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matching james joseph connell
Ballarat and District Irish Association
Photograph - digital, Shane Dunne, St Patrick's, Elaine, 2013, 2013
... james joseph connell... elaine . catholic stained glass james connell james joseph ...St Patrick's Catholic Church Elaine closed in 2013. Originally known as "Stony Rises" Elaine could once claim the largest Catholic church congregation in the Meredith parish, due to the extensive mining activity in the area. At the time the population of the district supported three hotels and 4 churches and the town was served by a water supply from a reservoir at Lal Lal. Elaine in common with other rural communities has lost many of the services that were once available, but it still retains a well maintained Catholic church and Public Hall as well as a Hotel, Post Office, General Store and Service Station. (, accessed 04/03/2014) The St Patrick‘s Church at Elaine was opened on Sunday 28th, November, 1909 and a report appeared in the Advocate on December 4th, 1909. "On Sunday last the Very Rev.Dean Phelan, V.G., blessed a new church at Elaine, in the parish of Meredith. The church, which was built by a local firm, Messrs. Smith Bros, is a weather-board building on brick foundations, and gives a clear seating accommodation of 50 feet by 25 feet, independent of sanctuary, sacristy, and porch. After the ceremony, which commenced at 11 o‘clock, the pastor of the parish, Rev.M.Murphy, celebrated Mass, and the choir from St.Joseph‘s, Meredith, sang in a highly creditable manner portions of Weber‘s Mass, also a hymn to St.Patrick, under whose patronage the church is placed. The financial statement made by Fr.Murphy showed that the entire cost of the building, alter, seats, etc, was $1103.10; that $620 had been subscribed previous to the opening, and over $140 received on Sunday, including $20 from his Grace the Archbishop, and $10 each from the Dean and Fr.Murphy. After Communion the Very Rev.Dean Phelan preached on the necessity of a church as a dwelling place for God in His Eucharist Presence. Taking for his text, “Behold the tabernacle of God with men: He shall dwell with them, and they shall be His people; and He Himself with them shall be their God.” In doing this work, I am pleased to learn that you have not only received material assistance from some who do not kneel at this altar, but that the authorities of the Presbyterian Church have given you their organ for the Mass today. This generous action deserves our special thanks and is in striking contrast with the anti-Catholic prejudice shown in other quarters. It reminds me of the action of Hiram, King of Tyre, when he heard that Solomon was about to build a house to the God of Israel. Not only did he offer cedar-trees from Libanus, but skilled men to carve the wood, and sent his trained sailors to assist in bringing from the mines of Ophir four hundred and twenty talents of gold for internal decoration. May that spirit of Christian charity ever dwell in your midst! (, accessed 04/03/2014) The stained glass window of St Patrick was consecrated in 1928. According to The Geelong Advertiser on 25 July 1928: One of the largest congregations that has ever been in St.Patrick‘s Church attended on Sunday last, the occasion being the consecration of a memorial window to the memory of James Connell, who died in his 25th year in February last. Deceased was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Connell, respected residents of Elaine. He was loved and respected by all sections of the community, and was closely connected with all sporting bodies. Friends of the deceased and the family were present from Ararat, Stawell, Ballarat, Melbourne, Geelong and all the surrounding districts, also members of other denominations. A few noticed were Cr.C.C.Austin, Mr.H.Young, Mrs.A.Bowers, Mrs.Gray, Mr.and Mrs.R.Norgate and others. The stained window was made by Brookes Robinson in Melbourne, bearing the image of St.Patrick and the inscription thereon “To the undying memory of James Connell, who died 3.2.28 R.I.P.” The beautiful window was kindly placed in position by Mr.Bill Smith, Meredith. High Mass with full ceremonies was offered by Rev.Fr.F.Conlon,P.P., Meredith, with six alter attendants from St.Josephs School, Meredith. The Meredith choir, with Mrs.R.Grant organist, assisted by Miss K.Johnson (violin) rendered beautiful music, the principal parts of the singing being capably handled by Mrs.Thos Brady, Father Conlon took as his text, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. From henceforth now, said the spirit, that they may rest from their labors, for their works follow them.” With well chosen remarks Fr.Conlon touched feelingly on the many qualities of the late member. First as a good son; secondly as a good citizen and sportsman; thirdly as a good child of the church. The choir conducted an impressive ceremony with “Nearer my God to Thee.” (, accessed 04/03/2014) Five colour photographs of St Patrick's Elaineelaine, st patrick, st patrick's elaine, . catholic, stained glass, james connell, james joseph connell -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH WW1, FRAMED, c.1915 - 1918
James Joseph Kirkham Regt No 685. The “A” on the Colour patch denotes he was an “Anzac”. The Rosette was called the “Anzac leave Rosette” Issued in September 1918 for 1914 enlistee’s who were sent home for 6 months leave. Worn on the arm it was to show they were not “Shirking” their duty. The War ended so after. Refer 1281 for his service history also 1283P.Coloured portrait, enhanced painted portrait of WW1 Soldier displaying on left arm a coloured A Patch above a red, white & blue rosette. Large, light timber frame with moulded decorations, brown boarded, with glass front.Rear of frame: "Family Tree, Wife & Children. James Joseph Kirkham. 8th Battalion. 1st Pioneers. 1st AIF ANZAC" "Married Elizabeth Cornelia Blackley, Wonthaggi Elsie Edith Kirlkham - Connell Olive Winifred Kirkham - Rothberger - Jenner Francis James Kirkham" Myrtle Florence Kirkham - McGillvray Alma Gwenth Kirkham - Baker George Thomas Philip Kirkhamphotography, framed, portrait, ww1 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Handwritten, detailed account of Hospital Sunday at Sandhurst. It mentions the crowds coming into town, the procession, and the day’s entertainment at the Reserve. Also mentions the donations raised for charity. Also a number of small pages titled Facts & Scraps. Mentions a number of daily happenings and the bells at St. Paul's Church.event, entertainment, sandhurst, the australian sketcher 1873, rev mr croxton, the bendigo advertiser, hallas' band, northcott's regimantal band, captain moorhead, captain boyd, lieutenant sibley, lieutenant henderson, mr morrison, bendigo rifles, major taylor, captain joseph, lieutenant blackham, bendigo hotel, bank of victoria, prince alfred, mr abbott, st paul's church bells, hustlers mine, prince bismarck, james park, bell, william hartlett, mr williamson, mr purcell, connell watson & hogarth, mr j b watson, the engineers engine-drivers and blacksmiths association, melbourne botanical gardens, mr hodgkinson, baron von muellerus, patrick hugo mchugh, golden fleece mine, orpheus c kerr, jones, the victorian racing club, mr walker, spencer, robert chambers's index to heirs-at-law legatees missing friends and persons advertised for during 150 years past, mr higinbotham, mr d r morrison, mr mccosh, mr hicks, carlisle company, james hamilton, samuel rochford, royal hustlers claim, william mycroft, rifle brigade hotel, mr randall, the right rev dr gould, r m s s china, james kennedy -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Balance Sheet dated ending 30th September 1862. Sheet contains the names of a number of the members of the Court. Signed by the Auditors John Rae and Joseph King Smith. Dated October 6th. Names are: William Fincher, George McMillan, Joseph Mason, William Mason, Henry Catlin, William Clifford, Thomas Wills, John Rae, John Glinnon, John Wotton, Joseph K Smith, Henry Shalders, Thomas Pile, John Eady, Thomas Connell, Carl Mueller, Charles Kelynack, John Martin, George Nicholson, O C Hillman, Charles Spier, Chas I Murray, Jas Bryant, William Hosking, Saml D Arthur, Richard Rowe, Joseph Herz, Carl Ulbrick, Fritz Abraham, Hugh Brown, W H Bridgman, Thos Wm Butt, George Cook, J W Chapple, John Fincher, James Fincher, H R Hyde, Mackay H, Wilton H, Holl I S, De Gruchy H, Brockley, Busst, Dr Story, Waller,societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no. 3770 collection - correspondence, court king of the forest, william fincher, george mcmillan, joseph mason, william mason, henry catlin, william clifford, thomas wills, john rae, john glinnon, john wotton, joseph k smith, henry shalders, thomas pile, john eady, thomas connell, carl mueller, charles kelynack, john martin, george nicholson, o c hillman, charles spier, chas i murray, jas bryant, william hosking, saml d arthur, richard rowe, joseph herz, carl ulbrick, fritz abraham, hugh brown, w h bridgman, thos wm butt, george cook, j w chapple, john fincher, james fincher, h r hyde, bendigo united district, mackay h, wilton h, holl, i s, de gruchy h, brockley, busst, dr story, waller -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - St Peter's Catholic Church, Bentleigh East
Included In The File is A Newspaper Clipping From The Age Newspaper, Dated Sat 09/11/1974 On The Opening Written By Stuart Sayers. The Article Mentions A Brief History Of The Church & School Beginnings & The Opening Ceremony. There Are Two Copies Of The Living Harvest (One Without The Cover), The Book Gives A Detailed History Of St Peter's Catholic Church, Bentleigh East Written By W.T. Dobson And Published in 1974. From The First White Settlers, The Irish Exodus, And The Irish Catholic families, The School House And The History Of The Parish & Clergy Up To peter's catholic church, niall patrick rev, emerald hill, bentleigh east, dobson w. t., yarra, moorabbin, heriot m. b., elsternwick, north road, quinn fred, bentleigh, centre road, kennedy james joseph, melbourne south, bignell road, kennedy market garden, oakleigh, st peter's parish, st james parish, the living harvest, catholic church, hibernian society, bavarian brass band, st peter's primary school, st james regional college, brighton catholic school, brighton – st kilda mission, niall patrick william fr, dendy henry, guiney john mr, king richard, king john, keys george, o’ shanassy john, keys robert, were jonathan b., o’ connell john fr, glass hugh mr, o’ farrell peter, brady peter, kennedy james, boland michael, mccormick francis, orrong road, little brighton, oakleigh, port phillip bay, east boundary road, north road, ormond, old dandenong road, mordialloc creek, moorabbin, springvale, no good damper road, kingstown, keysborough, bignell road, south road, heatherton, big brighton, gardenvale, elsternwick, brady road, jasper road, chesterville road, cochrane road, mcguinness road, h.a.c.b.s., school house, st patrick's church, brighton parish, denominational school, little brighton school, moorabbin catholic school, temporary chapel, st james regional college, sister of mercy, lanigans ball, east brighton public hall company ltd, east bentleigh hall, messrs. robert dunn & son, bavarian brass band, st joan of arc parish, east bentleigh parish, the sisters of our lady of sacred heart, the anchor club, mccormick cornelius, cochrane james, cochrane david, mcguinness margaret, cormick john, cahill james, quinn frederick, prendegast john patrick, naughton dennis, leary william, charlston john, carey matthew fr, gibbons patrick, kennedy joseph james, o’ sullivan tim fr, mckenna fred fr, casey william fr, browne joseph fr, crawford mal fr, hanrahan mr, gillon rose miss, sampson kate mrs, horan miss, coakley daniel fr, dillon kevin fr, whitehouse ray fr, mannix daniel dr, dobson william mr, gahan patrick, hallinan thomas, delaney john, fitzgerald patrick, st peter's catholic church