Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Linton State School Concert, Miss Barry's Cantata Group, circa 1908
... Milly Todd..., Mary Nelson, Milly Todd, Annie Brophy, Elvira Martineux, Jean..., Mary Nelson, Milly Todd, Annie Brophy, Elvira Martineux, Jean ...
Linton State School cantata group, trained by Miss Barry for a school concert. This is one of several copies of the photograph of the cantata group in the LDHS collection. This one may have belonged to Alwyn Roberts, and it is understood that he provided the list of names to go with it. (This is the most complete set of names that we have for this photo.) Back row, L-R: Jessie Thompson, Maimie Ferguson, Myrtle Bolte, Ruby Barton, Olive Ball, Maisie Wise, Sybil Mark, Annie McMillan, -?- Long. Boys in doorway: Horace Ball & Eric Nicholls. Centre row: Charlie Watson, Doris Downing, Miss Rankin, Clarice White, Alice Commons, Stella Brand, Kathleen Brophy, Jane Willoughby, Miss Barry, Pauline O'Beirne, Lily Gorman, Pearl Nelson, Emily Cotterill, Vera Cornish, Miss Dora(?) Barry, Kathleen(?) O'Beirne. Front row: Rita Murrell, Mary Nelson, Milly Todd, Annie Brophy, Elvira Martineux, Jean Cox, Lena Allan, Alec Thompson, Jean Gascoigne, Stella Todd, Lucy Johnstone, Eva Simper, Bernie Ball, Myrtle Hands, Stella Hands, Elsie Egan, Bert Dawe.Black and white copy of original photograph, which shows children in costume, and three teachers, posed in rows for a photograph outside the Linton State School building.Names of the children and teachers are typed on a piece of A4 paper with the photograph.linton state school no. 880, cantata group, school concerts, jessie thompson, maimie ferguson, myrtle bolte, ruby barton, olive ball, maisie wise, sybil mark, annie mcmillan, -?- long, horace ball, eric nicholls, charlie watson, doris downing, mary rankin [teacher], clarice white, alice commons, stella brand, kathleen brophy, jane willoughby, miss barry, pauline o'beirne, lily gorman, pearl nelson, emily cotterill, vera cornish, dora barry, kathleen(?) o'beirne, rita murrell, mary nelson, milly todd, annie brophy, elvira martineux, jean cox, lena allan, alec thompson, jean gascoigne, stella todd, lucy johnstone, eva simper, bernie ball, myrtle hands, stella hands, elsie egan, bert dawe