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Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, First Communicate, 10/1978
Lisa Gervasoni made her First Holy Communion at St Anne's East Kew.Colour photograph of Lisa Gervasoni wearing her First Holy Communion outfil lisa gervasoni, first holy communion -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Helen Keller and a blind man, circa 1948
Helen Keller speaks with an elderly blind man via signing. Believed to have been taken during Miss Keller's visit to Australia in 1948.High quality image of two people communicating by finger spellinghelen keller, sydney industrial blind institution -
Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre
Equipment - Radio Receiver BC-639A, 1940-1949
The BC-639A is a ground based AM VHF receiver covering the nominal frequency range of 100 -156 m/cs. The set was built for the U.S. Army Air Force in WW2 as part of a communication system to communicate with aircraft. A system of similar intent was built in Australia during WW2 by Radio Corporation of Victoria (ASTOR), with the addition of FM facilities. This system used the ARl7 receiver and ATl7 transmitter. Many of the sets had been modified after the war by the then Dept of Civil Aviation for use as monitoring receivers.This type was used at the AeradioThe BC-639A is a ground based AM VHF receiver covering the nominal frequency range of 100 -156 m/cs. The set was built for the U.S. Army Air Force in WW2 as part of a communication system to communicate with aircraft. Dark grey US Military colourradio receiver, bc 639, bc 639a, 639, aeradio -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet, McLaren & Co Pty Ltd, The Tactical Handling of the Armoured Division and its Components. Military Training Pamphlet No 41 Part 2. The Armoured Regiment 1943, 1943
Soft covered booklet. Superseded the 1940 edition.Warning about communicating content to any person or the press.armour tactics, world war 2 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet, McLaren & Co Pty Ltd, Mines and Booby Traps. Military Training Pamphlet No 40 Part III (All Arms) - The Breaching of Minefields. 1943, June 1943
Soft covered booklet covering methods of dealing with mine belts or fields and how to handle individual mine and booby trap mechanisms.Warnings that booklet not be communicated to the public or the press and that it must not fall into enemy handsmines, booby traps, world war 2 -
Frankston RSL Sub Branch
Collection of various leaflets for use by Australian military personnel in the field when attempting to communicate with local islanders and Japanese. -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTER, 6TH BATTALION SOCIAL CLUB, 12 December 1967
Typed letter from F.T. Dunphy to Mr. H. Day cancelling 43 Year Anniversary. Relates to re-union for the 6th Battalion in 1967, from A.I.F. Refer Cat No 1093.ORIGINAL LETTER COMMUNICATING CANCELLATION OF RE-UNION TYPED OUTAND SIGNED BY PRESIDENT. TYPED LETTER ON 6TH BATTALION LETTERHEAD (A.I.F.) SOCIAL CLUB.Signed by President F.T. DUNPHY. "Sir" has been crossed out and "Howard" has been written in.6th battalion, reunion, letter -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Equipment - Equipment, Army, Radio Handpiece
Green radio handpiece that plugs into the battery pack. Black rubber coil with screw in attachment on top. Hand set has black connection to press button to handpiece -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
book, Field Engineering and Mine Warfare phamplet No 1 and Bsic Field Engineering Part II 1960, 1960
This supersedes Field Engineering and Mine Warfare Pamphlet No.1, Basic Field Engineering, Part II (RE and Info Pnrs), Chapters 6 - 8 1949 (WO code No 8409)Blue hardcover plain front back and spine. Restricted - the information given in this document is not to be communicated either directly or indirectly to the press or to any person not authorised to receive it. -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photo of the HMAS Melbourne at sea in reference to James Leslie Pell RAN No 35213 Stoker mechanic who served on the ship in the mid 1950’s. Previously had served in Korea 1951-1952 on HMAS Bathan Black and white photograph of HMAS Melbourne. RAN stamp on the back and some black inkStamp on the back “Royal Australian Navy” Copyright reserved. Not to be communicated to te press without Naval Board approval hmas melbourne, royal australian navy -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Slide projector, hand held, 1970s
Belonged to Dr Geoff Bishop, used with patientsOmni Health Communicator reader with two slide cassettes [420.2, 420.3] titled "Diaphragm Insertion" and "Breast Self Exam", used in the 1970s, Dr Geoff Bishops 's rooms.teaching aid -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Handwritten letter to Mr J Davies re shares in the Eureka Vineyard Coy., and in the event of any business being done please communicate with Mr. Keogh. Letter written by Robert Krebs and dated, 29 Aug. 1909.Robert Krebscommunication, postal, joseph davies, joseph davies collection - letter re shares, mr crawford, eureka vineyard coy, mr keogh, robert krebs -
Bendigo Military Museum
Literary work - LITERARY WORK - NOTES, Maizie Crammond, c.WW1
Notes relate to recollections of Maizie Crammond in relation to Edgar Dewey Crosthwaite of 4th Light Horse Brigade who survived WW1. Maizie was knitting socks for soldiers on frontline. They met after the war. Claire Philips was a niece of Edgar. Refer 9791P for photo of Edgar Crosthwaite.1. & 2. Page and a half of handwritten recollections of Maizie Crammond who had communicated with Edgar Crosthwaite on the front line. 3. A4 typed up summary from Claire Phillips outlining circumstances of how notes were found. Detailed letter.4th light brigade, ww1, edgar dewey crosthwaite -
Ambulance Victoria Museum
Booklet, A Language Guide for Patient and Nurse, Lilly, A Language Guide for Patient and Nurse, Circa 1970
Used to help medical staff communicate with patients of different racial backgrounds.Card covered booklet. White with black printing. Cover shows two hands shaking on the pages of an opened book with circular chain surrounding book. Multiple languages PRO RE NATA -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Demonstrates how the SEC used signage to communicate important information to staff.An enameled metal plate sign in an off-white colour, hand painted with black lettering. The sign reads "AIR BRAKE OPERATING END". The sign is curved, and all four corners have been angled. There is a hole in each of the corners to enable attachment to the tram cab. Horizontal lines have been drawn to ensure the even height and spacing of the lettering. The back of the sign has been painted a brass colour, although some of this has flaked off with wear. Two russet coloured stripes, 3mm and 12mm in width have been painted from top to bottom on the reverse. tramways sign, enameled tramway signage, hand-painted tramway sign -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
User Handbook, For Heavy Girder Bridge Fixed spans Provisional dition. Part 1 Description and instructions, reprinted November 1955
Printed in the U.K. Edited and printed by Ministry of Supply, Inspection of Electrical Mechanical Equipment, Aquila, Golf Road, Bromley, Kent65 year old handbook containing instructions on construction/completion building of Heavy Girder Bridge.Thin brown fount cover with 50 fawn color internal pages, A4 Crown Copyright reserved, W. O. Code No. 10436. Restricted The information given in this document is not to be communicated, either directly or indirectly, to the press or to any not authorized to receive it. Printed November 1955user handbook, heavy girder bridge - fixed spans -
Ambulance Victoria Museum
Book, Multilingual guide for emergency care, Circa 2000
created by ambulance officer Lindsay O'Brien to help communicate with non English speaking patientsSpiral bound booklet with Ambulance Service Victoria logo in centreArabic Chinese Greek Italian Russian Turkish Vietnameselindsay o'brien -
Melbourne Legacy
Journal - Newsletter, Weekly Bulletin No: 551, 1937
The Bulletin was a regular publication used by the Club to communicate to information to Legatees. It is not known how the Bulletin was distributed.An example of the method of communicating Legacy's work with its members.White foolscap paper x 2 printed on both sides with black type. Legacy Club Melbourne Weekly Bulletin No: 551 dated 21/12/1937.newsletter, activities -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Horse Reins, Horse Equipment
Reins are the means by which a horse rider or driver communicates directional commands to the horse's head. Pulling on the reins can be used to steer or stop the horse.Used by residents of the Kiewa Valley especially farmers.Made of leather with steel buckles. The reins are connected to the bit in the mouth and go to the rider or the person walking / controlling the horse/horses eg. on a dray, wagon, plough reins, horse equipment -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Newsletter, Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Port Melbourne, Parish Paper, Nov 1973
Newsletter was written for Port Melbourne Holy Trinity Church. Details information about the month of August 1974 for the Church and communicates information to parish goersMonthly parish newsletter for the month of November 1973 for Holy Trinity Church, Port Melbournereligion - anglican (holy trinity), deaths and funerals, donald arthur langford, lewis j mullin, archibald h carmichael, glynn e g marshall, phillip lawson, william a woods, elsie j baxter, eliza m aanensen, ernest j mccoll, william h kilpatrick, allan a callick, emily newton-simpson, georgia anita fennessy, robert michael flaherty, raymond bede grzonek, christine carol bath, leanne alderman, returned services league, rsl, sandridge trugo club, south melbourne football club, albert park bowling club, henry molloy, ged muston, w h coffey, george vines, mrs muston, p bedford, c tuncks, john moore, port melbourne bowling club, port melbourne football club, port melbourne cricket club, f mcgorlick, mrs mcgorlick, lions club, w stuckbury, j t mcleod, d jones, g cecil, yvonne margaret kitchen, f a w 'skip' short -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photocopy of announcement that appeared in newspaper in 1872. The City Council having ordered the removal of the remains of bodies from the disused Cemetery in Bridge lane, the friends of the deceased are requested to communicate their wishes as to which denomination in the Sandhurst cemetery the re-internment is to be made. Geo. A. Fletcher, Town Clerk 26th November, 1872. Also six photocopies of handwritten correspondence from the City of Sandhurst signed by Geo. A. Fletcher.bendigo, cemetery, bendigo cemetery -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Letter from Josiah Hampton dated 14 June 1865. He desires the assistance for himself and family of the medical officer of the Court in accordance with General Law 47 of the B.U.D. and also of Law 46 of the B.U.D. and hoped to obtain the consent of Court King of the Forest at an early date that he may communicate with his own Court accordingly. He was a financial member of Court Tarrangower No. 3514.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no. 3770 collection - correspondence, mount pleasant cottage redan hill, court king of the forest, josiah hampton, court tarrangower 3514, d f martin, royal hotel maldon -
Orbost & District Historical Society
bit, late 19th century - early 20th century
A bit is a type of horse tack used in equestrian activities, usually made of metal or a synthetic material, and is placed in the mouth of a horse to assist a rider in communicating with the animal. It rests in the mouth where there are no teeth.Horses played a vital role in the agricultural history of Orbost. This item is connected to that role.An iron horse bit. It has a small piece of leather at one end - possibly from the bridle. It has a piece of wire attached as a hook for hanging.equestrian horse-bit transport -
Vision Australia
Equipment - Object, Talking disc for the deaf-blind, 1960s
A plastic device to enable a sighted person to communicate with a person who is Deaf-Blind in either standard Braille or Moon. The centre radius of the disc has the ordinary alphabet printed in black. Moving outwards from the centre, are the corresponding letters embossed in Braille, then on the outer edge are the corresponding letters in Moon. The user moved the indicator arm around the disc until the desired letter and corresponding symbol was positioned under the cut-out in the centre of the arm. The deaf-blind person could then touch the disc to determine the letters being communicated. Numbers and punctuation are not included.White plastic disc with black indicator armbraille equipment, assistive devices -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Postcard – Black and white illustration of horse and cart with driver, Circa 1881
Postcard production blossomed in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Postcards were popular because they were a quick and easy way for individuals to communicate with each other and became an efficient method of sharing information and photographs.Postcards provided a glimpse into the lifestyles of the sender which sometimes included a photograph of family or a hand drawn scene as in the accompanying example. As such, they formed part of family history.Black and white printed postcard of a hand drawn single horse cart with driver. Cart is carrying a large wooden barrel with hose attached. Brick homestead building in background. Unwritten on the rear. Handwritten inscription on bottom left of page - How we got our water in the pre Yan Yeanite era Handwritten inscription on bottom right of page – From drawing by G. G. McCrae Christmas 1881 postcard; horse and cart; -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Equipment - Magneto Telephone, C1930
Used to communicate with the local telephone exchange and for connection to other subscribers. The introduction of automatic exchanges saw the their demise. This phone was used in the family home of the donor at Caboolture (aboriginal for carpet snake) during the 1940s and 1950s.A magneto telephone for communication with a manual telephone exchange. The handle on the right hand side, which was turned to rotate the magneto to call the exchange - ask operator for a number and then to be connected. Telephone enclosed in a specially designed box for mounting on the wall. There was a bell on top which rang when the magneto ringer at the exchange was turned. Fitted with a carbon microphone mounted on the front of the box for the transmission of the spoken word and an electro- magnet. A receiver which hangs on the left hand side on a hook. The hook acts as the on and off switch to answer the call and to switch on the battery to provide power for the receiver and energize the transmitter. There is an angled ledge for writing any messages. There is no battery. The circuit for the phone is on the inside of the door to the interior of the phone. pHone is type CDA116 - PMG Registered - Ericsson.communication, telephonic -
Federation University Historical Collection
Ultratec Superprint 4425A
Ultratec Superprint 4425 is a text telephone which aids hearing impaired individuals to communicate via telephone. A landline text telephone with a physical keypad, with visual alerts for incoming calls. This device came into production in 1994.Ultratech Superprint 4425 - Landline Text TelephoneModel Superprintequipment, equipment and aids, hearing impaired, deaf, divisibility services, telephone -
Federation University Historical Collection
Equipment, Ultratec Superprint 4425
Ultratec Superprint 4425 is a text telephone which aids hearing impaired individuals to communicate via telephone. A landline text telephone with a physical keypad, with visual alerts for incoming calls. This device came into production in 1994.Ultratech Superprint 4425 - Landline Text Telephone Model Superprint equipment, equipment and aids, hearing impaired, deaf, divisibility services, telephone -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTER AND ENVELOPE, Edna Johnson, 10 April 1942
Letter was from a USA family member of a US soldier staying at a private residence in Bendigo. The US soldier was not permitted to communicate with family members as to their location. the Granger family circumvented that by sending a cable to his family and this letter was a reply to them..1) & .2) A4 page typed letter (2 pages) from Edna Johnson to Enid Granger. Black typed writing on cream coloured paper. Address on top and signed off on page 2. .3) Cream coloured envelope, address on front and six stamps. Various black stamps on front and air mail stamp address from written on back. .4) Small newspaper cut out photo of a young girl..1) Address on top - Edgemont Station, Box 241, East St, Louis, Ill, USA, April 10th 1942. .2) Signed "Sincerely Edna Johnson. .1) Address on front, Mrs Enid Granger, 32 Mt Korong Rd, Bendigo, Victoria, soldiers, censorship, letter -
Vision Australia
Audio (item) - Sound recording, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Around the Institute: May 6, 2003
Around the Institute was a weekly program consisting of interviews around a specific topic, undertaken by host Corey Nassau. May 6: Rave challenge, competition for ideas for adaptive technology submitted by school students – Fiona Smythe, Auxiliaries and other ways of communicating – Kerry Guyatt. royal victorian institute for the blind, radio shows