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matching aldo massola
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aldo Massola, Aboriginal mission stations in Victoria, 1970
... Aldo Massola... mission stations in Victoria Book Aldo Massola ...Looks at the history of four mission stations in Victoria, Yelta, Ebenezer, Ramahyuck and Lake Condah. Includes tables of Marriages and Births at each station. Black and white photos included.b&w photographs, public record listsyelta, ebenezer, ramahyuck, lake condah, mission stations -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aldo Massola, The Aborigines of south-eastern Australia : as they were, 1971
... Aldo Massola...-eastern Australia : as they were Book Aldo Massola ...Contents: p.1-3; Origins, arrival in Australia; p.4-9; How they lived - camp sites, dating (including carbon dating); p.10-27; Physical appearance, skin colour, hair, clothing, body ornaments, cicatrization; exchange system, distribution of food, marriage &? sexual relations; the tribe - structure, relationship to land, territory, gives map showing locations of tribes, New South Wales, Victoria &? eastern South Australia, leadership, government, division of labour, status of women, estimated population at white settlement, density of population (Victoria); p.28-31; Language - names &? naming, reproduces Wembawemba vocabulary, notes use of secret languages, gives 12 rules for pronounciation; p.32-53; Religion, spirit beliefs, totemism, moieties, phratries, marriage rules; mythology, gives eaglehawk &? crow myth from Lake Victoria &? other myths illustrating origins of fire &? natural rock formations, mythical beasts (Bunyip, Mindie), stellar beliefs; magic, medicine men, powers, native remedies for sickness, describes ceremony held in Melbourne, 1847 to avert evil, sorcery, pointing bone, love magic, rain makers; messengers, appearance, etiquette, message sticks; p.54-71; Rock art, motifs, colours, decorative art, engraving of utensils, rock engravings, manufacture &? use of pigments, engraving techniques; trade system, objects bartered, meeting places for trade (Victoria), map shows possible routes (south east Australia); corroborees, purpose, body ornaments &? decorations, musical instruments; p.72-93; Ceremonial life, marriage, punishment for infidelity, birth, childhood, games &? amusements, initiation, etiquette of visiting tribes, details of ceremony, womens role, earth figures &? ground designs, bull roarers, female puberty ceremonies; p.94-133; Shelters, fire making, cooking, construction of canoes, wooden implements, use of reeds, animal skins &? sinews, shells; stone tools, cylindro conical stones, scrapers, knives &? microliths; hunting weapons, spear, other methods pits, nets; fishing methods &? spears, traps; food sharing, womens responsibilities for collecting, digging stick, cooking methods, insect foods, plant foods, water resources; manufacture &? use of spears, spear throwers, shields, clubs, boomerangs; inter- &? intratribal fighting; p.134-147; Death, disposal of body - eating of the dead, burial, cremation, platform exposure, dendroglyphs (N.S.W.), Aboriginal burial grounds (Darling &? Murray Rivers), mourning, widowhood, kopi caps (N.S.W.), causes of death, inquest ceremonies, revenge expedition, after death beliefs; p.148-157; The end of the tribes white settlement &? its impact on Aboriginal life, friction between natives &? settlers, establishment of Protectorates; copiously illustrated throughout.maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographswemba wemba, murray river, darling river, lake victoria -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aldo Massola, Journey to Aboriginal Victoria, 1969
... Aldo Massola... to Aboriginal Victoria Book Aldo Massola ...Looks at the Aboriginal community from the time of white contact, across many parts of Victoria. Chap.1; Melbourne - early missions, camp of Native Police, corroboree trees, canoe trees, grave &? headstone of Derrimut; quarries at Keilor, excavation sites at Green Gully &? Keilor; quarry at Mt. William, notes on inheritance of quarries Coranderrk settlement - Barraks grave, notes on his life; Chap.2; Geelong - Yawangi group of the Wothowurong tribe, camping grounds in area quarries; Notes on William Buckley, Gellibrand (a notable Aboriginal), graves in the Western Cemetery; Chap.3; Colac - war between Colac &? Geelong tribes; Mission at Birregurra, reason for failure of Buntingdale Mission; brass plate to Coc-coc-coine; reserve at Elliminyt, native ovens, camp sites, initiation site &? ritual; quarry sites, axegrinding factory, rock pecking &? engraving; dried hand &? 3 Aboriginal skulls found; Chap.4; The south-west coast - middens, camp sites notes on Framlingham Stn., fish traps at Tyrendarra; Chap.5; The far west - massacres of Aborigines near Casterton; camp sites, oven mounds; the first cricket team formed; Aboriginal cemetery; Chap.6; Hamilton - camps; Mount Rouse Station, axegrinding grooves at Nareeb Nareeb, shelters described, fish traps, massacre at Lake Condah; mission; canoes; Chap.7; Camperdown - legend about Lake Bullen Merri; obelisk erected in memory of Aborigines of district especially chief Wombeetch Puyuun; Jarcoort tribe; fish weirs, camps, intertribal fights between Booluc-burrers, Jarcoorts &? Ellengermote groups; bartering place at Mount Noorat; articles traded, legend of Flat-Top Hill; Chap.8; Ballarat - camp at Lake Wendouree; White Stone Lagoon; legends concerning Mt. Buninyong &? waterfalls at Lal-lal; camp sites; pygmy-type implements near Meredith, quarry at Glue Pot Rocks near Durdidwarrah; brass plate of King Billy; Chap.9; Ararat - Tjapwurong territory; camp sites, quarries, shield &? canoe trees; Bunyip belief at Lake Buninjon of Muk-jarawaint &? Pirtkopen-noot tribes, gives legend; stone implements; mill stones; fish weirs; stone arrangement near Lake Wongan; ground drawing of a bunyip, paintings in rock shelter near Mt. Langi Ghiran; Chap.10; Maryborough - camps, oven mounds, rock wells, stone arrangement at Carisbrook; camp sites at Mt. Franklin; Chap.11; Charlton - belief in Mindye (snake); canoe trees, ovens, camp sites, water holes, rock wells, stone implements; method of rainmaking; Chap.12; Horsham-Stawell, The Wimmera - Wotjobaluk land; camps, fish traps at Toolondo; Black Range cave paintings, Flat Rock shelters (detailed account of these paintings); Bunjils Cave; Chap.13; Horsham-Stawell, The Mallee - camp sites, implements; Ebenezer Mission, Willie Wimmera taken to England by Rev. Chase to become a missionary, died in England; Chap.14; The Murray River, Mildura Swan Hill - Battle of the Rufus; ceremonial ground, Lake Gol Gol, canoe &? shield trees; stone implements; camp sites, fire place arrangements; fish traps; oven mounds; Chap.15; The Murray River, Swan Hill-Echuca - legend about Lake Boga; camps, oven mounds, the Cohuna skull, Kow Swamp, method of burial; Chap.16; Shepparton ovens; brass plates of King Paddy of Kotupna &? King Tattambo of Mulka Stn., native well, camps; Chap.17; Wangaratta -camps, quarry, rock holes, the Faithful massacre; grinding rocks at Earlston; Chap.18; The High Plains - Ya-itma-thang; camps, Bogong moth feasts, native paths for trade &? intertribal fights, articles traded; painted shelters; Koetong Ck. Valley, near Mt. Pilot &? near Barwidgee Ck.; Chap.19; Dandenong - water holes, list of 8 holes in Beaumaris - Black Rock area; camps, middens, stone implements (microliths), legend of Angels Cave, stone axes, Native Police Force, Narre Narre Warren Station, legend about rocks on Bald Hill, kangaroo totemic site; Chap.20; Wonthaggi- Yarram - natives visit Phillip Is., murder of William Cook and Yankee by five Tasmanians (listed as Bon Small Boy, Jack Napoleon Timninaparewa, Fanny Waterpoordeyer, Matilda Nattopolenimma and Truganini) near Cape Patterson, men; camp sites, middens, legend of White Rock; Chap.21; Sale - Bairnsdale, The Lakes Country middens, camps; legend at Wulrunjeri; story of a white woman supposedly living with with the Tutangolung tribe, efforts made to prove story; canoe trees; Chap.22; Sale-Bairnsdale, The Inland Braiakolung tribe, camps, implements, canoe &? shield trees; Ramahyuck Mission, grinding rocks, fights with Omeo tribe; native tracks, death through enemy magic - procedure, belief in ghosts; Chap.23; Lakes Entrance and the Country to the east - Kroatungolung people, legend of Kalimna Valley; camps, stones of Nargun, bunyip, devils at Lake Tyers, excavation at Buchan, carbon dates; middens, ochre at Cape Conrad, stone fish-hook file at Thurra River; note on Bidwel tribe; Each chapter gives historical details, early contacts, relationships with settlers; Aboriginal place names and detailed description of sites and geographical features.b&w photographs, b&w illustrations, colour illustrationsgeelong, colac, hamilton, camperdown, ballarat, ararat, maryborough, charlton, horsham, stawell, murray river, shepparton, wangaratta, dandenong, wonthaggi, yarram, sale, bairnsdale, lakes entrance -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aldo Massola, Bunjil's cave : legends and superstitions of the Aborigines of South-East Australia, 1968
... Aldo Massola... of the Aborigines of South-East Australia Book Aldo Massola John Gollings ...Stories from the Aboriginal people of South-East Australia. Includes Creation Stories, Myths and legends. Written in two sections, The myths and The Land Beyond the Sky. Includes location lists.Maps, b&w photographs, illustrationswotjobaluk, mara, kulin, kurnai, murray river, myths, legends, creation stories -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aldo Massola, Aboriginal place names of south-east Australia and their meanings, 1968
... Aldo Massola... of south-east Australia and their meanings Book Aldo Massola ...A first attempt to make a complete collection of all recorded Aboriginal names of towns, shores, homesteads, rivers, swamps, mountains and other natural features of south-east Australia. Gives meanings.word listsvocabulary, word lists, south east australian languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Bibliography of the Victorian Aborigines : from the earliest manuscripts to 31 December 1970, 1971
... Aldo Massola... Aldo Massola ...This bibliography is designed to list all the material written about Victorian Aborigines (except for newspaper accounts) within the given time frame. The material has been divided under headings distinguishing the subject, town, region and locality in alphabetical order, and provide a cross-index.colour illustrationshistorical bibliography, victorian aborigines, victorian history, local history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ian D Clark, Place names and land tenure : windows into Aboriginal landscapes : essays in Victorian Aboriginal history, 1998
... Aldo Massola... tenure George Augustus Robinson Samuel Carter Aldo Massola Alfred ...This work is a collection of twelve essays that are concerned with place names, clan organisation and local and regional Aboriginal history.maps, document reproductionsdjab wurrung, ngengen wurrung, koroitgundidj, dhauwurud wurrung, djab wurrung, barababaraba, daung wurrung, taungurung, dja dja wurrung, jardwadjali, jodajoda, yorta yorta, nguri-illam wurrung, waywurru, koroit, buangor, mt eccles, mt napier, langi ghiran, grampians national park, massacres, clan organization, land tenure, george augustus robinson, samuel carter, aldo massola, alfred william howitt -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Sue C Wesson, An overview of the sources for a language and clan atlas of Eastern Victoria and Southern New South Wales, 1994
... Aldo Massola...-illam-wurung Bidawal Maap Norman Tindale Diane Barwick Aldo ...This monograph concerns Eastern Victoria and Southern New South Wales and reviews the ethnographic record available for the study area. A test case is made of one tribe within the study area which requires further research. Overall, the literature review and the case study demonstrate that the ability to undertake detailed reconstructions, as Clark and Barwick have done for the other regions, can be undertaken in Eastern Victoria and Southern New South Wales, and this model will form the basis of future research.maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographs, document reproductions, tableswoiworung, bunurong, taungurong, ngurai-illam-wurung, bidawal, maap, norman tindale, diane barwick, aldo massola, eve fesl, ian david clark, george augustus robinson, reverend john bulmer, robert brough smyth, alfred william howitt, moieties, clan names -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Massola Aldo Author Cypress Books Melbourne Publisher, The Aboriginal People, 1969
... Massola Aldo Author Cypress Books Melbourne... Council on The Aboriginal People Book Massola Aldo Author Cypress ...A study of the Aboriginal of Victoria from the signing of the Batman Deeds through the years of havoc, mismanagement and lack of consideration for the Aboriginal culture, to the appointment of eight Aboriginal to the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Council onaboriginals, politics