Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation
... Wiener S Dr... Wiener S Dr Ehrenberg C Mr Ehrenberg G Mrs Samogyi M Mrs ...
A document with list of names, handwritten, of South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation Presidents and Ladies auxiliary members from 1949 -1976.
Also, a photograph of Rabbi S. Rudzki of South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation.religious groups, duffield w mr, baum d mr, south caulfield, waysman h mr, herz s mrs, hebrew, symons p mr, olb r mrs, herz s mr, rathner k mr, bruce e mrs, wiener s dr, ehrenberg c mr, ehrenberg g mrs, samogyi m mrs., presidents, ladies auxiliary, south caulfield hebrew congregation, rudzki s rabbi., leopold street.