NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)
Book: A Bricklayer's journey by Frank Upfill, Book: A Bricklayer's journey by Frank Upfill, 2003
... Bricklaying study and teaching 1970s-1980s....
Bricklaying -- Study... Preston College of TAFE Bricklaying study and teaching 1970s-1980s ...
Book published in 2003 by the author spanning years in the 1970s and 1980s when he taught Bricklaying at Preston Technical College which later became Preston College of TAFE.Book of 37 pages with photos and bibiliography.
Bricklaying -- Study and teaching.
Geelong (Vic.) -- Biography
preston techinical school, preston college of tafe, bricklaying study and teaching 1970s-1980s, frank upfill, staff 1970s-1980s, inmit