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matching eliza tucker
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (series) - Subject File, MCKNIGHT family
... eliza tucker... sources. mcknight family -- kew (vic.) james tucker eliza tucker ...Kew Historical SocietySince its foundation in 1958, members of the Kew Historical Society have been compiling and storing information about subjects relating to the history of Kew and its environs, of which this file is an example. Arranged by Secondary Values (value of records to users)Subject file created by researchers of the Kew Historical Society containing primary and secondary sources relevant to the history of the McKnight family whose ancestors - James & Eliza Tucker - emigrated from Ireland. James Tucker was a farmer who died in 1913. The file includes correspondence between Susan Bright and KHS.mcknight family -- kew (vic.), james tucker, eliza tucker, ellen mcknight, james mcknight, families -- kew (vic.)mcknight family -- kew (vic.), james tucker, eliza tucker, ellen mcknight, james mcknight, families -- kew (vic.) -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Bentleigh East Primary School
This file contains 5 items. A limited edition of a book "A History of the Bentleigh East Primary School No. 2083 formerly Bentleigh formerly East Brighton 1878-1978" published to mark the centenary of the Bentleigh East Primary School celebrated from 1 – 5th August 1978. The book was compiled by the Principal Peter Morris and is a collection of incidents, reminiscences and anecdotes arranged in chronological order to capture the character of the differing periods through which the school passed. It provides an insight to the development of the area and of the school and includes a list of school principals from 1878 – 1978, an honor roll for WW1 students etc. Notes on the Camm family who donated the School Centenary Book A newspaper article on the centenary celebrations. The article is undated and the source is not known. It includes 2 photographs of the celebrations. A name badge for Duchie Laven issued for the centenary. The badge is on pink cardboard. A Black + White school photograph taken in 1948. Josephine and Wilma Newman are identified in the photograph.malane thomas market gardener, atkinson william – head teacher 1878 – 1883, initial school staff, jack margaret, stevens eliza (pupil teacher), water supply, mills henry (prominent head teacher), craig robert district inspector, centre road, primitive methodist church 22/07/1884, tram lines, taylor mr., head teacher list, shelter sheds., joyce colin dr., thiele mr. (head teacher), north road state school, ormond state school no 3074, east bentleigh state school, east brighton state school no. 2083, bentleigh state school no 2083, bentleigh east primary school no 2083, school 213 brighton east, bentleigh elementary school no 2083, bentleigh west state school no 4318, coatesville primary school, tucker road moorabbin primary school, bent thomas sir, honor lists, honour book, awards, snowball o.r. mla gilbert mr. head teacher, brighton gas lighting, sloyd classes, gilbert mr. (head teacher), cross bob (pupil), school strap, henderson w. (district inspector), school rooms, school work books, schools, school concerts, school committees, caretaker’s residence, fencing, higgins a., higgins stan, bentleigh public hall, marriott william (chairman school committee), bentleigh theatre, old scholars, trenches 1937 (slit), donald j.r. (head teacher), war savings certificates, shelter pavilions, bristol units – classrooms, redmond mr (head teacher), school pedestrian crossings, sound systems, school canteen, world war 1914 – 1918, electricity supply, salmagundi, tamrakis socrates, school libraries, railway stations, education, school rolls, market gardens, cattle – nuisance, bushrangers, toll gates, chinese school, chinese community, school curriculum – historical, flora, aborigines, snakes, migrant teachers, japanese language, rats, caretaker’s residences, fencing, cattle, horse racing, caulfield military hospital, advertising, street lighting, anglican school st stephens, chinese christian church arthur’s seat road (now nepean hwy), st john’s anglican church bentleigh, hit & miss hotel, live & let live hotel, plough & harrow hotel, moorabbin district roads board, army huts, higgins stan mr, . marriott william mr, cremean mr. mla, arnett kevin, vanderlaven vanderlaven adrian, vanderlaven josephine, laven fredericha willamena, laven adrian, laven duchie, newman wilma, newman josephine, camm josephine, marshall gladys, neville gladys, holis ivy, monroe victor, duckmanton keith, tram lines - mordialloc sandringham, school paper, public works dept., springthorpe j.w. dr., vosey joseph, camm terry, camm josie, barrenger elsie, bentleigh oval, race course east bentleigh 1899, keys's hotel, unveiling of honor book and cabinet 25/08/1922 -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - BOX FAMILY
Extensively detailed family history from 1838 in UK to present day. Provides much local history and social history into early pioneering and market gardening families. Forty one page computer print out with numerous black and white w.h. george, box george, box mary nee cripps, box caroline, box william, box henry, box john, box anna, box eliza, box elizabeth nee avis, box francis, box lydia, moeller a., mclean n., robilliard george james, box ester, box fanny (downard), box eleanor, philbrick richard, fairlam richard, hale jasper, dendy henry, renick mark, renick stefanie (nee riemann), brighton cemetery, ormond, east brighton, prahran, centre road, jasper road, manchester road, mckinnon road, north road, brighton, box cottage, moorabbin historical society, thomas street, elsternwick, paterson road, east bentleigh, tucker road, jasper road, harwood thomas, box violet, hordeen lebbens, augustus arthur, wattle, pioneers, ancient order of foresters, council of moorabin, elster creek, primitive methodist church, lewis’ timber yard, grape growing, paling house, wells, water wagon, market gardens, farming, aboriginal people, king billy, chinese, kayon (?), kay you (yu?), cheong ki, boxer rebellion, chinese missionary, brickmakers, midwife, corben’s monumental masons, sculptor, cottage, parlour, verandah, scullery, le man’s swamp, flower nursery, chook houses, ladies college, moorabbin roads board, western market, eastern market, victoria market, st. kilda road, nepean road/highway, mckinnon, ormond, carnegie, oakleigh, murrumbeena, moorabbin, mordialloc, heathcote, bentleigh, brighton east, manchester road, brighton council, city of moorabbin, west joseph, porter harriet, moore henry, moeller a (moller), box mary, lindsay mccurry elizabeth, lindsay elizabeth, lindsay henry, lindsay frederick, schmidt william, robilliard james cpt., beckett ida, beckett nellie, beckett martha, beckett martha maud, robinson eleanor, robinson joyce, dowling thomas, anderson william snowden, mccurry henry mr & mrs, box emily jane (nee mccurry), jorgensen justin, jorgensen dr., jorgenson bertha, ross william murray, st. kilda, merrie creek, pentridge (now coburg), murray road, wyuna dunoos st, grange road, rosstown, tucker rd, elizabeth st, common school no 213 east brighton, bentleigh, steel roads tracks, rabbits, cheltenham, brighton cemetery, cheltenham cemetery, paterson road, east boundary road, baptist church, lay preachers, missionaries- china, oakleigh tyre works, belfast hotel sandhurst (bendigo), mornington, gas street lighting, brighton historical society, moorabbin primary school, bravis road, lewis street, chalmers street, grange road, butcher shops, ormond state school, oakleigh council, wedding dress, methodist children’s home cheltenham, bentleigh baptist church, auctioneer, lindsay mark, balkham jane, balkham stephen, reitman august william, fitzwilliam catherine, quashdorf (?phonetic) mr, box violet, montford paul, reitman stephanie (renick mrs), reitman william, box ada, downard alicia (lill), downard arthur, downard edward, graham elizabeth, downard octavia rose, downard william alfred, downard arthur henry (harvey), downard fanny, thompson eliza jane, box lena caroline, viloudaki rebecca, box anna (pay), pay henry, box eliza (gurr), johnson geoffrey, rushall eleanor (nellie), gurr eliza nee box, gurr jabez henry tasman, marriot william mrs, ross william murray, box gladys (nee battersby), box dulcie (bussell), bussell samuel robert, bussell norma (hoult), bussell darren lyle, bussell craig andrew, bussell sylvia june (barry), barry j. haydon, barry rachael alexandra, barry phillipa anne, barry vanessa kate, bussell joan lorraine (millie), millie john, bussell harold leslie, euston mr, purdue edgar robert, box lydia elizabeth, wilkinson coral doreen, mitchell donald, centre road, court pride of st george aof, dunoon street, vickery street, darey street/ave., oakleigh state school, methodist church, mill street, koornang road, regent street, marriage road, box olivia christina, box ernest charles, box walter william, lawson robert, lawson nancy eunice (curtis), box walter stanley, box eleanor (nellie) rushall, box martha, box john, box nellie gladys, andrews william (bill), box ray, mccurry mrs elizabeth, box william henry george, schreiber family, jorgensen family, downward arthur, downward alicia – lill, downward octavia rose, downward william alfred, downward arthur henry/harvey, cummings ida, cummings william, downward alice (nee cleary), downward ada, downward lucy (mrs bailey), downward alice, downward arthur harvey, bailey lawrence, bailey ian, bailey carol viola (bartlett), bailey colin harvey, bailey julie alison (hardware), bailey val, bailey adina, bailey david, bartlett brian, bartlett bradley grant, bartlett clayton lawrence, hardware michael, hardware dion michael colin, hardware jevon michael bailey, box elanor, box alice amelia (dale), dale george, dale elizabeth, dale lilly, dale john, dale thomas, dale rose, dale ethelbert, dale george, dale elsie, box thomas henry, box annie lavinia (rogers), rogers annie elizabeth, rogers william richard, box arthur walter, nelson dagma marie (box), box walter kingston, box marie, box cecilia eliza (ainger), ainger james, box ida may, cumming william george, cumming wendy (nee mansell), cumming susan, cumming paul, cumming felicity (steel), cumming shane, cumming melissa, cumming angel, box harold, box dorothy may (jackson), jackson frederick, jackson margaret (walker), jackson judith, walker david, walker michelle (neville), neville andrew, walker darren, walker rebecca (coyne), walker joshua, walker bradley, johnson steven, johnson carl, johnson judith (jackson), johnson peter, johnson melissa (hamid), johnson craig, ely johnson/jackson judith, ely steven, linham arthur, box thelma elizabeth (eagle), eagle keith, eagle nancye elizabeth (harpin), harkin john, harkin mary anne (howe), howe barry, howe samuel, harkin michael, harkin christopher, harkin elizabeth, eagle roddan, eagle carolyn (mansell), eagle gerard, eagle kerri – lee, box avis ann (eldridge), eldridge alf, eldridge robert, eldridge sandra, eldridge adam, eldridge nicholas, eldridge patric, eldridge john, eldridge carol (biggs), eldridge robert james, eldridge catherine elizabeth, eldridge meredith, box william john, box maud (nee hanchette), box malcome, box sandra (ede), box stephen, box nicolle, box andrew, box christine (dormer), box corrina, box jennifer (turpin), turpin phillip, box herbert, box olwyn (richard), box elaine henry, henry bruce, henry james, henry robin, henry david, box richard, box nerida (bowen), box duncan, box john, box cerwiden, box ewan, box bryan, box collen (malony), box kieran, box eden, box christopher, box pam (smith), box sue (tirchett), box thomas, box william, box george frederick, box olive (cameron), box eliza jane (thompson), box francis george, box lena caroline, box-hembrow mable alma, box charles francis, clinch mr., box robinson jessie melinda, box clay edith florence, north brighton, waun alex, waun robert, marquis peter, sheppard w., warnbach mr, marriott william mrs, box dorothy (seabrook), box hazel, box jessie, box frank (francis), seabrook len, box henry, seabrook albert, seabrook stanley allan, barry j. haydon, barry rachel alexandra, millie john, bussell harold leslie, bussell sue, bussell leanne melinda, bussell benjamin leslie, bussell lynette, box george, box jean (holms), box george, box alisa (hughes), hughes justin, hughes ebony, hughes tasman, box robin, box veronica (roman), box andrea roman, box lisa roman, box jodi roman, box malcome, box sue (kerrison), box amanda, box anthony, clay john (jack) francis, clay lynda blanche (nee sibte), clay vivien, clay majory joy, lipman vernon (vern) ronald, clay kenneth graham, clay laura jean -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - MCKINNON
Brief typed history of McKinnon settlement taken from Moorabbin A Pictorial History 1862-1994 by John Cribben. Includes photocopied pages of railway gates, five land estate flyers and an article from the McKinnon Progress, undated.mckinnon, cribben john, crop production, markets, farmers, elster creek, mcmillan archibald, thomas street, centre road, wheatley road, vineyards, south road, ormond, brighton, moorabbin, irish, immigrants, bentleigh, priests, hanrahan pierce, hanrahan johanna, caroll michael, caroll catherine, howes eliza, howes john, howes edward, shanahan denis, shanahan ellen, gould james, gould catherine, howes george, bignell road, jasper road, tucker road, mcguiness family, quinn family, halinan family, malane family, inns, the gardeners arms, mckinnon hotel, bent james, bent thomas, tickets of leave, murray road, were nicholas, sargood family, ripponlea, mansions, elsternwick, st. stephens’ common school, church of england, school houses, evelyn street, st. john’s anglican church, telegraph offices, post offices, state schools, manchester road, north road, nicholls buildings, rivers frank, rivers ray, shops, pridgeon mr., elm grove, sobrin mr., clark misses, greaves bakery, armitage mrs., rout mr., tunnicliffe mrs., lance’s milk bar, johnson’s hardware shop, stiringer mrs., white horrie, robinson’s, mcinnerney’s flower shop, jean darling’s cakes, wyles jim, mckinnon progress association, glen orme avenue, ormond theatre, theatres, lester harry, the plaza, railway crossing, railway gates, wright street, nichols l., builders, pine grove, halls, st. elmo estate, patterson station estate, patterson road, brewer road, purton road, clee hill estate, railway park, hawthorn grove, wattle grove, elm grove, learys estate, manchester road, selkirk avenue, masters estate, lancaster street, moylan street, moorabbin railway crossing -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B&W Francis Box 1836-1912, c1900
Francis Box was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. He was assigned to work in Beaufort and had various jobs including ‘gold miner’ at Heathcoat where he married Eliza Jane Thompson. Francis decided to return to market gardening after the death of his 1st child Francis George Box in 1875 aged 13months. The child was buried in Brighton Cemetery and Francis then rent/leased the land on the corner of Tucker Road and Elizabeth Street East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) owned by his brother Henry who with another brother John helped Francis clear the land, and establish a market garden. They had 4 children and began to prosper until in 1882 their 2year old child Lena Caroline Box was killed in a fire that destroyed their house. Francis was burned trying to rescue the child. The local community raised money to assist the family. The land boom brought prosperity again and Francis bought more land around Tucker Road which was bequeathed to his children. Francis and Eliza Jane had four more children but one died in infancy and another aged 2 years. Only 5 of their 9 children survived. Francis and Eliza Jane, who died in 1922, are also buried in Brighton CemeteryBox Cottage Museum, a reconstruction of an early settler hut, is named after the Box family who resided there 1865 -1913 . William Box who with his wife Elizabeth Avis Box and 13 children lived and farmed on the block of land in Jasper Road, East Brighton ( now McKinnon / Ormond) that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841 Francis Box was born in Withyham, Sussex 1836 and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. Francis, a brother of William Box, and his wife Eliza Jane Thompson had 9 children and established market gardens in Tucker Road, BentleighA black and white photograph of Francis Box 1836-1912FERRY ... Elizabeth St Melbournebox george, box mary, box william, box elizabeth honor, box alonzo, box mary louisa, dendy henry, were j b, dendy's special survey 1841, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, mckinnon, ormond, market gardeners, dairy farms, early settlers, pioneers, tucker road, box francis , thompson eliza jane, box william henry george, box charles francis, box-hembrow mable alma, box jessie melinda, box edith florence -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B&W Mable (May ) Alma Box 1878 - 1969, c1879
Francis Box was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. He was assigned to work in Beaufort and had various jobs including ‘gold miner’ at Heathcoat where he married Eliza Jane Thompson. Francis decided to return to market gardening after the death of his 1st child Francis George Box in 1875 aged 13months. The child was buried in Brighton Cemetery and Francis then rent/leased the land on the corner of Tucker Road and Elizabeth Street East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) owned by his brother Henry who with another brother John helped Francis clear the land, and establish a market garden. They had 4 children and began to prosper until in 1882 their 2year old child Lena Caroline Box was killed in a fire that destroyed their house. Francis was burned trying to rescue the child. The local community raised money to assist the family. The land boom brought prosperity again and Francis bought more land around Tucker Road which was bequeathed to his children. Francis and Eliza Jane had four more children but one died in infancy and another aged 2 years. Only 5 of their 9 children survived. Francis and Eliza Jane, who died in 1922, are also buried in Brighton Cemetery Mable ‘May’Alma Box, who was born in Brighton, married Earnest Hembrow in 1899 and they had a daughter Doreen May Hembrow 1900. After Earnest died early 1900’s , May married John Amos Wright Batchelor 1912, a widower with 3 children, and then together had 2 children. Amos died in 1958 and May in 1969 in Cowra, NSW Box Cottage Museum, a reconstruction of an early settler hut, is named after the Box family who resided there 1865 -1913 . William Box who with his wife Elizabeth Avis Box and 13 children lived and farmed on the block of land in Jasper Road, East Brighton ( now McKinnon / Ormond) that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841 . Francis Box, a brother of William Box, was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. Francis established market gardens in Tucker Road Bentleigh. . Mable ‘May’ Alma Box was the 3rd child of Francis Box Inscribed in Album “ The early photos in this album were found by Mr (Laurie) Lewis when he was demolishing the Old Box Cottage. He gave them to Mrs Avis Box Eldridge who in turn gave them to me. They were not identified. I believe they rightly belong in the Cottage. I have attempted to identify them and present them in a way they can be preserved as a historical record of the era.” A B Leigh A black and white photograph of Mable (May) Alma Box daughter of Francis Box c1879YEOMAN & Co 47 CHAPEL STREET / PRAHRANbox george, box mary, box william, box elizabeth honor, box alonzo, box mary louisa, dendy henry, were j b, dendy's special survey 1841, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, mckinnon, ormond, market gardeners, dairy farms, early settlers, pioneers, tucker road, box francis , thompson eliza jane, box william henry george, box charles francis, box-hembrow mable alma, box jessie melinda, box edith florence , hembrow earnest, batcheldor john amos wright, hembrow doreen may, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B&W Jessie Melinda Box 1888 - 1975, c1889
Francis Box was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. He was assigned to work in Beaufort and had various jobs including ‘gold miner’ at Heathcoat where he married Eliza Jane Thompson. Francis decided to return to market gardening after the death of his 1st child Francis George Box in 1875 aged 13months. The child was buried in Brighton Cemetery and Francis then rent/leased the land on the corner of Tucker Road and Elizabeth Street East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) owned by his brother Henry who with another brother John helped Francis clear the land, and establish a market garden. They had 4 children and began to prosper until in 1882 their 2year old child Lena Caroline Box was killed in a fire that destroyed their house. Francis was burned trying to rescue the child. The local community raised money to assist the family. The land boom brought prosperity again and Francis bought more land around Tucker Road which was bequeathed to his children. Francis and Eliza Jane had four more children but one died in infancy and another aged 2 years. Only 5 of their 9 children survived. Francis and Eliza Jane, who died in 1922, are also buried in Brighton Cemetery Jessie Melinda Box 1888- 1975 was born in East Brighton ( Bentleigh) the 8th child of Francis and Eliza Jane Box. She was a teacher in Eskdale, Victoria and married William Robinson d 1983, a farmer at Mitta in 1921. The family later moved to Tucker Road, Bentleigh where they ran a market garden until in 1950 they established "The Hilandale Poll Hereford Stud" at Notting Hill and Rowville. They moved to Mornington c 1960 where they continued their stud farming and enjoyed success at Melbourne, Sydney and local Shows. They had 2 children Jack Francis Robinson b1921, William James Robinson b1925. Box Cottage Museum, a reconstruction of an early settler hut, is named after the Box family who resided there 1865 -1913 . William Box who with his wife Elizabeth Avis Box and 13 children lived and farmed on the block of land in Jasper Road, East Brighton ( now McKinnon / Ormond) that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841 . Francis Box, a brother of William Box, was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. Francis established market gardens in Tucker Road Bentleigh. Jessie melinda Box was the 8th child of Francis Box Inscribed in Album “ The early photos in this album were found by Mr (Laurie) Lewis when he was demolishing the Old Box Cottage. He gave them to Mrs Avis Box Eldridge who in turn gave them to me. They were not identified. I believe they rightly belong in the Cottage. I have attempted to identify them and present them in a way they can be preserved as a historical record of the era.” A B Leigh A black and white photograph of Jessie Melinda Box a daughter of Francis Box and Elizabeth Jane Thompson Box c 1889YEOMAN & Co 47 Chapel Street, / Prahran* box george, box mary, box william, box elizabeth honor, box alonzo, box mary louisa, dendy henry, were j b, dendy's special survey 1841, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, mckinnon, ormond, market gardeners, dairy farms, early settlers, pioneers, tucker road, box francis , thompson eliza jane, box william henry george, box charles francis, , box mabel alma. box jessie melinda, robinson william, robinson jack francis, robinson william james, poll hereford stud farming, rowville, mornington, notting hill victoria, royal melbourne agricultural show, royal sydney agricultural show. cattle breeding, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B&W Edith ( Eadie) Florence Box 1890 - 1976, c1890
Edith (Eadie) Florence Box 1890- 1976, was born in East Brighton ( Bentleigh) the 9th child of Francis and Eliza Jane Box. In 1912 she married Jack Samuel Clay a market gardener in South Road, Moorabbin and they had 6 children. They retired to live in Balnarring, Victoria and are buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. Francis Box 1836-1912, was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. He was assigned to work in Beaufort and had various jobs including ‘gold miner’ at Heathcote where he married Eliza Jane Thompson 1852-1922. Francis decided to return to market gardening after the death of his 1st child Francis George Box in 1875 aged 13months. The child was buried in Brighton Cemetery and Francis then rent/leased the land on the corner of Tucker Road and Elizabeth Street East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) owned by his brother Henry who with another brother John helped Francis clear the land, and establish a market garden. They had 4 children and began to prosper until in 1882 their 2year old child Lena Caroline Box was killed in a fire that destroyed their house. Francis was burned trying to rescue the child. The local community raised money to assist the family. The land boom brought prosperity again and Francis bought more land around Tucker Road which was bequeathed to his children. Francis and Eliza Jane had four more children but one died in infancy and another aged 2 years. Only 5 of their 9 children survived. Francis and Eliza Jane, who died in 1922, are also buried in Brighton Cemetery Box Cottage Museum, a reconstruction of an early settler hut, is named after the Box family who resided there 1865 -1913 . William Box who with his wife Elizabeth Avis Box and 13 children lived and farmed on the block of land in Jasper Road, East Brighton ( now McKinnon / Ormond) that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841 . Francis Box, a brother of William Box, was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. Francis established market gardens in Tucker Road Bentleigh. Edith 'Eadie' Florence Box was the 9h child of Francis Box. Inscribed in Album “ The early photos in this album were found by Mr (Laurie) Lewis when he was demolishing the Old Box Cottage. He gave them to Mrs Avis Box Eldridge who in turn gave them to me. They were not identified. I believe they rightly belong in the Cottage. I have attempted to identify them and present them in a way they can be preserved as a historical record of the era.” A B Leigh a) A black and white photograph of Edith ( Eadie) Florence Box a daughter of Francis Box and Eliza Jane Thompson Box b) A black and white wedding photograph of Edith Box and John Clay a) YEOMAN & Co 47 Chapel Street / Prahran b) Kodak reprint /handwritten Eadie and John Claycity of moorabbin, brighton, dendy henry, box william, box elizabeth, rietman august, rietman frieda, box cottage museum ormond, box alonzo, glen eira city council, city of moorabbin historical society, ormond, bentleigh, cheltenham, box francis, box eliza jane, box edith florence, clay jack samuel -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B&W Francis Box and Eliza Jane Thompson Box c1900, c1900
Francis Box was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. He was assigned to work in Beaufort and had various jobs including ‘gold miner’ at Heathcoat where he married Eliza Jane Thompson. Francis decided to return to market gardening after the death of his 1st child Francis George Box in 1875 aged 13months. The child was buried in Brighton Cemetery and Francis then rent/leased the land on the corner of Tucker Road and Elizabeth Street East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) owned by his brother Henry who with another brother John helped Francis clear the land, and establish a market garden. They had 4 children and began to prosper until in 1882 their 2year old child Lena Caroline Box was killed in a fire that destroyed their house. Francis was burned trying to rescue the child. The local community raised money to assist the family. The land boom brought prosperity again and Francis bought more land around Tucker Road which was bequeathed to his children. Francis and Eliza Jane had four more children but one died in infancy and another aged 2 years. Only 5 of their 9 children survived Two boys William Henry George Box 1876 -1957, Charles Francis Box 1882 – 1947. Three girls Mable (May) Alma Box 1878 – 1969, Jessie Melinda Box 1888 – 1975, Edith ( Eadie ) Florence Box 1890 - 1976 .Francis and Eliza Jane, who died in 1922, are also buried in Brighton Cemetery Box Cottage Museum, a reconstruction of an early settler hut, is named after the Box family who resided there 1865 -1913 . William Box who with his wife Elizabeth Avis Box and 13 children lived and farmed on the block of land in Jasper Road, East Brighton ( now McKinnon / Ormond) that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841 . Francis Box, a brother of William Box, was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. Francis and his wife Eliza jane Thompson box had 9 children but only 5 survived. They established market gardens in Tucker Road Bentleigh. Inscribed in Album “ The early photos in this album were found by Mr (Laurie) Lewis when he was demolishing the Old Box Cottage. He gave them to Mrs Avis Box Eldridge who in turn gave them to me. They were not identified. I believe they rightly belong in the Cottage. I have attempted to identify them and present them in a way they can be preserved as a historical record of the era.” A B Leigh A black and white photograph of a) Francis Box 1836-1912 and his wife Eliza Jane Thompson Box 1852 - 1922 Two black and white photos b) Francis Box ,Eliza and grandchildren Dorothy, Francis baby George - children of Francis and Emily Jane Thompson c1900 c) William Henry Box and Emily Jane McCurry with children Dorothy, Francis, George and Joan c1900 a) YEOMAN & Co 47 Chapel Street PRAHRAN b) Kodak Film Handwritten - Francis Box / Ellizabeth Jane Thompson / children of William Henry Box & Emily Jane McCurry / Girl standing Dorothy / Boy Francis / Baby George. c) William Henry Box m Emily Jane McCurry with children, Dorothy, Francis, George and baby Joanbox george, box mary, box william, box elizabeth, box alonzo, box mary louisa, dendy henry, were j b, dendy's special survey 1841, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, mckinnon, ormond, market gardeners, dairy farms, early settlers, pioneers, jasper road, gurr jabez, gurr eliza, pay henry, pay anna, ward willam, box henry, ward elizabeth emma, box john, sheldrake martha, rushall eleanor, box caroline, box william henry, mccurry emily jane, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B&W Eliza Jane Thompson Box and 3 daughters c 1912, c1912
Francis Box was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. He was assigned to work in Beaufort and had various jobs including ‘gold miner’ at Heathcoat where he married Eliza Jane Thompson. Francis decided to return to market gardening after the death of his 1st child Francis George Box in 1875 aged 13months. The child was buried in Brighton Cemetery and Francis then rent/leased the land on the corner of Tucker Road and Elizabeth Street East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) owned by his brother Henry who with another brother John helped Francis clear the land, and establish a market garden. They had 4 children and began to prosper until in 1882 their 2year old child Lena Caroline Box was killed in a fire that destroyed their house. Francis was burned trying to rescue the child. The local community raised money to assist the family. The land boom brought prosperity again and Francis bought more land around Tucker Road which was bequeathed to his children. Francis and Eliza Jane had four more children but one died in infancy and another aged 2 years. Only 5 of their 9 children survived. Two boys William Henry George Box 1876 -1957, Charles Francis Box 1882 – 1947. Three girls Mable (May) Alma Box 1878 – 1969, Jessie Melinda Box 1888 – 1975, Edith ( Eadie ) Florence Box 1890 - 1976 .Francis who died 1912 and Eliza Jane, who died in 1922, are also buried in Brighton Cemetery Box Cottage Museum, a reconstruction of an early settler hut, is named after the Box family who resided there 1865 -1913 . William Box who with his wife Elizabeth Avis Box and 13 children lived and farmed on the block of land in Jasper Road, East Brighton ( now McKinnon / Ormond) that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841 . Francis Box, a brother of William Box, was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. Francis and his wife Eliza Jane Thompson Box had 9 children but only 5 survived. They established market gardens in Tucker Road Bentleigh. Inscribed in Album “ The early photos in this album were found by Mr (Laurie) Lewis when he was demolishing the Old Box Cottage. He gave them to Mrs Avis Box Eldridge who in turn gave them to me. They were not identified. I believe they rightly belong in the Cottage. I have attempted to identify them and present them in a way they can be preserved as a historical record of the era.” A B Leigh A black and white photograph of Eliza Jane Box( sitting) and 3 three daughters, May ( sitting) and standing Eadie (L) and Jessie (R) probably taken after the death of Francis Box in 1912 because they are all dressed in black mourning dresses.nil but similar to the other photographs in the collection