Showing 176 items
matching community radio
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Nov 12
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Nov 13
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Nov 14
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Nov 18
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Nov 20
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Nov 21
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Nov 28
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Dec 9
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Dec 10
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Dec 15
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Dec 16
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Dec 17
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Dec 18
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Dec 17-18
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1987 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1987 Jan 27
... 1987 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio, featuring audio recording of a members mass meeting...3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio, featuring audio recording ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio, featuring audio recording of a members mass meeting at the Melbourne Sports and Entertainment Centre. Historical information on program taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1985 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'The History Show' broadcast about nurses in World War I featuring historian Katie Holmes, 3CR Community Radio, 1985 April 28
... 1985 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'The History radio...Broadcast of 'The History Show' on 3CR Community Radio...3CR Community Radio...' on 3CR Community Radio. Features feminist historian Katie Holmes ...Broadcast of 'The History Show' on 3CR Community Radio. Features feminist historian Katie Holmes speaking on the experience of nurses in World War I.29 minute audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.nurses, nursing, war, wwi, world war one, community radio, 3cr, radio, broadcast, history, katie holmes, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Smash and Grab' broadcast featuring nurses and guests discussing Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Nov 10
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Smash and radio...Broadcast of 'Smash and Grab' program on 3CR Community...3CR Community Radio...' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from ...Broadcast of 'Smash and Grab' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Three audio files (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, radio station, labor, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, film, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria, feminism -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' Update' broadcast featuring nurses discussing 1986 Victorian nurses strike, 1986 Nov 11
... 1986 recording of 3CR Community Radio 'Nurses' radio... Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio...3CR Community Radio...' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information ...Broadcast of short-lived 'Nurses' Update' program on 3CR Community Radio. Historical information taken from 'Radical radio: celebrating 40 years of 3CR' (Ed. Juliet Fox, 2016, pp. 97-98): "Less than a week after the first hospital went out on strike, 3CR's Monday morning program Smash and Grab ran a special program on the issues surrounding the strike. Presenters Vig Geddes and Deb Welch recognised the nature of the nurses' struggle - a predominantly female union with a women leader - as a feminist issue, and that in this particular dispute, 3CR's long standing commitment to industrial coverage and its increasingly strong feminism converged. The issues being faced by nurses were being dismissed because nursing was seen as women's work. The response to the initial coverage of the dispute by 3CR was overwhelming. 'When we asked for talkback calls from the public, the lines were jammed, largely with callers wanting to offer their support to the nurses,' explained Deb Welch in the CRAM Guide February 1987. 'Others couldn't work out from the papers and the TV news what the strike was about. Many were outraged by the coverage the nurses had received and were fully aware how overworked and underpaid nurses have been.' In recognition of this outpouring of interest and support, 3CR decided to continue with a daily program - Nurses' Update. The program was presented by Vig and Deb every morning at 10am, and featured a range of nurses voicing their experiences and their concerns. 'Every morning, three or four nurses would cram into the 3CR studios and talk about the type of work they did, the pressures they worked under, their passion for nursing, their problems with the new award, why nurses' conditions are a women's issue, problems with understaffing and chronic tiredness, nursing history, relations between nurses and doctors - in fact the endless range of issues were what made the dispute so complex and history, reflects Deb [Welch]."Audio file (.mp3 multimedia format), transferred from compact disc recording.3cr, community radio, melbourne, history, labour history, nurses, royal australian nursing federation, strikes, industrial action, trade unions, 1986 victorian nurses strike, nursing, strike action, unionism, strikes and lockouts, victoria -
Greensborough Historical Society
Clothing - Windcheater, Plenty Valley FM windcheater, 1987_
... plenty valley community radio...Plenty Valley Community Radio began operations in 1987...Plenty Valley Community Radio... Plenty Lower Plenty melbourne Plenty Valley Community Radio began ...Plenty Valley Community Radio began operations in 1987Red windcheater Size 16Plenty Valley fm stereoplenty valley community radio, merchandise, logos -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Audio - Audio, CD, Radio interview of Krishna Methven, Jo Parker, Gary Parker & Bill Noble
... Interview done by West Gippsland Community Radio, February...West Gippsland Community Radio... Veterans Museum Interview done by West Gippsland Community Radio ...Interview done by West Gippsland Community Radio, February 2007national vietnam veterans museum -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Audio - Audio, CD, Radio interview with John Methven, 2003
... Interview done by Lynn Wells, West Gippsland Community...West Gippsland Community Radio... Community Radio, 7 November 2003 Radio interview with John Methven ...Interview done by Lynn Wells, West Gippsland Community Radio, 7 November 2003national vietnam veterans museum -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Audio - Radio interview, 3CR Community Radio, Harbour Lights & The Last Typewriter Shop In Melbourne - 3CR, 24 June 2021
... community radio...3CR Community Radio... community radio Radio interview of Jary Nemo and Lucinda Horrocks ..."We chat with film makers Lucinda Horrocks and Jary Nemo about their film Harbour Lights. This is followed with a chat with Yau-Ming about his short film The Last Typewriter Shop in Melbourne. Both films will be showing at the next Melbourne Documentary Film Festival running over 10 days in July - July 21 - 31 at Nova Cinema." Broadcasted in Melbourne on Thursday, 24 June 2021 - 11:00am to 11:30amThe documentary was selected in several film festivals.Radio interview of Jary Nemo and Lucinda Horrocks by harbour lights, documentary, melbourne documentary film festival, mdff, jary nemo, lucinda horrocks, wind and sky productions, 2021, mission to seafarers, annie mcloughlin, media copy, 3cr, community radio -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Souvenir - Bumper Sticker - Glenelg Shire Community Radio, n.d
... Bumper Sticker - Glenelg Shire Community Radio.... '3RPC COASTAL FM 99.3 GLENELG SHIRE COMMUNITY RADIO PORTLAND (03.... '3RPC COASTAL FM 99.3 GLENELG SHIRE COMMUNITY RADIO PORTLAND (03 ...Rectangular bumper sticker. Dark blue with yellow print. '3RPC COASTAL FM 99.3 GLENELG SHIRE COMMUNITY RADIO PORTLAND (03) 5523 4333 Birthplace of Victoria 18-34 Julia St'advertising, souvenir, car accessory -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article - Document, Community Radio, 1994
... Community Radio...Interview of Valda Arrowsmith by Lewis Roper on Community... on Community Radio Eastern FM about the Whitehorse Historical Society ...Interview of Valda Arrowsmith by Lewis Roper on Community Radio Eastern FM about the Whitehorse Historical Society and Museum.Interview of Valda Arrowsmith by Lewis Roper on Community Radio Eastern FM about the Whitehorse Historical Society and Museum.See also NP1714Interview of Valda Arrowsmith by Lewis Roper on Community Radio Eastern FM about the Whitehorse Historical Society and Museum.whitehorse historical society inc, museum -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Pamphlet - Newsletter, Whitehorse Boroondara FM news, 1/11/1996 12:00:00 AM
... Whitehorse Boroondara Community Radio...Newsletter of the Whitehorse Boroondara Community Radio Inc... Mitcham melbourne Whitehorse Boroondara Community Radio Newsletter ...Newsletter of the Whitehorse Boroondara Community Radio Inc Vol 15Newsletter of the Whitehorse Boroondara Community Radio Inc Vol 15Newsletter of the Whitehorse Boroondara Community Radio Inc Vol 15whitehorse boroondara community radio, newsletter -
Horsham Regional Art Gallery
Photograph, John IMMIG, Harold Ballinger - Triple H Community Radio, Horsham, 2003
... Harold Ballinger - Triple H Community Radio, Horsham...Harold Ballinger - Triple H Community Radio, Horsham ...Gift of the artist, 2005 -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Souvenir Glass, 3 Way FM, Late 20th C
... warrnambool community radio...In 1985 an association known as Community Radio Endeavour... an association known as Community Radio Endeavour Warrnambool (CREW ...In 1985 an association known as Community Radio Endeavour Warrnambool (CREW) was formed. Following many "test" broadcasts, a licence was granted in September 1990. 24 hour broadcasting commenced with over 100 volunteers. The station ID 3WAY (standing for Warrnambool And You) was adopted.A common object linked to a community organization.Clear stemmed glass with white lettering.3 Way FM 103.7 Great Ocean Radio.warrnambool community radio, 3way radio history -
Greensborough Historical Society
Article, Ian Lamont, An early history of Plenty Valley FM Radio 1987-1998, 1987o
... plenty valley community radio..., then known as Outer North Eastern Community Radio. After obtaining... Community Radio. After obtaining its broadcasting licence, regular ...Plenty Valley FM made its first test broadcast in July 1988, then known as Outer North Eastern Community Radio. After obtaining its broadcasting licence, regular broadcasts commenced in December 1990. The author of this article, Ian Lamont, was first Station President (1987-91) and first Station Manager (1993-98).3 pages text and one photo.plenty valley community radio, plenty valley fm, ian lamont -
Federation University Historical Collection
Article - Article - Women, Ballarat College of Advanced Education: Anne Stewart; Librarianship Storyteller
... community radio... weekly shows on 3BBB Community Radio Ballarat, `As the assistant... Community Radio Ballarat, `As the assistant children's librarian ...Anne completed her secondary education at Presentation College Windsor. She left Melbourne to study Librarianship at Ballarat College of Advanced Education and completed a Graduate Diploma of Librarianship in 1981 and a Graduate Diploma of Education in 1986. During her studies Anne E. Stewart produced weekly shows on 3BBB Community Radio Ballarat, `As the assistant children's librarian at Geelong in 1987 Anne E. Stewart drove the Jolly Jumbuck storytelling van to various local sites, gathered the children and told a story. A keen community player Anne E. Stewart has fulfilled a number of pro bono roles such as the President of the Australian Storytelling Guild (Vic Branch), and Council President of the Daylesford Primary School. Anne E. Stewart is a senior writer for the 'Swag of Yarns' and has worn the prestigious storytellers Cape at Dromkeen, an institution that nurtures and develops children's literature. Returning to her alma mater in 2007 Anne E. Stewart developed a ghost tour through the historic Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) campus. Established in 1870, and incorporating a former gaol, the SMB ghosts came to life as she enthralled numerous groups visiting the campus on Open Day 2007, 2008 and 2009. In 2009 Anne E. Stewart was a principal teller at the Scottish International Storytelling Festival at Edinburgh.women of note, ballarat college of advanced education, anne stewart, presentaion college windsor, librarianship, graduate diploma of librarianship, graduate diploma of education, community radio, geelong library, jolly jumbuck van, storytelling, australian storytelling guild, daylesford primary school, swag of yarns, cape at dromkeen, children's literature, ghost tours, school of mines ballarat -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Pelling, Nicholas and Anna
... Plenty Valley community radio... community radio Kangaroo Ground telephone exchange Anna Pelling ...Nicholas Pelling, son of Charis Pelling, lived at Kangaroo Ground, and was active in local causes, including the Country Fire Authority, being awarded a National Medal in 1992. Contents Newspaper article: "CFA man 'someone who cared'". Diamond Valley Leader ,14 July 2004. Obituary of Nicholas Pelling.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcnicholas pelling, charis pelling, woodlands kangaroo ground victoria, the hall kangaroo ground victoria, war memorial tower committee kangaroo ground, andrew ross museum kangaroo ground, plenty valley community radio, kangaroo ground telephone exchange, anna pelling, country fire authority, jeff newland, kerri newland, ron newland