Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Equipment - Vaporiser, c. 1958
... Fluotec mark II... Fluothane Cyprane vaporiser. Fluotec Mark II by Pentec, with stand... Fluothane Cyprane vaporiser. Fluotec Mark II by Pentec, with stand ...
The Fluotec vaporizer was made to administer only halothane (Fluothane). It was one of the first vaporizers made for use with only one anesthetic, and one of the first to use a bimetallic coil for temperature compensation.The bimetallic coil is part of the valve that controls how much of the carrier gas enters the vapor chamber to vaporize the anesthetic.Modern vaporisers still use this bimetallic coil technology today. Serial No: 5040 Patent No: 814427 A ready reference “calibration card” came attached to these vaporizers. The card was printed with a scale that indicated the concentration of halothane produced at different flow rates and dial settings.This item does not have a reference card with it.This Flotec vaporiser holds historic significance as a very good example of an early model piece of equipment for halothane only administration. Modern vaporisers still use the bimetallic coil technology and therefore this object has scientific and research significance.Small metal stand with 3 rubber feet, Main metal cylinder body housing the bimetallic coil.
Inlet valve with a brass attachment and metal outlet valve.
Metal dial that controls % Penthrane. Dial notches range from OFF to 1.5. Small silver chain hangs from the top of the dial lever.
Small silver metal box held by 4 screws and a round bakelite window with FULL inscribed in white text located on the front of the main cylinder Fluothane Cyprane vaporiser. Fluotec Mark II by Pentec, with stand. Royal Children's HospitalStamped on Inlet and outlet valve: INLET OUTLET
Stamped on to a plate on the front of the vaporiser: KEEP UPRIGHT / PENTHRANE / WHEN CHARGEDinhaler, fluotec mark ii