Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Memorials in Glen Eira
... Bishop Eleanor... by Eleanor Bishop. The booklet contains a conservation analysis... by Eleanor Bishop. The booklet contains a conservation analysis ...
This file contains 11 items relating to War Memorials in Glen Eira:
1/Black and white photograph, undated, source unknown, of Caulfield Park War Memorial
2/Copy of photograph of Caulfield Park War Memorial, undated, source unknown
3/Colour photograph of Caulfield Park War Memorial, dated June 1982, source unknown, and slide of same
4/Print of webpage of Friends of Caulfield Park, dated 02/08/2013 with colour image of and information about the war memorial there
5/Two black and white photographs, undated and source unknown, of war memorial at Koornang Park
6/Four colour photographs and one black and white copy of photograph of war memorial and its inscription at Koornang Park. Date and source unknown
7/Article dated 30/04/2013 from GLENEIRA LEADER about funding for plaque for Lone Pine at Caulfield Park
8/Article dated 23/04/2013 from THE AGE about state funding for repair of war memorials including one at McKinnon
9/Article dated June 2013 from GLEN EIRA NEWS about state funding for repair of five WWI memorials in Glen Eira. Includes two photographs.
10/Article from GLEN EIRA NEWS dated April 2012 about restoration of Caulfield Park War Memorial. Includes colour photography
11/A booklet titled 'The Burra Charter and its Application: Essay 3: War Memorial, Caulfield Park', written in October 2000 by Eleanor Bishop. The booklet contains a conservation analysis, statement of cultural significance, statement of conservation policy, and conservation management plan for the Caulfield Park War Memorial. This includes a brief history and description of the Caulfield Park War Memorial, and 7 colour photographs of the memorial dated September 2000, 2 undated black-and-white photographs, and a copy of the original drawing of the memorial which won its design contest in 1930.monuments and memorials, war memorials, plaques, world war 1914-1918, caulfield park, friends of caulfield park, ritchie mr, world war 1939-1945, koornang park, city of caulfield, glen eira, glen eira council, mckinnon war memorial, hopetoun gardens, hyams jamie, mckinnon, lobo oscar, esakoff margaret, hyams jamie, delahunty ms, caulfield rsl, kiernan noel, bishop eleanor, caulfield park war memorial, foot henry b., parks and reserves, paddy's swamp, caulfield, royal victorian institute of architects, caulfield municipal council, architectural competitions, schefferle n. mr, architectural features, conservation management plan