University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints and colour negative, Dept of Agriculture Biology Branch, Plants, 1954-1966
Black and white photographs of plants at Burnley and in the Biology and PSL Departments. Publicity Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture 1960, handwritten annotations: (1)Ref. No. C.1768.C. "Thuja plicata aurea, Golden Willow, Pinus radiata." (3) A485 "Garden notes Sep Jul. The Chrysanthemum is a popular garden perennial." (4) A500 a rose in winter. (5) C.1767.F "Eucalyptus torquata." (7) C.1768.G, 2 copies, "Rex Begonia." (8) C.1767.E, "Angophora 5-6 years." (9) C.1767.D, "Seedling beds in Nursery." (C.1769.C, 2 copies, "Ginko." Department of Agriculture Victoria Biology Branch: (2) Neg. Number ORN.2 Date 30.4.54, "Nandina domestica a very useful plant for ?." (6) Neg Number ORN.1 Date 30.4.54, "Adiantum. Maidenhair. Fern. Grows well in a glassed in verandah." (13) Neg. No. P3006 Date 9.5.57, ?. (14) Neg. No. 0.3 date 4.6.57, ? Department of Agriculture Victoria Plant Research Institute: (11) Neg. No. M197 date 24.6.66, 2 copies, ? (12) Fern? (15) Colour negative of an azalea in a pot.handwritten annotationsplants, burnley, willow, chrysanthemum, perennials, roses, eucalyptus, begonia, seedling, nursery, fern, azalea, ginkgo, biology branch, cuttings, colchicum