Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, Rebecca Ryan Memorial concert: an evening to remember, 19/10/2001
... Alysha Hayes... Soo Alysha Hayes Alan Taylor Christopher Hooper Mick Curran ...
Every two years the Burwood Education Centre holds a music concert in Ormond Hall, where blind and low vision performers come from around the state to perform. The concert is held in memory of Rebecca Ryan, a talented musician who passed away aged 15. This recording was made on Friday 19th October 2001 and features a variety of performers, a tribute to John Shute and the presentation of scholarships from the monies raised through ticket sales.2CDS of audio recordings of the music concert for Rebecca Ryanrvib burwood school, joseph samarani, maritah suki, marina connelly, astrid connelly, samuel hodson, dean carland, megan sykes, amara wagner, michael kelly, jordie howell, natasha paterson, felicity joyce, rory burnside, melissa cutler, ashleigh malone, peggy soo, alysha hayes, alan taylor, christopher hooper, mick curran, jim millar, ross de vent, paul shorten, bianca nolan, lauren hayes, kristian kupsh, maree littlepage, john shute