Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... White and Red. Come Shepherds.... Part 2. Like Apple Blossoms, White and Red. Come Shepherds... Blossoms White and Red. Come Shepherds Follow Me. Polonaise ...
Town Hall, The Bendigo Choral Society, TUESDAY, August 25, 1931. Programme. Conductor: Mr W C Frazier, ARCO. Pianist: Roy Shepherd. Assisting Artists: Mrs Darvall. Mrs P Simonsen, miss May McGaughie, Mr E H Collett, Mr R Hardy. Patron Mayor of Bendigo. President: Mr P A McNair, Pianist: Miss Eileen Hains ATCL. Treasurer: Mr R J Parker. Hon. Secretary: Robt. Batchelder, 20 View Street, Bendigo. Programme: Price 3d. Part 1. In these Delightful Pleasant Groves. I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby. An Analogy. Twilight Night. Nachstucke. Sonata G Minor. The Erl King's Daughter. Part 2. Like Apple Blossoms, White and Red. Come Shepherds, Follow Me. Polonaise in A Flat. The Ships of Arcady. The Singers. Rhapsodie. A Song of the Sea. Program includes ads for: Allans The Music People, Pall Mall, Bendgio, Branch member Oscar Flight. W Gordon Hampton, Bookseller and News Agent, Bendigo.Cambridge Press, Bendigoprogram, music, the bendigo choral society, town hall, the bendigo choral society, tuesday, august 25, 1931. programme. conductor: mr w c frazier, arco. pianist: roy shepherd. assisting artists: mrs darvall. mrs p simonsen, miss may mcgaughie, mr e h collett, mr r hardy. patron mayor of bendigo. president: mr p a mcnair, pianist: miss eileen hains atcl. treasurer: mr r j parker. hon. secretary: robt. batchelder, 20 view street, bendigo. programme: price 3d. part 1. in these delightful pleasant groves. i'll sing thee songs of araby. an analogy. twilight night. nachstucke. sonata g minor. the erl king's daughter. part 2. like apple blossoms, white and red. come shepherds, follow me. polonaise in a flat. the ships of arcady. the singers. rhapsodie. a song of the sea. program includes ads for: allans the music people, pall mall, bendgio, branch member oscar flight. w gordon hampton, bookseller and news agent, bendigo.