Showing 308 items
matching certificate of appreciation
Slovenian Association Melbourne
Certificate of Appreciation, Marcela Bole Certificate of Appreciation 2001, 2001
... Certificate of Appreciation...Marcela Bole Certificate of Appreciation 2001...Certificate of Appreciation...Certificate of Appreciation to Marcela Bole in 2001...Certificate of Appreciation... melbourne Certificate of Appreciation to Marcela Bole in 2001 ...Certificate of Appreciation to Marcela Bole in 2001For a contribution to the Carers Revealed - An Artistic View exhibition for Carers WeekCertificate of AppreciationAction on Disability within Ethnic Communities Inc.certificate of appreciation, marcela bole, slovenian association melbourne -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
certificate of appreciation, Lara Heritage Festival 2004 Certificate of Appreciation presented to RSL Lara Branch dated 2004 for its conribution to another Heritage Festival, 2004
... certificate of appreciation...Lara Heritage Festival 2004 Certificate of Appreciation...certificate of appreciation...A4 Certificate of appreciation presented in an A4 photo...A4 paper certificate of Appreciation signed by Herb Picker... certificate of appreciation lara heritage festival 2004 A4 paper ...evidence of Lara RSL support for Lara local communitiesLara RSL sub-branch history of continued support for Lara local communitiesA4 Certificate of appreciation presented in an A4 photo frame from Lara Heritage Festival dated 2004 to Lara RSL Branch.A4 paper certificate of Appreciation signed by Herb Picker - Chairman Lara Heitage Festival Inc.certificate of appreciation, lara heritage festival 2004 -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
certificate of appreciation, Certificate of appreciation from DACLAND-LARA ROTARY GOLF DAY 2015 to LARA RSL for the support, March 2015
... certificate of appreciation ...Certificate of appreciation from DACLAND-LARA ROTARY GOLF...Certificate of appreciation...2015 certificate of appreciation from dacland-lara Rotary...Certificate of appreciation presented tp LARA RSL... of Lara RSL local involvememt Certificate of appreciation DACLAND ...2015 certificate of appreciation from dacland-lara Rotary to Lara RSL.Historic record of Lara RSL local involvememtA4 sheet laminated with green wash top and bottom signed by president dated 27th March 2015 carries the Logo of DACLAND an LARA ROTARY.Certificate of appreciation presented tp LARA RSL in appreciation of your support for the DACLAND-LARA ROTARY Golf Day 2015certificate of appreciation, dacland, lara rotary, 2015 -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
certificate of appreciation, Lara Heritage Festival 2008 Certificate of appreciation Dated 2008 to Lara RSL dated 2008, 2008
... certificate of appreciation...Lara Heritage Festival 2008 Certificate of appreciation...certificate of appreciation...A4 paper Certificate of Appreciation Multi color text...A4 paper Certificate of Appreciation Multi color text... certificate of appreciation A4 paper Certificate of Appreciation Multi ...Record of Lara RSL support to local community organisations.Evidence of Lara RSL support to local Lara communities.A4 paper Certificate of Appreciation Multi color text with stars and stylized lines dated 10h April 2008 in a picture frame from Lara Heritage Festival 2008 signed by Robert C. Y. Eyton Chairman.A4 paper Certificate of Appreciation Multi color text with stars and stylized lines dated 10h April 2008 in a picture frame from Lara Heritage Festival 2008 signed by Robert C. Y. Eyton Chairman.lara heritage festival 2008, certificate of appreciation -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
certificate of appreciation, Lara an District Men's Shed Certificate of Appreciation to Lara RSL sub Branch signed by President and Secretary undated
... certificate of appreciation...Lara an District Men's Shed Certificate of Appreciation to...A4 certificate of appreciation from Lara & District Men's...A4 Certificate of Appreciation with Lara Men's Shed Logo... Lara an District Men's Shed Certificate of Appreciation to Lara ...Evidence of Lara RSL Sub-branch support provide to local supporting organisation.Evidence of Lara RSL Sub-branch support provide to local supporting organisation.A4 certificate of appreciation from Lara & District Men's Shed to Lara RSL Sub BranchA4 Certificate of Appreciation with Lara Men's Shed Logo and the Returned Service League Badge signed by President "Douglas Trigg" and Secretary " Geoff Morris" undated. Enclosed in a photo frame with glass front , wooden frame and masonite back boardlara and district men's shed -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
certificate of appreciation, Certificate of appreciation from The Returned Services League of Australia - National Executive to Lara RSL Sub-Branch for aid to Mental Welfare dated 5/12/1989, 1989
... certificate of appreciation...Certificate of appreciation from The Returned Services... contributions being acknowledged by a Certificate of Appreciation...certificate of appreciation awarded by The Returned... acknowledged by a Certificate of Appreciation for Aid to Mental Welfare ...Evidence of Lara RSL Sub-Branch local community contributions being acknowledged by a Certificate of Appreciation for Aid to Mental Welfare dated 5/07/1989.Evidence of Lara RSL Sub-Branch local community contributions being acknowledged by a Certificate of Appreciation for Aid to Mental Welfare dated 5/07/1989.certificate of appreciation awarded by The Returned Services League of Australia - National Executive to Lara RSL Sub-branch for recognition for Aid to Medical Welfare dated 5th july 1989.Topped by an official RSL Badgeand on the bottom right is the official seal signed by National President and National Secretary.the returned services league of australa - national executive, cerficicte of appreciation, aid to medical welfare -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
The Korean War 1950-1953 Certificate of Appreciation
... The Korean War 1950-1953 Certificate of Appreciation....certificate of appreciation... the certificate of Appreciation...Certificate of Appreciation presented to LARA R.S.L.... by Communist North Korean Forces. certificate of appreciation lara ...The Korean War was a war between North Korea and South Korea. The war began on 25 June 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea following a series of clashes along the border. The United Nations, with the United States as the principal force, came to the aid of South Korea. China came to the aid of North Korea, and the Soviet Union also gave some assistance to the North..A Recognition of the United Nations Forces which resisted the invasion of South Korea by Communist North Korean Forces.Rectangular shaped Glass covered picture frame showing the certificate of AppreciationCertificate of Appreciation presented to LARA R.S.L.certificate of appreciation, lara r.s.l., the korean war 1950-1953., korea, korean veterians association of australia inc, united nations -
Brimbank City Council
Certificate - Certificate of Appreciation, framed, Certificate of Appreciation - People with disabilities 2002, 2002
... Certificate of Appreciation, framed...Certificate of Appreciation - People with disabilities 2002...certificate of appreciation... certificate of appreciation international day of people ...golden framecertificate of appreciation, international day of people with disability, idpwd, brimbank city council -
Brimbank City Council
Certificate of Appreciation
... Certificate of Appreciation...Certificate of Appreciation...Certificate of Appreciation (City of Keilor) made of wood... Certificate of Appreciation (City of Keilor) made of wood Certificate ...Certificate of Appreciation (City of Keilor) made of wood -
Slovenian Association Melbourne
Certificate of Appreciation 1998, Marcela Bole - Certificate of Appreciation 1998, 1998
... Certificate of Appreciation 1998...Marcela Bole - Certificate of Appreciation 1998...Certificate of Appreciation by the CSOV President... Festival 1998 Marcela Bole - Certificate of Appreciation 1998 ...Certificate of Appreciation by the CSOV President at the occasion of the 6th Slovenian Festival 1998marcela bole, cerfificate of appreciation, slovenian festival 1998, slovenian association melbourne -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Certificate - Certificate of Appreciation, 2/24 Australian Infantry Battalion Association, 2013
... Certificate of Appreciation...certificate of appreciation...Certificate of Appreciation presented at the annual reunion...) "Wangaratta's Own" Certificate of Appreciation presented to Wangaratta... high-country Certificate of Appreciation presented ...Certificate of Appreciation presented at the annual reunion on 8 November 2013 to Wangaratta RSL in recognition of their continued support for 2/24 AIF Battalion Association.Cream certificate with black and purple type with two colour symbols above and two signatures below.The 2/24 Australian Infantry Battalion Association (Inc) "Wangaratta's Own" Certificate of Appreciation presented to Wangaratta RSL In recognition of their continued support for 2/24 AIF Battalion Association Wangaratta Reunion 8 November 20132/24 australian infantry battalion, wangaratta rsl, certificate of appreciation -
Stawell RSL Sub Branch War Museum
Certificate of Appreciation from Stawell Borough and Shire for WW1 soldier Christopher Clark, Certificate of Appreciation, Approx 1916
... Certificate of Appreciation from Stawell Borough and Shire...Certificate of Appreciation...Framed Certificate of Appreciation for Soldier No 5998... Born in Stawell Framed Certificate of Appreciation for Soldier ...Soldier in WW1 Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force No 5998 Christopher Clark 59th Battalion Born in StawellChristopher was a WW1 Serviceman from Stawell Framed Certificate of Appreciation for Soldier No 5998 Christopher Clark Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force WW1, 59th Battalion Christopher Clark was born in Stawell on 25th December 1892 and was brought up on the family farm in Callawdda and worked in the district and then in Queensland where he obtained an engine drivers licence and drove the sugar trains then worked on the steam boiler engines in the sugar mills. When the First World War started he came back to Stawell and enlisted in the army on 11/4/1916. He was sent to France in the 59th Battalion. He was in the army 1175 days, serving 1029 days abroad. During his service he was promoted to Lance Corporal. Details from his daughter Ruth Clark of Ararat December 2017. Soldier No 5998 Christopher Clark Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force WW1 59th Battalion Born in Stawellww1, serviceman, soldiers, military, stawell -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Certificate - Wodonga RSSILA Certificate of Appreciation
... Wodonga RSSILA Certificate of Appreciation...Wodonga RSSILA Certificate of Appreciation... RSSILA Certificate of Appreciation Certificate Wodonga RSSILA ...The Returned Sailors' and Soldiers' Imperial League of Australia was formed in 1916 to support servicemen returning from World War 1. In 1940 its name was changed to Returned Sailors', Soldiers' and Airmen's Imperial League of Australia and again in 1966 to Returned Services League of Australia. Arthur Ernest Beard enlisted in the 10th Battalion in 1914 and was discharged as medically unfit in 1918. His service included three years and 115 days of overseas service. He was gassed during his war service, resulting in ongoing health issues. Beard received an incapacity pension. Despite his ill health, Arthur dedicated many years of service to the committee of the Returned Sailors' and Soldiers' Imperial League of Australia Wodonga branch. At various times he served as President and secretary. He was on the committee when the branch was lobbying for the construction of a Soldiers' Memorial and also a Soldiers' Memorial Hall for Wodonga. Arthur also participated in groups and community activities, including the Wodonga Boys’ Club, Wodonga Public Library Committee and the Wodonga and District Progress Association. Arthur died on 29 Jun 1940 in Wodonga, Victoria, aged 46 years. This certificate is significant as it recognises service to the Wodonga Branch of the RSSILAA coloured certificate on heavy card presented by the Wodonga Branch of the Returned Sailor and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia. It features an archway imprinted with the name of the RSSIL with the League emblem surrounded by the flags of England, Australia and the Royal Australian Navy. It is adorned with an anchor and rifle and the words "Great War 1914 - 1919. An image of Anzac House, the headquarters of the R.S.S.I.L.A. in Melbourne is on the lower left hand side. The words of appreciation are printed in the centre of the archway. The insignia of the Australian Commonwealth Military Forces is in the centre at the bottom. WODONGA BRANCH / Presented to A. BEARD As a token of esteem and in grateful recognition of valuable services rendered as PRESIDENT Year 1922 - 23 A. A. Reid President R. S. Benson Secretaryreturned sailors & soldiers imperial league, wodonga rssila -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Certificate - World War II Volunteer Air Observers Corps Certificate of Appreciation, Royal Australian Air Force, 1945
... World War II Volunteer Air Observers Corps Certificate of...World War II Volunteer Air Observers Corps Certificate of... Certificate of Appreciation Certificate World War II Volunteer Air ...The Volunteer Air Observers Corps (VAOC) was a civil defence formed on 31st December 1941 as part of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) support during World War II. The VAOC rapidly developed observation posts manned by men and women all over Australia, the main purpose being to identify and report any aircraft movement to an RAAF regional base. During the early days of 1942 the posts were manned 24 hours a day, gradually relaxing as the threat to Australia lessened. All members were continually trained in aircraft identification and provided an invaluable service to the RAAF. The VAOC was disbanded in April 1946. During its operation over 2,600 observations posts were maintained and approximately 25,000 personnel served. These certificates were presented to Mrs. H (Hazel) Penfold and Mr. A. R. (Alexander Rex) Penfold in recognition of 3 years of service during this period. Hazel was the daughter of Mark Ellwood and Rosina Mary Smale and the older sister of Grace, wife of John Hamilton-Smith. The family of Grace and John Hamilton-Smith have donated many items to the Wodonga & District Historical Society. This item commemorates one of the important roles played by civilians on a local, state and national level during WW2 and is attached to a local Wodonga family.2 coloured certificates on cream paper. The design includes 2 aircraft and a man and woman positioned between with the Union Jack and the Australian flag in the top section above the Royal Australian Air Force insignia and the words "For King and Country" Dark cream columns with a pale blue surround frame the details on the certificate. 3 one Years service stickers are attached at the bottom above the insignia of the Volunteer Air Observers Corps.For King and Empire Presented to Mrs H. Penfold by the ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE As a record and in appreciation of patriotic response to the call of country by serving in the VOLUNTEER AIR OBSERVERS CORPS This 20th day of September 1945 signed G. Jones Air Vice Marshall Chief of Air Staff signed ? Unit Commanding Officer volunteer air observers corps, vaoc, civilians in ww2, hamilton-smith collection -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Certificate of Appreciation, William Ryan, 1895
... Certificate of Appreciation...Certificate of Appreciation...Certificate of Appreciation to William Ryan of Girgaree... Certificate of Appreciation Betty Ryan Twenty signatures. Approx 235 ...Presented to William Ryan, approx 1895. Retained by him and his family until 2008. Presented to Tatura Historical Society by family member Betty Ryan.Certificate of Appreciation to William Ryan of Girgaree east upon his leaving the district approx 1895 (no date mentioned) Relating largely to work on the Agricultural Society Tatura.Twenty signatures. Approx 235 words of appreciation and good wisheswilliam ryan, certificate of appreciation, betty ryan -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... PETER ELLIS COLLECTION: CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION...certificate of appreciation...Certificate of appreciation presented to Peter Ellis... DOCUMENT Certificate certificate of appreciation Certificate ...Certificate of appreciation presented to Peter Ellis in recognition and appreciation of the contribution made to Australia's Bicentennial celebrations - 1988. Signed by (unable to read) on behalf of The Australian Biacentennial Authority. Dated 20 April, 1988document, certificate, certificate of appreciation -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, Certificate of Appreciation, 7th December 1906
... Certificate of Appreciation...The laminated photograph of the certificate of appreciation... A laminated photocopy of a certificate of appreciation.... of appreciation. Certificate of Appreciation Photograph ...The laminated photograph of the certificate of appreciation was presented to Joseph Starkie in recognition of his 18 years of service to the community as a Councillor and Chairman of the Sunbury Waterworks Trust. It was signed on behalf of the residents and ratepayers of the Shire of Bulla. The Joseph D. Starkie water fountain was erected in the town in recognition of his efforts in bringing a water supply to Sunbury. A laminated photocopy of a certificate of appreciation.bulla shire council, joseph starkie, sunbury waterworks trust, starkie, starkie memorial fountain, joseph leyden -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Kooyong Blind Indoor Bias Bowls club Certificate of Appreciation to Neil and Elizabeth Maxwell
... Kooyong Blind Indoor Bias Bowls club Certificate of...Certification of appreciation for Neil and Elizabeth...Certificate of appreciation to Neil and Elizabeth Maxwell... Certification of appreciation for Neil and Elizabeth Maxwell ...Certification of appreciation for Neil and Elizabeth Maxwell, and their contributions during their involvement between 1991 and 2015, including Neil's role as Club President. A list of deceased members and helpers is also printed on the certificate.Certificate of appreciation to Neil and Elizabeth Maxwellnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, kooyong blind indoor bias bowls club -
Bendigo Military Museum
... CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION...Certificate of Appreciation...Certificate of Appreciation from Marong Shire. On yellow... Certificate of Appreciation WW2 Name only partially done "ARTHUR G ...Letter of Appreciation given to Servicemen and Women in recognition of their service to the country. This certificate unlikely to have been issued as name not complete and not dated. Soldier named is Arthur Garfield Genders V78542Certificate of Appreciation from Marong Shire. On yellow cardboard with blue and red flag emblems of Britain and Australia at top. Formal council stamp and signatures of President, Councillor & Shire Secretary. Writing in gold and surrounded by stylised brown, red and green board. Name of person presented to outlined but not completed. Date also not filled in.Name only partially done "ARTHUR G. GENDERS Signed by President, Councillor and Shire President with Red official Council stamp.shire of marong, certificate of appreciation, ww2 -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Certificate of Appreciation to George Vowell Centre from Lioness Club, 1985
... Certificate of Appreciation to George Vowell Centre from...Certificate reads "Certificate of Appreciation: May...1 certificate of appreciation with black writing... Certificate reads "Certificate of Appreciation: May it be known ...Certificate reads "Certificate of Appreciation: May it be known that this certificate has been presented to The George Vowell Centre by Karingal Lioness Club in appreciation of the invaluable services and cooperation extended." Signed by the President Stephanie Johnson and Secretary Patricia Goodwright on 20th December 1985. 1 certificate of appreciation with black writingassociation for the blind, george vowell centre (mt eliza) -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Royal Children's Hospital certificate of appreciation, 1983
... Royal Children's Hospital certificate of appreciation..., certificate of appreciation presented to H. M. Lightfoot Centre...1 coloured certificate of appreciation..., certificate of appreciation presented to H. M. Lightfoot Centre ...Royal Children's Hospital, Patron Her Majesty the Queen, certificate of appreciation presented to H. M. Lightfoot Centre in grateful recognition of the your generous support. Signed by Rosemary Derham, President, on April 19, 1983, certificate no. 945. This was mostly liked given in response to the funds donated by the Centre in response to the Good Friday appeal. 1 coloured certificate of appreciationSymbol for the Royal Children's Hospital (a boy and girl dressed in Roman togas stand looking at a pelican nesting on a shield with a golden lion, two snakes twined around staffs and white stars on a blue background) at the head of the page. A gold and red border is present around the edge of the page.association for the blind, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Certificate of appreciation from Lions Club to Arthur Wilkins Day Centre, 1993
... Certificate of appreciation from Lions Club to Arthur...Certificate reads "Certificate of Appreciation: May...1 certificate of appreciation from Lions Club... Certificate reads "Certificate of Appreciation: May it be known ...Certificate reads "Certificate of Appreciation: May it be known that this certificate has been presented to members of the Association for the Blind Arthur Wilkins Day Centre, Essendon by Lions Club of Strathmore-Gladstone Park in appreciation of the invaluable services and cooperation extended." Signed by the President (illegible) and Secretary (illegible) on 30th November 1993. 1 certificate of appreciation from Lions Clubassociation for the blind, lions club -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... INNER WHEEL CLUB SOUTH BENDIGO COLLECTION: CERTIFICATE OF...Inner Wheel Club South Bendigo: Certificate of Appreciation...Mottled cream Certificate of Appreciation awarded... South Bendigo: Certificate of Appreciation Australian Rotary ...Mottled cream Certificate of Appreciation awarded to the Inner Wheel Club of Bendigo South for their support of the Margaret Roberts Motor neurone Disease Research Scholarship, signed by Jay ? and dated June 2006. At the top of the certificate is the logo of the Australian Rotary Health Research Fund which is a dark blue microscope in front of a yellow sphere. and in the bottom left corner is the dark yellow and dark blue logo of Rotary International which is the shape of a cog. Certificate is laminated.bendigo, clubs, inner wheel club south bendigo, inner wheel club south bendigo: certificate of appreciation, australian rotary health research fund, margaret roberts motor neurone disease research scholarship, rotary international -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Archive, North Western Woollen Mills Certificates Minister for Defence, Certificate of Appreciation 1979, 1979
... Defence, Certificate of Appreciation 1979...Certificate of Appreciation... of Appreciation North Western Woollen Mills Certificates Minister ...Certificate of AppreciationDefence forces reservesstawell, manufacturing -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Certificate, Certificate of Appreciation, Yarra Plenty Regional Library to Eltham District Historical Society for hosting the Yarra Plenty Heritage Forum, 26 June 2012, 26/06/2012
... Certificate of Appreciation, Yarra Plenty Regional Library...certificate of appreciation, eltham district historical... Heritage Group network of local history groups. certificate ...EDHS hosted a quarterly meeting of the Yarra Plenty Heritage Group network of local history groups.A4 colour print certificate of appreciation, eltham district historical society, yarra plenty heritage forum, yarra plenty regional library -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Certificate, Certificate Of Appreciation
... Certificate Of Appreciation...Certificate of Appreciation...Certificate of Appreciation Certificate Yellow paper ...Yellow paper certificate mounted on carboard. United States - Cambodia Long hai training battalion awared to Cpl Gregory Wilsoncertificate of appreciation, certificate -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Assocation for the Blind Certificate of Appreciation
... Assocation for the Blind Certificate of Appreciation...Multiple A4 certificates of appreciation... A4 certificates of appreciation Assocation for the Blind ...As financial and in-kind contributions began to increase, the Association utilised certificate templates to acknowledge and thank donors. In these examples, an estate for financial support to the low vision clinic/George Vowell Centre, an individual for his support during an appeal for Elanora and a bequest from a family. All certificates are hand-signed by the Chief Executive Officer/Appeal Chairman and President. Multiple A4 certificates of appreciationdorothy constance riegelhuth, wallace cameron, oriel j grattan, bird family, association for the blind, john cook, john moule, don argus, hermann muncheberg -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Certificate - Warrnambool and District Base Hospital 1945 Certificate of Appreciation to 3YB Ladies Ideal Club, 1945
... Warrnambool and District Base Hospital 1945 Certificate of...certificate of appreciation... warrnambool and district base hospital certificate of appreciation ...Local base hospital and involvement with community groupsBoard of management showing appreciation of service by the community to the Hospital.Handwritten calligraphy on paper, black script and some colour details. Water damaged and stained. Three of signatures are considerably fadedWarrnambool & District Base Hospital 1945 to the members of "3YB" Ladies Ideal Club Warrnambool. Signed Stewart Lindsay, E.A. Wright, R Philpott and Vice President3 yb, ladies ideal club 3yb, warrnambool base hospital, warrnambool and district base hospital, certificate of appreciation, stewart lindsay, e a wright, r philpott -
Vision Australia
Award - Text, Community Services Victoria Certificate of Appreciation to RVIB Burwood, 10 April 1992
... Community Services Victoria Certificate of Appreciation to...1 A4 sized certificate of appreciation... of appreciation Community Services Victoria Certificate of Appreciation ...A certificate from Community Services Victoria to the volunteers at the RVIB Burwood school. It reads "Awarded for all Volunteer Workers at R.V.I.B. Burwood in recognition of their highly valued contribution to community services in the Inner East Region." Signed by the Chair of the Inner East Regional Advisory Council, Mark Longmuir and Minister, Community Services Victoria, Kay Setches, dated 10th April 1992.1 A4 sized certificate of appreciationrvib burwood school, awards -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Certificate, Shire of Lillydale/Certificate of Appreciation
... Shire of Lillydale/Certificate of Appreciation...Framed Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. August Gilbert... Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. August Gilbert Shire of Lillydale ...Framed Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. August GilbertShire of Lillydale. Oct. 22nd. 1915.To Mr. August Gilbert. Dear Sir, On behalf of the citizens of the Shire of Lillydale we desire to present you with this small token of our appreciation of your Patriotism in volunteering for the Front. We feel that you will worthily maintain the Honour of the Empire and trust that your service will materially assist Great Britain and her Allies in the great struggle in which they are now engaged. We commend you to the care of Devine Providence and earnestly pray for your safe and speedy return. we are, Yours faithfully. (Signed by the President and Councillors of The Shire of Lillydale.