Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Tin Bushells, after 1937
... coffee and tea processors and distributors... habits of the rural populous. coffee and tea processors ...
Bushells tea and coffee producers started in Brisbane(1883) and expanded to Sydney, Melbourne(1899), Fremantle and finally to Auckland(1937). Like other Pacific Island sourced condiments Tea and coffee were a lot easier to import than British or European goods. Local Australian industries were starting to develop and grow to overcome the long transportation times and the high costs of goods from traditional suppliers. Bushells Pty Ltd is a prime example.This "Bushells" Coffee tin is a good example of Australian "grown" condiment suppliers serving the "whole" of the Australian marketplace. Rural areas were not neglected and the purchase price for goods were a reasonable levels. Kiewa Valley experienced a population growth from the late 1940's and due to the migrant works in the Kiewa Hydro Scheme the greater use of coffee was initiated. Rural areas, on the whole, where the population was more connected to some degree with a British heritage lineage were predominately tea drinkers. The American film productions, however, screened in Australia post 1950's showing a greater degree of coffee drinking "stars" had a long term effect upon the drinking habits of the rural populous. This round tin of coffee with lid is made from pressed steel lid framed top and bottom. Sturdy cylindrical body is made of cardboard. Paper information label is pasted onto the container with promotional and logo information.In large print and on opposite sides are two manufacturers labels.The topprint and on a diagonal slant in gold letters on a dark blue background is "BUSHELLS" underneath this "PURE" and below this on a red background "COFFEE". On one side in smaller print "EASY TO MAKE" and below this "Use one dessert-spoonful for each cup of coffee desired. Place in the pot and pour over it fresh water briskly boiling. Let stand for five minutes, then strain". Below this "1 IB. net" and underneath is a signature "BUSHELLS" below this in small print "Pty. Ltd." Below this, in a vertical row are"SYDNEY MELBOURNE fREMANTLE AUCKLAND"coffee and tea processors and distributors, hot drink suppliers