Showing 28 items
matching gerard menses
Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, Gerard Menses - move to Coorparoo, 2010
... Gerard Menses - move to Coorparoo...Gerard Menses...Gerard Menses, Vision Australia's CEO, discusses... Gerard Menses, Vision Australia's CEO, discusses the movement ...Gerard Menses, Vision Australia's CEO, discusses the movement of Vision Australia (formerly Vision QLD and RBFQ) from Kent Street to Coorparoo.1 wmv file audio recording on hard drivevision australia, gerard menses, coorparoo -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Kodak images 2, 2004
... Gerard Menses...Gerard Menses (CEO) with Maryanne Diamond (General Manager... Gerard Menses (CEO) with Maryanne Diamond (General Manager ...Gerard Menses (CEO) with Maryanne Diamond (General Manager) and Graeme Innes (Chair of VA Board) holding a Vision Australia sign, standing on the first floor balcony at Kooyong.1 digital image of three people holding a Vision Australia signvision australia, gerard menses, maryanne diamond, graeme innes -
Vision Australia
Mixed media - Video recording, 7News Brisbane - 50 Dog Years, 10/04/2010
... Gerard Menses... interviews with Jacky Tupangaia, Nick Gleeson and Gerard Menses... interviews with Jacky Tupangaia, Nick Gleeson and Gerard Menses ...Report on the need for more Seeing Eye Dog sponsors upon the anniversary of 50 years of seeing eye dogs in Australia. It includes interviews with Jacky Tupangaia, Nick Gleeson and Gerard Menses. With an estimated 600,000 vision impaired people by 2020, the target of 5000 new puppy sponsors are required to help Vision Australia meet demand.1 wmv file of 7News Brisbane segment on 50th anniversaryseeing eye dogs australia, gerard menses, nick gleeson, jacky tupangaia -
Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, Vision Australia, Around Vision Australia: Episode 15
... Gerard Menses... chats with Gerard Menses, CEO of Vision Australia, about his... chats with Gerard Menses, CEO of Vision Australia, about his ...Covering issues and news about Vision Australia and the opportunities it provides for clients, volunteers and staff. Host: Stephen Jolley with guest interviews by Valerie Thomas. Robyn chats with Gerard Menses, CEO of Vision Australia, about his first year at Vision Australia. Valerie Thomas interviews Rowena Jetts who represents the Sydney metropolitan area on the Client Representative Council. Kate Gniel speaks with Robyn about Carols by Candlelight supporters.1 digital sound file in WAV formatradio shows, vision australia, valerie thomas, robyn mckenzie, gerard menses, rowena jetts, kate gniel -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Lighthouse on the Boulevard: RVIB history book launch, 2005
... Gerard Menses.... MC Michael Walsh introduces Vision Australia CEO Gerard... Michael Walsh introduces Vision Australia CEO Gerard Menses ...On Wednesday 23rd February 2005, after a two year project of research and interviews with pupils, workers and staff, 'The Lighthouse on the Boulevard' (a history of the RVIB) was launched. MC Michael Walsh introduces Vision Australia CEO Gerard Menses, author Dr Judith Buckrich, participants Reuben Ryan, Steven Herd, David Blyth and Deputy Mayor of Melbourne Gary Singer who spoke at the launch. Afterwards books were signed and the crowds mingled.Sunday Special radio program on the launch of 'Lighthouse on the Boulevard'royal victorian institute for the blind, michael walsh, gerard menses, judith buckrich, reuben ryan, steven herd, david blyth, gary singer, dorothy hamilton, michele prentice, don draffin -
Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, Vision Australia, Around Vision Australia: Episode 5
... Gerard Menses...: Stephen Jolley with guest interviews by Valerie Thomas. Gerard... Jolley Gerard Menses Ross McColl Roberta Ashby Ashley Wood 1 ...Covering issues and news about Vision Australia and the opportunities it provides for clients, volunteers and staff. Host: Stephen Jolley with guest interviews by Valerie Thomas. Gerard Menses, Vision Australia CEO, speaks at the National Convention of Blind Citizens Australia, Valerie interviews Ross McColl, who recounts the loss of his eye sight during open heart surgery and Stephen speaks with Roberta Ashby and her 20-year involvement with 3RPH, as well as Ashley Wood about the new Christmas card catalogue.1 digital sound file in WAV formatradio shows, vision australia, valerie thomas, stephen jolley, gerard menses, ross mccoll, roberta ashby, ashley wood -
Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, Vision Australia, Around Vision Australia: Episode 12
... Gerard Menses... of Kooyong by Gerard Menses and Graeme Innes on November 25, 2005... of Kooyong by Gerard Menses and Graeme Innes on November 25, 2005 ...Covering issues and news about Vision Australia and the opportunities it provides for clients, volunteers and staff. Host: Stephen Jolley with guest interviews by Valerie Thomas. Speeches made at the burying of the time capsule in the garden of Kooyong by Gerard Menses and Graeme Innes on November 25, 2005, as well as the launch of Carols by Candlelight. Valerie Thomas interviews Gina Davis, one of the youngest members of the Client Representative Council. Stephen wraps up the episode with a chat to Ashley Wood about the burying of the time capsule (to be unearthed in 2066), Carols by Candlelight tickets, calendars and cards for sale.1 digital sound file in WAV formatradio shows, vision australia, valerie thomas, stephen jolley, gerard menses, graeme innes, gina davis, ashley wood -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Client Representative Council, 11/11/2024
... Gerard Menses... Back row: Mark Boyd, Debbie DeShayes, Christine Simpson, Gerard... Back row: Mark Boyd, Debbie DeShayes, Christine Simpson, Gerard ...Images of the Client Representative Council for Vision Australia, taken on November 11, 2006 at Kooyong. Back row: Debbie DeShayes, Christine Simpson, Robert Boyd, Claire Hogan, Natale Cutri Front row: Mark Boyd, ?, ?, ?, David Brant, Rowena Dowling Back row: Mark Boyd, Debbie DeShayes, Christine Simpson, Gerard Menses, Robert Boyd, Claire Hogan, Natale Cutri Front row: Karen Knight, Kevin Murfitt, ?, ?, ?, David Brant, Rowena Dowling Final two images have Lynette Davis, Brandon Ah Tong-Pereira and ? added in the wings.11 images of John Landau and his deskvision australia, debbie deshayes, christine simpson, robert boyd, claire hogan, mark boyd, karen knight, gerard menses, kevin murfitt, lynette davis, brandon ahtong-pereira, david brant, natale cutri, rowena dowling -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, 2005 Kodak Carols by Candlelight launch and burying of time capsule, 25/11/2005
... Gerard Menses... of staff and guests in attendance. Speeches were made by Gerard... by Candlelight Vision Australia Gerard Menses Marjorie West Graeme Innes ...On November 25, 2005 the Kodak Carols by Candlelight launch was held in the browsing library at Kooyong with a large number of staff and guests in attendance. Speeches were made by Gerard Menses, Graeme Innes, Greg McKibbin, Marjorie West and Marina Prior. The crowd got to open Christmas crackers and hear some songs from Marina Prior before a cake was cut and shared. Afterwards everyone headed outside for the burying of the time capsule by Jarryd Clifford and Reuben Ryan, in the garden outside the cafe. Then Marina posed for some photographs and the Kodak printing kiosk was demonstrated in the browsing library.119 images of attendees at the Carols launch and burying of time capsulecarols by candlelight, vision australia, gerard menses, marjorie west, graeme innes, greg mckibbin, jarryd clifford, ania zamecznik, sandra alder, andrew ferrarese, joanne, cherry johnson, tony clarke, lynne kells, rita townsend-booth, jennifer gibbons, roberta ashby, david blyth, margaret bashfield, colleen thom, peter lowrey, kevin murfitt, kodak, karen knight, tony shepherd, peter north, anna fairclough, ashley wood, stephen jolley, time capsule, reuben ryan -
Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, Sunday Special: RVIB history book launch, 2005
... Gerard Menses... Australia CEO Gerard Menses, author Dr Judith Buckrich, participants... Australia CEO Gerard Menses, author Dr Judith Buckrich, participants ...On Wednesday 23rd February 2005, after a two year project of research and interviews with pupils, workers and staff, 'The Lighthouse on the Boulevard' (a history of the RVIB) was launched. In this edition of Sunday Special, MC Michael Walsh introduces Vision Australia CEO Gerard Menses, author Dr Judith Buckrich, participants Reuben Ryan, Steven Herd, David Blyth and Deputy Mayor of Melbourne Gary Singer who spoke at the launch. Afterwards Marjorie West speaks with Esme Dunnell, Graeme and Carol McGowan, Trudi Westh, Ray Whiting, Dorothy Hamilton, Robyn Stevens and Ted Peterson, who also contributed to the book.Sunday Special radio program on the launch of 'Lighthouse on the Boulevard'royal victorian institute for the blind, roberta ashby, michael walsh, gerard menses, judith buckrich, reuben ryan, steven herd, david blyth, gary singer, marjorie west, esme dunnell, graeme mcgowan, carol mcgowan, trudi westh, ray whiting, dorothy hamilton, robyn stevens, ted peterson -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2009-2010 annual report, 2010
... Gerard Menses... Williamson Anna McCauley Natalie Evans Gerard Menses Kevin Murfitt ...Annual report providing overview of activities and achievements including: turning of the sod at the new Coorparoo site, raised awareness through Gerard Gosens performing on Dancing with the Stars TV program, agreements signed with digital publishers to increase content availability, and profiles of the JO and JR Wicking Trust, Gandel Charitable Trust, Edward Cook, Sylvia and Charles Viertel Charitable Trust, Harry Triguboff and Microsoft Australia who donated this year.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementscorporation records, andrew furlong, cathy heenan, louise curtin, kenny johar, margaret bretherton, renee williamson, anna mccauley, natalie evans, gerard menses, kevin murfitt, gerard gosens, jessica raffa, karl stefanovic, lisa wilkinson, layla bodna, micah cheung, jeffrey carter, dawson ko, ria andriani, gaye gutteridge, janet etchells, lorin nicholson, dean nicholson, jo ann sherman, nick gleeson, susan rafferty, cynthia manson, brian gear, karen clark, cyril lutchner, paul gleeson, roberto scenna, bernie brookes, leigh garwood, david speyer, maryanne diamond, trish egan, michael hansen, julie rae, glenda alexander, stephen cavell, neela datta, professor ron mccallum, owen van der wall, jan lovie-kitchin, lyn allison, keith barton, nick carter, donald fraser, tony hanmer, ross mccoll, theresa smith-ruig, vision australia, annastacia palaszczuk, renee russell -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Foto Group, 25th Anniversary of Vision Australia Radio, 15 May 2007
... Gerard Menses.... Vision Australia 3RPH Radio Station Vision Australia Radio Gerard ...On June 15, 2007 Vision Australia Radio (formerly 3RPH) celebrated its 25th anniversary of broadcasting. Despite earlier broadcasts on community radio stations, a dedicated radio service for people who wanted to listen to in depth information on news and current events as well as serialisation of books had not eventuated. With the support of Commonwealth funding in 1982, stations were permitted to transmit on marine band frequencies in Melbourne, Sydney and Hobart. With the eventual movement of major stations to FM in the 1980s, provision was finally granted for RPH stations to allow them to move to the AM band in metropolitan areas. In the 1990's regional stations were established, later linking to provide the Vision Australia Radio network. Throughout all of these changes, volunteers have supported the radio station in a range of ways, including collating and reading the newspaper articles for broadcast, helping source interviews and program ideas, operating studio equipment as well as presenting programs themselves.38 digital images of the 25th anniversary of VARvision australia, 3rph radio station, vision australia radio, gerard menses, stephen jolley, pam adams, lynne kells, tim evans, roberta ashby, marj west, norm richards, vince september, norm rees, graeme dawson -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Foto Group, Bert Newton visit to Vision Australia Radio on May 28, 2007, 28/5/2007
... Gerard Menses... Stephen Jolley Gerard Menses Roberta Ashby Lynne Kells 38 digital ...On May 28, 2007 Bert Newton visited Vision Australia for a radio interview with Stephen Jolley on VAR.38 digital images of Bert Newton visiting Vision Australia Radiovision australia, bert newton, stephen jolley, gerard menses, roberta ashby, lynne kells -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Foto Group, Vision Australia Presentation and Retirement event held 26 June 2007, 26/6/2007
... Gerard Menses... Australia Stephen Jolley Gerard Menses David Blyth Maryanne Diamond ...On June 26, 2007 a presentation was made to David Blyth, upon his stepping down from the Board, and Maryanne Diamond.27 digital images of a presentation to David Blyth and Maryanne Diamondvision australia, stephen jolley, gerard menses, david blyth, maryanne diamond, kevin murfitt, paul bunker, ron mccallum, malcolm daubney, tony clarke, vince september, renae johnston, theresa smith-ruig, timothy griffiths, marj west -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Patria Jannides, Launch of Vision Australia in Queensland, 14/2/2007
... Gerard Menses... and musician Lorin Nicholson. Vision Australia Gerard Menses Kevin ...Celebrating the amalgamation of Royal Blind Foundation Queensland with Vision Australia officially launched 14 February 2007. Guests included Sigrid Thornton, ambassador for Feelix, Andrew Parkinson, Bursary Award winners Caitlin McMorrow and Arthur Chawner and musician Lorin Nicholson.27 digital images of the launch of Vision Australia in Queenslandvision australia, gerard menses, kevin murfitt, gerard gosens, trish egan, karen knights, nick carter, caitlin mcmorrow, arthur chawner, eileen bedford, lorin nicholson, renee williamson, andrew parkinson -
Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, Vision Australia, Around Vision Australia: Episode 46
... Gerard Menses... Australia Stephen Jolley Gerard Menses Megan Denyer 1 digital sound ...Covering issues and news about Vision Australia and the opportunities it provides for clients, volunteers and staff. Host: Stephen Jolley with guest interviews by Valerie Thomas. Recording of the Making Difference Awards ceremony, which took place in Melbourne on 21st July, 2006. One of those awarded was the Victorian State Government for introducing electronic voting for blind or vision impaired, making it the first-time people from this community were allowed a secret vote. Megan Denyer provides an update on the relationship VA have with Prime Television.1 digital sound file in WAV formatradio shows, vision australia, stephen jolley, gerard menses, megan denyer -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2005-2006 annual report, 2006
... Gerard Menses... Australia Caleb Neyenhuis Doug Sheers Gerard Menses Kevin Murfitt ...Annual report providing overview of activities and achievements undertaken by Vision Australia over the past financial year. In some reports there are individual profiles of clients, staff or volunteers, to acknowledge and recognise the impact and involvement of these groups. Financial summaries are provided, or in some instances, described in a secondary report.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementscorporation records, vision australia, caleb neyenhuis, doug sheers, gerard menses, kevin murfitt, ben demery, shaun hopkins, james young, maritah suki, caleb van senten, alice dynon, amanda pierini, karen pritchard, janet cronin, ray paxton, prue watt, mary beekman, brian marett, vicki sheeren, reg wood, alice shaw, pauline gandel, amanda wilson, susan diver, sandra amery, adam doblinger, marjorie west, debra byrne, christine harding, greg hempenstall, michael simpson, trish egan, paul bunker, tim evans, jennifer gibbons, owen van der wall, keith barton, david blyth, maryanne diamond, paul gleeson, timothy griffiths, renae johnston, karen knight, ron mccallum, ross mccoll, lee smith -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2006-2007 annual report, 2007
... Gerard Menses... Gerard Menses Katerina Skilros Robin Sands Helen Robbins Nastasia ...Annual report providing overview of activities and achievements including: the addition of the Royal Blind Foundation of Queensland, opening of an office in Darwin, achieving the highest ever ratings for Carols by Candlelight and winning the National Employer of the Year award.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementscorporation records, vision australia, kevin murfitt, gerard menses, katerina skilros, robin sands, helen robbins, nastasia campanella, david eveleigh, ted thorburn, nick carter, brenda murray, chris edwards, joe hockey, delta goodrem, janine cullen, cathy pepper, graham dawson, stephen jolley, arthur chawner, caitlin mcmorrow, maureen davenport, jean weaver, shirley meyers, joshua green, ryan green, matthew green, carolyn moncrief, camille fong lim, dianne spalding, ron mccallum, deborah randich, michael simpson, christine harding, trish egan, greg hempenstall, tim evans, paul bunker, jennifer gibbons, owen van der wall, keith barton, paul gleeson, timothy griffiths, tony hanmer, renae johnston, jan lovie-kitchin, ross mccol, theresa smith-ruig, tony clarke -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2004-2005 annual report, 2005
... Gerard Menses.... Corporation records Vision Australia Gerard Menses Kevin Murfitt Owen ...Annual report providing overview of activities and achievements including: the merger of three organisations into one national service, transition from CD and cassette services to digital via DAISY books, tactile hands on exhibition held at the Sydney Object Gallery, a new sensory playroom was developed in the Hunter region and 'Lighthouse on the Boulevard' was published.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementscorporation records, vision australia, gerard menses, kevin murfitt, owen van der wall, keith barton, david blyth, maryanne diamond, paul gleeson, timothy griffiths, graeme innes, mike janes, june ashmore, malcolm daubney, lynette davis, john coleman, marie bashir, don nardella, bruce mcallister, adam spencer, stephen jolley, geoff butcher, ebru sumaktus, krystal keller -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2010-2011 annual report, 2011
... Gerard Menses... Gerard Menses Kevin Murfitt Owen Van Der Wall Keith Barton Paul ...Annual report providing overview of activities and achievements including: the opening of 'Living in a Sensory World' as a touring exhibition, closure of Louis Braille Audio, Professor Ron McCallum was named Senior Australian of the Year, expansion of audio library through a contract with Ulverscroft, refitting of Lorna Lodge at Barwon Heads, and the first Vision Australia Dragonboat Racing team was established.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementscorporation records, vision australia, gerard menses, kevin murfitt, owen van der wall, keith barton, paul gleeson, ross mccoll, theresa smith-ruig, jan lovie-kitchin, nick carter, ron mccallum, david speyer, donald fraser, lyn allison, michael hansen, glenda alexander, maryanne diamond, leigh garwood, robert middendorp, jenny abela, campbell ball, courtney harbeck, elin mcpadden, kylie morris, brett o'neil, ellie sponza, maggie beer, robert klauke, stephanie bradbury, matthew zhou, annabella zhou, libby dickeson, will davison, lisa wilkinson, natalija lambert, karl stefanovic, heather gleeson, nick gleeson, dorothy riddel, hazel mckenzie-kay, chelsea nagel, jack nagel, cheryl kortlang -
Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, 2005 Vision Australia Annual General Meeting, 28/10/2005
... Gerard Menses... Australia Gerard Menses Graeme Innes Paul Gleeson Susan Thompson ...Recording of the inaugural Annual General Meeting for the newly merged Vision Australia, held on October 28, 2005. Audio file of the 2005 Vision Australia Annual General Meetingvision australia, gerard menses, graeme innes, paul gleeson, susan thompson, ivan cribb, barbara bonfield, lisa hayes, don mckenzie -
Vision Australia
Mixed media - Sound recording and Image, Time Capsule - People's hopes for the future of Vision Australia in 2066: responses from Vision Australia clients and staff in New South Wales, 2005
... Gerard Menses... 'Geordie' McBurnie Gerard Menses Jane Ellis Christine Cummins Robyn ...On November 25, 2005, a time capsule was buried at Vision Australia's head office in Kooyong. As part of the contents, these interviews were put on CD and placed inside the capsule. The capsule is designated to be opened in 2066, to celebrate 200 years of providing services to people who are blind or vision impaired. NSW clients and staff were asked what their life was like now and what they hoped would happen by 2066.1 CD with 30 sound filesvision australia, time capsule, david 'geordie' mcburnie, gerard menses, jane ellis, christine cummins, robyn whitelock, luisa ferranato, david woodbridge, russell dines, marion jones, gillian true, marina ipaviz, paul chand, vanessa spark, graeme innes, nick gleeson -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Memorandum of Understanding between Vision Australia and the Blind Citizens Association, 27/7/2006
... Gerard Menses... Australia Blind Citizens Australia Gerard Menses Kevin Murfitt Owen ...On July 27, 2006 a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Vision Australia and Blind Citizens Australia. 31 digital images of signing a MOU between Vision Australia and BCAvision australia, blind citizens australia, gerard menses, kevin murfitt, owen van der wall, robyn gaile, nadia mattiazzo, michael simpson -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2007-2008 annual report, 2008
... Gerard Menses... Carbone Rafe Manuell Corporation Records Vision Australia Gerard ...Annual report providing overview of activities and achievements including: incorporating Hear A Book and Seeing Eye Dogs Australia, partnering with ABC Commercial to expand the availability of audio titles, new facilities in Orange and Cairns, launch of Graduate Certificate in O&M courses, decision to sell St Kilda Road, Burwood School and Enterprises building in Prahran and redevelopment of the sensory playroom in Enfield.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementsjean mcnamara, donald fraser, lyn allison, leigh garwood, julie rae, glenda alexander, maryanne diamond, rochelle hutson, chris cussen, roger cussen, cathy heenan, barbara smith, chris edwards, lara giddings, jacob law, vanessa clayton, cecily barker, mark pelgrave, alan nemth, cooper hallcroft, aaron hallcroft, roslyn atkinson, kate law, daniela zebic, dame elisabeth murdoch, adrian smith, peggy soo, governor general michael jeffrey, natalija lambert, meri-jace lamber, maurice gleeson, mark walters, renae williamson, penny stevenson, kenny johar, alex turner, emily ryan, morgan jenkins, michael todorovic, graham rawlins, bill shorten, bruce scotland, reg hinsley, june combey, marian jones, tammy-jo sheenan, david truong, trish anderson, richard carbone, rafe manuell, corporation records, vision australia, gerard menses, kevin murfitt, christine harding, greg hempenstall, michael simpson, trish egan, tim evans, paul bunker, jennifer gibbons, owen van der wall, keith barton, paul gleeson, ross mccoll, theresa smith-ruig, jan lovie-kitchin, tony hanmer, nick carter, david speyer, ron mccallum, anthony callea -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Cameron L'Estrange, 2007 Carols by Candlelight launch, 17/12/2007
... Gerard Menses... by Candlelight program. Carols by Candlelight Vision Australia Gerard ...On December 17,2007 the Carols by Candlelight launch was held in the City Square. With music by John Foreman, the McClymont sisters, Anthony Callea, Australia Girls Choir and others, Santa and live crosses from Channel 9 weatherman Steve Jacobs, there was much for attendees and passers by to be entertained by. At the centrepiece was the Law Family, who feature in this year's Carols by Candlelight program.166 images of attendees at the Carols launchcarols by candlelight, vision australia, gerard menses, chris chau, gavin strahan, rita townsend-booth, jayne law, kate law, nicholas law, jacob law, david law, steve jacobs, anthony callea, john foreman, mcclymonts, ryan betson, will betson, australian girls choir, marg harvey, rob mills -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Time Capsule - Board of Directors, 2005
... Gerard Menses... Australia Gerard Menses Graeme Innes John Landau June Ashmore Keith ...On November 25, 2005, a time capsule was buried at Vision Australia's head office in Kooyong. As part of the contents, these images were put on CD and placed inside the capsule. The capsule is designated to be opened in 2066, to celebrate 200 years of providing services to people who are blind or vision impaired.1 CD with 16 imagesvision australia, gerard menses, graeme innes, john landau, june ashmore, keith barton, david blyth, malcolm daubney, lynette davis, maryanne diamond, paul gleeson, timothy griffiths, mike janes, kevin murfitt, owen van der wall, christopher cullen, tony miller, barry chapman, ivan cribb, michael brown, doug kent, george dyer, malcolm brodie, trevor anderson, don draffin, bruce allen, lawrence mccredie, peter ward, eileen ayre, rosanne cunningham -
Vision Australia
Audio (item) - Sound recording, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Around the Institute: December 28, 2004
... , RVIB and VAF – Stephen Jolley, Graeme Innes and Gerard Menses...., RVIB and VAF – Stephen Jolley, Graeme Innes and Gerard Menses ...Around the Institute was a weekly program consisting of interviews around a specific topic, undertaken by host Corey Nassau. December 28: Continuing work on Project Nexus, the merger of RBS, RVIB and VAF – Stephen Jolley, Graeme Innes and Gerard Menses.royal victorian institute for the blind, radio shows -
Vision Australia
Audio (item) - Sound recording, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Around the Institute: June 28, 2005
... and Gerard Menses, Six week study tour of European orthoptists... and Gerard Menses, Six week study tour of European orthoptists ...Around the Institute was a weekly program consisting of interviews around a specific topic, undertaken by host Corey Nassau. June 28: New name for amalgamated organisation – Stephen Jolley and Gerard Menses, Six week study tour of European orthoptists – Marisa Bielenberg.royal victorian institute for the blind, radio shows