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matching centering bit
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Museum and Archives
Tool - Doyen Centering Bit
... Doyen Centering Bit...centering bit.... doyen brace lindon marten surgery centering bit neurosurgery ...This attachment was used in Adelaide by Dr R. Humphrey Marten (1860-1933). He was an English general practitioner who graduated from University College Hospital in 1883. He came to Australia as custodian of a mentally deranged patient. Martins fee allowed him to later return to England and obtain a degree from Cambridge. In 1888 he returned to Adelaide and became a very successful physician and surgeon, said to be the first surgeon in South Australian to have removed a brain tumor in 1901. The brace was later used by Sir Leonard Lindon (1896- 1978) one of the eight founders of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia, who had married Marten's daughter.Having been used by two important figures in surgery during the 20th century this item is an excellent representation of the brace described by Eugene Doyen (1859-1916) of Paris in 1896. It is used in conjunction with a perforator, spherical burrs and an electric saw.small tapered attachment for Doyen Bracedoyen, brace, lindon, marten, surgery, centering bit, neurosurgery. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Diggers & Mining. Life Of The Selectors. A BIT FROM THE SQUATTING DISTRICTS. Station Hand.-''That there was a furrin language you were speaking to your brother this morning , weren’t it, sir?.'' New Chum Brother.- ''Yes, Jerry, it was.'' S.H.- ''Learn it easy, sir!'' N.C.B.- ''Well, yes, I picked it up in about a year.'' S.H.- ''Well, Sir, I know the french man 'as been out here nigh two years, and he can't speak enough English to bail up a cow. The picture show the 2 men having the discussion with one leaning on a wooden fence. Markings; Life Of The Selectors 1860-1890 Set 432 No. 21. A Bit From The Squatting Districts- ''Melbourne Punch,'' March 31 1870. Used as a teaching aid. Used as a teaching aid.Visual Education Centereducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Equipment - Horse Bit
... with two bars joined in center Equipment Horse Bit ...Used on horse and tackle in the 19th and 20th centuries and manufactured and sold by Holden and Frost Manufactured and retailed by Holden and Frost for military, agriculture and civilian use c1900Nickel plated trotting bradoon horse bit, two rings on each end held together with two bars joined in centerequine, agriculture, c1910, horse bit, military -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Diggers & Mining. Life Of the Selectors. Picture titled 'A Habitable Dwelling. ROUGH PARTY (appearing suddenly out of the end of a hollow log). ''Hullo, mate, what the blanks your little game?'' FREE SELECTOR. - ''Oh! Nothing much; going to take up a bit of land-run a few sheep, that's all friends.'' ROUGH PARTY. - ''Well, you needn't have come so blanked to the HOME STATION.'' Picture depicts man climbing out of a log and a man sitting on the log, and the billy over the fire with horse in background. Markings: Life Of the Selectors 1860 - 1890 Set 432 No. 20. A Habitable Dwelling- ''Melbourne Punch,'' October 22, 1874. Used as a teaching aid.Visual Education Centereducation, tertiary, goldfields