Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, University of Ballarat Centre for Environmental Management, 1996
... field resaerch stations... station cape otway telegraph station field resaerch stations s ...
The Centre for Environmental Management as established in July 1995 as a strategic development initiative to consolidate the University's position as a centre for industry linked environmenttal teaching, resarech and consultancy.
Page 19
Establishment of field Research Stations
Two areas of concentration of research effort for the Centre are the Otways in the south western Victoria and the Scotia Country in the rangelands of NSW. In both these areas it is essential that ther be a secure accomodation abase for research students. In the former case there is a need for a sheltered base to enable year round field work in cold wet conditions and in the latter a base with a reliable water supply and the facilities to allow field work in very hot dry conditions which prevail from much of the year. It has been an ibjective of the Centre to establish field stations at these two sites and considerable progress has been made through the year.
(i) Nanya Field Station in the Scotial Country
Through the generosity of the owner, Mr Rob Taylor, an unused homestead on Nanya Station was made available to the Centre. Largely through voluntary labour during research field trips during the year this previously derelict homestead has been restored to functionality and now has facilities for up to 20 research workers with a reliable water supply, cooking, washing, and refrigeration facilities.
(ii) Cape Otway Resaerch Centre
Negotiations have continued through the year with the potential lessees of the Cape Otway Lighthouse Precinct with the support of the Vice Chancellor and other potential user groups within the University these have reached a successful outcome. The University will be working with the lessees to develop the historic Telegraph Station as a dual purpose facility for interpretation and research." Black and white cover with clear plastic sheet.
university of ballarat, centre for environmental management, martin westbrooke, richard mcewan, mal weston, john miller, nanya, telegraph station, cape otway, cape otway lighthouse station, cape otway telegraph station, field resaerch stations, s. hadden, peter dahlhaus, r.j. macewan, pat prevett, native vegetation assessment, fauna management, pest plants and animal research, soil and water assessment, conservation reserve management, paul ryan, richard macewan