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matching internees
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Nagata, Yuriko. et al, Japanese internees at Loveday, 1987
... Japanese internees at Loveday ...Japanese internees at Loveday Camp South AustraliaPlastic folder clear cover black border and back page. Right hand page hand written. Journal of the Historical Society of South Australia Japanese internees at Loveday 1941-1946 and Repatriating. Japanese internees at Loveday Camp by Yuriko Nagata. Report written by Yuriko Nagata japanese internees, loveday camp -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document, Ministry for the Army, Internees Remaining in Australia If They So Desire, 28 June 1946
... Internees Remaining in Australia If They So Desire....Internees ...Interesting document presented to the Museum by former internee and assistant (later) Shire of Rodney Executive by Stefan Asboth.Clear plastic cover with red margin and red back cover. White printing on back back ground. Inscription top right hand corner.Re Internees Remaining in Australia If They So Desire. Presented to the museum by Stefan Asboth.stefan asboth, internees, tatura camps -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Australia archives accession - internees, 1940
... Australia archives accession - internees ...Voluminous and at times humorous problems associated with internees. Dark blue hard back plastic cover with the inscription (see below). Australia archives accession - interneesgerhard meinke, internment camps, australian archives -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Camp 1 internees
... Camp 1 internees ...Photograph of Camp 1 internees, Josef Friedrich front right.Photograph of Camp 1 internees, Josef Friedrich front right. -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, "Dunera" internees
... "Dunera" internees ..."Dunera" internees fruit picking in Ardmona orchard, prior to their entering the 8th Employment Co."Dunera" internees fruit picking in Ardmona orchard, prior to their entering the 8th Employment Co. -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Video Tape, Japanese Ex Internees
... Japanese Ex Internees ...Excerpts of news broadcasts from Channel 6 Shepparton on occasion of revisit of Japanese ex internees. Visit organised by Jim Sullivanblack case vhsJapanese Ex Internees revisit camp 4 1993jim sullivan, japanese ex internees, camp 4, channel 6 shepparton -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document, List of Internees, March 1943
... List of Internees ...List of internees made in camp 3 in March 1943 by Hanni Schaffer (Kallenberger) and subsequently computerised.Large black plastic cover computer print out sheets in plastic sleeves.Tatura Camp 3 List of Internees in Family Camp - predominantly Germangerman internees camp 3, hanni schaffer, hanni kallenberger -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Camp 4 Japanese Internees
... Camp 4 Japanese Internees ...Letters to Major Jim Sullivan, a camp officer at camp 4, from Japanese internees after war ceased. His friendship with the children of this camp resulted in a reunion, held 40 years later. Photocopied sketch of Jim Sullivan Camp 4 garrison. Artist Liang Hou Yu. Paper cutting concerning Major Jim Sullivan member of the 39th Infantry Battalion.Japanese internees. Clear plastic black back folder. Photo of Camp officer on the front of folder.internment camp, japanese internees, major jim sullivan, internment camp reunion, liang hou yu, 39th infantry battalion -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Camp 3 Internees
... Camp 3 Internees ...Camp 3 Internees from Palestine. Back: Rudolf & Helene Hoefer. Front: Ann Sawatsky; Uli & Traude Hoefer with Frau Guntner & her Children.Black and white photograph of several internee families, two adults standing and two adults and 4 children sitting. Hut behind them.rudolf hoefer, helene hoefer, ann sawatsky, uli hoefer, traude hoefer, frau guntner, guntner children, palestine internees, camp 3 internees -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Overseas Internees
... Overseas Internees ...Copy of official documents from Australian ArchivesFour photocopied sheets in open fronted blue plastic folder. Overseas interneesoverseas internees, australian archives -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folio, Palestine Internees
... Palestine Internees ...Prepared by Helmut Ruff.Black foolscap sized folder with plastic sleeves.Palestine Internees.documents, identification -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document, Life of Internees During WW2, 1989
... Life of Internees During WW2 ...Research project compiled and presented to Tatura Museum by Kerrie Mactier 1989.Green back, clear plastic folder. Life of Internees During WW2kerrie mactier -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Recollections - Internees, POW, Garrison, 1990-1995
... Recollections - Internees, POW, Garrison ...Consolidation of minor files. Recollections of life in and at the Camps. Some files have alternative Ref. No.Two ring binder.Recollections - Internees, POW, Garrison -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document, Prisoners of War and Internees in Australia. A Select Bibliography
... Prisoners of War and Internees in Australia. A Select ...Blue open fronted foolscap sized folder containing seven A4 roneoed pages of printed materialPrisoners of War and Internees in Australia. -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Audio - Audio CD, John Anderson, Italian Internees and POW's, 2005
... Italian Internees and POW's ...CD of italian pow's in Loveday and the Africa CorpWhite fronted cd.Italian Internees & POW's 20 minutesitalian pow's, loveday camp, afrika corp -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - Photograph - copy, German Internees at Loveday SA
... German Internees at Loveday SA ...Picture represents some of the German internees interned at Loveday Camp SA. AWM accession number 130191/11 Back row (left to right): Martin Koerner, Karl Straube, Heinz Baumann, Wilhelm Abineri, Edgar Abineri, Wilhelm Notholt, Franz Binder. Front row: Fritz Otto, Oskar Jakob, Ludwig Staisch, Anton Wehr and Heinrich Paul. AWM accession number 030191/11Black and white photograph copy of 12 German Internees with camp hut behind and a group of men to the far right. Man, second from left in front has a sign with 11 on it. Photograph is on corfu.martin koerner, karl straube, heinz baumann, wilhelm abineri, edgar abineri, wilhelm notholt, franz binder, fritz otto, oskar jakob, ludwig staisch, anton wehr, heinrich paul, awm, accession number 030191/11 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Macrame Belt, Approx W.W 2
... German internees ...Macrame belt made by German refugees from Palestine in camp 3 Made by German internees from Palestine .Macrame belt made from cotton - metalw.w.2, internment camps in australia -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Murakami Family Papers Camp 4 Internees
... Murakami Family Papers Camp 4 Internees ...Excerpts from the Northern Territory News Genny O'Loughlin, author, 19 February 1988. Also full fathom five by Mary Albertus Bain.A black folder with the inscription below on outside front cover.Murakami Family Papers Camp 4 Interneesgenny o'loughlin,, mary albertus bain, murakami family, camp 4 internees -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
wooden recorder, Approx W.W 2
... German internees ...Recorder made by German refugees from Palestine in camp 3Recorder made from red gum in camp 3. Made by German internees from Palestine.w.w.2, internment camps in australia -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folio, German Internees in Camp 1
... German Internees in Camp 1.. ...Photos etc. sent from Germany by Josef Friedrich.Black A4 folio with fixed plastic sleeves. Containing photos of German Internees. -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document, Sketch internees disembarking from the "Dunera"
... Sketch internees disembarking from the "Dunera" ...Sketch from Readers Digest of internees disembarking from the "Dunera", bound for Hay. -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Italian Dunera Internees
... Italian Dunera Internees ...Photograph taken 13 February 1943. Back row (left to right): V Corinti, Gio Moruzzi, M Gazzi, B Rabaiotti, Gio Lusardi, G Barovero. Front row: L Fulgoini, G Rozzi, P Barbuti, M Rabaiotti.Black and white photograph of 10 Italian internees, 4 seated, standing in front of a corrugated iron building. The number 169 front right.v corinti, gio moruzzi, m gazzi, b rabaiotti, gio lusardi, g barovera, l fulgoini, g rozzi, p barbuti, m rabaiotti, tatura internment camp, italian internees ww2 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document, Material from Australian Archives, United Kingdom Internees, 30 August 1991
... United Kingdom Internees ...Made available by the Australian Archives courtesy E. Carey.Blue back clear plastic fold containing list of United Kingdom Internees held in camp 2 Tatura from 15 December 1942.united kingdom internees, camp 2 united kingdom internees -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folio, P. Collis, Postal History of Internees & Pows, after August 1991; photocopy 1991
... Postal History of Internees & Pows .... Salient part of the book as already refereed too. Donated to the society by a keen philatelist Charles Lawlor. Articles collected by Charles Lawlor. Supplementary. at the back of the folder are letters of reference 1857 John Montgomery Maud Lynch 1897 Wm Holden 1913, 1912, 1917 and 1927.Red open fronted folder with plastic sleeves.Type written heading "Postal History of the Internees and Prisoners of War", on the bottom of the page handwritten "Pages from the Postal History of Internees and Prisoners of War in Australia during WW2. P Collis MBE FRPSL. The Royal Philatelic Society of Victoriap collis, postal history of internees, postal history of pow's, philatelic society of victoria -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book, J D Gillespie, War Time Wood Trail 1942 - 1945. Italian Internees Glynwylln Forest, 1989
... War Time Wood Trail 1942 - 1945. Italian Internees ...Book written for the Historical Society on the occasion of a trip following the wartime wood trail to Glywylln ForestBlue card cover with blue tape over staple on the spine. Handwritten title with Authors name"Wartime Wood Trail" 1942-1945 Italian Internees Glynwylln Forest By J.D. Gillespie Former Divisional Forester Horshamstawell ww2 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Booklet, Internees at camp 1 Tatura, Hermann Junge, 1940's
... Internees at camp 1 Tatura ...Produced by internees at Camp 1, Tatura and intended for their and fellow internee use.Unbound, folded loose leave, booklet featuring head and shoulders black and white sketch of man on front cover. Below the name Hermann Junge is written. Typed on manual typewriter. Contains 2 maps and camp plans. 83 pagesHermann Jungehedlig docke, camp 1 tatura, hermann junge -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Newspaper, Internees at camp 1 Tatura, 1941
... Internees at camp 1 Tatura ...Made by internees at camp 1 TaturaSingle folded sheet, creating a 4 page newspaper, hand printed and illustrated in black and white. Inscribed "Kleines Theater Tatura - Dreary Lane " on front cover and sketch of building. Dated 1941as aboveinternee newspapers, camp 1 tatura, kleines theater, hedleg docke, dreary lane -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Newspaper, Internees at camp 1 Tatura, 1940's
... Internees at camp 1 Tatura ...Made by internees at Camp 1, Tatura. Single sheet folded to form a 4 page newspaper featuring advertisements, illustrations and articles. Hand printed and sketched.hedlig docke, internment camp newspapers -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Programme, Internees at camp 1 Tatura, June 1942
... Internees at camp 1 Tatura ...Made by internees at Camp 1, Tatura. Single sheet folded to form a 4 page newspaper. Pages 2 and 3 feature sketch of scene of performance of a play or game, dated 20 June 1942hedlig docke, internment camp programme, camp 1 tatura -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Article - Multi ring Binder, The Arts Behind Barbed Wire - Dunera Internees at Hay Camps NSW 1940 - May 1941
... The Arts Behind Barbed Wire - Dunera Internees at Hay Camps ...21 type written pages entitited The Arts Behind Barbed Wire: the Dunera Internees at Hay. Tells the story of the Dunera internees who were sent to Hay NSW from England. It covers how the internees made life in Hay bearable by setting up a school, theatre, visual arts, etc. Tells some of the stories of several of the internees during their internment.Black plastic display folder with 21 typewritten pages. On front is a label with name and donor being a school teacher, taped ondunera, dunera internees, hay camp