University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints, Publicity Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture et al, Plants, 1957-1963
... "Eucalyptus torquata." (56) C.1769C 2 copies "Eucalyptus ficifolia... "Eucalyptus torquata." (56) C.1769C 2 copies "Eucalyptus ficifolia ...
Black and white photographs, many labelled. Flowers, trees, propagation, signs, etc. Some for Journal articles. Publicity Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture: (1) 2 copies, C.1768A "Camellias Geraniums." (2) c.1262D "Anemone japonica." ((4) c.1262K "Hibiscus Wilder's White." (5) "Peace." (7) D521A Fruit tree. (8) c.1262E "Helenium autumnale." (9) c.1262I "Gerri Hock?" (12) c.1262F "Golden Ash. " (13) Struck cuttings 05 7.6.57. (14) "Kumquat." (15) Path to Principal's Residence. (16) A479 "Thujopsis dolobrata. Make an excellent tub specimen of the spreading type." (17) A477 "Aucuba japonica variegata. A very good foliage shrub for tubs. Sept '63 Jnl." (18) Struck cutting. (19-22) Arum, different views. (23) 2 copies ? (24) "June garden notes," small tree with roots. (25, 26) Different views ? (27)Pittosporum crassifolium. (28) "For Dec article (This is the one to use) Polyanthus are attractive & easily managed pot plants. (29) 2 copies ? (30) ? (31) Tubers. (32) "Oct Jnl" "Dividing the tubers. This is necessary to ensure that one eye is left etc." (33) Divided tuber. (34) Aucuba in pot. (35) ? (36) "Thuja plicata aurea a good tub plant of pyramid form." (37) "Buxus sempervirens. he English Box makes a neat, compact, low hedge." (38) "Cupressus torulosa is useful for a high narrow hedge for screening." (39) Sign giving information about different fertilizer treatments. (40) Sign comparing yield of Jonathons & Democrats with fertilzers. (41) "Russell Lupins." (42, 43) Different views ? (44) Soil profile in hole. (45) "Cyclamen is a good subject flowering over winter period." (46) "Cyclamen." (47) "Chabbads? & Malmaisons are suitable for bedding & make good cut flowers." (48) A478 "Seedlings." (49) A487 2 copies Roses in vase. (50) C.1767.E "Angophora 5-6 years." (51) C.1769.C "Jan '60 Jul. Ginko biloba Maidenhair Tree." (52) C.1768.C "Thuja plicata aurea, Golden Willow, Pinus radiata." (53) C.1762.I Vegetables. (54) A512 ?. (55) C.1767.C 2 copies "Eucalyptus torquata." (56) C.1769C 2 copies "Eucalyptus ficifolia." (57) C.1769.C 2 copies "Callistemon lanceolata( Bottle Brush.) (59) C.1769.B 2 copies "Pepperomias." (58) C.1769.F 2 copies "Melaleuca styphelioides (Paper Bark Tree.) (60) C.1769.D 2 copies "African Violets." (61) C.1768.F 2 copies "Pelargonium." (62) C.1768.B 2 copies "Tilia europea (Linden Tree.) Department of Agriculture Biology Branch: (6) Neg No 06 24.11.59 "A struck cutting of Rhododendron var. Alice. For a rhododendron this popular & beautiful variety strikes readily." (13) 05 5.6.57 Struck cuttings. No provenance: (3) "Araucaria excelsa, ?, ?, Metrosideros tomentosa." (10) "Thuja rheingold." (11) "Border of Geraniums (zonal Pelargoniums." (14) "Kumquat." (15) Path to Principal's Residence." (18) Struck cuttings. (19-22) Different views of Arum. (23) 2 copies ? (24-26) "June garden notes." Small tree with roots. (27) "Pittosporum crassifolium." (28) "For Dec article (This is the one to use) Polyanthus are attractive & easily managed pot plants." (29) 2 copies ? (30) ? (31) Tubers. (32) "Oct Jnl Dividing the the tubers. This is necessary to ensure that one eye is left etc." (33) Divided tuber. (34) Aucuba in pot. (35) ? (36) "Thuja plicata aurea a good tub plant of pyramid form. (37) "Buxus sempervirens. The English Box makes a neat, compact, low hedge." (38) Cupressus torulosa is useful for a high narrow hedge for screening." (39) Sign in Orchard giving information about different fertilizer treatments. (40) Sign in Orchard comparing yield of Jonathans and Democrats with fertilizers used. (41) "Russell lupins. (42-43) Different views ? (44) Soil profile in hole. (45) "Cyclamen is a good subject flowering over Winter period." (46) Cyclamen. (47) "Chabbads? & Malmaisons are suitable for bedding & make good cut flowers." flowers, trees, propagation, signs, camellias, geraniums, anemone japonica, hibiscus, fruit trees, principal's residence