Koorie Heritage Trust
Document - Printed Sheets, McBryde, I et al, The Distribution of Greenstone Axes in Southeastern Australia: preliminary report: Mankind Vol. 10 No. 3 June 1976: 163-174 "Wil-im-ee Moor-ring" or Where do axes come from? Mankind Vol. 11 1978: 354-82, 1976
... Exchanged - Greenstone - Aborighinals... - sites. Exchanged - Greenstone - Aborighinals Victoria. Mount ...
Two papers outlining the greenstone sites in Victoria, their distribution and role in exhange in the communities.
163-174 P.; maps; figs.refs.; bib. and vol 11 354-382 P.; maps; notes; graphs;tables; bib. Two papers outlining the greenstone sites in Victoria, their distribution and role in exhange in the communities. greenstone - quarry sites - victoria., aboriginal greenstone ?xes - south-eastern australia - sites., exchanged - greenstone - aborighinals, victoria. mount camel.