Melton City Libraries
Document, Darlingsford land title, 1863
Thomas Bell Darling purchased 176 acres from the Toolern Creek to Ferris Road. A house and bluestone barn/stables were built. The property was owned by Ralph Parkinson, followed by Richard Manning.
SUMMARY – Darlingsford – Auction 1910
Darlingsford – Auction 1910
Melton Express October
FRIDAY, October 28th
At Three O’Clock
Having a long frontage to the TOOLERN CREEK.
In the Estate of the late RICHARD MANNING’
W. S. KEAST and L.A. FAIRBAIRN & CO., Auctioneers (in conjunction). Have received instructions from R.F. and J.L. Robertson, executors of Richard Manning deceased to offer by Public Auction, property almost adjoining Melton township, and having a frontage to the Toolern Creek, subdivided in to four lots as under:-
Lot 1. – The homestead block containing 176 acres, being portion A, section 11, parish Kororoit together with the improvements, which consist of a 6-roomed stone house, milking shed, dairy, U.G. tank.
Lot 2 – 177 acres 2 rood 23 perches, being Crown portion B of section 11 parish Kororoit. This block adjoins the homestead and is partly fenced.
Lot 3 – 187 acres, Crown allotment C, section 11, parish Kororoit. adjoining the above lot.
Lot 4 - 157 acres 1 rood 27 perches, being Crown allotment 9, section 12, parish of Kororoit. This block is only divided from the above lots by road, and adjoining Messrs. McVean and Gaitskill’s properties.
This is one of the best known properties in the Melton district as a cultivation an grazing form, and its close proximity to the township makes it a very valuable, and portion of which could be cut into township blocks and should command a ready sale.
For absolute sale.
Terms- one fifth cash, one fifth in eight years, balance in 7 years with interest a the rate of 4 1/2 percent.
Plan on application
For further particulars apply W.S. KEAST, 610 Collins street, Melbourne; and L.A. FAIRBAIRN & Co., St James-buildings, Williams street, or at Bacchus Marsh; and as to the title, Dugdale and Creber, St. James-buildings, William Street Melbourne.
Express November 5, 1910
On Friday last, Mr W.S. Keast and Messrs L.A. Fairbairn & Co., in conjunction, offered at the Raglan the Manning Estate known as Darlingsford, comprising of 700 acres, divided into four lots. Lot 4 was submitted first and passed in at L8 per acre. Lot 1 was then put up and went up to L13 per acre, at which it was also passed in. Lot 3 was next offered, and there being no bid was also passed in. Lot 2 was not offered.
Express March 18, 1911
The Manning Estate of Darlingsford 600 acres was sold to Mr. Ernie for an undisclosed price.
Section 11
Portion A Thomas. B. Darling 176 . 0 . 0 acres on 29.3.1853 Lot 1
Portion B A. Russell 170 . 0 . 0 acres on 29.3.1853 Lot 2
Portion C Peter Inglis 176 . 0 . 0 acres on 29.3.1853 Lot 3
Section 12
Portion 3 P. Inglis 157 . 1 . 27 acres on 17.17.1863
Total 176
157. 1.27
679 . 1.27 acres
November 5th 1910
On Friday night last Mr W S Keast and Messrs L A Fairbairn & Co, in conjunction offered at the Raglan Hotel the Manning Estate known as Darlingsford, comprising of 700 acres, divided into four Lots. Lot 4 was submitted first, and was passed in at L8.0.0. per acre. Lot 1 was then put up and went to L13.0.0. per acre at which it was passed in. Lot 3 was next offered, and then Lot 3 was next offered, and then being no bid was passed in. Lot 2 was not offered.
October 22nd Notice of sale.
700 acres of splendid land close to the railway station. Divided onto 4 Lots 3 of which are maiden land and the whole of the acres is chocolate soil. No 1 Lot belonged to the late Mr Ralph Parkinson, and for years was liberally supplied with manure and crushed bones, and is capable of producing many crops.. The property being sold to wind up the Estate.
Gisborne Gazette Friday December 17th 1911
Mr Sharp has sold his farm at the back of the township to Mr. E Barrie; price L15/10/ per acre. Agreement between Thomas Bell Darling and Ralph Parkinsonlocal identities