Women's Art Register
Women's Art Register Bulletin, Women's Art Register, Women's Art Register Bulletin number 43
... Francesca Mataranga... Francesca Mataranga 28 page Magazine photocopy in black and white ...
28 page Magazine photocopy in black and white with following contents where the first figure is the page number and this is followed by the article title then the author.#43 3 News from the Register Gail Stiffe July 2008
25 Nude Margaret Gurney
5 Parallel Dreams Anna Glynn
24 Reflection Helen Clancy and John Bainbridge
13 Success for one of our members Lea Kannar
9 Tin Sheds Gallery, Malmsbury Janet Goodchild-Cuffley and
Desiree Radi-Mansbridge
26 Totem Sayraphim Lothian
12 Travelling: Time, Place and Translation:
1 998 – 2008 Noela Stratford
19 Warringah Printmakers Sasha Grishin
21 Water Ghosts Annette Vincent,
15 Women’s Art Library Gail Stiffe and Althea Greenan
7 Words and Images Annette Iggledonmargaret gurney, judy barrass, kate hendry, jan delaney, irina kuzminsky, ramona barry, kevin murray, ellen michel, francesca mataranga