Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... : Reference - Matthew Mann - Mine Manager's Report 3/7/1893... and Durham: Reference - Matthew Mann - Mine Manager's Report 3/7/1893 ...
Ten pages and one smaller page of notes showing depth of shaft, sill, size of shaft, relation to line of reef, depth bottom plat, depth to bottom of well, number of compartments, reference and remarks. Mines mentioned are: Young Chum, Old Chum (Old South), Shamrock, Shenandoah, New Chum Railway, Eureka Ext'd, South Belle Vue United, Lansell's 222, Denis Shaft, New Chum United, Ellesmere (North Shaft), New Chum Consolidated, Ellesmere No 1 or (South Shaft) also known as New Chum Coy, Garibaldi, Craven's, Lansell's Bit 180, North Old Chum, New Chum & Victoria, Old Chum, Lazarus New Chum Main, Lazarus New Chum (Old), Victoria Reef Gold (Ironbark), Victoria Consols, Adventure & Advance, Gt Central Victoria, Ballerstedt, Humbold, Victoria (Reef) Quartz, Pearl (later Hercules New Chum), Hercules Extended (Pearl (South) later, North Hercules, Hercules and Energetic, Hercules (Old),South Devonshire, Duchess Tribute, New St Mungo, Duke of Edinburgh, New Victoria Catherine (later Hercules Consols), Dixon's Tribute, Great Victoria Extended, Hopewell, Saxon & Celt Extended, St Mungo, Princess Alexander,West United Devonshire, United Devonshire, Duchess of Edinburgh, Sadowa, (Old) St Mungo, Lady Barkly, Princess Alice (South St Mungo) previously Gov. Barkly, Unicorn (Trib), Phoenix, Williams (New), Acadia Catherine, William United (Old Shaft), Snob's Hill Shaft, York & Durham, Belmont & Saxby, Ellenborough, Catherine Reef Extended, New Franklin, Murchison, Catherine Reef United Main Shaft, Catherine Reef United South Shaft. Small page has notes on the York and Durham: Reference - Matthew Mann - Mine Manager's Report 3/7/1893. This paragraph: Quote - 'Also measured main shaft from surface 1,430 and found it to be 1,416 feet and from Brace - 1,428 feet. Poppet legs 12 feet. Reference - Matthew Mann - Mine Manager's Report 15/7/1893 'Received cheque from La Belle Co. for 2 pound 13 shillings - which I payed into credit of Company'. Note: Report shows this to happen on several occasions. Note initialled AR.document, gold, new chum line of reef, new chum line of reef, notes on shaft details on the new chum line of reef, young chum, old chum (old south), shamrock, shenandoah, new chum railway, eureka ext'd, south belle vue united, lansell's 222, denis shaft, new chum united, ellesmere (north shaft), new chum consolidated, ellesmere no 1 or (south shaft) also known as new chum coy, garibaldi, craven's, lansell's bit 180, north old chum, new chum & victoria, old chum, lazarus new chum main, lazarus new chum (old), victoria reef gold (ironbark), victoria consols, adventure & advance, gt central victoria, ballerstedt, humbold, victoria (reef) quartz, pearl (later hercules new chum), hercules extended (pearl (south) later, north hercules, hercules and energetic, hercules (old), south devonshire, duchess tribute, new st mungo, duke of edinburgh, new victoria catherine (later hercules consols), dixon's tribute, great victoria extended, hopewell, saxon & celt extended, st mungo, princess alexander, west united devonshire, united devonshire, duchess of edinburgh, sadowa, (old) st mungo, lady barkly, princess alice (south st mungo) previously gov. barkly, unicorn (trib), phoenix, williams (new), acadia catherine, william united (old shaft), snob's hill shaft, york & durham, belmont & saxby, ellenborough, catherine reef extended, new franklin, murchison, catherine reef united main shaft, catherine reef united south shaft