Showing 179 items
matching december 1918
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
ANZAC BULLETIN: No.77, June; No.92, October; and No.101, December 1918, ANZAC BULLETIN
... , December 1918.... BULLETIN: No.77, June; No.92, October; and No.101, December 1918. ...snape collection -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
AUSTRALIAN CORPS Camp Order No. 27, 10 December 1918, pp 1 - 2
... AUSTRALIAN CORPS Camp Order No. 27, 10 December 1918, pp 1... Order No. 27, 10 December 1918, pp 1 - 2 ...snape collection -
Bendigo Trades Hall Council & Literary Institute Inc.
Book, Parliamentary Debates 18 December 1918 to 6 August 1919
... Parliamentary Debates 18 December 1918 to 6 August 1919... December 1918 to 6 August 1919 IX & X George V. Volume LXXXVIII... Parliamentary Debates 18th December 1918 to 6 August 1919 IX & X George ...Hard bound book containing pages 9651-11248Commonwealth of Australia Parliamentary Debates 18th December 1918 to 6 August 1919 IX & X George V. Volume LXXXVIII Pages 9651-11248 7th parliament 2nd session Mr Fenton -
St Kilda Historical Society
Photograph, Presentation of Medallions to St Kilda 1914 ANZACs December 4th 1918
... Presentation of Medallions to St Kilda 1914 ANZACs December... Kilda 1914 ANZACs December 4th 1918 Photograph ...(deaccessioned to CoPP June 2015)mounted and framed photograph -
Geelong RSL Sub Branch
Photograph - 3rd Light Horse Brigade, Brigade Camp Tripoli, Early 20th Century
... December 1918... camp at Tripoli, Syria circa December 1918. WW1 3rd Light Horse ...The 3rd Light Horse Brigade was a mounted infantry brigade of the 1st AIF and served in the Middle East during WW1.This photograph is of the the 3rd Light Horse Brigade camp at Tripoli, Syria circa December 1918.Sepia coloured photograph on a charcoal coloured matt backing.On the front - 3rd L H Brg Camp Tripoli On the back - B813 Australian Official Photo No, purchased from Australian War Museum Wool Exchange , King Street, Melbourne. Copyright ww1, 3rd light horse brigade, 3rd light horse brigadetripoli, syria, december 1918 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Charles E.W. Bean, Official History of Australia in the War, Vol 5, The A.I.F. In France: December 1917 - May 1918, 1937
... . In France: December 1917 - May 1918... in the War, Vol 5, The A.I.F. In France: December 1917 - May 1918 ...Red hard covered book of 825 pages, and 279 illustrations.a.i.f, france, a.i.f, 1917, 1918, world war one -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Article, A Woman's Melbourne Letter
... ), Friday 13 December 1918, page 34 A WOMAN'S MELBOURNE LETTER... on the 13th of December 1918. ...), Friday 13 December 1918, page 34 A WOMAN'S MELBOURNE LETTER ...A detailed description of the Mission and its activities written by a woman: Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Friday 13 December 1918, page 34 A WOMAN'S MELBOURNE LETTER. Melbourne, Dec. 4. There is an idea abroad, which as regards Melbourne, at any rate, is quite erroneous, that our sailors are not as well looked after as our soldiers, and that the noble men of the Mercantile Marine are much neglected ! For once, perhaps, my readers will pardon a letter dealing with only one subject, but the steady, unostentatious work done by the Ladies' Harbour Light Guild, in connection with the mission to seamen in Melbourne could not be adequately explained if dismissed in the usual short paragraph. Some of the most prominent names in Melbourne are associated with this guild and with the Mission Chaplain, and Mrs. Gurney Goldsmith, the members have made the Seamen's Institute a real home for those sailors of the Mercantile Marine, who touch our port. What we as a community owe to those men by their heroism in recent hostilities is certainly more understood by this band of enthusiastic workers than by the community generally. By using their unflagging energies, and influence on the sailor's behalf they endeavour to discharge a debt to which in some way or other we could and should all contribute. Even the most casual person can, if he thinks at all, sum up a few of the things our sailors - other than those belonging to our glorious navy - have done for us. On the spur of the moment we remember that those of the Mercantile Marine, are the men who manned our transports, who carried our wheat and wool, to oversea markets; who kept us in touch with our loved ones abroad; who kept the fires going in the furnaces of the great leviathans, bringing our wounded soldiers home again; who never flinched when self-sacrifice was demanded; who cared, with that tenderness, innate in all sailors, for the women and children, when the passenger ships were struck a dastardly blow by the wicked enemy; who, mocking death, gave up life with a heroism all the more heroic because it was always taken as a matter of course! Is it any wonder, then, that the members of the Ladies' Harbour Light Guild make it their business to provide a bright, homelike, spot in Melbourne, where the sailors are always certain of a cherry welcome ashore? The members of the guild are admirably drafted! The 360 non-workers each pay £1 1s. per annum. The workers, of whom there are between 700 and 800, donate 2s. 6d. and school members - it is confidently hoped that gradually all the schools will take an active interest in the mission - 1s. a year. The knights of the guild - as the men members are designated - are responsible for any sum they wish to name, from 5s. a year upwards. Everything is paid for out of these revenues, with the exception of a small grant from the Home Mission Fund - and such is the organisation, and management, that the entire concern is quite free from debt. The Seamen's Church and Institute, where the "Harbour Lights" gleam so brightly, is situated right in the midst of all the bustle and turmoil of the wharves, at the end of Flinders-street. The building, comprising chapel, and institute under the one red tiled roof, is grey stuccoed, with a small tower, from which flaunts the flag of 'The Flying Angel" - the badge of the guild. A visit to the institute makes one fully appreciate the boon the place must be to the voyage worn, weary, sailor. The atmosphere is eminently social in its best sense. While the architecture imparts an elegance, and quiet dignity which soothes by the very subtlety of its charm. With its comfortable furniture, its wealth of flowers, and the happy, wholesome, feminine influence which prevails everywhere, the quality which stands for the magic word "home" abounds. The Chaplain in the course of conversation said: -"We try to make this really a free club for sailors." But the habitues would probably tell you it was far more than that to them. The Institute is excellently appointed, and every little corner seems to have its particular history. It was built after the model of one of the old mission churches in California, and retains something of the old world attraction, while yet it combines all the advantages of modern, practical, conveniences. On entering the door the first thing, one notices is a huge compass, inlaid upon the floor, evidently to indicate one's proper bearings for it points due north - to the chapel! Only one other seamen's mission in the world boasts such a compass. As the sailor swings through the entrance he finds the office on his right, and there is, here, always a smiling face to welcome the shy, or timid, new comer. Quite a real post office is staffed by members of the guild, and all the letters received are listed alphabetically. Therefore, the expectant sailor has just to run his eye down the list, and he can immediately see whether there is a letter for him or not. If he is fortunate, he comes up to the member in charge, who unlocks the box, and produces the longed for missive. The boys are always encouraged to answer letters - and to write them. Often a few words about their mother, and their own home, will provoke a sleeping memory into activity. The writing room is well stocked with paper, envelopes, pens, and ink. The tables are so divided to ensure the utmost privacy, and through a calculated chain of circumstances, many an anxious mother receives a letter from her sailor lad, who, perhaps, might not have written but for these kindly inducements. The central hall - where social evenings are held every other night besides two special concerts a week - is inviting in the extreme. A handsome piano affords opportunity for those musically inclined. The tables are strewn with papers. The walls are bright with pictures, and here, and there, is a carved model, of a ship. One, of especial interest, is a model of "The Roon" carved, and presented by a French sailor. This German vessel will always be remembered in Australia. For it was across her bows that the first hostile shot was ever fired in Australian waters. In the corner is the canteen. It was fitted up entirely from the proceeds of a quotation calendar compiled by one of the members. The sailors may at any time, get a teapot of tea, or a tray of eatables, at a nominal cost. Before the canteen was in existence they had to go out for refreshments! - and sometimes they did not come back! Groups of sailors sit chatting at the tables. Half a dozen Swedes laugh and talk among themselves, for the simple reason they know no other language than their own. Several British sailors cluster about a dark-eyed Welsh lad - a perfect Celtic type - who, although only about twenty years of age, has been the victim of the Hun five times. Mines and torpedoes sank the ships he was in, either in the Channel or off the English coast, four times; and it is to his fifth experience, when the Inverness was wrecked, that everyone is eagerly listening. "We were in the boats eight days," he was saying, "I was pretty well mangled when they picked me up. The sufferings we endured were awful. At last we managed to reach Rapa, a Hawaiian island. The natives thought we were Germans, and came at us with spears. When they found we were British, they were awfully good to us. They even cried when we left, and the day before the rescue boat arrived they begged us to go into the hills and hide." At another table a Canadian lad - once a sailor - then a soldier, who trained at the Broadmeadows camp - was telling his experiences : - "The voyage which will always stick in my memory," he said, "was to a place which must be nameless. We left the United States not knowing whether we were bound, or what we were going to do. After some weeks we sighted a group of wonderfully beautiful islands, and we headed for the most remote and most lovely of them all. Then, and only then, we learned our mission from the skipper. We were taking their year's supply to a leprosy station! Oh no! I don't blame the skipper for not telling us ! Someone has to do these things, you know. A naval guard saw they didn't come near - and we all got sixty dollars extra. When the job was over we were quarantined on another island for two months, and one little chap - the baby of the crew, not eighteen - developed leprosy, and died before we left. Yes! I'll never forget that voyage, mates! Sometimes, I seem to see Leper's Island yet, with its lavish tropical vegetation and the gorgeous sunsets which stained all the water with blood. Then, too" - here the voice deepened - "there was an English girl - a leper - there. We heard she used to be an actress, and she contracted the disease somehow or other. She was always alone, and always watching us. In the distance we could see her come to the water's edge, and from there she would watch. Just watch . .. . watch . . .watch. ..." "Here come a couple of North Sea chaps," broke in an elderly man after pause. "One of them wounded, too, poor lad." It is not strange that all the sailors flock to the Institute. It is so comfortable, and essentially inviting, besides being full of human interest. The men's quarters comprise reading, writing and dressing rooms - hot and cold baths are always available - billiard room, and a special baggage room, where any sailor may leave his kit for as long as he likes. The payment of 3d. covers its complete insurance. Upstairs are the officers' quarters. These also have their own billiard room, writing and reading rooms, bath and dressing rooms. Just close are the apprentices' quarters - "The Half Deck," as popular parlance has it! The lads also have a billiard room of their own, and indulge in an easy armchair - amongst others - which was a donation from the Milverton School branch of the Guild. It is hoped by the committee to some day utilise the huge empty rooms, which run the length of the whole building. Their ultimate intention is to fit them up as cubicles, or "cabins," as they are to be called. They trust these "cabins" will be donated, either in memory, or in honour, of someone dear to the donor. Another forward movement soon to be put in hand, now that materials are available, is the establishment of "Norla Gymnasium." In a sailors' club such facility for exercise is absolutely essential. The men both need, and miss, exertion. As one boy, who had been backsliding, once said pathetically : -"If only there was something to do to get me into a good sweat, I would be all right." Soon such an one will be helped to swing from the trapese of the Norla Gymnasium into the right track! Sunday is always a fete day at the Institute, for 40 or 50 sailors generally come into tea. The up-to-date kitchen, which is fitted with every labour-saving appliance - all paid for out of working members' half crowns - is then a hive of animation, and methodical order. A formidable row of teapots await filling. Mrs. Goldsmith -, the chaplain's wife - rightly thinks it is far more homely to pour out the tea from a pot, than to serve it straight from the urns. So tea is poured out by a member, who sits at the head of a table gay with flowers, and chats to the guests. These latter are of all nationalities. But the French, the Spanish, Scandinavian, Norwegian - or any other sailor is equally welcome with the British. Two enthusiasts belonging to the Guild actually learnt Norwegian, so that men of this nation would have someone to talk to, and so be less lonely when they reached this, to them, foreign port ! The members of the Guild have their own private suite where they arrange the flow-err and do other necessary odds and ends undisturbed. No one appreciates flowers like a sailor, and the earliest and most beautiful may always be seen adorning the tables and rooms. Teas are served and lectures are held in the "Celia Little Hall," one of the most beautiful portions of the institute. It was erected by the chaplain in memory of his aunt from whom the hall takes its name. The Gothic windows open upon the cloisters, where, in the hot weather, the sailors enjoy their meals out of doors. The cloisters, indeed, form an exquisite spot. They are between a series of sweeping arches which lead to the chapel, and are sheltered by the open balcony of the chaplain's quarters. Grace of contour marks the architecture on every turn. Just around the corner is the chaplain's garden - a patch of green and colour, transformed from a desert waste, by a well-known woman horticulturist. The book room is a department especially valued by the sailors. There are two secretaries, one for home and the other for foreign literature. Books in French, English, Spanish, Scandinavian, Norwegian, and German may be found on the shelves. Each week about 36 convenient parcels of reading stuff are made up. These contain illustrated papers, books in various languages, and magazines. These parcels are eagerly accepted by the sailor with a long monotonous voyage before him. But complete as is every corner of the institute, no part is so well equipped as the memorial chapel erected by the Ladies' Harbour Light Guild, in memory of the officers and men, who have lost their lives during the war. St Peter's - for it is called after the sailor's patron saint - with its hallowed gentle dignity is a veritable sanctuary of peace, perhaps all the more so because it sprang out of war. The fittings are entirely of Australian wood. The pews, given in memory of some loved one by one of the members, are of Tasmanian hardwood. The reredos and altar chairs of carved blackwood. The rich carpet was provided by the members' magical half-crowns. Already this chapel holds memorials of peculiar historical interest. The altar lectern was given in memory of Commander Elwell, who, it will be remembered, was killed at Rabaul, in the early part of the war. The font commemorates two heroes - Nigel Hockley and Fred Hyde, who lost their lives at the hands of the Germans, although they survived the actual torpedoing of their ships, the Galgorn Castle off the coast of Ireland. The mother of one of them wrote out that her son had died as an Englishman should - fighting for the right. This noble sentiment is suitably paraphrased upon the inscription engraved upon the font. Practically every-hing enshrined in the chapel has its own sentimental value. The alms salver of beaten copper, studded with agate, is fragrant with the memory of a saintly woman.The eye of the sailor is caught and held by the pulpit, which is fashioned like a ship's hull and only a twist of rope guides the chaplain up the steps. For the last 13 years the Rev. A. Gurney Goldsmith, M.A., has acted as chaplain to the Seamen's Mission in Melbourne. Before that he and his wife worked in China. Mr Goldsmith visits all the boats and gets in touch personally with the sailor, over whom he has great influence. He is not only their chaplain and friend, but, amongst a wide range of other things, their banker besides. An exchange system exists between the various Missions, and the sailor who has "banked" his money with the chaplain, upon going away, receives a cheque which is cashed - minus exchange - by the chaplain of the next port. Mr. Goldsmith will tell you he has a soft spot in his heart for on old sailor he calls "Paddy." This ancient mariner has been wrecked ten times. It was a long time before the chaplain prevailed upon "Paddy" to partake of the spiritual and secular advantages afforded by the institute. He would not come, he said, until he could do so "with a good heart." Finally he frankly admitted that he had no "friends like those of 'the Flying Angel,' " and that he eventually proved his own "good heart" will be shown in this story. One day he came in to the chaplain and said bluffly, "Well, sir, I've been payin' off some old scores up Carlton way, an' I tells yer, plain, sir, not one of 'em would have seen a penny of their money but for the Mission." The Ladies' Harbour Light Guild has over thirty working suburban branches, and the excellent results achieved at the Institute now will no doubt be considerably augmented in the future. The practical actions of the members do more than anything else to convey the subtle meaning of the name of the Guild. To the visiting sailors the word "ladies" signifies the bread givers; "harbour" safety ; "lights" welcome; "guild" the welding of fraternity, and they one and all tell you the ideals thus embodied are unselfishly carried out by all the ladies who have banded together to care for the sailors' welfare.The article describes the Mission and the use of several spaces a year after its opening and gives details about the daily activities.Digital copy of an article published in the Western Mail on the 13th of December 1918. 717 flinders street, seamen's mission, norla dome, lhlg, reverend alfred gurney goldsmith, celia little room, garden, frederica godfrey -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, Australian War Museum Exhibition Buildings, 4 LH Officers at Tripoli, 1918
... On back: Officers of the 4th ALH Tripoli, Syria December... of the 4th ALH Tripoli, Syria December 1918 A black & white photo ...A black & white photo showing six mounted Light Horse officers.On back: Officers of the 4th ALH Tripoli, Syria December 1918photo, light horse, syria -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Document, Surafend Incident, Aug 2009
... December 1918... incident in Palestine on 10th December 1918 Surafend Incident ...A manila folder containing a down loaded report and discussion groups on the Surafend incident in Palestine on 10th December 1918surafend incident -
Ruyton Girls' School
Magazine, Ruyton Girls' School, The Ruytonian, 1918
... . / DECEMBER, 1918 /... FIDELITER. / DECEMBER, 1918 / Colour publication printed on papyrus ...In July 1909, a modest 12-page booklet was put together by members of the fledgling Old Ruytonians Association (ORA) and distributed to the Ruyton Girls' School community. It was one of their first projects, and their aim was to nurture continuing interest in the School among former and current students. They named it "The Ruytonian." At first, The Ruytonian was produced twice yearly, and always bore a plain cover with a simple name banner. Initially, it was the work of volunteer editors from the ORA, but in 1913 they handed the publication over to the first student editors, Esther Gibson and Lucy Tickell. Since that time, the style and content of The Ruytonian has continuously evolved. The biggest shifts occurred in 1942 when it transitioned to a yearly publication, and in 1969 when it moved to a larger A4 format with a cover image specifically selected for that year.The record has strong historic significance as it pertains to the fourth oldest girls' school in Victoria, Australia. Ruyton was founded in 1878 in the Bulleen Road, Kew, home of newly widowed Mrs Charlotte Anderson (now High Street South). Due to the age of the record dating back to 1918, we can infer it is one of the few remaining complete, intact and original examples of The Ruytonian from this period. Therefore, it can be considered an outstanding representation of its type, and is a reference example for research in early Victorian school history. The date of the record also aligns with the First World War, and thus can offer interesting insight into how schools prepared for potential air raids, which was widely considered a threat at the time. The record's significance is further enhanced by its exceptionally well-documented provenance, having remained the property of Ruyton Girls' School since its production.Colour publication printed on papyrus coloured paper. 29 pages.Front Cover: THE / RUYTON / IAN / RECTE ET FIDELITER. / DECEMBER, 1918 /ruyton girls' school, the ruytonian, kew, old ruytonians association, yearbook, school, publication, girls school, junior school, senior school, journal, students, teacher, wwi, world war i -
RSL Victoria - Anzac House Reference Library and Memorabilia Collection
Letter of Roderick Andrew McFarlane, Roderick McFarlane, December 1918
... Three page handwritten letter from Tripoli, dated December...December 1918... regiment Three page handwritten letter from Tripoli, dated December ...Roderick McFarlane embarked from Adelaide on board the Port Lincoln on 20th October 1914, and returned on 28th May 1919. Letter tells of fighting and living conditions in Palestine, including diseases, treatment of horses and certain troop dispositions.Three page handwritten letter from Tripoli, dated December 16th 1918, by Capt. Roderick McFarlane (1 - 3rd Light Horse Regiment).ww1, letters, roderick andrew mcfarlane, 3 light horse regiment -
RSL Victoria - Anzac House Reference Library and Memorabilia Collection
Letters of Herbert Black, John Monash, 11 December 1918 and 17 January 1919
... promotion and/or reassignment. First letter dated 11th December 1918...11 December 1918 and 17 January 1919... promotion and/or reassignment. First letter dated 11th December 1918 ...Letters by Monash relate to Black's request for possible promotion and/or reassignment. First letter dated 11th December 1918, second letter dated 17th January 1919.Two signed letters by John Monash sent to Herbert Black (21921 - 9th Field Company Engineers). ww1, letters, herbert black, john monash, 9 field company engineers -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Flyer, Subdivisional Auction Sale Brochure, Railway Station Estate, Ringwood East, Vic. - 1918
... residential allotments on Saturday, 21st December, 1918, including..., 21st December, 1918, including terms of sale, subdivision ...Advertisement for subdivisional auction sale of 80 residential allotments on Saturday, 21st December, 1918, including terms of sale, subdivision layout, and nearby location photographs.Subdivision includes Mount Dandenong Road (incorrectly shown as White Horse Road), Dublin Road, Freeman Street, Bona Street, and Patterson Street. Local Agent - J.B. McAlpin, Telephone Ringwood 7. -
Frankston RSL Sub Branch
... December, 1918. refer item 00325..., 1918 to 21st December, 1918. refer item 00325 Document ...Printed Certificate of Discharge document used by Royal Australian Naval Brigade. Issued to A. C. Hill to acknowledge his service with the Naval Guard Service from 27th April, 1918 to 21st December, 1918. refer item 00325 -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
... December 1918... George VI at the Court of Saint James on 11 December 1918 ...Certificate presented to Dick Nankervis on the occasion of his appointment of an officer in 1918 at Saint James's Court. Refer to Word Document in item 0048Certificate of Appointment in wooden frame with glass frontCertificate appointing Dick Nankervis MM as Officer of the Land Forces by King George VI at the Court of Saint James on 11 December 1918partchment, glass -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Newspaper cuttings, The KIA ORA COOEE, 1918
... of August, November and December 1918 covering operations... and December 1918 covering operations in Palestine. There is some verse ...Twelve photocopied pages from the Kia Ora Coo-ee newspapers of August, November and December 1918 covering operations in Palestine. There is some verse written by soldiers, stories and photographs. Articles feature the Holy Sepulchre, the Dome of the Rock, The Fall of Damascus and the Samaria Smashkia ora coo-ee, world war 1 -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Workbook: Burnley Gardens Record of Fieldwork, 1917-1918
... January 1917 to week ending 7 December 1918. Includes information... to week ending 7 December 1918. Includes information about plants ...Handwritten weekly fieldwork logbook from week ending 6 January 1917 to week ending 7 December 1918. Includes information about plants and crops, horticultural practices, drainage work undertaken. At the back, information on the dairy cows. Some parts very faded.weekly, fieldwork logbook, 1917, 1918, plants, crops, horticultural practices, drainage, dairy cows -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, John Gibson et al, John Cecil Jessop in Paris 1919, 01/12/1918
... Postcard from Cecil John Jessop to Wal Luxford 1st December... to Wal Luxford 1st December 1918. Photograph of Cec Jessop ...Postcard from Cecil John Jessop to Wal Luxford 1st December 1918. Photograph of Cec Jessop in uniform taken in Paris.Digital copy of black and white photograph. luxford family, cecil jessop -
Victorian Interpretive Projects Inc.
Photograph - Colour, Stained Glass Windows in the Former Bethal Church, Albert Street, Ballarat, 2014, 18/05/2014
... In December 1918 the Ballarat Courier reported..., 3350 goldfields In December 1918 the Ballarat Courier reported ...In December 1918 the Ballarat Courier reported that the Bethal Welsh Church held special services on in connection with their 65th anniversary, making it's establishment date 1853.Three colour photographs showing stained glass windows at the former Bethal Church in Ballarat. In 2014 the building was being used at the Church Retro Cafe.bethal, church, albert street, church retro cafe, stained glass, bethal, church, albert street, church retro cafe, stained glass -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Licence Motor boatman, 1918
... December 1918’ ... December 1918’ This is a paper licence issued by the Marine Board ...This is a licence issued to Leslie Palmer in 1918. It gives him authority to operate a motor boat across the banks of the Hopkins River near the mouth and to carry passengers. As there is a bridge at the mouth of the river it is assumed that this motor boat was used to go across the river from a private house, making it more convenient than going by road to cross the bridge. It was, and still is, a common practice to use boats to cross the river from private homes built along the banks of the Hopkins River.This is a significant item as it is an original certificate and is interesting because the licence was a restricted one, for use only in crossing the Hopkins River. This is a paper licence issued by the Marine Board of Victoria in 1918. The certificate has printed material and entries written in black ink. It has the seal of the Marine Board and the signature of the SecretaryWritten material: ‘Leslie Alfred Palmer of Warrnambool, oil, on the Hopkins River within a line bearing east from Point Ritchie on the western side of the mouth of such river to the opposite shore, 6th December 1918’ motor boat licence 1918, warrnambool, leslie palmer, hopkins river -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Officer, for Quarter ending December 30th, 1918.H.A.Duffus, Lieut...30 December 1918..., for Quarter ending December 30th, 1918.H.A.Duffus, Lieut. & Adjt. Area ...Document, Australian Military Forces, Programme of Parades.67th Battalion Senior Cadets, Captain J. Laidler, Commanding Officer, for Quarter ending December 30th, 1918.H.A.Duffus, Lieut. & Adjt. Area Officer, Training Area 67b. Drill Hall, Mollison Street, Bendigo.Cadet K.Guiney, 5 Platoon, B Coy, Address 126 Sternberg Street Bendigo. Document, Australian Military Forces, Programme of Parades, 67th Battalion Senior Cadets, Captain J. Laidler Commanding Officer, for quarter ending September 30th 1918.Cadet K.Guiney, 5 Platoon, B Coy. R.L.Houston, Lieut. & Adjt. Area Officer Training Area 67b, Drill Hall, Mollison Street, Bendigodocument, certificate, australian military forces -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, Bagging Onions at 'Hillside', Crossley, c1930s
... was born on 31 December 1918. They are brothers of Mary Matilda.... Greg Fitzgerald was born on 31 December 1918. They are brothers ...Thomas Fitzgerald was born on 16 June 1913. Greg Fitzgerald was born on 31 December 1918. They are brothers of Mary Matilda Fitzgerald who married Patrick Edmund Carroll. The onions on on the Carroll farm 'Hillside', McCartney's Lane, Crossley, Victoria. Black and white photograph of Greg Fitzgerald and Thomas Fitzgerald bagging onions at 'Hillside', Crossley.hillside, crossley, greg fitzgerald, thomas fitzgerald, carroll, onions, horticulture, agriculture, farming -
St Kilda Historical Society
Ephemera - Special event program, Second Welcome and Presentations to St Kilda's (1914) ANZACS, 1919
... was held on 4 December 1918. This second welcome and presentation... and ceremony of presentations was held on 4 December 1918. This second ...The first civic welcome and ceremony of presentations was held on 4 December 1918. This second welcome and presentation, to a further group of returned soldiers of St. Kilda, was arranged to take place earlier than 14 May 1919 but had to be postponed because of restrictions on the holding of public meetings during the influenza epidemic. Cream coloured card, printed in red, blue and brown, folded. Paper insert, printed in brown and stapled to cover, contains details of the program for the evening and names of those presented. Back cover has 1914 sepia photograph of 14th Battalion. 14th battalion aif, wwi, citizens welcome to anzacs, st kilda patriotic committee -
Woodend RSL
Photography - Kerin F Keating
... . Demobilised in Woodend 22nd December 1918. .... Demobilised in Woodend 22nd December 1918. Photography - Kerin F ...His regimental number was 10538. Kerin Francis Keating. DOB 27 March 1879 He was a driver in 46th Battery 12th Australian Field Artillery Brigade He was single with mother (Bridget Keating) and sister as dependents He left Australia on 05 January 1916. He was a telephone linesman prior to joining the army. Demobilised in Woodend 22nd December 1918. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... The AIF in France 1918 December 1917-May 1918 by C.E.W. Bean... in the war of 1914-1918 Vol V The AIF in France 1918 December 1917 ...Official History of Australia in the war of 1914-1918 Vol V The AIF in France 1918 December 1917-May 1918 by C.E.W. Bean , published by Angus & Robertson 89 Castlereagh St Sydney 1939 , maroon hard bound covered book with gold lettering , inside cover signed Wesley Harry 1973 , 279 illustrations and maps , fifth edition ( first edition was 1937)C.E.W. Beanbooks, military -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... retirement from the Board. 17th December, 1918. At the top... December, 1918. At the top of the menu is a drawing of open cabin ...Dinner tendered by the Members and Executive Officers of the Board of Public Health to Mr. H. Treganowan Esq. on his retirement from the Board. 17th December, 1918. At the top of the menu is a drawing of open cabin part of an aeroplane with a lady and a gentleman in it. He is wearing a brown suit and shoes with a grey cap and holding the controls of the aircraft. The lady is wearing an ankle length grey & white check suit with black collar and cuffs and a brown hat. She is holding a bottle in one hand and is holding a glass up to the man and giving him a drink from it. The menu is under this drawing. There are some autographs beside the menu. Some of the readable names are E Robertson and Treganowan.event, social, retirement, menu, retirement dinner for h treganowan, board of public health, e robertson -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Print, Rose Stereograph Company, Sacred Heart Church, Kew, Vic, Twentieth Century
... stone was laid on 15 December 1918 by Archbishop Mannix... stone was laid on 15 December 1918 by Archbishop Mannix ...The history of the church goes back to 1872 when Jesuits purchased land in Walpole Street. By 1875 Archbishop Gould had laid a foundation stone on 14 February for a school. Early services for local Catholics were held in Richmond, Collingwood and later Hawthorn. By 1899 the land for the current church was purchased after a donation by Mr James Crotty of 3,000.00. The foundation stone was laid on 15 December 1918 by Archbishop Mannix. The dimensions of the church were to be 139 feet long by 77 feet wide with seating for 850 people. The cost of construction was 15,000.00. (Source: )Sacred Heart Church, Kew, Vic., circa 1920-54. Photographic print of a Rose Stereograph Co. postcard in the State Library of Victoria collection.Inscription: The Rose Series P. 13053, Sacred Heart Church, Kew, Vic." Annotation in pencil: "KH-5. Foundation Stone laid 1918, completed 1921."churches -- kew (vic.), sacred heart church -- cotham road -- kew (vic.), catholic churches -- melbourne (vic.) -
St Kilda Historical Society
Ephemera - Flyer, Welcome and Presentations to St Kilda's (1914) Anzacs, 1918
... on 4 December 1918. The event is described by John Butler... to St Kilda's (1914) ANZACs on 4 December 1918. The event ...For welcome and presentations to St Kilda's (1914) ANZACs on 4 December 1918. The event is described by John Butler Cooper in 'The History of St Kilda' (pp 263-264) as follows: 'On Wednesday evening, December 4, 1918, seventy Anzacs of St. Kilda who had returned were welcomed by the St. Kilda Patriotic Committee at the City Hall. The hall was decorated with an immense bouquet of red, white and blue flowers, depending from the centre of the ceiling, with floral and electric festoons leading therefrom. Anzacs shields in laurel wreaths and flags were displayed along the balcony of the hall. Over the stage the word "Anzacs," outlined by electric lights, was surmounted with the words "Patriotic Committee of St. Kilda heartily Welcomes You." As the returned soldiers marched into the hall, they were received with cheers, and an electric button being touched, the word "Welcome" flashed in light caught their eyes. The Mayor presented the 1914 soldiers with gold enamelled medals, bearing the arms of St. Kilda.' White paper, single sheet folded, printed on 3 pages in blue.wwi, world war i, st kilda patriotic committee, citizens welcome to anzacs -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, December 1918
... December 1918 ...A black / white photograph / postcard of the inside of a limestone cave. It shows stalagtites and stalagmites.on front - "Font of the Gods, Royal Cave, Buchan.'"buchan-caves royal-cave-buchan limestone-formations -
Victoria Police Museum
Prison record (Robert Sinclair), 23 December 1918
... 23 December 1918 ...Robert Sinclair, a travelling entertainer, committed a variety of offences including housebreaking, having a skeleton/picklock key in his possession, being an habitual criminal. He had several aliases. Prison record for Robert Sinclair, prisoner registered number 29536, giving details of the prisoner, his crimes and the dates and places of his trials.robert sinclair, english speaking prisoner, larceny, housebreaking, stealing