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Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), ESCo 3d tickets
6 number, 3d card tickets of ESCo, see attached sheet for full details. Ticket numbers DZ 2370 - 72 and CX 3217-19.trams, tramways, esco, ballarat, tickets -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Drawing, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), "Arrangements of Troughing at ESCo Cooling Tower Ballarat", 4/12/1914 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the cooling tower troughing arrangements within the cooling tower itself at the power station.Rolled blue print of the "Arrangements of Troughing at ESCo Cooling Tower Ballarat" showing how the various systems to pipe and pass air through the water falling onto timber hurdles was made. Gives dimensions and details of the timber and arrangements made. Date 4.12.1914.ballarat, power station, ballarat a power station, esco -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - ESCo, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), "Rules for Conductors"
The typed document, most likely from an original document, details the rules for Electric Supply Co of Victoria (ESCo) Conductors. ESCo was the operator of the Ballarat Tramways from 1905 to 1934. Notes issuing of tickets, operational issues, trailers, bell signs, cash handling, parcels, behavior, uniforms, and inspectors. Conductors were primarily youths, under 21 and could be sacked for errors and were generally not employed after they turned 21. Notes the Grenville St shelter/office of ESCo. Not known who retyped the document.Yields information about the rules that ESCo conductors operated under and the operation of trailers.Six page typed document on ruled foolscap paper with four punch holes on left side and stapled in top left hand corner.tramcars, tramways, conductors, tickets, esco, trailers -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), Ballarat Tramways, ESCo, Transfer 3d ticket, 1920's?
Yields information about ESCo Ballarat transfer tickets and how they were used.Ballarat Tramways, ESCo, Transfer 3d ticket - A 3728. Has conditions of use, location boarded on Up or Down, time, day of week around edges of ticket. Has been punched. Printed on heavy paper. Printed in black in on off white paper and over printed 3d in purple ink.trams, tramways, tickets, esco, transfer tickets -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), ESCo 1d ticket, late 1920's?
Demonstrates how ESCo managed Weekly tickets during the late 1920's and yields information about the way the system was arranged. The source of the ticket, NSW tramways is significant in that it was obtained by them as a sample.One penny or 1d paper ticket, ESCo, Ballarat Tramways, printed on fawn paper, No. D3339. Ticket has up and down directions, conditions of use, not issued on public holidays, special cars or railway picnic days. Front of the ticket (with the number), has it available for: Bridge and Drummond St Sturt St and Macarthur St Macarthur St (Junction Wendouree Parade and Gardens) On the rear - the ticket is made available for use by a child in the following: Orphanage and Grenville St Mt Pleasant and Grenville St Bridge St and Service St {stop along Sturt St West} Bridge St and Macarthur (via Fraser St) {Alan Bradley advised 29/6/14 by email, former name of Ripon St North once it crossed over Mair St heading north. - see note below} Sturt St and Gregory St (via Lydiard) Hello Warren, The View Point line leaves Sturt St and turns into Ripon St. It crosses Mair St, does a dogleg, and went into Fraser St. then past the Powerhouse. The descriptions of the horse tram lines to be constructed by the BTCo, and the electric lines to be constructed by the ESCo, specify that the lines run along Ripon and Fraser Sts. Alantrams, tramways, tickets, esco, children -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard - ESCo, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), "Souvenir tram ticket - Railway Picnic", c1905
Printed postcard/ticket for the 16/9/1905 Railway Picnic by the Electric Supply Co of Victoria promoting Bendigo Tramways. Has three views of ESCo's depot and power station and one of a tram. Ticket priced at 6d. On the rear is an advertisement for Henderson & Goodisson's Beehive drapery, furniture, and Carpets. The letter has been sent to Mr Lewis Morgan of Pitfield Plains Vic, noting the trams. In the top right-hand corner is "B Deakin Engineer and Manager", following an English practice of providing details of the Manager;s name.Demonstrates an ESCo printed ticket for a specific event of 1905.Postcard - ticket - divided back used number 6188Hand written message written on the rear - see image 2tramways, trams, bendigo, esco, ticket, railway picnic -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), Set of 4 mix tickets ESCo, SEC and BTM, 1920's to 2005
Set of four tickets located in the rear of Reg Item 7134. .1 - Electric Supply Co. of Victoria (ESCo) - 1.5d check ticket, issued in exchange of a slip ticket for use Grenville St and Grant St and Queen St or Drummond and Sturt St or Macarthur St in Lydiard St. Printed on grey card, ticket number 256396. .2 - SEC 4c ticket printed in red ink, black number, has been used - folded into three - B514142 .3 - ditto 7c ticket, print in teal ink, C865083 .4 - BTM 1d ticket, purple ink with black number A008443, with Museum details on rear and hand written date of "18/9/2011" in ink on rear. trams, tramways, tickets, esco, grenville st, secv, btm -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Employment Register, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), ESCo Ballarat Tramways, Tramways Staff, 9/01/2014 12:00:00 AM
Bound register containing details of employees and applications for employment with the Electric Supply Company Tramways. Book contains handwritten notes including name, address, referees, comments, employment history, wage increases, etc. The book is in poor condition with many of the pages loose, and some very dog-eared. Handwriting in many cases is difficult to read. Entries date from 1909 through to 1930's. Peter Waugh advised that currently (2013-2014) the information is being copied to a spreadsheet. Pages were placed in correct order December 2013 after extensive research and cross checking. Gloves must be worn, pages must be supported, care must be taken to ensure pages stay in correct order.Ballarat Tramways, Tramways Stafftrams, tramways, employees, esco -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), ESCO opening Souvenir Ticket, 1905
Demonstrates a souvenir item for the opening of the electric tramways in Ballarat in the form of a postcard which has actually been used to send a message. Has a strong association with the people who sent and received the card.Postcard size Souvenir Tram ticket, printed using blue ink on one side with fare, photos of power station, engine room, boiler room and a tram & No.10344 stamped on edge. On reverse side is space for stamp, address etc., - with line & "postcard' etc., printed in red ink. Letter/note to Ethel Hodgson of Lethbridge, stamped in Ballarat on 26-8-1905. Fares given on card are : Mount Pleasant and Orphanage and Grenville St. 3d, or Grenville St. and Tram sheds 3d. Printed in a blue/grey ink of various shades onto a white card. Acted as a souvenir card. One Penny stamp, with Ballarat Cancellation stamp and - "5" stamped on the top of the postage stamp. See also Reg Item 608 and 7084 for further versions of this object.Letter on rear and Has I.R. Kellett in ink in the top right hand corner.trams, tramways, esco, opening, ballarat, tickets, letters -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), Souvenir ESCo Ticket, 1905
Demonstrates a souvenir item for the opening of the electric tramways in Ballarat in the form of a postcard, one of which has actually been used to send a message. Has a strong association with the people who sent and received the card.608 - Postcard size Souvenir Tram ticket, printed using blue ink on one side with fare, photos of power station, engine room, boiler room and a tram & No.11162 stamped on edge. On reverse side is space for stamp, address etc., - with line & "postcard' etc., printed in red ink. Letter/note to Mino Loveday Hutchins c/o P.O> Queenscliff. No date. Fares given on card are : Mount Pleasant and Orphanage and Grenville St. 3d, or Grenville St. and Tram sheds 3d. Printed in a blue/grey ink of various shades onto a white card. Souvenir 608.1 - as above, numbered 11308, has been punched on lower edge near right hand corner. Has been used as post card to a person in Alexandria?, but rear has been eaten by silverfish or similar. Did have a date stamp of "28-8-0?" See also Reg Item 2488, page 28 for ticket number 1595. (On page 29) - image btm608i2 608.2 - added 18.07.2006 - Ticket No. 3934 608.3 - added 3.11.2011, Ticket No. 9030 Note re donation of 608i3 added 11-12-2016 and original donation 27-2-2017. See also Reg Item 7071 for a version that has actually been used with a message written onto the rear of the card and 7083. On lower edge card has been punched with a circular hole. stamp has been in position, but since removed.Letter on reartrams, tramways, esco, opening, ballarat, tickets, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Map, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), Ballarat Electoral Map - ESCo, 1900
Document prepared by the Electric Supply Co of Victoria, as part of an order under the Electric Light and Power Act 1896, section 5 of order No. 17 granted to company. Dated 19/2/1901 and signed by the Postmaster-General. Shows the order area being parts of the City of Ballaarat, Sebastopol and Ballarat East. Shows the street names, boundaries, principal power line routes, land reserves, parks, mine locations, railways and Lake Wendouree. Signed by R L Williams Town Clerk City of Ballarat, J R Hall for the Borough of Sebastopol, and John Gent for the Town of Ballarat EastYields information about the power supply to the Ballarat area.Cloth backed paper map, coloured and marked up as exhibit 17.Notes in ink including the signature of Benjamin Deakin 24/9/00 and certified by the three involved municipal Town Clerks.ballarat power supply, esco, electric supply co of victoria, city of ballaarat, east ballarat, sebastopol, orders, power lines, power supply -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s and Digital Image, Syd Harvey, ESCo No. 12 outside Wendouree Parade depot, c1920
Black and white photo of ESCo No. 12 outside Wendouree Parade depot, post the 1912 installation of Motorman's windscreens. Both blinds rolled up. Has a roof advertisement for "Carter & Werner Opticians" and a step ad for "Eureka Cos. BO Punch". Seat backs face passengers to sit on the outside of the tram., that is have yet to be relocated to face inwards only. See image 757.2 - which shows this. Three copies of the photo - both from a copy neg. Copy 1, circa 1980, Copy 2, by John Phillips, 1993, Copy 3 ex Ken Magor, sent by Wal Jack to Ken. The rear of this print has extensive details on rear. See item 9468 for a glass plate negative.Yields information about the appearance of one of the Museum's tramcars at the time of fitting windscreens and demonstrates the evolution of the ESCo's tramcars, and advertising. Image 757.2, is different to others in that it is fitted with a chain along the sides and a pay as you enter sign at the rear.Series of black and white photographs of ESCo tram 12. 757.2 - on rear in ink "24a)", top left hand corner and along bottom edge "Car 12 at Lake Wendouree near depot Sydney Harvey" and "William F Scott" address label in the bottom left hand corner., See image i4 for details of Wal's notes on back of photo.trams, tramways, esco, windscreens, tramcars, roof ads , tram 12 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s and Digital Image, ESCo No. 2 passing Electric Supply Co. (ESCo) power station, c1913
Black and white photographs of ESCo No. 2 passing Electric Supply Co. (ESCo) power station , Ripon St., near Wendouree Parade. No. 2 fitted with windscreens, has seats facing inwards and an ad on roof "Follow the Crowd to Harrys' Sale", Coliseum Star Movie ad in window. Power station features chimney, cooling tower and other buildings. Driver of No. 2 standing by doorway while photo taken. Yields information about the Power station and ESCo tram No. 2 and the appearance of both at the time.Series of black and white photographs some with notes on rear.trams, tramways, power station, wendouree parade, ripon st, esco , tram 2 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Illustration/s, ESCo 21, Grenville St
Tram has the destination of City. Has 1920 in bottom rh corner. Cut from a magazine. Has photos of warehouse on rear, with horse drawn carts & motor vehicle. Sepia toned. See also Reg item 5143 for another version of this image and 9465 for a glass plate negative.Yields information about the ESCo Sebastopol type electric trams and the streetscape in central Ballarat 1920.Small clipping of ESCo tram No 21, arriving Grenville Street. 1920 in pencil on right hand bottom cornertrams, tramways, sturt st, grenville st, sebastopol type, esco -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Book, Australian Tramway Employees Association (ATEA), "Memorandum of Agreement - ATEA with PMTT, NMETL, ESCo & Meakin & Thomas", 1913
Four separate agreements, one for each organisation. All details wages and conditions of work and disputes, grievances, and discipline, leave etc. Pages 1 - 10 - agreement with the PMTT - dated 14/1/1913, applied from 1/10/1912 to 1/6/1916. Signed for PMTT by Alex Cameron Chairman; Thomas King Member; and Thomas King Secretary and for Union by Lionel L. Hill President and A. C. Warton General Secretary. Pages 12 - 20 - ditto with NMELTL - dated 14/1/1913, applied from 1/1/1913 to 30/6/1916. Signed for NMETL by L. Voight, A.D. Murdoch and for Union by A. C. Warton General Secretary. Pages 21 - 32 - ditto with ESCo - dated 14/1/1913, applied from 1/12/1912 to 30/6/1916, includes rosters for Ballarat and Bendigo. Signed by William J Home for P. J. Pringle for ESCo and for Union by Lionel L. Hill President and A. C. Warton General Secretary. Pages 33 - 42 - ditto with Messrs Meakin and Thomas, Lessees of the Northcote Cable Tramways. Dated 14/1/1913, applied from 1/12/1912 to 30/6/1916. Signed by F.W. Meakin and Lena Thomas in front of Louis Waxman Solicitor and A. C. Warton, General Secretary. Yields information about the industrial agreements with Tramway operators in Victoria, except for MTOCo.Forty-Four page booklet, off-white paper, saddle-stapled, with additional dark grey colour paper cover titled "The Australian Tramway Employees' Association with the The Prahran & Malvern Tramways Trust / The North Melbourne Electric Tramways and Lighting Company Limited/ The Electric Supply Company of Victoria Limited and Messrs. Meakin and Thomas". Two copies held. "Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society Catalogue No. 213" in ink on top of first page, inside cover on both copies. Copy 1 - has name of "H.W.H.Collett" and "1913" on front cover, and pencil or red pencil notes against various rules in the ESCo section. Copy 2 - some minor pencil marks.trams, tramways, bendigo, ballarat, atea, unions, agreements, esco, nmetl, pmtt, northcote cable trams, meakin & thomas -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard, WTP, ESCo tram near the intersection of Doveton St. and Sturt St, 1905
Photo appears to be taken soon after opening of the electric trams, as the tramway is well paved compared to the rest of the street which shows vehicle tracks etc. Small horse drawn vehicle crossing in front of the photograph. Shows buildings along the north side of Sturt St. and the building at the SE corner of Doveton St. ESCo tram has destination board on the front dash of the tram.Yields information about the appearance of Sturt St soon after the opening of the electric tram service in Ballarat.Printed colour postcard of an ESCo tram near the intersection of Doveton St. and Sturt St. travelling west along the south side of Sturt Street. Titled "Sturt Street, Ballarat" in the top left-hand corner and overprinted, embossed in gold, with the words "Christmas Greetings". On the rear of the postcard is a letter to Miss Hancock, Pitt St. Rockdale NSW, from a W.H. Nicholls. Message in pencil, address in ink. Postcard made by "WTP" Has a "Victoria One Penny" stamp. Does not appear to have been cancelled. Assumed used in 1905. On the rear of the second copy is a note to Miss Gibbs of Mole Creek Tasmania, dated 22/12/1907, sent from South Melbourne. See Reg. Item 834 for a scanned copy of another version of this postcard.Handwritten letter on card.trams, tramways, esco, sturt st, postcards, doveton st -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph, Wal Jack, ESCo cross bench tram No. 20 and ESCo 2, c1910
Photo of ESCo cross bench tram No. 20 and ESCo 2 at the intersection of Sturt and Lydiard Streets, with the post office in the background, Summerscales offices, Robbie Burns statue, Vita Studio, and George Payne Jewellers in the background. The conductor on the rear of No. 2 is holding the trolley rope, while the driver of No. 20 is watching the road closely. The conductor of the tram is reboarding or about to alight. No. 20 has the destination of Gardens via Convent. Other trams are in the background. Wal has dated the photograph about 1909. Note the point frog or pan in the overhead above No. 20. See image i2 for the rear of the photograph and image i3 for a hi-res scan of the photograph. See image i4 for a hi-res scan of the copy negative, with a drawing pin mark in the top left-hand corner,Yields information about the use of ESCo trams c1910 and the overhead.Digital image from the Wal Jack Ballarat Album.On rear of photograph in ink: "T161, Ballarat Tramways No. 20 Summer Car & No. 2 old Type, Sturt St. Ballarat 1909 / W. Jack Collection."trams, tramways, esco, cross bench tram, sturt st, post office, lydiard st, tram 20, tram 2 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
document - Conservation Plan, Warren Doubleday, "Conservation Plan for ESCo. Ballarat Tram No. 12" - V6, 1.6.1997, "Conservation Plan for ESCo. Ballarat Tram No. 12" - D3, 7.7.1994, 1994-1997
781 - 45 Page printed/photocopied document within a black covered display folder with individual plastic sheets containing the Conservation Plan for ESCo Ballarat Tram No. 12. Prepared by W.Doubleday by the BTM from early 1994. Version No. V6 dated 1/6/97. Contains black and white photographs and colour photocopies of photographs. Has Table of Contents. 781.1 - photocopied version D3, draft of 7.7.1994, 37 pages, with three staples on left hand side.tram, trams, esco, conservation planning, btm -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Photocopy, Warren Doubleday, ESCo 16, Nov. 1993
A3 size photo copy enlargement of a photograph of an ESCo tramcar on a property near Ballarat. Was printed in the Souvenir Supplement Issue of the closure of the Ballarat Tramways - see Reg item 269. The caption for the photograph in this article gave the tram number as No. 16. Was made for the first depot display board on ESCo No. 12, c Nov. 1993 from newspaper cutting loaned by Alan Bradley. Was used in an item in The Courier Ballarat, 19/1/1993 requesting information on the location of the tramcar, following an enquiry from the BTPS.trams, tramways, esco, scrapped trams -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), ESCo Transfer Ticket 3d, c1920's
ESCo- Ballarat Tramways Adult Transfer Check Tickets (2 No. Cb4865 & Cb4866) See attached sheet for further details. Light brown card with black print and red over printed price of 3d.trams, tramways, tickets, ballarat, esco -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 27 mm sq slide/s - set of 3, Lilian Butler, ESCo 22 in the yard at south Sebastopol, Oct. 1971
Yields information about the appearance of ex ESCo No. 22 at a private property near Sebastopol in 1971.Set of three Colour 27 x 27 mm slides in Kodachrome cardboard mounts of ESCo 22 in the yard at south Sebastopol October 1971. Photo from the collection of Lilian Butler.ballarat, tramways, trams, esco, sale of trams, sebastopol, tram 22 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Bell Punch Co, ESCo Child 1 1/2d, mid 1920's
Child 1 1/2d ticket on light brown, light card stock used by ESCo c1928, Number Sa 0362, has various destinations for nipping on sides. Photocopy stored with ticket is 200% enlargement.trams, tramways, esco, ballarat, tickets, bell punch -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image, ESCo tram 5, c1920
This is a photo of ESCo No. 5 after the windscreens were installed and the seats fixed into the reverse position. This tram was built as a Sydney C class tram, possibly No. 15, and sold to Ballarat in 1905. Photo received with the Ben Parle slides 09/2004.Yields information the appearance and details about an ESCo 1906 Single truck tramcar and some depot fence details.Digital scan from the Ben Parle collection.trams, tramways, esco, depot, tram 5 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Film - Microfiche, Nova Micrographics, "ESCo Tramway Employee Register", Jun. 1994
Yields information about the ESCo employees register that was donated to the Museum, c1990. Microfiche of this register., Yields information about the ESCo employees register that was donated to the Museum, c1990. Microfiche of this register.Set of 3 microfiche, each in a plastic envelope of the ESCo Employee Register (Reg Item 100), made by Nova Micrographics, North Carlton, early 1994. 10 Copies made, one to Alan Bradley and one to Ballarat Genealogical society 10/1994. Each Microfiche has the heading "Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society, "ESCo Tramway Employee Register" and Fiche No on the right hand edge. Each set of fiche contained within a separate plastic envelope. One set of fiche transferred to Melbourne and held in the negative file - Ntrams, tramways, esco, employees, crews, personnel -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard - Souvenir ESCo opening Ticket, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), August 1905
Used as a souvenir ticket and postcard on the opening day of the Electric Supply Co. of Victoria (ESCo), Ballarat tramways on 18 August 1905, Has been punched for the Mount Pleasant and Orphanage - Grenville St section. Collected by David Budge - 1879 - 1974, son of William and Mary Budge of Trevor St Ballarat, who worked for the Victorian Railways as a blacksmith residing in Walnut St Carnegie. Demonstrates a souvenir item for the opening of the electric tramways in Ballarat in the form of a postcard, which could be sent to others as a souvenir of the new tram system in Ballarat. Has a strong association with the collector.Postcard - size Souvenir Tram ticket, printed using blue ink on one side with fare, photos of power station, engine room, boiler room and a tram & No.2341 stamped on edge. On reverse side is space for stamp, address etc., - with line & "postcard' etc., printed in red ink. See item 608 for other examples.esco, opening, tramways, ballarat, tickets, postcards, david budge -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image, Wal Jack, ESCo 6 in Macarthur St, 1930's?
Photograph of ESCo No. 6 at the Drummond St North terminus in Macarthur St. Has a shop for H.J. Symons in the background. Tram has advertisements for Suttons, Ballarat, Melbourne, Bendigo, Geelong and Sydney and an ad for "DAD" on the front dash panel. Original Printed on matt paper.Yields information about ESCo trams in the 1920's or 1930's and Macarthur St. area.Digital image from the Wal Jack Ballarat Album.trams, tramways, esco, drummond st nth, macarthur st, tram 6 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, J. J. Miller, ESCo 4d check ticket, early to mid 1930's
Demonstrates aspects of the Ballarat Tramways ticketing system for use with the daily return from Sebastopol (See Reg Item 3494). Printed by ESCo for a specific route.ESCo 4d Check Ticket - on orange colour card. Used as check ticket in exchange for 4d daily return ticket on the return journey - (See Reg Item 3494) between Grenville St and Sebastopol. Printed by J. J. Miller Melb. Printing in black ink. Has been nipped or cancelled. trams, tramways, tickets, check ticket, esco -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image, Wal Jack, Ballarat ESCo tram 3 after scrapping, 12/1/1946
Photo of the body of ESCo No. 3 in Cobden St, Mt Pleasant 12-1-1946. Has the details on the rear of the photograph. This tram began its life as a Sydney C class electric tram, possibly No. 14. It was scrapped in 1935. See image i2 for rear of photograph. See image i3 for hi res scan of print. See image i4 for hi res scan of negativeYields information the condition in 1946 of an old ESCo Tram body that was sold.Digital image from the Wal Jack Ballarat Album.on rear in ink "SEC / Ballarat / Old No. 3 original electric (body) Mount Pleasant / 12-1-46" and the Wal Jack stamp with "T102"trams, tramways, esco, scrapped trams, tram 3 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), ESCo Check Ticket, 1920's?
ESCo Check Ticket- 1 1/2 d for 4 destinations from Grenville St. No 256, 397. See attached sheet for more information. Light green light card check ticket "Issued only in exchange for SLIP TICKET And entitles holder to travel between Sections stated on sides.trams, tramways, tickets, ballarat, grenville st, esco -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard, H&B, ESCo No. 18 in Wendouree Parade, c1910
Printed black and white postcard of ESCo No. 18 in Wendouree Parade within a map of Australia, being held by hand. Features photograph in Reg. Item No. 471. Titled "A Handful of Ballarat", with words "Her's a hand Ma' Trusty Friend". On rear, the post card has been divided into two with a the words "post card" and artistic symbol with the initials "H&B". trams, tramways, wendouree parade, esco, postcards