Showing 809 items
matching disease
Wheen Bee Foundation
Publication, Biological Aspects of Nosema Disease Symposium, Liste des participants: delegates list: teilnehmerliste (Biological Aspects of Nosema Disease Symposium), 1976, 1976
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Alzheimer's disease, 1991
When Alzheimer's disease strikes it affects whole families.When Alzheimer's disease strikes it affects whole families. Alzheimer's Association offers support for victims and their families.When Alzheimer's disease strikes it affects whole families.alzheimers association, aged people, eastern suburbs geriatric centre, alexander, kris -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Pamphlet, Pest and Disease Control, 1959
Pest and Disease control in the home orchard.Pest and Disease control in the home orchard. Reprinted from the journal of The Department of Agriculture, Victoria, Rev 1959.Pest and Disease control in the home orchard.victoria, department of agriculture, pests and pest control, orchards -
National Wool Museum
Book, Infectious entero-toxaemia (the so-called braxy-like disease) of sheep in Western Australia
"Infectious entero-toxaemia (the so-called braxy-like disease) of sheep in Western Australia"- H W Bennetts, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Bulletin no 57, 1932.sheep - diseases wool - research, council for scientific and industrial research, sheep - diseases, wool - research -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - X-ray, X-Ray of a boys hand, c1896, c1896
X-ray experiments were conducted at the Ballarat School of Mines in July 1896, with a public demonstration on 22 July 1896. J.M. Sutherland pioneered works on X-rays in Australia by conducting displays in Ballarat in 1896.Photograph of an X-ray of a four year old boy's diseased second finger, mounted on card."Boy 4 yrs old diseased 2nd finger"ballarat school of mines, j.m.sutherland, pioneer x-ray, xray, x-ray, roentgen tube -
Wheen Bee Foundation
Publication, Symposium of bee biology and pathology, Biological aspects of nosema disease (Symposium of bee biology and pathology) Merelbeke. (Apimondia). Bucharest, 1977, 1977
Wheen Bee Foundation
Publication, United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Examination of Bees for Acarine Disease (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food), London, 1960, 1960
Wheen Bee Foundation
Publication, United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Nosema Disease (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food), London, 1965, 1965
Wheen Bee Foundation
Publication, Brother Adam, "Isle of Wight" or Acarine Disease: Its historical and practical aspects (Brother Adam), Gerrards Cross, 1968, 1968
Wheen Bee Foundation
Publication, Brother Adam, "Isle of Wight" or Acarine Disease: Its historical and practical aspects (Brother Adam), Gerrards Cross, 1968, 1968
Wheen Bee Foundation
Publication, Milne, P. S, Acarine disease of bees (Milne, P. S.), London, 1948, 1948
Wheen Bee Foundation
Publication, Rothenbuhler, W. C, Behavioural genetics of nest cleaning in honey bees. I. Responses of four inbred lines to disease-killed brood (Rothenbuhler, W. C.), St Andrews, 1964, 1964
Robin Boyd Foundation
Book, Robert D. Willix, JR., M.D, 3 Minutes a Day to a 120 Year Lifespan : Research points to a single cause for cancer, heart disease, arthritis and the whole aging process - and it's easy to control!, 1994
Softcoverhealth, walsh st library -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Booklet - Brochure, G.W.Gayford, Pest and disease control in the home orchard, 1949
Brochure reprinted from Journal of Dept. of Agriculture as Leaflet no. H.56. Author G.W.Gayford, 26 copiesg.w. gayford -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document, Vegetable growers' field day - Scoresby Horticultural Research Station. Pest and disease control
Notes produced by Dept. of Agriculture, Victoriadepartment of agriculture, vegetables, pest control, disease control, scoresby horticultural research station -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document, Vegetable pest & disease control guide, 1976
Dept. of Agriculture Victoria in conjunction with Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Association, 70pp. 2 copiesvegetables, pests, diseases, disease control -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Webb, Stephen G, Palaeopathology of Aboriginal Australians : health and disease across a hunter-gatherer continent, 1995
This book is a study of the health of Australia's inhabitants over 50,000 years. It represents the first continental survey of its kind as well as being the first to quantify and describe many important aspects of Australian hunter-gatherer health.xii, 324 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.This book is a study of the health of Australia's inhabitants over 50,000 years. It represents the first continental survey of its kind as well as being the first to quantify and describe many important aspects of Australian hunter-gatherer health.paleopathology -- australia. | aboriginal australians -- diseases -- history. | aboriginal australians -- health and hygiene -- history. | paleopathology. | paleopathology -- australia. | disease. | health. | hygiene. -
Department of Health and Human Services
Photograph, The risks of hydatids disease, and its transfer from animals to humans, in promotional displays for the Department of Health for trade shows and exhibitions
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Trams: an international disease", 22/05/1984 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper cutting from The Courier, Ballarat, Tuesday 22/5/1984 of the visit of US tram enthusiast Mr. Jim Walker of the Orange Empire Railway Museum to Ballarat on his way to the COTMA conference in Auckland. Also has a photograph of Mr. Walker on the steps on tram 14 on the depot fan. Tram has destination of Rubicon St. Item was in the Tuesday Column of the Courier.trams, tramways, orange empire museum, btps, cotma, jim walker -
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, Nosema disease: literature review and survey of beekeepers. (Hornitzky, Michael). Canberra, 2005, 2005
17 pages, illustrated. -
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, Nosema disease: literature review and three year survey of beekeepers: part 2. (Hornitzky, Michael). Canberra, 2008, 2008
28 pages, illustrated. -
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, Establishing the disease status of the Asian honeybee in the Cairns region. (Roberts, John and Anderson, Denis). Canberra, 2013, 2013
15 pages, illustrated. -
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, The Australian apiary industry: pest and disease management. (Hooper, Ben). Moana, 2011, 2011
31 pages, illustrated. -
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, Elimination of American foulbrood disease without the use of drugs (Goodwin, M.), Wellington, 2006, 2006
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, Honeybee disease reduction: industry workshop report. (Dewar, R. L.). Canberra, 1999, 1999
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, Breeding hygienic disease resistant bees. (Wilkes, K. & Oldroyd, B.). Canberra, 2002, 2002
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, Evaluating alternative antibiotics for control of European foulbrood disease. (Doughty, S., Luck, J. & Goodman, R.). Canberra, 2004, 2004
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document - Report, Herman E. Liberona, Some Aspects of Animal Disease Surveillance in New Zealand, C. 1976
veterinary science, masters degree, new zealand, animal disease -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - PhD Thesis, Adelene Shu Mei Auyong, Pathogenicity Genes of Colletotrichum truncatum, Causal Agent of Chili (Capsicum spp.) Anthracnose Disease, 2011
phd thesis, agricultural science, chili anthracnose -
Federation University Historical Collection
Object, Blue Light Outfit, c1914
The bluelight outfit was offered to members of the armed services in an attempt to prevent venereal disease. Around 60,000 Australian soldiers had contracted venereal disease by the end of the First World War. (, accessed 21 August 2017) Australia colloquial language defines a Blue Light clinic as a venereal disease clinic.A cardboard box with two tubes of ointment - an anti-Venereal Disease outfit supplied to Australian Armed Services Tube number one is filled with brown contents known as 'No. 1 ointment BROWN' and has a long, tapered opening, with black pastic lid. Tube number two is filled with a thick white ointment 'No. 2 ointment WHITE', with a normal opening and metal lid. The tubes contained 3 percent Argyrol Jelly for gonorrhea and 33% Calomel Ointment (Mercury-Chloride) for syphilis prophylaxis.Inside box: Directions for Use Before Connection 1. Rub head and shaft of Penis with half the tube of No. 2 Ointment, White. 2. Always wear a sheath After Connection 1. Pass water IMMEDIATELY 2. Wash thoroughly Penis and Scrotum with soap and water. 3. Inject the whole of the contents of the Tube of No. 1. Oitnment, Brown, into pipe and massage back 2 inches. 4. Rub remainder of tube No. 2 Ointment, White, on head and shaft of Penis and Scrotum 5. Hold urine some hours after treatment 6. Report at V.D. Prevention Depot (Blue Light Depot) as soon as possible. 7. Having read directions and understood them, destroy by tearing up or by light outfit, veneral disease, vd, armed services, gonorrhea, syphilis, disease, medical