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Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - Inner Urban Development re Sandridge City Development Corporation, 1985 - 1992
Inner Urban Development, documents in relation to Sandridge City Development Corporation (SCDC - Beacon Cove- Mirvac) at Port Melbourne. Some items have individual catalogue numbers .12 -cat numbers 378,967, 1541, 1721, 2964 .13 - cat nos 1205, 1543, 2640, 2752R .14 - cat nos 2898, 2131, 1414, 1048, 3856town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, built environment, public action campaigns, beris campbell, bayside development action group, bayside working group, sandridge city development company pty ltd, scdc, beacon cove, mirvac, local government - city of port phillip -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Aerial view of 3 liners at Station Pier, Port Melbourne, 14 Feb 2001
Large colour aerial photograph of 3 liners at Station Pier. Siver Cloud - outer East; QE2 - outer West; Regal Princess - inner West. View of Port Melbourne housing and foreshore development. Women's Welcome (or band) Rotunda on left of photo. Also a newspaper copy of the photo. COPYRIGHT RESTRICTEDmaritime, piers and wharves - station pier, transport - shipping, queen elizabeth ii, regal princess, silver cloud, beacon cove, swallow & ariell ltd, band rotunda -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Pamphlet, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - Beacon Cove - A Future for Princes Pier, 1990s
Ewan OGILVY, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan OGILVY's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: 'Beacon Cove - A Future for Princes Pier' - promotional brochure for development of Princes Pier (Mirvac Beacon Cove Stage 2)Signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, mirvac