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matching cypriot
Brimbank City Council
Greek Cypriot Wooden Sculpture, 1974
... Greek Cypriot Wooden Sculpture ...Greek Cypriot Wooden Sculpture -
Hellenic Museum
Round Mouthed Jar, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from the Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze Age.The interior with brown band, the angled rim with three sets of lines and wavy line between, a broad band on tall neck, pierced with two string holes, above and below, a broad band on flattened globular body with frieze of vertical lines flanked by wavy vertical lines and alternating with sets of two vertical wavy lines, to broad concentric band, the underside with broad band flanked by sets of stripes. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Juglet, 1800 - 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from the Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeWith loop handle, the neck with light brown horizontal lines, and the body with two friezes of vertical strokes, the lower body with a set of wavy horizontal lines, the base quartered by wavy lines centred with dots. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Scent Bottle, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeThe beak spout and neck with black horizontal lines, the body with traces of cross-hatched triangles. Handle is missing.cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Juglet, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeThe neck with lines, a dotted circle on one side of the loop handle, The body with crossed triple wavy lines. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Juglet, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeConical neck with bands, broad band over shoulder with frieze of stripes and dotted circles to handle (missing), a broad band below the body, with cross-hatched panels alternating with panels of dotted circles, triglyph between three bands below to small foot. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeWith round mouth, long neck with lines, the body with two panels of striped diamonds between vertical lines. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Juglet, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeWith round mouth, tall conical neck and loop handle with traces of painted lines and globular body. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Juglet, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeThe neck, handle (largely missing) and globular body are painted with a series of lines. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Juglet, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeMouth and neck painted with lines, the handle with triple zigzag lines and the body with crossed sets of four lines. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
String Hole Juglet, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeThe beaked spout and long neck have painted stripes joined by loop handle to globular body with painted striped panels and lines. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Juglet, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgePainted lines adorn the narrow neck and loop handle, the globular body has crossed set of four painted lines. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Juglet, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Bronze Age CyprusWith loop handle, the shoulder and globular body with traces of set lines. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Juglet, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeThe inside of the mouth has painted stripes which run to the loop handle, neck with lines, shoulder with diamonds, one cross-hatched and others crossed lines, globular body adorned with crossed sets of three lines. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Juglet, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Cypriot Middle/Late Bronze Age The slender conical neck with broad band’s over two cross-hatched diamonds, the loop handle with wavy line, broad band to lower neck, the depressed body with a pair of vertical bands centred with twin wavy lines flanked by two vertical wavy lines and two sets of friezes including cross- hatched diamonds, chequerboard and cross-hatched zigzag, to flat foot. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Jug, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeThe rim painted with a wavy line, the neck is adorned with a frieze of short vertical lines between horizontal bands, the body with frieze of short vertical lines between horizontal friezes of chequerboard, brown band above and below each, columns of short horizontal lines on lower body, band on painted foot, underside with double-crossed lines and circles in compartments. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Bowl, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Bronze Age CyprusThe interior with three brown concentric wavy lines, the exterior with brown band of striped triangles around top, another between two bands of three stripes and single wishbone handle. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Bowl, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeThe interior centred with dot, painted around edge, the wishbone handle with stripes, the exterior with double crossed lines in circle. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Bowl, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeThe high looped handle is adorned with sets of lines, which continue to the body with friezes of overlapped lines. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Bowl, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeThe exterior with set of four lines around the rim, the single wishbone handle with sets of four lines, the body with overlapping sets of four lines. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Globular Bowl, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Bronze Age CyprusThe interior of the rim is lined with panels of four vertical lines, which continue to the loop handle. The exterior is adorned with two friezes of cross-hatched diamonds, the body with overlapped cross of four wavy lines. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Cup, 1800 – 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from Middle/Late Cypriot Bronze AgeWith a single loop handle, the interior with wavy lines and a dot in centre, the exterior with crossed lines. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Scent Bottle, 1800 - 1450 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Painted Ware from the MIddle/Late Cypriot Bronze Age. Slipped, Painted, HandmadeBeak spout and neck painted with black horizontal lines, the body with traces of crosshatched triangles cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Jar, 1050 - 750 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot Bichrome Ware from the Cypro-Geometric PeriodThe curved collar with three black lines and frieze of red triangles, the upper body with two rows of concentric circles between vertical double ribbed strap handles, the body with black and red horizontal lines and bands. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Amphora, 1050 - 750 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot Bichrome Ware from Cypro-Geomteric PeriodWith two black bands around the inside of the mouth, the rim with sets of trapezoids and painted around edge, over a red band in cavetto under rim, the neck with frieze containing a panel centred with chequerboard diamond, the central square within painted red, broad band to shoulder, a black wavy line between painted twin horizontal loop handles (one missing), the lower body as a single band with a set of lines below it, foot painted. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Amphora, 1050 – 750 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot Bichrome Ware from Cypro-Geometric PeriodThe inside of the mouth painted with red and black lines, the rim painted outside, the tapering neck with frieze of concentric circles between horizontal lines and bands, continuing over shoulder, the body with two friezes of concentric circles divided by two lines between painted horizontal twin loop handles, over a set of horizontal lines between bands, set of three bands on lower body. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Neck Amphora, 1050 – 750 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot Bichrome Ware from Cypro-Geometric PeriodThe neck and body with horizontal dark and light black lines and bands, the body with a frieze of concentric circles between painted twin horizontal loop handles (one missing). cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Neck Amphora, 1050 – 750 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot Bichrome Ware from Cypro-Geometric PeriodBlack band around mouth and exterior of rim, triangles alternating with blank panels on rim, the neck with red band over sets of black lines and bands, a central crosshatched panel flanked by vertical lines, the shoulder with frieze of triangles flanked by lines, alternating with zigzag panels flanked vertical lines, a wavy black line between painted twin horizontal loop handles over three bands, single band on lower body, foot painted. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Barrel Jug, 1050 – 750 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot White Plainware from Cypro-Geometric PeriodWith a rippled neck to ovoid body with nipples on sides and a single strap handle. cypriot -
Hellenic Museum
Bowl, 1050 – 750 BCE
... cypriot ...Cypriot Bichrome Ware from Cypro-Geometric PeriodThe interior with black concentric bands, the rim and twin pierced lug handles painted black, the exterior with black bands and lines encircling red band, the base of foot with concentric black circles within band. cypriot