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matching a.p. winzenried
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour print, A.P. Winzenried, Edna Walling as a Student at Burnley, 1917, 1917-1990
... a.p. winzenried...Photograph made in 1990 by A.P. Winzenried for, "Green... on an album page made in 1990 by A.P. Winzenried. Edna Walling...A.P. Winzenried.... Winzenried for, "Green Grows Our Garden," p41. a.p. winzenried green ...Photograph made in 1990 by A.P. Winzenried for, "Green Grows Our Garden," p41.3 copies colour photograph. Copy of sepia photograph on an album page made in 1990 by A.P. Winzenried. Edna Walling standing in the Ornamental Gardens holding a tool over her shoulder. A male student walking in the background.On reverse, "Edna Walling as a student at Burnley, 1917 Courtesy of Noelle Kendall." ( Vaughan.)a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, edna walling, female students, noelle kendall (née vaughan) -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, A.P. Winzenried, Student Group 1917, 1917
... a.p. winzenried...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried to be considered... made by A.P. Winzenried. Group of students, 1 male...A.P. Winzenried... Boulevard Richmond melbourne Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried ...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried to be considered as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden." Note by T.H. Kneen 18 March 1992, "The male student fourth from left could be one of the Dodgshun brothers - Frank worked later at the State Research Farm."2 copies black and white photograph. Copy of a photograph made by A.P. Winzenried. Group of students, 1 male, the remainder female, standing and seated on the ground, in the Burnley Gardens.On reverse, "Student Group 1917 Noelle Vaughan ( Kendall) 2nd from left."a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, students, noelle vaughan ( kendall), frank dodgshun, state research farm, student group 1917 -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white and colour prints, The Argus, Flowering Almond Trees at Burnley Horticultural College are in Full Bloom, 1935-1990
... a.p. winzenried...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried as a possible... made by A.P. Winzenried. Caption reads, "Flowering almond trees...A.P. Winzenried... Boulevard Richmond melbourne Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried ...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried as a possible illustration for, "Green Grows Our Garden."3 copies colour photograph. Copy of a newspaper article made by A.P. Winzenried. Caption reads, "Flowering almond trees at the Burnley Horticultural College are in full bloom." Original b/w, copies hand coloured. 4 female students beside and in an almond tree in blossom in the Ornamental Garden.Handwritten, ' "The Argus". 18-8-35. W. Thompson, E. Pearce, M. Younger, H. Dance (in tree.)'a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, almond trees, w. thompson, e. pearce, m. younger, h. dance, student group, newspaper cutting -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, The Argus, Wattle is in Full Bloom at the Burnley Horticultural College, 1935-1990
... a.p. winzenried...Photograph taken by A.P. Winzenried for consideration... taken by A.P. Winzenried. 4 students collecting branches...A.P. Winzenried... Boulevard Richmond melbourne Photograph taken by A.P. Winzenried ...Photograph taken by A.P. Winzenried for consideration as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden." The caption reads, "Wattle is in full bloom at the Burnley Horticultural College. These girl students had a pleasant task gathering the golden glory."Black and white photograph. Copy of a newspaper article taken by A.P. Winzenried. 4 students collecting branches of wattle at the entrance to the Gardens. 2 standing on wooden ladders and 2 holding toolss next to a wooden wheelbarrow.Handwritten underneath, "W. Thompson, M. Younger, H. Dance, E. Pearce, The Argus 13-8-35."a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, wattle, female student, w. thompson, m. younger, h. dance, e. pearce, students working outside, wooden ladders, wooden wheelbarrow, tools, entrance gate -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour print, The Sun, Burnley Girls Take Ploughing Lessons, 1935
... a.p. winzenried...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried as a possible... by A.P. Winzenried. Caption reads, "Burnley Girls Take Ploughing...A.P. Winzenried... Boulevard Richmond melbourne Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried ...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried as a possible illustration for, "Green Grows Our Garden." There was a severe flood in December 1934.2 copies colour print.. Copy of a newspaper article made by A.P. Winzenried. Caption reads, "Burnley Girls Take Ploughing Lessons. Winter tasks at the Burnley Horticultural School. Students trying their hands at the plough. New top soil had to be laid after the floods." 4 female students working with a horse drawn plough in the Orchard.Handwritten underneath, "R.Weber, E. Pearce, M. Younger, W. Wittakers. "The Sun" 12-6-35."a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, ploughing lesson, female students,, e. pearce, m. younger, w. wittakers, orchard, 1934 flood, horse, working outside -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour print, A.P. Winzenried, Down on the Farm-at Burnley, 1931-1990
... a.p. winzenried...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried for, "Green Grows Our...Colour photograph. Copy of newspaper article, made by A.P...A.P. Winzenried... Boulevard Richmond melbourne Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried ...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried for, "Green Grows Our Garden," p73Colour photograph. Copy of newspaper article, made by A.P. Winzenried. Caption reads, "Down on the Farm-at Burnley. New recruits at Burnley Horticultural School drove in rustic state to gather the maize crop yesterday. So popular has the school course become that there are no more vacancies for students this season. These beginners tackled a tall job, for the maize produced in the school paddock is 10 to 11 feet high." Horse drawn cart with 6 female students seated on it and one astride the horse.a.p. winzenried, green grows our gardern, maize crop, students, students working outside, west orchard, horse-drawn cart, draught horse -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour print, A.P. Winzenried, Things are Never Down on the Farm at Burnley Horticultural School, 1934
... a.p. winzenried...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried for, "Green Grows Our...Colour photograph. Copy made by A.P. Winzenried...A.P. Winzenried... Boulevard Richmond melbourne Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried ...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried for, "Green Grows Our Garden," p73.Colour photograph. Copy made by A.P. Winzenried. Photograph appeared in the "Sun News Pictorial," July 10, 1934. The caption reads, "Things are never down on the farm at Burnley Horticultural School while Don, the old dray horse, is on the job carting his load of happy students back to the lecture room after a session of practical work. Most of the 30 pupils now at the school are engaged in the study of pruning." See B94.-902. A large group of male and female students seated on a cart darwn by a draught horse.a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, don, dray horse, students working outside, draught horse, students, orchard, newspaper cutting -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour print, A.P. Winzenried, Girl Harvesters at Work, 1931-1990
... a.p. winzenried...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried for, "Green Grows Our..., made by A.P. Winzenried. The caption reads, "Girl Harvesters...A.P. Winzenried... Boulevard Richmond melbourne Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried ...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried for, "Green Grows Our Garden," p73Colour photograph. Copy of a patchwork of 5 photographs of female students which appeared as newspaper illustrations c.1933, made by A.P. Winzenried. The caption reads, "Girl Harvesters at Work. Girl farming students at Burnley Horticultural Gardens are busy this week. They undergo two years practical and theoretical training in many... farming work. Pictures show: 1. Hay forking by the "weaker" sex. 2. Miss Joy...Miss Freda Poynter, typical students, enjoying billy tea. 3. A happy group on the...a crop of oats. 4. A reaping mower going round the crop. 5. Miss Thelma (Johnson?) drives old Don and the mower." See B99.1057.female students, a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, burnley horticultural gardens, freda poynter, thelma johnson, don, donald, horse, srtudents working outside, west orchard, horse drawn mower, hay, recreation, oats, farming, reaping mower, newspaper cutting -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Sepia print, A.P. Winzenried, Pavilion, c. 1890
... a.p. winzenried...Copy of sepia photograph made by A.P. Winzenried...A.P. Winzenried..., Department of Agriculture. a.p. winzenried green grows our garden ...Notes by E.B. Littlejohn, "Note that the early Pavilion was built with 2 large entrances to allow horse drawn carriages to drive through. Entrance at centre of picture is on eastern side, not the front entrance which can be seen at extreme right and is well established." Note by T.H. Kneen, "The Pavilion early 1890's." The photo was adapted for use on the Diploma Certificate of the Royal Horticultural School, Burnley, Department of Agriculture.Copy of sepia photograph made by A.P. Winzenried for possible use in, "Green Grows Our Garden. Horse and cart and five students, 1 with a wooden wheelbarrow, standing and reclining on the lawn in front of the Pavilion.a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, pavilion, horse and cart, east entrance, diploma certificate, students, students working outside, lawn -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, A.P. Winzenried, George Russ's Retirement, 1936
... a.p. winzenried...A possible photograph for A.P. Winzenried book, "Green...A.P. Winzenried...A possible photograph for A.P. Winzenried book, "Green ...A possible photograph for A.P. Winzenried book, "Green grows Our Garden."Black and white photograph. Copy of a photograph. Appears to be the celebration of George Russ's retirement in 1936 where he is being presented with a clock. A crowd of people around him. A.W. Jessep far right. On reverse: from AP Winzenried Book 3celebration, george russ, retirement, 1936, a.w. jessep, a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, presentation -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, A.P. Winzenried, Students at Burnley Horticultural College.-Victoria, 1930-1990
... a.p. winzenried...Photograph was taken by A.P. Winzenried as a possible...A.P. Winzenried... Boulevard Richmond melbourne Photograph was taken by A.P. Winzenried ...Photograph was taken by A.P. Winzenried as a possible illustration for, "Green Grows Our Garden." 3 copies black and white photograph. Copy of a b/w photograph of a group of female students, some riding on a horse drawn cart with one leading the horse and some walking carrying tools.Handwritten caption underneath states, "Students at Burnley Horticultural College.-Victoria."female students, horse drawn cart, tools, a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, students working outside, orchard, draughthorse -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, A.P. Winzenried, Administration Building Under Construction, 1947
... a.p. winzenried...," A.P. Winzenried p 78....A.P. Winzenried...," A.P. Winzenried p 78. administration building green grows our ...Appears as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 78.Black and white photograph. Part of Emily Gibson Collection B10.0030. Series 10/8. Administration building under constructionOn reverse, "E/Sept 1947. View of new school building-from rock garden." Emily Goibson's writing.administration building, green grows our garden, a.p. winzenried, construction, administration building construction -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, E.M. Gibson, Administration Building Under Construction, 1947
... a.p. winzenried...," A.P. Winzenried p 78....A.P. Winzenried...," A.P. Winzenried p 78. administration building green grows our ...Appears as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 78.Black and white photograph. Part of Emily Gibson Collection B10.0030. Administration building under construction. Shows part of Pavilion partially demolished. On reverse, "1947." Writing is Emily Gibson'sadministration building, green grows our garden, a.p. winzenried, pavilion, construction, administration building construction. -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Alice Turner, Students in Burnley Gardens, 1930-1990
... a.p. winzenried...This photograph was taken by A.P. Winzenried in 1990...A.P. Winzenried... Garden." female students alice turner a.p. winzenried green grows ...This photograph was taken by A.P. Winzenried in 1990 as a possible illustration for, "Green Grows Our Garden."2 copies black and white photograph. A copy taken in colour of a b/w photograph of a group of 7 female students sitting on the lawn and standing in front of the Lily Ponds. On reverse, "Photo via Alice Turner c.1930's Students in Burnley Gardens."female students, alice turner, a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, student group, lily ponds, luffmann ponds -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints, A.P. Winzenried, Orchard Workers and Tall and Short, 1936-1990
... a.p. winzenried...Photographs taken by A.P. Winzenried to be considered...A.P. Winzenried... Boulevard Richmond melbourne Photographs taken by A.P. Winzenried ...Photographs taken by A.P. Winzenried to be considered as a possible illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden."2 copies black and white photographs. Copy of photographs in, "The Argus." Top 1., 15-4-36, "Orchard Workers - A merry group in one of the orchards at the Burnley Horticultural School, where the girl students share the hard work with the men." 4 female students and a male instructor in the Orchard, carrying tools and wheeling a wooden wheelbarrow. Bottom 2. -4-36, "Tall and Short - Brook Gipps (left) aged 19 years, height 6ft 1 ⅟₂in., and Graham Grant, aged 17 years, height 4ft., in the orchard at the Burnley Horticultural School." 2 male students holding spades in the Orchard.a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, female students, brook gipps, graham grant, orchard, students working outside, tools, wheelbarrow, male students -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, A.P. Winzenried, Administration Building, c. 1950
... a.p. winzenried... in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 89....A.P. Winzenried... in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 89. administration ...Garden beds just planted. Appears as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 89.Administration Building soon after completion. The garden beds have been laid out but no planting has been done. The photograph has been taken from the east. The College flag is flying. Caption from Winzenried, "Green Grows Our Garden," p. 89 reads, "A landscaping challenge. Stark outlines of the building are gradually softened by foliage."administration building, green grows our garden, a.p. winzenried, landscaping, flag, emily gibson beds -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, A.P. Winzenried, Pavilion and Administration Building, 1948
... a.p. winzenried... as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 80....A.P. Winzenried... as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 80 ...Taken before the Pavilion was taken down. Appears as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 80.Black and white photograph. Part of the Pavilion and the new Administration Buildingpavilion, administration building, green grows our garden, a.p. winzenried -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Sepia print, A.E. Bennett, Spraying in the Orchard, 1894-1990
... a.p. winzenried...Used as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P...A.P. Winzenried... Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 29. Note, the boxthorn ...Used as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 29. Note, the boxthorn hedge in the background is well established. Copy of sepia photograph of 2 male students in the Orchard with "Pierce's Fumigating Sprayer," in, "Prize Essays," Alfred E. Bennett, c.1894, after p 116.orchard, pierce's fumigating sprayer, prize essays, alfred e. bennett, green grows our garden, a.p. winzenried, boxthorn hedge, students working outside -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, A.P. Winzenried, Flood Damage, 1934
... a.p. winzenried...," A.P. Winzenried p 66. On p. 66 of the text there is further...A.P. Winzenried...," A.P. Winzenried p 66. On p. 66 of the text there is further ...Appears as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 66. On p. 66 of the text there is further information about the effects of the flood.Black and white photograph. Destruction caused in the Burnley orchards by the 1934 flood of the Yarra River. One large tree is upside down with its roots in the air.On reverse, "1934."orchard, green grows our garden, a.p. winzenried, flood damage, fruit trees -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, A.P. Winzenried, Students Working in Vegetable Plots, 1950-1960
... a.p. winzenried...," A.P. Winzenried p 90. The caption reads: Students working...A.P. Winzenried...," A.P. Winzenried p 90. The caption reads: Students working ...Appears as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 90. The caption reads: Students working on individual plots: glass cloches were popular for a long time."Black and white photograph. Male students working in their individual vegetable plots. Note the glass cloches. Fruit trees in the background.On reverse, "1950's."glass cloches, green grows our garden, a.p. winzenried, vegetables, students working outside, male students, fruit trees, orchard -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, A.P. Winzenried, First Sojourn to Tatura, Unknown
... a.p. winzenried... a Horticultural College in 1890. Probably one of A.P. Winzenried's photos...A.P. Winzenried... a Horticultural College in 1890. Probably one of A.P. Winzenried's photos ...NB T.H. Kneen mentions Alfred Deakin's idea to set up a Horticultural College in 1890. Probably one of A.P. Winzenried's photos to be possibly used in, "Green Grows Our Garden."Photograph of a newspaper cutting. First sojourn to the Department of Agriculture's horticultural station at Tatura for Diploma students under T.H. Kneen. sojourn, tatura, diploma, students, t.h. kneen, alfred deakin, horticultural college, 1890, a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, horticulture -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Sepia print, A.P. Winzenried, Pavilion, 1909
... a.p. winzenried... of second copy taken by A.P. Winzenried for consideration...A.P. Winzenried... bell tower a.p. winzenried green grows our garden luffmann ...Note by T.H. Kneen, "The main entry to the Pavilion is surmounted by the small bell tower," and by E.B. Littlejohn, "Staff assembled under the bell tower waiting the bell to sound before moving off for home circa late 1930's."3 copies black and white/sepia photograph of the Pavilion. Lily ponds in the foreground. (1) On reverse of larger copy, "1909." (2) On reverse of second copy taken by A.P. Winzenried for consideration for inclusion in, "Green Grows Our Garden.", "The old pavilion (pre cement Admin building) Pre 1940's."lily ponds, 1909, pavilion, bell tower, a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, luffmann ponds -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, A.E. Bennett, The Orchard Area at Burnley Gardens 1891-4, 1891-1894
... a.p. winzenried...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried as a possible...A.P. Winzenried... Boulevard Richmond melbourne Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried ...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried as a possible illustration for, "Green Grows Our Garden." Note by T.H. Kneen 18 March 1992, "Note the very early form of spray equipment - hand pump and hand delivered." Also see B91.440.2 copies black and white print. Copy of a photograph in A.E. Bennett's book, "Prize Essays," published 1894. 2 male students using spraying equipment from a wheeled cart in the Orchard.On reverse, "The Orchard area at Burnley Gardens 1891-4 from A.E. Bennett's book 1894.a.e. bennett, prize essays, a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, orchard, spray equipment, students working outside, hand pump spray -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - black and white print, A.P. Winzenried, Girl Students at Burnley Horticultural Gardens, 1935-1990
... a.p. winzenried... This photograph was made by A.P. Winzenried in 1990...A.P. Winzenried.... wakeford m. atkins j. teed e. pearce a.p. winzenried green grows ...This photograph was made by A.P. Winzenried in 1990 as a possible illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden." Note by T.H. Kneen 18 March 1992, "Query: date recorded on photo 8 March 1935. M. Younger is recorded as graduating 1938 in, "Green Grows Our Garden" and was probably a student in 1936 & 1937. Similarly for M. Atkins. Pearce & Wakeford are recorded in 1937 Class List." 2 copies of a black and white photograph of a newspaper cutting. The caption reads, "Girl students at Burnley Horticultural Gardens are now able to enjoy lunch in the sunshine-and even a game of cricket afterwards." Seven female students seated on stools outside eating lunch.Underneath the photograph handwritten, "M. Younger, J. Bacon, J. Wakeford, M. Atkins, J. Teed, E. Pearce, A. Arw? "The Sun". 8-8-35.female students, m. younger, j. bacon, j. wakeford, m. atkins, j. teed, e. pearce, a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, a. armstrong, cricket, recreation -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints, The Examiner, Miss Judith Henry, Knit One, Purl a Couple, Sharpening Up, 1947-1949
... a.p. winzenried... Scott 1948, Betty Beaurepaire 1948. Probably taken by A.P...A.P. Winzenried... scott betty beaurepaire a.p. winzenried knitting for british ...Colour photographs of Newspaper Cuttings. (1) Newspaper cutting of article in "The Examiner." c.1949. "Miss Judith Henry." Former Burnley student starting her career. (2) Newspaper cutting, ""Knit One, Purl a Couple." 1947. Female students at Burnley knitting for Britain. (3) Newspaper cutting, "Sharpening Up." c.1947. Female students cleaning and sharpening tools. Students named: J.C. Henry 1948, Robina Russell (Beaufort), Virginia Scott 1948, Betty Beaurepaire 1948. Probably taken by A.P. Winzenried for possible inclusion in, "Green Grows Our Garden."the examiner, judith henry, female students, career, burnley, tool sharpening, j.c. henry, robina russell ( beaufort), virginia scott, betty beaurepaire, a.p. winzenried, knitting for british babies, begonias, city park -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints and negatives, A.E. Bennett, A.E. Bennett Prize Essays, 1893-1894
... a.p. winzenried.... Probably taken by A.P. Winzenried for "Green Grows Our Garden...A.P. Winzenried...) Negatives. Probably taken by A.P. Winzenried for "Green Grows Our ...Alfred E. Bennett was one of the first students to graduate with a Diploma. He wrote the book after he graduated in 1894. (1) Photographs of photographs, etc. in A.E. Bennett book, "Prize Essays." (i) Acknowledgement for photographs. (ii) p. 101 Appendix. (iii) Diseases of. (iv) Apples. (v) Pioneer timber cottage man and children. (vi) Farm view. (vii) "School of Mines Maryborough. (viii) Group Staff and Students. (ix) "Railway Station Maryborough." (x) "High Street Maryborough." (xi) Maryborough. (xii) Church, Maryborough. (xiii) Maryborough? (xiv) Students and staff seated on horse-drawn cart. (xv, xvi) Distillery equipment. (2) 2 sets of proofs of all photographs in the book. (3) Negatives. Probably taken by A.P. Winzenried for "Green Grows Our Garden." (GGOG). Images used for Media are from B25.0005 as they are the complete collection. Photographs used in GGOG: 26. p9, 11. p10, 25. p12, 5. p22, 19. p29, 15. p32, 27. p 21. The original book is stored with the Burnley Rare Book Collection at the Baillieu Librarya.e. bennett, prize essay, diseases, apples, timber cottage, farm view, school of mines, maryborough, staff, students, railway station, maryborough, church, horse-drawn cart, distillery equipment, a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, students working outside, orchard, spraying equipment, pruning, planting, orchard gates, entrance gates, neilsons cottage, principal's residence, horticultural board of advice, pavilion, wheelbarrows, californian redwood, sequoia sempervirens, excursion -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour print, The Argus, Land Girls Find Work Pleasant at Burnley, 1937-1990
... a.p. winzenried...Photograph probably 1937, taken by A.P. Winzenried... in, "The Argus," probably 1937, taken by A.P. Winzenried. Caption reads...." a.p. winzenried green grows our garden female students orchard ...Photograph probably 1937, taken by A.P. Winzenried as a possible illustration for,"Green Grows Our Garden." Colour photograph. Copy of a newspaper article in, "The Argus," probably 1937, taken by A.P. Winzenried. Caption reads," Land Girls Find Work Pleasant at Burnley. Farm work appears to be a pleasant task for these girls photographed yesterday at Burnley Horticultural College. The plough horse is being returned to the stable after a day's work in the orchard." 2 girls leading Don, the draughthorse.Handwritten underneath, "M. Atkins, Don, J. Wakeford."a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, female students, orchard, m. atkins, don, j. wakeford, donald, horse, land girls, students working outside, draughthorse, newspaper cutting -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour print, The Herald, The Harvest of Oats is Finished at the Burnley School of Horticulture and Primary Agriculture, 1935-1990
... a.p. winzenried...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried for, "Green Grows Our...Colour photograph. Copy of newspaper article, made by A.P... Boulevard Richmond melbourne Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried ...Photograph made by A.P. Winzenried for, "Green Grows Our Gardern," p73Colour photograph. Copy of newspaper article, made by A.P. Winzenried. Caption reads, "The harvest of oats is finished at the Burnley School of Horticulture and Agriculture, but these cheery girl harvesters will not be able to stack the crop until the weather improves. There are about 20 girl students at Burnley this year learning chiefly horticulture, but they are taught to grow and reap crops for fodder as well." 9 female students standing in a line holding forks in a paddock.Handwritten underneath, "Barbara Betty Herald Dec 1st/45."a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, harvest, oats, burnley school of horticulture and agriculture, female students at burnley, barbara betty, students working outside, forks -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - Black and white and colour prints, A.P. Winzenried, "Green Grows Our Garden" Proofs, 1991
... Contributors: A.P. Winzenried, Ella Fry, Information...A.P. Winzenried...Contributors: A.P. Winzenried, Ella Fry, Information Branch ...Contributors: A.P. Winzenried, Ella Fry, Information Branch, Department of Agriculture, Victoria, A.P. Bennett, M. Nelson, Elaine Pearce, Mrs. Jessep(1) Proofs of the colour photographs in A.P. Winzenreid, "Green Grows Our Garden." (127-136) Photographs taken at Wilson's Promontory excursion 1955, donated by M. Nelson, Springhurst (M.A. Skuse 1956): (127) "Coming up from Squeaky Beach." (128) "Camping." (129) "At Sealer's Cove." (130) "Camping." (131) "On the way to Mt. Oberon." (132)"Sun Bathing on Squeaky Beach." (133) "Those who went to the Prom." (134) "Camping." p. 107 GGOG. (135)" Wilson's Prom Camp." (136) "Wilson's Prom Camp." p 107 GGOG. a.p. winzenreid, green grows our garden, ella fry, wilsons promontory, camp, students, prize essays, a.e. bennett, orchards, stockmans residence, sequoia, gardens, oak trees, pruning, fruit trees, marjorie mcquade, m. nelson, squeaky beach, camping, sealer's cove, mt. oberon, sun bathing, e.b. littlejohn, elaine pearce, pruning day, demonstration, pavillion -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Arthur Paul Winzenried, The Hills of Home - A.P. Winzenried, 1988
... The Hills of Home - A.P. Winzenried.... The Hills of Home - A.P. Winzenried Book Arthur Paul Winzenried ...Soft covered book by Arthur Paul Winzenried. Full title: The Hills of Home - A Bicentennial History of the Shire of Sherbrooke (Victoria, Australia), including captioned colour and black & white photographs of the area.Cover - "Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree" - Joyce Kilmer. Photo Neil McLeod. Acknowledgements include thanks for members of the Sherbrooke Historical Society who gave their assistance which was particularly useful in the area of photographic materials.