Australian Jazz Museum
Musical Instrument
... buescher cornet...Buescher brass cornet... buescher cornet trumpeter trombonist clarinetist pianist early ...
The brass cornet was owned by early Australian Jazz musician and multi-instrumentalist Benny Featherstone Benny Featherstone is considered "one of the most fascinating and gifted musicians in the history of Australian jazz" (Johnson, Oxford Companion to Australian Jazz, p 154). Once described as "Australia's Louis Armstrong"Buescher brass cornetTrue tone. Pat. Oct 89.07 287335 LP 262
The Buescher Elkhart Ind. U.S.A.benny featherstone, prince of good fellows, thirties, jazz musician, melbourne jazz musician, drummer, 1930 s, buescher cornet, trumpeter, trombonist, clarinetist, pianist, early australian jazz