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matching corporation records
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind 89th annual report 1984, 1984
... corporation records.... association for the blind corporation records 1 printed volume ...Articles in annual report include: President's report, Finance report with Balance sheet, Auditors' report, Centres and Services by Region, Service highlights, Low Vision Clinics, Education and Training, Radio for the Print Handicapped, Telecommunications, Blind Members, Honorary Service group. During the year the Victorian Blind Bowlers Association were invited to inaugurate the first bowling green at Government House (picture inside front cover), Woodburn Lodge (16 independent living units) were completed, 3RPH was officially opened by Hon.Michael Duffy, Lindsay McMillan won a Churchill Fellowship to study radio information services, and the Telelink service began with 21 groups and 135 participants meeting by June 1984, Telecare servicing over 50 people and Telecontact made with 300 blind or visually impaired people. 1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind 90th annual report 1985, 1985
... corporation records..., Volunteer service group. association for the blind corporation ...Articles in annual report include: President's report, Philosophy, Objectives and Goals, Blind members, Finance report with Balance sheet, Auditors' report, How help is provided, Service highlights, Low Vision Clinics, Rehabilitation services, Day Centres, Domiciliary services, Recreation programmes, Nursing homes, Community education and In-service training, 3RPH, International links, Volunteer service group. 1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind 91st annual report 1986, 1986
... corporation records... corporation records 1 printed volume with illustrations Association ...Articles in annual report include: President's report, Vision Resource Centre, Blind Members, Finance report with Balance sheet, Service Overview, Pattern of Regional and Community Services,Volunteers - our most valuable resource. 1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind 92nd annual report 1987, 1987
... corporation records... Victoria' motto. association for the blind corporation records 1 ...Articles in annual report include: President's report, Finance report with Balance sheet, Service Achievements, Vision Resource Centre: Building Independence, Vision Victoria Appeal, Service Record, People- Our Prime Focus, Staff - People with Expertise, Volunteers - People who give outstanding service, People who receive our services, Words of appreciation, Blind members. Introduction of new AFB guiding light stylised logo and 'Vision Victoria' motto. 1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind 93rd annual report 1988, 1988
... Corporation records... with Balance sheet. association for the blind Corporation records 1 ...Articles in annual report include: President's Report, Members of the General Committee, Executive Director's Review of Services, A Day with Association Volunteers, Volunteer Service, Vision Victoria Appeal, Record of Service 1987/88, Blind Members, Finance Report with Balance sheet. 1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind 94th annual report 1989, 1989
... corporation records... Thanks. association for the blind corporation records 1 printed ...Articles in annual report include: Mission Statement, Office-bearers and Committee, Executive Director's Review, President's Report, Vision Resource Centre, Volunteer Service, A Record of Service, Blind Members' Council, Sources of Appeal Income, Finance Report, Head Office and Regional Administration, Our Grateful Thanks. 1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind 95th annual report 1990, 1990
... corporation records... grateful thanks. association for the blind corporation records 1 ...Articles in annual report include: Office-bearers and Committee, President's report, AFB Community Care in Action, Executive Director's Review, The International Conference on Low Vision 1990, Volunteer Service, Blind Members' Council, A Record of Service, finance report, head office and regional administration, our grateful thanks. 1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind 96th annual report 1990-1991, 1991
... corporation records... was held. association for the blind corporation records 1 printed ...Articles in annual report include: "President's Report: Our year" "Our volunteers" "Our customers", "Our Blind members", "Our donors", "Our staff", "Our service", "Treasurer's report". This year was the first time that an audio described performance was held.1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision 1993 : Association for the Blind annual report 1992/93, 1993
... corporation records..., Donors, Office holders. association for the blind corporation ...Articles in annual report include: President's Report: First in line. Profiles include "At Home on the Farm", "A New Day Dawns", "Two Little Maids from School", "Peer's Progress". Yearly update subjects include Volunteers, Blind members' report, Services updates, Executive Director's report: Progress Despite Recession, Treasurer's report: Costs Controlled, Financial statement, Donors, Office holders.1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, New beginnings '94 : Association for the Blind annual report 1993/94, 1994
... corporation records... Report: Satisfying Results" association for the blind corporation ...Articles in annual report include: "President's Report: A Season of Celebrations", "A Future in their Fingers: 1894-1994", "Pride and Problems", "The Next 100 years", "Volunteer Report: Service Since Day 1", "Blind Member's Council: Keeping the focus Sharp", "Once in a Century Appeal, CEO's Report: New Beginnings", "Services: Vision and Hearing Assessment, Rehabilitation, Confident Living, Resident Care, Telephone Support Programs, Information Radio, Vision Information Line, Newsline, Training" "Treasurer's Report: Satisfying Results"32 printed pages with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1981-1982, 1981-1982
... Corporation records... department. royal victorian institute for the blind Corporation ...Articles in annual report include: the official opening of the educational camp at Romsey, introduction of a Hartley 3909 Mini Computer, increasing move away from residential services with 74% of school children supported in learn at their local school, hydrotherapy unit (spa) and Versa Brailler purchased for school, 2 week ski camp offered at RVIB ski lodge at Mt Baw Baw, employment continuing in packaging and assembly, plant nursery, maintenance of St Kilda Road and Raleigh Street sites, kiosks at RMIT, Melbourne University and the Institute, trial scheme launched with Alfred for work experience in various roles, introduction of 4 track tapes in library and reduction of Clarke & Smith tapettes, and development of 16mm film 'The Mediators' for use by Public Relations department.1 volume of printed materialroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1980-1981, 1980-1981
... Corporation records... people. royal victorian institute for the blind Corporation ...Articles in annual report include: the development of an educational camp at Romsey through the bequest of Mrs Cecelia Tye, a new Family Group home at Andrews Street, East Burwood, new program developed for Trans Australia Airlines providing mobility instruction to air hostesses when guiding blind passengers, three kiosks at RMIT, Melbourne University and RVIB providing employment and training for blind workers, a short term contract assembling motorcycles, introduction of paperless Brailler (Digicasette), beginning of Il Globo becoming available as an audio magazine and provision of up to $3000 interest home loan for blind people. 1 volume of printed materialroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1979-1980, 1979-1980
... Corporation records... Corporation records 1 volume of text and illustrations Royal Victorian ...Articles in annual report include: Interest free loans up to $3000 per person were available. In 1979-1980 360 blind people and their families benefitted under this scheme and this means that $250 000 of institute funds are kept in circulation. The aids and equipment shop, introduced Kurzweil reading machine - one of the foremost organisations in the world to provide such equipment to blind people. Some years ago Mrs Cecelia Tye left her property at Romsey, now 6 buildings are used as an educational camp and two will be used for self-contained accommodation. The new building will start and finish by end 1980 and the new holiday house at Barwon Heads was opened.1 volume of text and illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1978-1979, 1978-1979
... Corporation records... for the blind Corporation records 1 volume of text and illustrations ...Articles in annual report include: a public educational program speaking to doctors, nurses, teachers, occupational therapists, service clubs and rotated displays through public libraries, RVIB stand won a prize in Community and welfare section at the Royal Melbourne show, difficulties with Mr and Mrs Tye's estates are resolved and plans to build an educational complex at Romsey, acknowledgement of volunteer involvement with Cubs, Guides, Ham Radio and Model Train clubs available to residential children, and the United Kingdom Hotel in Clifton Hill raised over $8000 to become the top hotel fundraiser again.1 volume of text and illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1977-1978, 1977-1978
... Corporation records... in their section. royal victorian institute for the blind Corporation ...Articles in annual report include: the retirement of Mrs Esme Dunell MBE - former matron (nurse) of the nursery worked since 1960, 1971 she was awarded Churchill fellowship to investigate work for blind child in other countries, supporting the Anti Rubella Crusade, Margaret Fialides staff member awarded Churchill Fellowship study tour of major libraries and production centres for talking books in Europe, UK and USA, occupational centre in Raleigh Street keeps 36 people employed, establishment of a Vocational Development department, purchase of high-speed duplicators for the library, and the RVIB stand at Royal Melbourne show won 1st prize in their section.1 volume of text and illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1975-1976, 1975-1976
... Corporation records... Corporation records 1 volume of text and illustrations Royal Victorian ...Update on activities for the year including : retirement of Principal F.C. Douglas and upcoming retirement of Matron Dunell affording opportunity to align management of these services under a single person, annual camping trip to Goulburn, and the Railway Hotel in Windsor raised over $11,000 to again win first place amongst hotel fundraisers.1 volume of text and illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1976-1977, 1975-1976
... Corporation records... victorian institute for the blind Corporation records 1 volume ...Articles in annual report include: purchase of a ski lodge with RVIB Ski Club (an independent body) managing the lodge, appointment of new principal P.J. Evans and Matron H McLaren, Sri Lankan association for the blind received older TBMs that were still working but being replaced, National Association for the Blind in Bombay also received TBMs and 3000 tapettes and the Railway Hotel in Windsor topped the hotel fundraising list.1 volume of text and illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 68th annual report 1961 - 1962 Braille Library of Victoria, 1962
... Corporation records... branch. Braille Library of Victoria Corporation records 32 pages ...This annual report covers both the AGM of 1962 and a special AGM held in 1961. Articles include: celebration of Alice McClelland's 40 years of service, resignation of A. Brahe and L. Dextor as Trustees and appointment of R Bigwood and E Webb to replace them, extension of membership so that blind readers could become voting members, overview of the decisions and affects of the decision to become an incorporated entity and the name from Victorian Association of Braille Writers to Braille Library of Victoria, the use of subcommittees to handle entertainments, building, publicity, library and braille textbooks, property owned at 4 Margaret Street, South Yarra was subdivided into 2 lots and sold, Braille Boat House has been redecorated and renovate and available for hire, appointment of Alan Woods to assist as a Reviser for music transcription and Ivan Molloy in the Home Teaching Service, resignation of Joyce Bolger, appointment of Doreen Ross, Mr and Mrs Hinchcliffe left as honorary caretakers and death of Mrs J Rowe, past Mayoress of Ballarat, who was a keen subscriber of the Ballarat branch.32 pages of text with drawingsbraille library of victoria, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 85th annual report 1980 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1981
... corporation records... corporation records 1 printed volume with illustrations 85th annual ...Articles in annual report include: President's report, finance report, auditor's report, balance sheet, nursing homes, social work, rehabilitation, low vision clinic, honorary services, auxiliary income, blind members, sport and recreation, life governors. There are reports on the Olympics for the Disabled and the opening of the George Vowell Centre.1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 86th annual report 1981 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1981
... corporation records... for the blind corporation records 1 printed volume with illustrations ...Articles in annual report include: President's report, finance report, balance sheet, auditors' report, nursing home, social work, rehabilitation, low vision clinic, honorary services, sport and recreation, blind members, life governors.1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 87th annual report 1982 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1983
... corporation records... corporation records 1 printed volume with illustrations 87th annual ...Articles in annual report include: President's report, finance report, balance sheet, auditors report, nursing homes, social work, rehabilitation, low vision clinic, volunteers - our most valuable human resource, auxiliary income, sport and recreation, blind members, life governors.1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 88th annual report 1983 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1984
... corporation records... 1982/83. association for the blind corporation records 1 ...Articles in annual report include: President's report, finance report, balance sheet, auditors report, nursing homes, day centres, rehabiliation, low vision services, honorary workers, auxiliary income, service highlights, blind members, life governors 1982/83. 1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, New beginnings '95: Association for the Blind annual report 1994/95, 1995
... Corporation records.... association for the blind Corporation records 31 printed pages ...Articles in annual report include: board of directors 1994-95, surging into the next century, president's report, a year of achievement, Tilly Aston, the looming need, preparing for the second century of service, centenary appeal, blind members report, volunteers, services, treasurer's report, supporters, office holders. 31 printed pages with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision '92 annual report 1991/92 and financial statement, 1993
... corporation records... for the blind corporation records 28 printed pages with illustrations ...Articles in annual report include: "President's report: Ship-shape condition" Profiles: 'Crusader for colour contrast', 'You have to take risks', 'My life with Braille', 'A need to feel good', 'You can do anything'. Executive Director's report: A Challenging Year; Blind Members' Council report: We Kept Our Trust, Treasurers' report: A Year of Consolidation , financial statement, donors, office holders, record of service.28 printed pages with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Image, Association for the Blind Philosophy (and) Objectives
... Corporation records... it. Association for the Blind Corporation records The Association ...This printed philosophy served to remind sighted people what the organisation was working towards and how it sought to achieve it.A3 printed page on cream coloured paper with black writing and black and blue logoThe Association for the Blind was founded in 1895 by 8 blind people of strong spirit as a self help group and in protest against discriminatory attitudes and practices of society at that time. This small group sought and obtained the assistance of sighted citizens. Together they achieved reforms which greatly enhanced the status and rights of blind people. Today, this tradition of self help and active involvement of both blind and sighted citizens continues, with an overriding concern for the welfare of the individual. Philosophy The work of the Association for the Blind is based on the philosophy that all people in our society should have equal opportunity, with the freedom to express themselves and participate in the community to the extent of their desire and interest. To achieve this the Association is a grouping of local community resources which have come together voluntarily to serve people who are blind or visually impaired, and in partnership with government ensure the necessary services are provided. The Association for the Blind functions as an extended family, with blind members, volunteers, contributors and staff working together with mutual respect towards common goals. Objectives These are - to promote the welfare of blind and visually impaired people; - to provide welfare, counselling, rehabilitation, accommodation, nursing care, recreation and other support services; - to minimise the harmful effects of blindness whether physical, psychological, social or economic; - to facilitate the prevention of blindness; - to utilise the experience and talent of blind people in the community in assessing needs, evaluating and improving the value of services to the blind. A wide range of services is necessary to achieve these objectives, the outcome of which is greater independence, security and opportunities for blind and visually impaired Victorians.association for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Certificate of Incorporation of Public Company, 1990
... Corporation records... Corporation records 1 white page of computer printing Certificate ...Certificate for the Association of the Blind Inc as being a public company on and from the 19th June 1990.1 white page of computer printingassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Letter - Text, Letter regarding Consolidation of titles at Kooyong, 11/3/1982
... Corporation records.... Association for the Blind Corporation records 1 photocopy of typed ...Letter regarding the consolidation of land titles at Kooyong.1 photocopy of typed letterassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Certificate of Registration of Business Name - Voice Print, 13 October 1995
... Corporation records... for the Blind Corporation records Form 2, Business Names (Act) 1962 ...This certificate for the registration of the business name 'Voice Print' was registered with the Victorian Corporate Affairs in 1995.1 white page with single blue edge mounted on cardboardForm 2, Business Names (Act) 1962, Section 7(4) and (5) Corporate Affairs Office, Victoria I hereby certify that the business name ... was on ... registered pursuant to and subject to the Business Names Act 1962. Given under my hand at Melbourne, this 13 October 1995 ... for Commissioner for Corporate Affairsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 92nd Annual Report Royal Blind Society of N.S.W. (1972)
... Corporation records... of New South Wales Corporation records 1 volume of text ...Articles in the annual report include: the opening of the new building at Burwood (Enfield) and the facilities it provides, including a bowling green, swimming pool and rooms for specialist areas such as orientation and mobility and music braille; the need for the new building, publication of a booklet 'The Pre-School Child who is blind', the development of rehabilitation services for those who are unable to visit the new site and the introduction of Mark IV talking book machines.1 volume of text and imagesroyal blind society of new south wales, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record (Series), Royal Blind Society of New South Wales Annual Reports, 1952-2004
... corporation records... and graphs, and glossy pages. corporation records Royal Blind Society ...Royal Society for the Blind of New South Wales, 7 Mitchell Street, Enfield, NSW 2136To provide information on general information on work undertaken, financial position, income and cash flow.Single volumes created annually from 1952 until 2004.President's Report, Finance Report, General Overview of Services.corporation records, royal blind society of new south walescorporation records, royal blind society of new south wales