggart, j. storer, l. mctaggart, j. walters, f.a. carmichael, n. smith, j.a. williams, d. walters, a. lever, l.u. alley -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Art Exhibition, Bendigo Easter Fair Society presents The Annual Art Exhibition. Painting Section. Artists: Gordon Allen, Mrs D Allender, 'April', Bruce Barklamb, Thomas R W Benkendorff, Christine Berkman, Mrs J A Blakey, James E Bowman, Darryl Brown, Malcolm H Cannon, R L Carless, Pamela Caswell, Bett Cheek, Mrs Betty Cooper, Peter Costello, Jennifer Cottrell, Stephanie Cottrell, Dorothy Dempsey, Noelene Edmunds, Emma J., Ruth Epps, Mrs Jean Ferguson, Mrs Margot Flood, Lorraine Fraser, Maureen French, Neil Friswell, Ian Glanville, Sheryl Gregory, Mrs Valmai Hill, Mr A B Hocking, Ivy Jeffrey, George Kendall, Mrs Joan Kerr, Miss Jillian Locket, R McKenzie, Mrs J E McLean, Mrs Coral Manfield, Meenah Marchbank, Lillian B Mark, Ian John Mark, T Matthews, Mrs Judy Maxwell, Margaret Metcalf, Jean Morrissey, Mrs E Noble, I Osborne, Max Paull, R Paynter, Anthony N Penno, Norman William Penrose, Mark Phillips, Janice Pinder, Yvonne Pocock, Jennifer Reilly, Mrs S Reed, R J Ritter, Roma Robbins, Faye Roberts, Frank S Saunders, Jeanette Skrokov, Mrs C A Slootjes, John Spink, Ruth E Stewart, Mrs W Tebb, Gerard Terpstra, Stan Thomas, Pat Frewin, Dominic Tuohy, Peter Tyndall, Neil G West, Tony Wilson, Wilma Wilson, Pam Wright, A McGregor and R Pearce, T A Solbig. World Prints. List of various world print available for sale and prices, for the first time in Australia. World Prints Pty. Ltd. Copyright. Aztec Graphics, Moorabbin.- Design R H Bultows 72Aztec Graphics, Moorabbinevent, easter fair, bendigo easter fair society, art exhibition, bendigo easter fair society annual art exhibition. artists: gordon allen, mrs d allender, 'april', bruce barklamb, thomas r w benkendorff, christine berkman, mrs j a blakey, james e bowman, darryl brown, malcolm h cannon, r l carless, pamela caswell, bett cheek, mrs betty cooper, peter costello, jennifer cottrell, stephanie cottrell, dorothy dempsey, noelene edmunds, emma j., ruth epps, mrs jean ferguson, mrs margot flood, lorraine fraser, maureen french, neil friswell, ian glanville, sheryl gregory, mrs valmai hill, mr a b hocking, ivy jeffrey, george kendall, mrs joan kerr, miss jillian locket, r mckenzie, mrs j e mclean, mrs coral manfield, meenah marchbank, lillian b mark, ian john mark, t matthews, mrs judy maxwell, margaret metcalf, jean morrissey, mrs e noble, i osborne, max paull, r paynter, anthony n penno, norman william penrose, mark phillips, janice pinder, yvonne pocock, jennifer reilly, mrs s reed, r j ritter, roma robbins, faye roberts, frank s saunders, jeanette skrokov, mrs c a slootjes, john spink, ruth e stewart, mrs w tebb, gerard terpstra, stan thomas, pat frewin, dominic tuohy, peter tyndall, neil g west, tony wilson, wilma wilson, pam wright, a mcgregor and r pearce, t a solbig. world prints. list of various world print available for sale and prices, for the first time in australia. world prints pty. ltd. copyright. aztec graphics, moorabbin.- design r h bultows 72 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - CAROUSEL, CAPITAL THEATRE, June 14, 1963
a/ Carousel, Capital Theatre, for six nights. Opening June 14th, 1963. Bendigo Operatic Society President: Mr J Mck. Cannon, Vice President: Mr E B Thomas, Hon. Secretary: Mrs R Boromeo, Hon. Treasurer: Mr B Ralph, Hon. Sub. Secretaty: Mrs J Cannon. Committee: Mesdames W Brown, J Smyth, Miss M Welch, Messrs. R Holyoake, J Smyth, V White. Photographs of: Miss Beatrice Oakley, Mary Ellis, Iaian Young, Fred Trewarne, Patricia McCracken, Joan Heard, Roger Sprawson, Reginald, Boromeo, Heather Lindhe, Peter Houston Annette Wilson, David Lea, Miss M Welch, Mrs R Conolan, Mr Max O'Loghlen. Synopsis of Story. Synopsis of Scenes. Bendigo Operatic Society presents By Permission of Chappell & Co. Ltd. 'Carousel' A Beatrice Oakley Production. Music by Richard Rodgers. Book and Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II. The Cast Carrie Pipperidge: Patricia McCraken, Julie Jordan, Mary Ellis, Mrs Mullin: Joan Heard, Billy Bigelow: Iaian Young, 1st Policeman: Peter Houston, David Bascombe: Reginald Boromeo, Nettie Fowler: Heather Lindhe, Enoch Snow: Roger Strawson, Boatswain: Alan Weatherley, 2nd Policeman: Graham Filcock, Captain: Victor White, Heavenly Friend (Brother Joshua): David Lea, Starkeeper: Robert Urquhart, Louise: Annette Wilson, Enoch Snow Jr.: Robert Wenn, Doctor Seldon: Robert Urquart, Principle: Peter Houston. Ladies of the Ensemble: Helen Ball, Patricia Barker, Heather Beer, Wendy Bertram, Berniece Boromeo, Marlene Bradley, Dawn Carr, Barbara Downing, Dorothy Field, Eileen Florence, Valerie Foulds, Marie Friswell, Edith Glen, Helen Gray, Joan Heard, Magaret Henderson, Jan Mollison, Shirley Moon, Bernadette Mulvahill, Anne Pearson, Margery Reed, Rhonda Scott, Mary Speedy, Shirley Unmack, Joan Crane, Olga Chew and Marion Shepperbottom. Gentlemen of the ensemble: Robert Aitken, Reginald Boromeo, Graham Filcock, Peter Houston, Max Rule, Roger Sprawson, Alan Weatherley, Peter White, Victor White, Robert Wenn. Ballet: Joan Hardin, Kaye Miller, Carol O'Sullivan, Melva Pennington, Sandra Searle, Barbara Sims. Children: Dianne Austin, Ray Austin, Carol Crane, Pamela Duffy, Leanne Dunbar, Win Davies, Larraine Kennard, Valda Kennard, Kaye Ruth Lyon, Cheryl Magee, Sharon Townsend, Lynette Reed, Karen Wilson. Bendigo Concert Orchestra: Violins: Miss A McNair, Mesdames A Bolton, A Foulds, F Robbins, C Messer, Dr Gault, Messrs. R Charlett, C Gill, J Jordan, O Turner, J Werry. Violas: Messrs. E Jarrett, S McNeill, Mrs. J Pinder. Cello: Mesdames C Bubb, J Borema, Miss L Slade, Mr A Rutland. Bass: Messrs. T French, S Anderson. Flutes: Mr C Bubb, Master D Bubb. Clarinets: Mr J McKay, Miss M Wilkinson. Trumpet: Mr N Pearce. Trombone: Mr J Allen. Tympani: Mr F Kennedy. Musical Numbers. Choruses from 'Carousel'. Advertisements: Allans, Music Store. Marin Washington, Portraits. John Brown Industries and Welmar Industries. Acknowledgments: Bendigo Advertiser, 3BO, BVC8, Mr B Bathe, K. Flat, Carousel Equipment, Frasers and all those people who have assister in any way. b/ Bendigo Advertiser article 15/6/63: Round and Round, 'Carousel' is Catchy, Bright. Apart from a few minor faults common on opening nights, warmly received by a small first-night audience. . . Bendigo Advertiser article 19/6/16 'Carousel' Scene. Carousel star Iaian Young, who plays the part of Billy Bigelow. . .Arthur Hocking Printprogram, music, bendigo operatic society, a/ carousel, capital theatre. june 14th, 1963. bendigo operatic society president: mr j mck. cannon, vice president: mr e b thomas, hon. secretary: mrs r boromeo, hon. treasurer: mr b ralph, hon. sub. secretaty: mrs j cannon. committee: mesdames w brown, j smyth, miss m welch, messrs. r holyoake, j smyth, v white. photographs of: miss beatrice oakley, mary ellis, iaian young, fred trewarne, patricia mccracken, joan heard, roger sprawson, reginald, boromeo, heather lindhe, peter houston annette wilson, david lea, miss m welch, mrs r conolan, mr max o'loghlen. synopsis. the cast carrie pipperidge: patricia mccraken, julie jordan, mary ellis, mrs mullin: joan heard, billy bigelow: iaian young, 1st policeman: peter houston, david bascombe: reginald boromeo, nettie fowler: heather lindhe, enoch snow: roger strawson, boatswain: alan weatherley, 2nd policeman: graham filcock, captain: victor white, heavenly friend (brother joshua): david lea, starkeeper: robert urquhart, louise: annette wilson, enoch snow jr.: robert wenn, doctor seldon: robert urquart, principle: peter houston. ladies of the ensemble: helen ball, patricia barker, heather beer, wendy bertram, berniece boromeo, marlene bradley, dawn carr, barbara downing, dorothy field, eileen florence, valerie foulds, marie friswell, edith glen, helen gray, joan heard, magaret henderson, jan mollison, shirley moon, bernadette mulvahill, anne pearson, margery reed, rhonda scott, mary speedy, shirley unmack, joan crane, olga chew and marion shepperbottom. gentlemen of the ensemble: robert aitken, reginald boromeo, graham filcock, peter houston, max rule, roger sprawson, alan weatherley, peter white, victor white, robert wenn. ballet: joan hardin, kaye miller, carol o'sullivan, melva pennington, sandra searle, barbara sims. children: dianne austin, ray austin, carol crane, pamela duffy, leanne dunbar, win davies, larraine kennard, valda kennard, kaye ruth lyon, cheryl magee, sharon townsend, lynette reed, karen wilson. bendigo concert orchestra: violins: miss a mcnair, mesdames a bolton, a foulds, f robbins, c messer, dr gault, messrs. r charlett, c gill, j jordan, o turner, j werry. violas: messrs. e jarrett, s mcneill, mrs. j pinder. cello: mesdames c bubb, j borema, miss l slade, mr a rutland. bass: messrs. t french, s anderson. flutes: mr c bubb, master d bubb. clarinets: mr j mckay, miss m wilkinson. trumpet: mr n pearce. trombone: mr j allen. tympani: mr f kennedy. musical numbers. choruses from 'carousel'. advertisements: allans, music store. marin washington, portraits. john brown industries and welmar industries. acknowledgments: bendigo advertiser, 3bo, bvc8, mr b bathe, k. flat, carousel equipment, frasers and all those people who have assister in any way. b/ bendigo advertiser article 15/6/63: round and round, 'carousel' bendigo advertiser article 19/6/16 'carousel' scene -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Chu Chin Chow, Bendigo Operatic Society, opening 10th November, 1961 for six nights. Bendigo Operatic Society. President: Mr J McK. Cannon, Vice-President: Mr C Bubb, Secretary: Mr G Dart, Subscription Secretary: Mrs J Cannon, Treasurer: Mr RB Ralph, Committee: Mrs W Brown, Mrs J Smyth, Mrs W E Wright, Messes O Hamilton & M Welch, Messrs A Annison, B Thomas & L Spencely. President's Message Since its formation in 1952, the Bendigo Operatic Society has presented 23 well-known Musical Comedies, Pantomimes, and a Revue. . . Notes and photographs on Robert Watson, Sawn Beckwith, Valerie McCracken, Leonard Carr, Max O'Loghen, Carol McKenzie, Fred Trewarne, Max Beckwith, Olive Hamilton, John Stephens, Charles Phillips, Ferd Lorenz, Victor White, Peter Houston, Reg Boromeo, Joan Heard, Patricia Lyon, Miss M Welch, Mrs P House. Musical Numbers. . . Synopsis of Scenes. . . Bendigo Concert Orchestra Violins - Miss A McNair (Leader), Mesdames A Bolton, A Faulds, C Messer, F Robbins, J Weldon, Dr, J Borema, Messrs R Charlett, Dr Gault, Messrs C Gill, J Jordan, I Lacey, O Turner. Violas - Mr E Jarrett, Mr S McNeill, Mrs J Pinder. Cello - Mrs C Bubb, Miss L Slade, Mrs J Borema, Mr A Rutland. Bass - Mr C Hargreaves, Mr T French. Flutes - Mr C Bubb, Master D Bubb. Oboe - Mrs S Willis. Clarinets - Mr J McKay, Mr R Holyoake. Bassoon - Mr S Anderson. Trumpet - Mr B Armstrong, N Pearce. Trombone - Mr A Martin, Mr E Washington. Horn - Mr R Perry. Tympani - Mr J Allen. Bendigo Operatic Society presents by permission of Samuel French (Aust.) Ltd. Chu Chin Chow a Norman Lee Production. Told by Oscar Asche. Set to music by Fredric Norton. Dramatic Personnel - Robert Watson, Max Beckwith, Fred Trewarne, Leonard Carr, John Stephens, Charles Phillips, Ferd Lorenz, Peter Houston, Reg Boromeo, Victor White, Dawn Beckwith, Carol McKenzie, Valerie McCracken, Olive Hamilton, Joan Heard, Patricia Lyon. Ladies of the Ensemble - Kath Alexander, Bernice Boromeo, Joan Crane, Edna Faderson, Edith Glen, Wendy Griffiths, Joan Head, Emily Houston, Shirley Levers, Pat Lyon, Pat McCracken, Margery Reed, Ellen Stephens, Norma Trewarne. Gentlemen of the Ensemble - Alfred Annison, Ian Beckwith, Denis Cremin, Roy Cronin, Gerald Gleeson, Peter Houston, Ferd Lorenz, Keith Millar, Kenneth Nicholls, Robert Nicholls, Eric Pollock, Daryl Walker, Victor White. Ballet - Joan Harding, Shirley Harding, Jean McClellan, Kaye Miller, Carol O'Sullivan, Rosalie Panozza, Bronwen Townsend, Marion Weigard, Shirley Williams, Annette Wilson, Bill Arthur, Peter Houston. Musical Director: Mr Max O'Loghlen, Society Pianist: Mrs P House, Stage Manager: Mr Murray McGrath, Ballet Mistress and Asst. Stage Manager: Miss M Welch, Wardrobe Committee: Miss M Welch, Mrs P Lyons, Mrs N Lindrea, Mrs M Jarvis, Mrs A Annison, Mrs S Richardson. Publicity: Mrs J Smyth and Mr B Thomas. Scenery & Art Work: Messrs. N Cronin & A Watkins. Make-up: Mesdames E Wright & Miss S Cannon. House Manager: Mr B Searle. In Retrospect In mid 1952, a distinguished man arrived in Bendigo and interested several citizens, including Dr. P Goodman, the President of the Musical Advancement Society, in the formation of a Company for the production of Musical Comedy. The meeting was called at the home of Mr Fred Bush, and a group of enthusiasts made the acquaintance of Mr Norman Lee, our producer and sequently the M.A.S. and several leading citizens, sponsored the first production, by subscribing funds for initial expenses. From such humble beginning, our present Society originated. Mr Cyril Cyril Warne was appointed Musical Director, Mrs Phyllis House, Pianist, and Miss Madge Welch, Ballet Mistress. During the Season of ''Chu Chin Chow,'' the Society will stage its 100th performance - indeed an outstanding feat in such a brief history. Looking back it is interesting to recall the 23 shows which are included, and the productions are- (listing of productions included in program). Next Productions. . . Acknowledgements: 3BO, Bendigo Advertiser, Mr N Cronin, Mesdames C Neilson & T Lambert for Art Work, Messrs L Spencely, D Cremin & J Cannon for Scenery & Carpentry. Miss M Welch for use of Studio, Make-up Staff, Back Stage Staff, Front of House Management Usherettes and Programme Sellers. Advertisements: Martin Washington, Photographers, Bendigo. Hanro. Markings on front cover in black pen, Capital Theatre.Cambridge Press, Bendigoprogram, theatre, music advancement society of bendig, chu chin chow, bendigo operatic society, 10th november, 1961. president: mr j mck. cannon, vice-president: mr c bubb, secretary: mr g dart, subscription secretary: mrs j cannon, treasurer: mr rb ralph, committee: mrs w brown, mrs j smyth, mrs w e wright, messes o hamilton & m welch, messrs a annison, b thomas & l spencely. president's message formation1952, bendigo operatic society has presented 23 musical comedies, pantomimes, and a revue. . . notes and photographs robert watson, sawn beckwith, valerie mccracken, leonard carr, max o'loghen, carol mckenzie, fred trewarne, max beckwith, olive hamilton, john stephens, charles phillips, ferd lorenz, victor white, peter houston, reg boromeo, joan heard, patricia lyon, miss m welch, mrs p house. musical numbers. . . synopsis of scenes. . . bendigo concert orchestra violins - miss a mcnair (leader), mesdames a bolton, a faulds, c messer, f robbins, j weldon, dr, j borema, messrs r charlett, dr gault, messrs c gill, j jordan, i lacey, o turner. violas - mr e jarrett, mr s mcneill, mrs j pinder. cello - mrs c bubb, miss l slade, mrs j borema, mr a rutland. bass - mr c hargreaves, mr t french. flutes - mr c bubb, master d bubb. oboe - mrs s willis. clarinets - mr j mckay, mr r holyoake. bassoon - mr s anderson. trumpet - mr b armstrong, n pearce. trombone - mr a martin, mr e washington. horn - mr r perry. tympani - mr j allen. samuel french (aust.) ltd. chu chin chow a norman lee production. told by oscar asche. set to music by fredric norton. dramatic personnel - robert watson, max beckwith, fred trewarne, leonard carr, john stephens, charles phillips, ferd lorenz, peter houston, reg boromeo, victor white, dawn beckwith, carol mckenzie, valerie mccracken, olive hamilton, joan heard, patricia lyon. ladies of the ensemble - kath alexander, bernice boromeo, joan crane, edna faderson, edith glen, wendy griffiths, joan head, emily houston, shirley levers, pat lyon, pat mccracken, margery reed, ellen stephens, norma trewarne. gentlemen of the ensemble - alfred annison, ian beckwith, denis cremin, roy cronin, gerald gleeson, peter houston, ferd lorenz, keith millar, kenneth nicholls, robert nicholls, eric pollock, daryl walker, victor white. ballet - joan harding, shirley harding, jean mcclellan, kaye miller, carol o'sullivan, rosalie panozza, bronwen townsend, marion weigard, shirley williams, annette wilson, bill arthur, peter houston. musical director: mr max o'loghlen, society pianist: mrs p house, stage manager: mr murray mcgrath, ballet mistress and asst. stage manager: miss m welch, wardrobe committee: miss m welch, mrs p lyons, mrs n lindrea, mrs m jarvis, mrs a annison, mrs s richardson. publicity: mrs j smyth and mr b thomas. scenery & art work: messrs. n cronin & a watkins. make-up: mesdames e wright & miss s cannon. house manager: mr b searle. in mid 1952, arrived in bendigo dr. p goodman, the president of musical advancement society, formation of a company musical comedy. mr fred bush, mr norman lee, m.a.s.. society originated. mr cyril cyril warne musical director, mrs phyllis house, pianist, miss madge welch, ballet mistress. during the season of ''chu chin chow, '' the society will stage its 100th performance. recall the 23 shows. acknowledgements: 3bo, bendigo advertiser, mr n cronin, mesdames c neilson & t lambert messrs l spencely, d cremin & j cannon for scenery & carpentry. miss m welch.. advertisements: martin washington. hanro. capital theatre. chu chin chow, bendigo operatic society, 10th november, 1961. president: mr j mck. cannon, vice-president: mr c bubb, secretary: mr g dart, subscription secretary: mrs j cannon, treasurer: mr rb ralph, committee: mrs w brown, mrs j smyth, mrs w e wright, messes o hamilton & m welch, messrs a annison, b thomas & l spencely. president's message formation1952, bendigo operatic society has presented 23 musical comedies, pantomimes, and a revue. . . notes and photographs robert watson, sawn beckwith, valerie mccracken, leonard carr, max o'loghen, carol mckenzie, fred trewarne, max beckwith, olive hamilton, john stephens, charles phillips, ferd lorenz, victor white, peter houston, reg boromeo, joan heard, patricia lyon, miss m welch, mrs p house. musical numbers. . . synopsis of scenes. . . bendigo concert orchestra violins - miss a mcnair (leader), mesdames a bolton, a faulds, c messer, f robbins, j weldon, dr, j borema, messrs r charlett, dr gault, messrs c gill, j jordan, i lacey, o turner. violas - mr e jarrett, mr s mcneill, mrs j pinder. cello - mrs c bubb, miss l slade, mrs j borema, mr a rutland. bass - mr c hargreaves, mr t french. flutes - mr c bubb, master d bubb. oboe - mrs s willis. clarinets - mr j mckay, mr r holyoake. bassoon - mr s anderson. trumpet - mr b armstrong, n pearce. trombone - mr a martin, mr e washington. horn - mr r perry. tympani - mr j allen. samuel french (aust.) ltd. chu chin chow a norman lee production. told by oscar asche. set to music by fredric norton. dramatic personnel - robert watson, max beckwith, fred trewarne, leonard carr, john stephens, charles phillips, ferd lorenz, peter houston, reg boromeo, victor white, dawn beckwith, carol mckenzie, valerie mccracken, olive hamilton, joan heard, patricia lyon. ladies of the ensemble - kath alexander, bernice boromeo, joan crane, edna faderson, edith glen, wendy griffiths, joan head, emily houston, shirley levers, pat lyon, pat mccracken, margery reed, ellen stephens, norma trewarne. gentlemen of the ensemble - alfred annison, ian beckwith, denis cremin, roy cronin, gerald gleeson, peter houston, ferd lorenz, keith millar, kenneth nicholls, robert nicholls, eric pollock, daryl walker, victor white. ballet - joan harding, shirley harding, jean mcclellan, kaye miller, carol o'sullivan, rosalie panozza, bronwen townsend, marion weigard, shirley williams, annette wilson, bill arthur, peter houston. musical director: mr max o'loghlen, society pianist: mrs p house, stage manager: mr murray mcgrath, ballet mistress and asst. stage manager: miss m welch, wardrobe committee: miss m welch, mrs p lyons, mrs n lindrea, mrs m jarvis, mrs a annison, mrs s richardson. publicity: mrs j smyth and mr b thomas. scenery & art work: messrs. n cronin & a watkins. make-up: mesdames e wright & miss s cannon. house manager: mr b searle. in mid 1952, arrived in bendigo dr. p goodman, the president of musical advancement society, formation of a company musical comedy. mr fred bush, mr norman lee, m.a.s.. society originated. mr cyril cyril warne musical director, mrs phyllis house, pianist, miss madge welch, ballet mistress. during the season of ''chu chin chow, '' the society will stage its 100th performance. recall the 23 shows. acknowledgements: 3bo, bendigo advertiser, mr n cronin, mesdames c neilson & t lambert messrs l spencely, d cremin & j cannon for scenery & carpentry. miss m welch.. advertisements: martin washington. hanro. capital theatre. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A white document titled 'State College of Victoria Bendigo Graduation Ceremony.' Bendigo City Hall, Friday 7th Dec. 1973 at 10.30 A.M. Council: Mr. J. P. Pearce, Mr. E. B. Ashman, Mrs. R. C. Graham, Mr. M. John, Mr. W. P. Lomas, Mr. W. P. Mitchell, Mr. C. R. Moyle, Mr. D. O'Brien, Mr. M. T. Pease, Mr. M. C. Prichard, Mr. K. G. Scarrott and Mr. J. P. Wilson. On the inside cover is a list of the Staff: Principal: Mr. K. G. Scarrott. Vice-Principal: Miss A. Downard and Warden for Men: Mr. F. M. Courtis. Art Staff - Mr. F. M. Courtis, Mr. B. A. Clemson, Mr. K. G. Harrison, Mr. K. W. Endersby, Mr. L. J. Langan, Mr. R. N. Bruce, Mr. D. J. Watson, Mr. R. J. Harris, Mrs. M. M. Clemson. Education - Mr. D. O'Brien, Mr. F. A. Jones, Mrs. N. F. Fawdry, Mr. A. D. Maltby, Mr. J. Brasier, Mr. A. Attrill, Mr. K. P. O'Hagan, Mrs. M. J. Smith, Mr. E. F. Bell, Miss P. R. Wess. English - Mr. T. J. McCabe, Mr. G. L. Colson, Mr. W. P. Lomas, Miss M. C. Gates, Mr. R. M. Counahan, Mrs. R. M. Griffiths, Mrs. E. L. Angus. Library and Aids - Mr. B. D. Gill, Mr. J. R. Goodrich, Mrs. E. I. Perry, Mr. R. D. Robinson, Mrs J. A. Maltby, Mrs. G. L. Barnes. Mathematics - Mr. K. C. Coles, Mr. A. J. Jones, Mrs. H. Knox, Mr. C. T. Dillon. Music - Mr. B. R. Reed, Mrs. B. P. Hyett, Miss E. A. McConnell, Mrs. M. P. Hibberd. Physical Education - Mr. R. Colliss, Miss J. de Ferranti, Mr. A. J. McIntosh, Mrs. S. M. Wheeler, Mr. D. Pinniger, Mrs. S. L. Anderson. Procedures and Practice of Teaching - Mr. B. T. Geary, Mr. C. J. Barnes, Mrs. D. E. Plim. Science - Mr. R. F. Colbourne, Mr. R. E. Martin, Mr. L. E. Leeson, Mr. N. J. West, Mr. P. L. Killeen. Social Science - Mr. L. A. Hall, Mr. J. A. White, Mr. R. B. Silverback, Mr. G. F. McIntosh, Mr. G. N. Dunn, Mrs. S. Sarto. International Teacher Fellow - Mr. D. J. Jones. Associated Medical Staff - Dr. L. M. Cleeve. Registrar - Mr. W. D. Kolle. On the following page is an outline of the program which includes an introduction by the Chairman of the Council Mr. J. P. Pearce. The signing of the Graduation Book is - student representatives are presented to Mr. J. Revell Inspector of Schools, by Miss Downward. The Principal's speech is presented by Mr. K. G. Scarrott. Miss Downward presents all the graduating students to Mr. Moyle. Congratulations are offered by Cr. A. Craig, Cr. M. O'Halloran for the Shire of Strathfieldsaye and the Principal of Golden Square State School, Mr. J. Hendry. The Occasional Address is presented by Mr. C. R. Moyle. The Master of Ceremonies is Mr. B. A. Clemson. The pianist is Barbara Hyett and the organist Michael Bottomley. On the back of the program is a list of the graduating students - Diploma of Teaching (Primary) - Rita J. Aniolkowski, Debra A. Ball, Valda J. Batey, Judith Batten, Mrs. Julie Bennett, Lidija A. Bertlands, Verence A. Bonsor, Barry R. Borneman, Michael K. Bottomley, Gregory Bowen, Ian G. Butcher, Christine V. Callaghan, Elizabeth A. Cannard, Janette J. Chaffey, Mrs. Sandra K. Chamberlain, Lorraine J. Chambers, Suzanne E. Chislett Mrs. Elaine Clark, Kathleen A. Cleave, Jennifer R. Cody, Janice E. Cole, Mimie E. Crook, Lidia Czerkaskyj, Kathryn F. Davis, Ivan J. Dedini, Bryan W. Derrick, Kaye E. Dillon, Bernadette M. Dixon, Marie L. Dowd, Dianne M. Dwyer, Helen D. Eames, Norma C. Eddy, Mrs. Rozlyn Effenberg, Barbara I. Fairmaid, Anne C. Ferry, Noela M. Flanagan, Lorraine J. Ford, Helen T. Fraser, Pauline H. Fraser, Julian F. Fuhrmann, Mrs. Susan L. Gemmell, Lynette M. Gilmore, Timothy A. Godber, Stephen J. Gough, Rosemary Joy Graves, Robyn M. Hanna, Geoffrey J. Harrison, Aileen M. Harrop, Margaret E. Harry, Kathryn Hermecz, Jennifer A. Hewetson, Mary Hickey, Mrs. Susan Higgins, Mandy S. Hilson, Anthony V. Holland, Galye A. Holyman, Julie M. Hyde, Susan B. James, Lorraine I. Joiner, Annie N. Jones, Ian D. Jones, Mrs. Margot E. Jones, Heather M. Jordan, Helen R. Keane, Joy Keating, Clare R. Keogh, Margaret T. La Fontaine, Kerry M. Larcombe, Julie T. Lewis, Michael R. May, Catherine A. Mays, Colin S. McKeown, Elaine A. McNabb, Bruce J. Meager, Noel C. Meredith, Margaret C. Metcalf, Jennifer J. Millard, Kerry M. Muldowney, Mrs. Kathleen E. Muller, Diane Nankivell, Roslyn B. Nankivell, Lennard Roy Neilsen, Mrs. Nanette B. Newstead, Anne M. O'Sullivan, Mrs. K. S. Parker, Heather J. Perrin, Kaye P. Ramsdale, Elaine J. Reddington, Cheryl Reid, John E. Reid, Mary L. Reilly, Mrs. Andra F. Robertson, Edwin D. Rogers, Mrs. Lorraine J. Rogers, James J. Rolfe, Laurice J. Ryall, Bernadette Ryan, Colleen F. Ryan, Alan J. Sands, Mrs. Judith A. Scarrott, Peter B. Scarrott, Suzanne M. Scott, Lynette J. Scown, Kathleen A. Sexton, Wendy A. Scheumack, Bryan W. Simm, Irene Simonaitis, Christine M. Smith, Heather N. Smith, Mary A. Smith, David G. Steel, Kate F. Stewart, Robyn F. Sutton, Barbara L. Turner, Robyn J. Turner, Dawn E. Veal, Ann Vickers, Johanna M. Vringer, Lisa D. Watkins, Barbara A. Watts, Sherrie M. West, Annette L. Whiting, Teresa L. Williamson, Jennifer L. Wirth, Margaret E. Wishart. Trained Infant Teachers' Certificate - Mrs. Annette Reid. Trained Primary Teachers' Certificate - Mrs. Gail Bennett, Prudence E. Chapman, Christine Colbert, Patricia L. Harris, Mrs. Gwenda Haveckin, Mrs. Jill Hobbs, Wayne Jackson. Mrs. Barbara Liston. In the centre of this program is a ticket for Miss J. C. Burnett to attend it.bendigo, education, state college of victoria bendigo, la trobe university bendigo collection, collection, bendigo teachers' college, bendigo, education, teaching, teachers, students, tertiary education, graduands, graduates, staff, graduation, bendigo teachers' college staff, bendigo teachers' college students -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Ephemera, H Bowley, Printer, 192 Canterbury Road, Canterbury, Theatre program - The Arcadians, 10 May 1932, May 1932
There was a vibrant musical culture in Surrey Hills in the 1920s and 1930s. The donor William John Lock was a musician and lived at 9 Norfolk Road, Surrey Hills. Donation was made at time Libby Cavanagh was Secretary of the Surrey Hills Historical Society. Mrs N B Cerini was Jocelyn Hall's mother.This is one of a series of programs that documents the vibrant musical culture in Surrey Hills in the 1920s and 1930s.Faded blue-coloured bi-fold paper program with one corner cut off but with the program. [This also acted as the admission slip / ticket]. Includes a cast list and synopsis of the three acts.In faded ink "K13"; stamped in purple ink "SURREY HILLS / OPERATIC SOCIETY"; In faded ink "Price 2/- / P. Hirtsch / Hon. Sec." and "J Hall" in biro. On the cut off corner: "HALL (1932) / UNION RD" and 1/- crossed out and replaced by "2/-" in faded ink.camberwell town hall, operetta, the arcadians, wimperis and monckton, surrey hills operatic society, eye and ear hospital, j c williamson, winslow's news agency, entertainment, fundraising, musical events and activities, cr r mccamish, mrs mccamish, miss lilian horn, mr h brett, mr cocking, mr alan abery, mr o danvers, mr pearce, mr j rowse, mrs ethel cerini, mrs natole cerini, miss u blaikie, miss f callaghan, miss j gordon, mr h denny, mr h collins, mr m latimer, mrs p d clucas, miss i roderick, miss m collins, mr darby, miss p heitsch, miss pearson -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Work on paper - Ephemera, Theatre program - Princess Ju Ju, 12/07/1916
Mrs Steele is probably Mrs C H D (Sarah Margaret) Steele, President of the Surrey Hills Patriotic Society; she lived at 'Dalriada', 77 Union Road. Keissling is probably a mis-spelling of Kiessling - the family lived in Essex Road and son Ferdinand Gustav served in WW1.Cream-coloured bi-fold paper program with a small area of loss down one side. This does not diminish the information. Three lines have been crossed out. Includes a full cast list and synopsis of the three acts.surrey hall, operetta, princess ju ju, mont albert girl's club, french red cross, miss strachan's orchestra, entertainment, world war, 1914-1918, fundraising, musical events and activities, mrs steele, signorina coy, mrs arthur zeplin, miss e walch, miss m collins, hodges printer, viola zeplin, miss ray zeplin, elsie price, sylvia hosking, verna price, gertie collins, clarice maudson, mr browne, myrtle collins, harry webster, harold jenkins, horace breeden, lexton beggs, janet french, jean pearce, evelyn cadd, gladys davis, freda keissling, n emary, l bellman, m purton, i smith, d price, e pratt, c gourlay, s lobb, ada french, w maudson, l jackson, g jackson, c day, d lancaster, n lobb, v curson, o curson, n pearce, d brooks, c brooks