Showing 35 items
matching intravenous
Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Intravenous Drip Chamber
Intravenous Drip ChamberClear glassintravenous, drip, chamber, ballarat -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Cannula placement set, Bardic, c. 1980
Cholera swept a deadly path through Europe in 1832. Irish physician, William O’Shaughnessy, proposed treating patients with saline infusions and Dr Thomas Latta of Leith, successfully applied the treatment. The intravenous route is the fastest way to deliver fluids and medications through the body. Today, fluid therapy is one of the most widespread interventions in acute medicine. Clear plastic strip adhered to white paper backing, forming a sealed packet containing a cardboard backing board, with a cannula attached.Stamped in black ink on 3929.1: CAT: / NO. 1966 / CATHETER: 14 GA. / .058 I.D. / 5 1/2 IN. / 0182037 Stamped in black ink on 3929.2: CAT: / NO. 1967 / CATHETER: 16 GA. .044 I.D. / 5 1/2 IN. / 0189037intravenous, cannula, fluid therapy, william o'shaughnessy, thomas latta -
The Dunmoochin Foundation
Gouache Painting, Hospital Suite, Hand and Drip, 1977
Gouache painting depicting a male arm with intravenous drip and hospital table. Dated (L.l) '10.10.1977'.clifton pugh, painting, gouache, hospital, drip, hand -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
B-D Yale Kaufman Syringe, Becton Dickinson & Co
Glass and metal vein seeker syringe with a 10cc total volume. The barrel and plunger are manufactured from glass; the needle point from metal. The barrel is connected to the plunger via a metallic clip and chain and intravenous drip is added to the syringe via a side tube that is blocked with a corc stopper.Etched on syringe barrel in brown lettering: "B-D Yale Kaufman' and '5942Y'. The serial number is also repeated on the plunger.syringe, glass, frosted glass, b-d yale kaufman, dr penn, anaesthesia, intravenous, becton dickinson & co, 5942y, 1955 -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Pentothal Sodium, c 1935
Experiments with intravenous anaesthesia were undertaken in 1872 using chloral hydrate. The high mortality rates discouraged further experimentation until the early 20th Century. Thionembutal, or Pentothal Sodium, was one of these early developments. This ampoule has "Experimental" stamped on it. It has come directly from the manufacturing process. Pentothal Sodium is its trade name. It is now more commonly known as thiopentone.Glass ampoule of Pentothal Sodium (Thiobarbiturate No. 8064) 1.0 gm with large yellowed white label.Printed in black ink on label: Experimental / A 512738 / Abbott Laboratories / North Chicago. Ill., USA.pentothal, sodium, thionembutal, thiopentone, experimental, drugs, intravenous, anaesthesia, anaesthetic, john lundy, ralph waters -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Analgesia device, patient controlled, Janssen Scientific Instruments
Patient controlled analgesia, or PCA, was developed in the 1960s. This mode of opioid administration allows patients to directly respond to their individual levels of pain. It is estimated there are now somewhere between six and 15 million uses annually.Two parallel sections enclosed in cream coloured metal casing and joined in the centre via a brown metal section that also forms the base and stand. The left side has a dark brown perspex cover with a small brushed metal latch and handle. The right has a grey metal panel with dial, knobs and a rolled paper dispenser. A clear plastic intravenous bag is attached to the device by a clear plastic tube.There is also a black plastic coated wire attached to a handle with a red button on top. This is used for the patient to administer the analgesia. analgesia, intravenous, flinders medical centre, janssen scientific instruments, patient controlled -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Syringe, 1853
Charles Gabriel Pravaz (1791-1853) was a French orthopedic surgeon and inventor of the hypodermic syringe. In 1844, Irish physician Francis Rynd (1811-1861) invented the hollow needle. In 1853, French physician Charles Pravaz developed the first practical metal syringe. Pravaz added a fine, hollow needle to the end of his syringe instead of the tube. This was an important innovation. Yet in the pre-antiseptic era it was a mixed blessing. The use of injections rather than oral drug administration can more readily promote the spread of disease as well as facilitating its cure. An understanding of the germ theory of disease - and the cardinal importance of using sterile needles - awaited the discoveries of Lister, Pasteur and Koch. But intravenous injection allows extremely rapid pain-relief - and the induction of general anaesthesia when suitable agents were developed.Small ornate metal syringe with raised ridge at either end and in the middle. Tapers to a point at the distal end with pencil like extrusion. Finger ring at the proximal end.pravaz, intravenous, hyperdermic, subcutaneous, syringe, needle -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
'Horrocks' saline infusion apparatus used by Dr Mitchell Henry O'Sullivan, Down Bros., London
Dr Mitchell Henry O'Sullivan worked in the Victorian country town of Casterton as a general practitioner from 1919 until his death in 1977. He also practiced obstetrics. His son, Dr David More O'Sullivan donated the obstetric bag and its contents to the College in 1999. The bag and contents are a unique time capsule of the type of instruments and pharmaceuticals used in the inter-war period. 'Horrocks' saline infusion apparatus. Consists of white, metal lidded oval shaped case [169.1], containing a gauze insert, a glass intravenous drip chamber [169.2], straight intravenous needle [169.3], wire insert for the needle [169.4] and rubber tubing [169.5]. Inscribed inside box, "Down Bros., St Thomas Street, Borough of London."hydration -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Tool - Intravenous needle
Metal intravenous needle. Needle has a dial and fittings at one end, and a straight hollow shaft ending in a sharp point. The number '10' is engraved on the fitting of the needle.'10'surgery -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Tool - Intravenous needle
Metal intravenous needle. Needle has a gold coloured dial and fittings at one end, and a straight hollow shaft ending in a sharp point. The word 'CONTRACIO' is engraved on the needle fittings.'CONTRACIO'surgery -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Two Nurses attending to a Patient
Two second year nurses attending to a patient with an intravenous drip. Jill Rogers (Bendigo Base) Jill Dunbar- Upstairs balcony Lister House Lister House - Black and White photo two nurses standing one is attending to a drip and the other has two hands on the bed near the patients arm.Names and description are written on back of photo. nurse training, second year nurses, nurses uniform -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Equipment - Cannula, Transfusion
Doctors trained in blood transfusion were essential to the development of Forward Resuscitation Teams during World War I. In 1918, Dr Alan Holmes a Court and his colleagues established a resuscitation team and, following their remarkable success at the battle of Hamel on July 4, teams were permanently established at each of the five Australian divisions. Each team consisted of one doctor trained in surgery, blood transfusion and resuscitation, another doctor trained in anaesthesia, resuscitation and blood donor classification, and four other assisting staff. This team moved out to the wounded, rather than waiting for them to be stretchered back. They provided on-the-spot, life-saving resuscitation. The wounded were then transported back to the Casualty Clearing Station or Regimental Aid Post for further treatment.A selection of metal cannula of various designs and sizes.blood, transfusion, intravenous, cannula -
Clunes Museum
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
IV Bottle with Airway
This medical / hospital equipment was used in the Tawonga District General Hospital which was built in the 1950s specifically for the increase in population due to the Kiewa Hydro Scheme.Historical: Shows the development of scientific hospital equipment. Provenance: Used in the Tawonga District General Hospital which was remote and therefore required good equipment.Used in the delivery of intravenous fluids Clear glass bottle with plastic black lid sealed and with 2 holes through it. A short hard plastic straw for air is in one hole and in the other a long hard plastic straw going down to the bottom. The jar is embossed with measurements up to 1000ml. There is a torn label on the bottle. Near the bottom is a white plastic handle which may be able to be attached to something.Embossed measurements with numbers and lines. Also 1000 ml. The label has the title, in blue, Dextrose 10% w/v. On the bottom 8146 is embossed.medical equipment. hospital equipment. tawonga. mt beauty. intravenous fluids -
Orbost & District Historical Society
pamphlet, January 1870
Liquor ammonie was an antidote for snake bites in the late 19th century. George Halford, a medical professor at Melbourne University promoted ammonia injections to stimulate the heart and reinvigorate the blood. Inspired by experiments in dogs, his suggestion to intravenously dose snakebitten patients with an acknowledged poison was certainly controversial. The prevailing treatments, for doctors and laity, were ligature, cutting and sucking the wound, rest (or vigorous exercise), and prodigious quantities of alcohol. Support for ‘Halford’s injection’ nevertheless grew: Victorian doctors, chemists and citizens extolled its effectiveness in both human and animal patients. (Info. from Spectacular serpents: Snakebite in colonial Australia)This item is a useful research tool.A one sheet tabular list of cases of snake bite treated by the injection of liquor ammonie. There are pinholes in each corner.on front - Harry Richardsonsnake-bite australian-medical-journal halford-george -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Bottle - Medical
This bottle was used in the Tawonga District General Hospital which was built in the 1950's specifically for the increase in population due to the Kiewa Hydro Scheme.Historical: Shows the development of scientific hospital equipment. Provenance: Used in the Tawonga district General Hospital which was remote and therefore required good equipment. Good condition and good interpretation capacity.Clear glass Intravenous (IV) fluid bottle with opaque white plastic holder with rings around the neck and bottle. The wide lower ring has an extension that is oval shaped. The opening has a rubber stopper with 4 holes at the top that don't penetrate the stopper. The bottle is heavily embossed with a measuring gauge one side written for when the bottle is upright and the other side written for when the bottle is upside down. Base is heavily embossed. Straight sides taper gradually to a short neck and opening. Note: Unusual because of plastic holder. IV fluid bottle and drainage bottle or could be Wagenestein - form of suction (no suckers so form a vacuum)Gauge: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500. Below gauge 2 embossed lines around the circumference. Base: 5 / Resistent / 500 ml. Around the circumference short lines from outer edge to middle.medical, hospital, intraveneous fluid bottle, wagenestein -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from The "Post" , 4-8-93 P3 COUNCIL NEWS - Council helps schools - ECB FM concerns - Needle disposalSupport will be given to local schools in their dealings with the State Government's restructuring process, Ringwood Council decided this week. Council has expressed concens with local radio station ECB FM's proposed rule changes which, according to a council report, attempts to remove any influence of Ringwood Coucil from the station. Council has recommended $3130 be budgeted next financial year for a sharps disposal service for prescribed intravenous drug users.` -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Medal, Dean, Garrard & Co. Goldsmiths & Silversmiths, 1953
Dr Bernard Johnson was elected on December the 6th December 1952 as the Faculty's first honorary Fellow. At the time, Johnson was the Dean of the Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons, England. He was invited to visit Australia to receive his award and in 1953 Johnson received his award and brought with him a notable gift being the local Dean's medal of office which was presented on behalf of the Royal College of Surgeons. Johnson had previously met with Ivan Jose and H.J. Daly by providing advice for the establishment of an Australasian Faculty. Johnson is a significant figure as a pioneer into intravenous anaesthesia into Great Britain. He then turned his attention to improving dental anaesthesia. Working with fellow colleagues R R Macintosh and W S McConnell, they established the ‘Mayfair Gas Company’, primarily for dental anaesthesia, but also provided anaesthesia for general surgery during honorary hospital sessions. Johnson participated in the development of the Faculty of Anaesthetists within the Royal College of Surgeons. A founding member of the Board of Faculty, he served as Vice-Dean and then was the second Dean (1952-5), a role which provided a seat on the council of the RCS England. A 9 carat gold [375] oval shaped Dean's Medal of the Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons secured onto a red coloured woven tape by two large gold links. Obverse depicts in coloured enamel secured onto base the RACS coat of arms and crest. Engraved around the sunken diameter are the Faculty and College names. The reverse side has the presentation details inscribed onto a plaque secured onto the main piece with three rivets with hallmarks on both the message plaque and the outer rim. The original red leather box is in poor condition. Printed on the inside silk cover are the maker's marks.[obverse] THE FACULTY OF ANAESTHETISTS / ROYAL AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS [reverse] PRESENTED / BY THE DEAN / DR BERNARD JOHNSON / ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF / THE FACULTY OF ANAESTHETISTS / OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF / SURGEONS OF ENGLAND / AT THE INAUGURAL MEETING / 17th APRIL 1953 [hallmarks on reverse] GAS CO LTD 9 375 R Edinburgh? [black print on inside box cover] By appointment silversmiths to / THE LATE KING / GEORGE VI / THE [goldsmith's logo] / GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS / COMPANY LTD / CROWN JEWELLERS / incorporating GARRARD & CO / 112 REGENT STREET, LONDON W. I.dean medal, mayfair gas company, rcs england, johnson, bernard -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Box, cardboard, c.1937-1960
Trove : Advertised from 1937-1949 in various publications search under "Wellcome"' Calcium Borogluconate (yes with 2 'l's) . Victorian Government Gazette , no.2 Jan 5, 1960, page 16. List of Registered Stock Medicine. Registered Wholesale Dealer : Burroughs Wellcome and Co. (Aust) Ltd. Cressy Street, Rosebery New South Wales. Manufacturer, if other than the Wholesale Dealer - , Distinguishing Name of Stock Medicine : "Wellcome" Calcium Borogluconate, Approved Use or for the Treatment of : Milk Fever, hypocalcaemia. Rectangular faded pink cardboard box opening at both ends with the remnants of a paper label on one side, containing a folded paper leaflet and a cellophane bag containing white granules.Outer label '.....ATE .s enclosed)..........ELLCOME & .............STRALIA..D., SYDNEY, Australia'. Impressed on one flap of box '132'. Printed leaflet (side one) Illustration of a unicorn, a thick black line under which text 'WELLCOME' brand CALCIUM BOROGLUCONATE (Vetinary)' followed by another thick black line. 'Calcium Borogluconate ia a stable , non-irritant calcium preparation for subcutaneous or intravenous injection in the treatment of milk fever and other forms of acute hypocalcaemia. It is available in the dry state as 'Wellcome' Calcium Borogluconate, a granular product in single dose containers of 2 1/2 oz. Milk Fever In the treatment of milk fever in cows, 21/2 oz. to 31/2 oz. of the granules should be injected subcutaneously at two or three points in the neck, with the usual aseptic precautions. The granules should be dissolved in 10 fl. oz. of boiling water, the solution allowed to boil for five minutes, then cooled to body temperature before administration. Repetition of the dose is very rarely necessary. Should a more rapid response be desired, the whole of the solution hay be given by slow intravenous injection; alternatively , the greater part of the solution may be injected by this route and the remainder given subcutaneously in the manner described above. A convenient apparatus for the controlled administration of large volumes of fluid (leaflet side two) is the 'Wellcome' Flutter Valve Injection Apparatus. Prophylaxis Recurrent attacks at successive parturitions may be prevented by giving calcium borogluconate immediately after calving and again about 20 hours later. Each dose should be from one or two ounces of 'Wellcome' Calcium Borogluconate, dissolved as directed above. Other Indications Certain other conditions have been found to respond readily to calcium borogluconate therapy. These include parturient hypocalcaemia or milk fever in ewes, parturient eclampsia in sows and bitches, so-called "staggers" in lactating dairy cattle suspected to be due to hypocalcaemia, and transit tetany in horses. The dosage for various species is generally within the ranges indicated below : horses and cattle 11/2 to 31/2 oz. Sheep, goats and pigs 1/2 oz. to 1 oz. Dogs 11/2 dr. to 3 dr. 'WELLCOME' brand CALCIUM BOROGLUCONATE A readily-soluble granular product issued in cartons of 21/2 oz.' Illustration of a unicorn, 'BURROUGHS WELLCOME & CO. (AUSTRALIA) LTD. (Incorporated in England) SYDNEY, N.S.W.' A black line 'ref.A5007g 54.1. 25' milk fever, hypocalcaemia, subcutaneous -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Instrument - Syringe set, 20th century
Whether it’s an anaesthetic, blood test, insulin, vitamin shot or vaccination, at a base human level something feels instinctively wrong about having a long thin piece of metal stuck deep into your flesh. And yet, in allowing physicians to administer medicine directly into the bloodstream, the hypodermic needle has been one of the most important inventions of medical science. In the beginning… Typically, it was the Romans. The word ‘syringe’ is derived from Greek mythology. Chased to the edge of a river by the god Pan, a rather chaste nymph by the name of Syrinx magically disguised herself as water reeds. Determined, Pan chopped the hollow reeds off and blew into them to create a musical whistling sound, thereby fashioning the first of his fabled pipes. Taking that concept of ‘hollow tubes’, and having observed how snakes could transmit venom, the practice of administering ointments and unctions via simple piston syringes is originally described in the writings of the first-century Roman scholar Aulus Cornelius Celsus and the equally famous Greek surgeon Galen. It’s unclear if the Egyptian surgeon Ammar bin Ali al-Mawsili was a fan of either of their scribblings, but 800 years later he employed a hollow glass tube and simple suction power to remove cataracts from his patients’ eyes – a technique copied up until the 13th century, but only to extract blood, fluid or poison, not to inject anything. Syringes get modern Then, in 1650, while experimenting with hydrodynamics, the legendary French polymath Blaise Pascal invented the first modern syringe. His device exemplified the law of physics that became known as Pascal’s Law, which proposes “when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid, there is an equal increase at every other point in the container.” But it wasn’t until six years later that a fellow Renaissance man, the English architect Sir Christopher Wren took Pascal’s concept and made the first intravenous experiment. Combining hollow goose quills, pig bladders, a kennel of stray dogs and enough opium to fell a herd of elephants, Wren started injecting the hapless mutts with the ‘milk of the poppy’. By the mid-1660s, thinking this seemed like a great idea, two German doctors, Johann Daniel Major and Johann Sigismund Elsholtz, decided to try their hand at squirting various stuff into human subjects. Things didn’t end well, and people died. Consequently, injections fell out of medical favour for 200 years. Let's try again… Enter the Irish doctor Francis Rynd in 1844. Constructing the first-ever hollow steel needle, he used it to inject medicine subcutaneously and then bragged about it in an issue of the Dublin Medical Press. Then, in 1853, depending on who you believe, it was either a Frenchman or a Scot who invented the first real hypodermic needle. The French physician Charles Pravaz adapted Rynd’s needle to administer a coagulant in order to stem bleeding in a sheep by using a system of measuring screws. However, it was the Scottish surgeon Alexander Wood who first combined a hollow steel needle with a proper syringe to inject morphine into a human. Thus, Wood is usually credited with the invention. Sharp advancements Over the following century, the technology was refined and intravenous injections became commonplace – whether in the administering of pain relief, penicillin, insulin, immunisation and blood transfusions, needles became a staple of medicine. By 1946, the Chance Brothers’ Birmingham glassworks factory began mass-producing the first all-glass syringe with interchangeable parts. Then, a decade later, after sterilisation issues in re-used glass syringes had plagued the industry for years, a Kiwi inventor called Colin Murdoch applied for a patent of a disposable plastic syringe. Several patents followed, and the disposable syringe is now widespread. This syringe set was donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village by the family of Doctor William Roy Angus, Surgeon and Oculist. It is part of the “W.R. Angus Collection” that includes historical medical equipment, surgical instruments and material once belonging to Dr Edward Ryan and Dr Thomas Francis Ryan, (both of Nhill, Victoria) as well as Dr Angus’ own belongings. The Collection’s history spans the medical practices of the two Doctors Ryan, from 1885-1926 plus that of Dr Angus, up until 1969. ABOUT THE “W.R.ANGUS COLLECTION” Doctor William Roy Angus M.B., B.S., Adel., 1923, F.R.C.S. Edin.,1928 (also known as Dr Roy Angus) was born in Murrumbeena, Victoria in 1901 and lived until 1970. He qualified as a doctor in 1923 at University of Adelaide, was Resident Medical Officer at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in 1924 and for a period was house surgeon to Sir (then Mr.) Henry Simpson Newland. Dr Angus was briefly an Assistant to Dr Riddell of Kapunda, then commenced private practice at Curramulka, Yorke Peninsula, SA, where he was physician, surgeon and chemist. In 1926, he was appointed as new Medical Assistant to Dr Thomas Francis Ryan (T.F. Ryan, or Tom), in Nhill, Victoria, where his experiences included radiology and pharmacy. In 1927 he was Acting House Surgeon in Dr Tom Ryan’s absence. Dr Angus had become engaged to Gladys Forsyth and they decided he would take time to further his studies overseas in the UK in 1927. He studied at London University College Hospital and at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and in 1928, was awarded FRCS (Fellow from the Royal College of Surgeons), Edinburgh. He worked his passage back to Australia as a Ship’s Surgeon on the on the Australian Commonwealth Line’s T.S.S. Largs Bay. Dr Angus married Gladys in 1929, in Ballarat. (They went on to have one son (Graham 1932, born in SA) and two daughters (Helen (died 12/07/1996) and Berenice (Berry), both born at Mira, Nhill ) Dr Angus was a ‘flying doctor’ for the A.I.M. (Australian Inland Ministry) Aerial Medical Service in 1928 . The organisation began in South Australia through the Presbyterian Church in that year, with its first station being in the remote town of Oodnadatta, where Dr Angus was stationed. He was locum tenens there on North-South Railway at 21 Mile Camp. He took up this ‘flying doctor’ position in response to a call from Dr John Flynn; the organisation was later known as the Flying Doctor Service, then the Royal Flying Doctor Service. A lot of his work during this time involved dental surgery also. Between 1928-1932 he was surgeon at the Curramulka Hospital, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. In 1933 Dr Angus returned to Nhill where he’d previously worked as Medical Assistant and purchased a share of the Nelson Street practice and Mira hospital from Dr Les Middleton one of the Middleton Brothers, the current owners of what was once Dr Tom Ryan’s practice. Dr L Middleton was House Surgeon to the Nhill Hospital 1926-1933, when he resigned. [Dr Tom Ryan’s practice had originally belonged to his older brother Dr Edward Ryan, who came to Nhill in 1885. Dr Edward saw patients at his rooms, firstly in Victoria Street and in 1886 in Nelson Street, until 1901. The Nelson Street practice also had a 2 bed ward, called Mira Private Hospital ). Dr Edward Ryan was House Surgeon at the Nhill Hospital 1884-1902 . He also had occasions where he successfully performed veterinary surgery for the local farmers too. Dr Tom Ryan then purchased the practice from his brother in 1901. Both Dr Edward and Dr Tom Ryan work as surgeons included eye surgery. Dr Tom Ryan performed many of his operations in the Mira private hospital on his premises. He too was House Surgeon at the Nhill Hospital 1902-1926. Dr Tom Ryan had one of the only two pieces of radiology equipment in Victoria during his practicing years – The Royal Melbourne Hospital had the other one. Over the years Dr Tom Ryan gradually set up what was effectively a training school for country general-practitioner-surgeons. Each patient was carefully examined, including using the X-ray machine, and any surgery was discussed and planned with Dr Ryan’s assistants several days in advance. Dr Angus gained experience in using the X-ray machine there during his time as assistant to Dr Ryan. Dr Tom Ryan moved from Nhill in 1926. He became a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 1927, soon after its formation, a rare accolade for a doctor outside any of the major cities. He remained a bachelor and died suddenly on 7th Dec 1955, aged 91, at his home in Ararat. Scholarships and prizes are still awarded to medical students in the honour of Dr T.F. Ryan and his father, Dr Michael Ryan, and brother, John Patrick Ryan. ] When Dr Angus bought into the Nelson Street premises in Nhill he was also appointed as the Nhill Hospital’s Honorary House Surgeon 1933-1938. His practitioner’s plate from his Nhill surgery states “HOURS Daily, except Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturday afternoons, 9-10am, 2-4pm, 7-8pm. Sundays by appointment”. This plate is now mounted on the doorway to the Port Medical Office at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. Dr Edward Ryan and Dr Tom Ryan had an extensive collection of historical medical equipment and materials spanning 1884-1926 and when Dr Angus took up practice in their old premises he obtained this collection, a large part of which is now on display at the Port Medical Office at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in Warrnambool. During his time in Nhill Dr Angus was involved in the merging of the Mira Hospital and Nhill Public Hospital into one public hospital and the property titles passed on to Nhill Hospital in 1939. In 1939 Dr Angus and his family moved to Warrnambool where he purchased “Birchwood,” the 1852 home and medical practice of Dr John Hunter Henderson, at 214 Koroit Street. (This property was sold in1965 to the State Government and is now the site of the Warrnambool Police Station. ). The Angus family was able to afford gardeners, cooks and maids; their home was a popular place for visiting dignitaries to stay whilst visiting Warrnambool. Dr Angus had his own silk worm farm at home in a Mulberry tree. His young daughter used his centrifuge for spinning the silk. Dr Angus was appointed on a part-time basis as Port Medical Officer (Health Officer) in Warrnambool and held this position until the 1940’s when the government no longer required the service of a Port Medical Officer in Warrnambool; he was thus Warrnambool’s last serving Port Medical Officer. (The duties of a Port Medical Officer were outlined by the Colonial Secretary on 21st June, 1839 under the terms of the Quarantine Act. Masters of immigrant ships arriving in port reported incidents of diseases, illness and death and the Port Medical Officer made a decision on whether the ship required Quarantine and for how long, in this way preventing contagious illness from spreading from new immigrants to the residents already in the colony.) Dr Angus was a member of the Australian Medical Association, for 35 years and surgeon at the Warrnambool Base Hospital 1939-1942, He served as a Surgeon Captain during WWII1942-45, in Ballarat, Victoria, and in Bonegilla, N.S.W., completing his service just before the end of the war due to suffering from a heart attack. During his convalescence he carved an intricate and ‘most artistic’ chess set from the material that dentures were made from. He then studied ophthalmology at the Royal Melbourne Eye and Ear Hospital and created cosmetically superior artificial eyes by pioneering using the intrascleral cartilage. Angus received accolades from the Ophthalmological Society of Australasia for this work. He returned to Warrnambool to commence practice as an ophthalmologist, pioneering in artificial eye improvements. He was Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist to Warrnambool Base Hospital for 31 years. He made monthly visits to Portland as a visiting surgeon, to perform eye surgery. He represented the Victorian South-West subdivision of the Australian Medical Association as its secretary between 1949 and 1956 and as chairman from 1956 to 1958. In 1968 Dr Angus was elected member of Spain’s Barraquer Institute of Barcelona after his research work in Intrasclearal cartilage grafting, becoming one of the few Australian ophthalmologists to receive this honour, and in the following year presented his final paper on Living Intrasclearal Cartilage Implants at the Inaugural Meeting of the Australian College of Ophthalmologists in Melbourne In his personal life Dr Angus was a Presbyterian and treated Sunday as a Sabbath, a day of rest. He would visit 3 or 4 country patients on a Sunday, taking his children along ‘for the ride’ and to visit with him. Sunday evenings he would play the pianola and sing Scottish songs to his family. One of Dr Angus’ patients was Margaret MacKenzie, author of a book on local shipwrecks that she’d seen as an eye witness from the late 1880’s in Peterborough, Victoria. In the early 1950’s Dr Angus, painted a picture of a shipwreck for the cover jacket of Margaret’s book, Shipwrecks and More Shipwrecks. She was blind in later life and her daughter wrote the actual book for her. Dr Angus and his wife Gladys were very involved in Warrnambool’s society with a strong interest in civic affairs. Their interests included organisations such as Red Cross, Rostrum, Warrnambool and District Historical Society (founding members), Wine and Food Society, Steering Committee for Tertiary Education in Warrnambool, Local National Trust, Good Neighbour Council, Housing Commission Advisory Board, United Services Institute, Legion of Ex-Servicemen, Olympic Pool Committee, Food for Britain Organisation, Warrnambool Hospital, Anti-Cancer Council, Boys’ Club, Charitable Council, National Fitness Council and Air Raid Precautions Group. He was also a member of the Steam Preservation Society and derived much pleasure from a steam traction engine on his farm. He had an interest in people and the community He and his wife Gladys were both involved in the creation of Flagstaff Hill, including the layout of the gardens. After his death (28th March 1970) his family requested his practitioner’s plate, medical instruments and some personal belongings be displayed in the Port Medical Office surgery at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, and be called the “W. R. Angus Collection”. The W.R. Angus Collection is significant for still being located at the site it is connected with, Doctor Angus being the last Port Medical Officer in Warrnambool. The collection of medical instruments and other equipment is culturally significant, being an historical example of medicine from late 19th to mid-20th century. Dr Angus assisted Dr Tom Ryan, a pioneer in the use of X-rays and in ocular surgery. Syringe set (5 pieces) in container, from W.R. Angus Collection. Rectangular glass container with separate stainless steel lid, syringe cylinder, end piece and angle-ended tweezers. Container is lined with gauze and fabric. Scale on syringe is in "cc". Printed on Syringe "B-D LUER-LOK MULTIFIT, MADE IN U.S.A." Stamped into tweezers "STAINLESS STEEL" and "WEISS LONDON"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, dr w r angus, dr ryan, surgical instrument, t.s.s. largs bay, warrnambool base hospital, nhill base hospital, mira hospital, flying doctor, medical treatment, syringe, b d syringe, luer-lok multifit, weiss london, surgical tweezers, hypodermic syringe, injections -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Instrument - Syringe set, c. 1940s
Whether it’s an anaesthetic, blood test, insulin, vitamin shot or vaccination, at a base human level something feels instinctively wrong about having a long thin piece of metal stuck deep into your flesh. And yet, in allowing physicians to administer medicine directly into the bloodstream, the hypodermic needle has been one of the most important inventions of medical science. In the beginning… Typically, it was the Romans. The word ‘syringe’ is derived from Greek mythology. Chased to the edge of a river by the god Pan, a rather chaste nymph by the name of Syrinx magically disguised herself as water reeds. Determined, Pan chopped the hollow reeds off and blew into them to create a musical whistling sound, thereby fashioning the first of his fabled pipes. Taking that concept of ‘hollow tubes’, and having observed how snakes could transmit venom, the practice of administering ointments and unctions via simple piston syringes is originally described in the writings of the first-century Roman scholar Aulus Cornelius Celsus and the equally famous Greek surgeon Galen. It’s unclear if the Egyptian surgeon Ammar bin Ali al-Mawsili was a fan of either of their scribblings, but 800 years later he employed a hollow glass tube and simple suction power to remove cataracts from his patients’ eyes – a technique copied up until the 13th century, but only to extract blood, fluid or poison, not to inject anything. Syringes get modern Then, in 1650, while experimenting with hydrodynamics, the legendary French polymath Blaise Pascal invented the first modern syringe. His device exemplified the law of physics that became known as Pascal’s Law, which proposes “when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid, there is an equal increase at every other point in the container.” But it wasn’t until six years later that a fellow Renaissance man, the English architect Sir Christopher Wren took Pascal’s concept and made the first intravenous experiment. Combining hollow goose quills, pig bladders, a kennel of stray dogs and enough opium to fell a herd of elephants, Wren started injecting the hapless mutts with the ‘milk of the poppy’. By the mid-1660s, thinking this seemed like a great idea, two German doctors, Johann Daniel Major and Johann Sigismund Elsholtz, decided to try their hand at squirting various stuff into human subjects. Things didn’t end well, and people died. Consequently, injections fell out of medical favour for 200 years. Let's try again… Enter the Irish doctor Francis Rynd in 1844. Constructing the first-ever hollow steel needle, he used it to inject medicine subcutaneously and then bragged about it in an issue of the Dublin Medical Press. Then, in 1853, depending on who you believe, it was either a Frenchman or a Scot who invented the first real hypodermic needle. The French physician Charles Pravaz adapted Rynd’s needle to administer a coagulant in order to stem bleeding in a sheep by using a system of measuring screws. However, it was the Scottish surgeon Alexander Wood who first combined a hollow steel needle with a proper syringe to inject morphine into a human. Thus, Wood is usually credited with the invention. Sharp advancements Over the following century, the technology was refined and intravenous injections became commonplace – whether in the administering of pain relief, penicillin, insulin, immunisation and blood transfusions, needles became a staple of medicine. By 1946, the Chance Brothers’ Birmingham glassworks factory began mass-producing the first all-glass syringe with interchangeable parts. Then, a decade later, after sterilisation issues in re-used glass syringes had plagued the industry for years, a Kiwi inventor called Colin Murdoch applied for a patent of a disposable plastic syringe. Several patents followed, and the disposable syringe is now widespread. This syringe set was donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village by the family of Doctor William Roy Angus, Surgeon and Oculist. It is part of the “W.R. Angus Collection” that includes historical medical equipment, surgical instruments and material once belonging to Dr Edward Ryan and Dr Thomas Francis Ryan, (both of Nhill, Victoria) as well as Dr Angus’ own belongings. The Collection’s history spans the medical practices of the two Doctors Ryan, from 1885-1926 plus that of Dr Angus, up until 1969. ABOUT THE “W.R.ANGUS COLLECTION” Doctor William Roy Angus M.B., B.S., Adel., 1923, F.R.C.S. Edin.,1928 (also known as Dr Roy Angus) was born in Murrumbeena, Victoria in 1901 and lived until 1970. He qualified as a doctor in 1923 at University of Adelaide, was Resident Medical Officer at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in 1924 and for a period was house surgeon to Sir (then Mr.) Henry Simpson Newland. Dr Angus was briefly an Assistant to Dr Riddell of Kapunda, then commenced private practice at Curramulka, Yorke Peninsula, SA, where he was physician, surgeon and chemist. In 1926, he was appointed as new Medical Assistant to Dr Thomas Francis Ryan (T.F. Ryan, or Tom), in Nhill, Victoria, where his experiences included radiology and pharmacy. In 1927 he was Acting House Surgeon in Dr Tom Ryan’s absence. Dr Angus had become engaged to Gladys Forsyth and they decided he would take time to further his studies overseas in the UK in 1927. He studied at London University College Hospital and at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and in 1928, was awarded FRCS (Fellow from the Royal College of Surgeons), Edinburgh. He worked his passage back to Australia as a Ship’s Surgeon on the on the Australian Commonwealth Line’s T.S.S. Largs Bay. Dr Angus married Gladys in 1929, in Ballarat. (They went on to have one son (Graham 1932, born in SA) and two daughters (Helen (died 12/07/1996) and Berenice (Berry), both born at Mira, Nhill ) Dr Angus was a ‘flying doctor’ for the A.I.M. (Australian Inland Ministry) Aerial Medical Service in 1928 . The organisation began in South Australia through the Presbyterian Church in that year, with its first station being in the remote town of Oodnadatta, where Dr Angus was stationed. He was locum tenens there on North-South Railway at 21 Mile Camp. He took up this ‘flying doctor’ position in response to a call from Dr John Flynn; the organisation was later known as the Flying Doctor Service, then the Royal Flying Doctor Service. A lot of his work during this time involved dental surgery also. Between 1928-1932 he was surgeon at the Curramulka Hospital, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. In 1933 Dr Angus returned to Nhill where he’d previously worked as Medical Assistant and purchased a share of the Nelson Street practice and Mira hospital from Dr Les Middleton one of the Middleton Brothers, the current owners of what was once Dr Tom Ryan’s practice. Dr L Middleton was House Surgeon to the Nhill Hospital 1926-1933, when he resigned. [Dr Tom Ryan’s practice had originally belonged to his older brother Dr Edward Ryan, who came to Nhill in 1885. Dr Edward saw patients at his rooms, firstly in Victoria Street and in 1886 in Nelson Street, until 1901. The Nelson Street practice also had a 2 bed ward, called Mira Private Hospital ). Dr Edward Ryan was House Surgeon at the Nhill Hospital 1884-1902 . He also had occasions where he successfully performed veterinary surgery for the local farmers too. Dr Tom Ryan then purchased the practice from his brother in 1901. Both Dr Edward and Dr Tom Ryan work as surgeons included eye surgery. Dr Tom Ryan performed many of his operations in the Mira private hospital on his premises. He too was House Surgeon at the Nhill Hospital 1902-1926. Dr Tom Ryan had one of the only two pieces of radiology equipment in Victoria during his practicing years – The Royal Melbourne Hospital had the other one. Over the years Dr Tom Ryan gradually set up what was effectively a training school for country general-practitioner-surgeons. Each patient was carefully examined, including using the X-ray machine, and any surgery was discussed and planned with Dr Ryan’s assistants several days in advance. Dr Angus gained experience in using the X-ray machine there during his time as assistant to Dr Ryan. Dr Tom Ryan moved from Nhill in 1926. He became a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 1927, soon after its formation, a rare accolade for a doctor outside any of the major cities. He remained a bachelor and died suddenly on 7th Dec 1955, aged 91, at his home in Ararat. Scholarships and prizes are still awarded to medical students in the honour of Dr T.F. Ryan and his father, Dr Michael Ryan, and brother, John Patrick Ryan. ] When Dr Angus bought into the Nelson Street premises in Nhill he was also appointed as the Nhill Hospital’s Honorary House Surgeon 1933-1938. His practitioner’s plate from his Nhill surgery states “HOURS Daily, except Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturday afternoons, 9-10am, 2-4pm, 7-8pm. Sundays by appointment”. This plate is now mounted on the doorway to the Port Medical Office at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. Dr Edward Ryan and Dr Tom Ryan had an extensive collection of historical medical equipment and materials spanning 1884-1926 and when Dr Angus took up practice in their old premises he obtained this collection, a large part of which is now on display at the Port Medical Office at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in Warrnambool. During his time in Nhill Dr Angus was involved in the merging of the Mira Hospital and Nhill Public Hospital into one public hospital and the property titles passed on to Nhill Hospital in 1939. In 1939 Dr Angus and his family moved to Warrnambool where he purchased “Birchwood,” the 1852 home and medical practice of Dr John Hunter Henderson, at 214 Koroit Street. (This property was sold in1965 to the State Government and is now the site of the Warrnambool Police Station. ). The Angus family was able to afford gardeners, cooks and maids; their home was a popular place for visiting dignitaries to stay whilst visiting Warrnambool. Dr Angus had his own silk worm farm at home in a Mulberry tree. His young daughter used his centrifuge for spinning the silk. Dr Angus was appointed on a part-time basis as Port Medical Officer (Health Officer) in Warrnambool and held this position until the 1940’s when the government no longer required the service of a Port Medical Officer in Warrnambool; he was thus Warrnambool’s last serving Port Medical Officer. (The duties of a Port Medical Officer were outlined by the Colonial Secretary on 21st June, 1839 under the terms of the Quarantine Act. Masters of immigrant ships arriving in port reported incidents of diseases, illness and death and the Port Medical Officer made a decision on whether the ship required Quarantine and for how long, in this way preventing contagious illness from spreading from new immigrants to the residents already in the colony.) Dr Angus was a member of the Australian Medical Association, for 35 years and surgeon at the Warrnambool Base Hospital 1939-1942, He served as a Surgeon Captain during WWII1942-45, in Ballarat, Victoria, and in Bonegilla, N.S.W., completing his service just before the end of the war due to suffering from a heart attack. During his convalescence he carved an intricate and ‘most artistic’ chess set from the material that dentures were made from. He then studied ophthalmology at the Royal Melbourne Eye and Ear Hospital and created cosmetically superior artificial eyes by pioneering using the intrascleral cartilage. Angus received accolades from the Ophthalmological Society of Australasia for this work. He returned to Warrnambool to commence practice as an ophthalmologist, pioneering in artificial eye improvements. He was Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist to Warrnambool Base Hospital for 31 years. He made monthly visits to Portland as a visiting surgeon, to perform eye surgery. He represented the Victorian South-West subdivision of the Australian Medical Association as its secretary between 1949 and 1956 and as chairman from 1956 to 1958. In 1968 Dr Angus was elected member of Spain’s Barraquer Institute of Barcelona after his research work in Intrasclearal cartilage grafting, becoming one of the few Australian ophthalmologists to receive this honour, and in the following year presented his final paper on Living Intrasclearal Cartilage Implants at the Inaugural Meeting of the Australian College of Ophthalmologists in Melbourne In his personal life Dr Angus was a Presbyterian and treated Sunday as a Sabbath, a day of rest. He would visit 3 or 4 country patients on a Sunday, taking his children along ‘for the ride’ and to visit with him. Sunday evenings he would play the pianola and sing Scottish songs to his family. One of Dr Angus’ patients was Margaret MacKenzie, author of a book on local shipwrecks that she’d seen as an eye witness from the late 1880’s in Peterborough, Victoria. In the early 1950’s Dr Angus, painted a picture of a shipwreck for the cover jacket of Margaret’s book, Shipwrecks and More Shipwrecks. She was blind in later life and her daughter wrote the actual book for her. Dr Angus and his wife Gladys were very involved in Warrnambool’s society with a strong interest in civic affairs. Their interests included organisations such as Red Cross, Rostrum, Warrnambool and District Historical Society (founding members), Wine and Food Society, Steering Committee for Tertiary Education in Warrnambool, Local National Trust, Good Neighbour Council, Housing Commission Advisory Board, United Services Institute, Legion of Ex-Servicemen, Olympic Pool Committee, Food for Britain Organisation, Warrnambool Hospital, Anti-Cancer Council, Boys’ Club, Charitable Council, National Fitness Council and Air Raid Precautions Group. He was also a member of the Steam Preservation Society and derived much pleasure from a steam traction engine on his farm. He had an interest in people and the community He and his wife Gladys were both involved in the creation of Flagstaff Hill, including the layout of the gardens. After his death (28th March 1970) his family requested his practitioner’s plate, medical instruments and some personal belongings be displayed in the Port Medical Office surgery at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, and be called the “W. R. Angus Collection”. The W.R. Angus Collection is significant for still being located at the site it is connected with, Doctor Angus being the last Port Medical Officer in Warrnambool. The collection of medical instruments and other equipment is culturally significant, being an historical example of medicine from late 19th to mid-20th century. Dr Angus assisted Dr Tom Ryan, a pioneer in the use of X-rays and in ocular surgery. Syringe set (8 pieces),part of the W.R. Angus Collection. Pocket syringe kit in oval stainless steel container with separate lid. Container holds syringe cylinder, plunger, 2 needles, blade and cap. Printed on syringe cylinder "FIVEPOINT BRITISH" and symbol of a red star. One needle stamped "22"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, dr w r angus, dr ryan, surgical instrument, t.s.s. largs bay, warrnambool base hospital, nhill base hospital, mira hospital, flying doctor, medical treatment, medical history, medical education, medical text book, fivepoint syringe, general surgical co., injections -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Syringe attachment associated with midwife Mary Howlett, c. 1866 to 1920, 1880 (approximate)
Mary Howlett (1840-1922) began practising as a country midwife in 1866 in the western district of Victoria. She qualified as a 'ladies monthly nurse' in 1887 and continued to practise as a nurse and midwife until 1920.She began her six months training at the Melbourne Lying-In Hospital. She was known by many as 'Auntie', and her career spanned more than 50 years. Mrs Howlett's midwifery box and contents were given to Dr Frank Forster, and he donated them to the museum collection in 1993. Syringe attachment with 4 depressions of equal size around the base. Inside is a shallow rim. The inside is hollow and wider at the base rim than the top. It tapers to half the circumference size at the outlet.intravenous device, midwifery -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Intravenous drip regulator associated with midwife Mary Howlett, c. 1866 - 1920
Similar in style to a 'Record' syringe adapter.Mary Howlett (1840-1922) began practising as a country midwife in 1866 in the western district of Victoria. She qualified as a 'ladies monthly nurse' in 1887 and continued to practise as a nurse and midwife until 1920.She began her six months training at the Melbourne Lying-In Hospital. She was known by many as 'Auntie', and her career spanned more than 50 years. Mrs Howlett's midwifery box and contents were given to Dr Frank Forster, and he donated them to the museum collection in 1993.Glass regulator from a rectal saline apparatus. Regulator consists of a glass bulb with a glass flange at the base, which connects to a glass pipe. intravenous device, midwifery -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Glass valve associated with midwife Mary Howlett, c. 1866 - 1920
This valve connection may have attached to a syringe or cannula. Mary Howlett (1840-1922) began practising as a country midwife in 1866 in the western district of Victoria. She qualified as a 'ladies monthly nurse' in 1887 and continued to practise as a nurse and midwife until 1920. Mrs Howlett's midwifery box and contents were given to Dr Frank Forster and he donated to the museum collection in 1993. Small glass connection valve used for single flow. Body of valve consists of a hollow glass pipe with a lip at one end of the pipe and a central flange. intravenous device, midwifery -
Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Weintruads Intravenous Needles
Stainless Steel, Record Fitting.weintruads intravenous needles -
Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Intravenous Needle
For fluid administration. A&Hintravenous needle -
Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Trocar & Cannula for Intravenous Fluid Administration
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Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Frankis Evans Intravenous Record Fitting Needles
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Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Frankis Evans Intravenous Record Fitting Needles, 16G, 11/4"
Boxedfrankis evans intravenous record fitting needles, 16g, 11/4" -
Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Intravenous Needle Connection
intravenous needle connection