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matching jim connor collection
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Jim Connor, Opportunity Shop, Eltham - Montmorency Uniting Church Hall, 810 Main Rd, Eltham, 7 May 2016
... Jim Connor Collection... Heritage Excursion Jim Connor Collection Opportunity Shop Uniting ...The Society conducted a heritage excursion "Eltham War Memorials Walk" on Saturday, May 7, 2016 in conjunction with the centenary commemorations of the First World War. This walk involved visiting a number of memorials along Main Road dedicated to locals who served Australia in times of war including the Roll of Honour located in the Uniting Church Hall which also serves as the Opportunity Shop, which had once operated out of the former CBA bank building next door.activities, eltham district historical society, heritage excursion, jim connor collection, opportunity shop, uniting church, uniting church hall, 2016-05-07 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Jim Connor, Eltham - Montmorency Uniting Church, 810 Main Rd, Eltham, 13 July 2018
... Jim Connor Collection... melbourne Jim Connor Collection Uniting Church 2018-07-13 1 image ...jim connor collection, uniting church, 2018-07-13 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Jim Connor, Former CBA branch, 810 Main Rd, Eltham, 6 January 2000
... Jim Connor Collection... that played out that day. Jim Connor Collection Uniting Church Main ...The little yellow and orange brick at 810 Main Road, Eltham, just in front of the Uniting Church (formerly Methodist Church) on the corner of John Street in more recent times has been used as an Opportunity Shop by the Eltham Uniting Church however the operations outgrew the tiny building and the shop moved to inside the Church hall. This building was once the Eltham agency of the Commercial Bank of Australia. Measuring just 3.6 x 4.5 m inside, it was built in 1878 by George Stebbing and is said to have stored gold in the early Eltham-Research mining days. It was also once the scene of an armed hold-up. Thursday, December 15, 1949, the quiet little bank was embroiled in an infamous wild shoot-out between a daring thief and two bank officers. Today, the building still carries the scars ; a bullet hole remains visible in a cedar bench testifying to the events that played out that day.jim connor collection, uniting church, main road, eltham, cba bank, opportunity shop, 2020-01-06 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Jim Connor, Former CBA branch, 810 Main Rd, Eltham, 10 July 2023
... Jim Connor Collection... that played out that day. Jim Connor Collection Uniting Church Main ...The little yellow and orange brick at 810 Main Road, Eltham, just in front of the Uniting Church (formerly Methodist Church) on the corner of John Street in more recent times has been used as an Opportunity Shop by the Eltham Uniting Church however the operations outgrew the tiny building and the shop moved to inside the Church hall. This building was once the Eltham agency of the Commercial Bank of Australia. Measuring just 3.6 x 4.5 m inside, it was built in 1878 by George Stebbing and is said to have stored gold in the early Eltham-Research mining days. It was also once the scene of an armed hold-up. Thursday, December 15, 1949, the quiet little bank was embroiled in an infamous wild shoot-out between a daring thief and two bank officers. Today, the building still carries the scars ; a bullet hole remains visible in a cedar bench testifying to the events that played out that day.jim connor collection, uniting church, main road, eltham, cba bank, opportunity shop, 2023-07-10 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Jim Connor, Eltham - Montmorency Uniting Church, 810 Main Rd, Eltham, 10 July 2023
... Jim Connor Collection... and Then” by Marguerite Marshall (2008) Jim Connor Collection 2023-07-10 Eltham ...Located on the corner of Main Road and John Street, the church first served the community as the Eltham Wesleyan Church since 1881. It became the Eltham Methodist Church in 1902, the year it united with the Primitive Methodists. Eltham Wesleyans first worshipped together in the home of William and Mary Crozier, on 24 acres bounded by Mount Pleasant Road and Pitt Street. From there they moved to a slab and bark hut in 1855 (this later served as the first school run by David Clark prior to the building of a new school in Dalton Street) and the members then built a chapel in 1858 on Lot 20, Henry Street (later to become the Rechabite Hall and Eltham Public Hall). The present church on John Street was designed by architects Crouch and Wilson in the Early English Gothic style with biochrome brick window frames, buttress heads and pinnacle. Church member George Stebbing built the church, the foundations were constructed with stone from the walls of the first Eltham State Primary School (No. 209) building which collapsed in 1874 and were purchased by Robert David Taylor. Stebbing was also responsible for building St Margaret’s Church and Shillinglaw Cottage. The Roll of Honour, which presently hangs in the church hall (which also doubles as the Opportunity Shop) lists 27 members of the congregation who served in the First World War, 11 of whom never returned. The red-brick Church Hall was opened in 1931 and in 1971 further additions linked the hall and church, including a foyer, vestry, meeting room and toilets reflecting the Eltham style of that time with its simplicity, extensive clear glass, reused baked clay-bricks from the 1881 church, heavy ceiling beams and compressed straw ceiling. On June 26, 1977, the church became part of the new Uniting Church in Australia consisting of the former Methodist and Congregational and most of the Presbyterian Churches. Following of declining numbers of worshippers, the church merged with the Montmorency Uniting Church on June 23, 1996. In 2023 the Uniting church approved a plan to renovate the church. It is understood that the historic church and the hall will be retained, and the building added in 1971 is to be demolished, to make way for a new purpose-built Opportunity shop. The proposed areas to be demolished include the current foyer, toilets, crèche, etc, including the area between the hall and the former RSL. Works are expected to commence mid to late July 2023. The Society was invited by a church member to take photographs of these areas to document them prior to demolition works commencing. Ref: “Nillumbik Now and Then” by Marguerite Marshall (2008)jim connor collection, 2023-07-10, eltham-montmorency uniting church, john street, methodist church, opportunity shop, uniting church, uniting church hall -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Jim Connor, Queenstown Cemetery Burial Register 1861-1981, Queenstown Cemetery, Smiths Gully Road, St Andrews, 8 March 2023
... Jim Connor Collection... recorded burial was in 1981 in an existing family grave. Jim Connor ...Installed by the Queenstown Cemetery Trust December 2009 The discovery of gold in Smyth's Creek in 1854 and subsequent gold rush to the Caledonia diggings led to the establishment of Queenstown (present day St Andrews). The first recorded burial was July 31st, 1861 and it was officially declared a Cemetery Reserve in 1866. Many graves are unmarked and unrecorded including many Chinese and other itinerant miners. The cemetery was closed for new burials in 1851. The last recorded burial was in 1981 in an existing family grave.jim connor collection, 2023-03-08, queenstown cemetery, smiths gully road, st andrews -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Sales Brochure, Dallas Price Homes Pty Ltd, Eltham Hub: A Unique New Entry To Eltham's Town Centre; the facts about this multi purpose development, 1996
... Jim Connor Collection... Shillinglaw farm Shillinglaw Trees Jim Connor Collection A4 coloured ...Produced by Contour Consultants Australia Pty Ltd on behalf of Dallas Price Homes Pty Ltd as part of the planning process for redevelopment of the former Eltham Shire Office site at 895 Main Road. In 1963 the Shire of Eltham purchased the Shillinglaw property of approximately 2 acres in Main Road, Eltham for the widening of Main Road and as a site for new Council offices. This land, which contained the Shillinglaw Cottage (c1878-80), was the remaining section of the Shillinglaw family holding that originally comprised 30 acres, being Lot 90 of Holloway's 1851 subdivision. Eltham Council intended to demolish this cottage, but through extensive community action it was saved, funds were raised, and it was relocated to the current site adjacent to the Eltham Library. The new Eltham Shire Offices opened in 1965 were designed to ensure retention of the three Italian Cypress trees that were located outside the Shillinglaw Cottage. In 1971 the building was extended at the southern end to provide additional space, including for the Eltham Library and Council's Engineering Department. Renovations were undertaken to the offices during 1987. The Victorian State Government commenced to restructure local government in 1994, which resulted in the establishment of the Shire of Nillumbik and the cessation of the Shire of Eltham. This new Nillumbik Shire Council was headed by government appointed commissioners, who decided in 1995 to put the former Eltham Shire offices on the market. Eventually in June 1996 the property was sold for $1.1 million and the building was subsequently demolished. A planning application for the site was then submitted to Nillumbik Shire Council in September 1996 for construction of a 24-hour service station, convenience store, cafe/takeaway food premises, a retail facility and community facility. There were many objections to this proposed development and in controversial circumstances a planning permit was granted by the Nillumbik Shire Council commissioners. After protracted actions involving a planning panel and a planning advisory committee, established by the Minister for Local Government, the proposal was eventually rejected as not satisfying the requirements of the planning scheme. In December 1997 the purchaser withdrew from the contract of sale, just prior to Council announcing a withdrawal from the contract. While there have been a number of possible development proposals considered by subsequent Nillumbik Shire Councils, this site has remained vacant since July 1996. TIMELINE (Prepared by Jim Connor, Eltham District Historical Society- March 2018- Based on press, council and personal records) June 1996 - Eltham Shire offices sold to Dallas Price Homes for $1.1 million. July 1996 - Shire office building demolished against community's wishes. Council claimed building riddled with asbestos. September 1996 - Planning application submitted to Nillumbik Shire Council to construct on the site a 24 hours Shell service station, convenience store, Hungry Jacks café/takeaway food premises, a retail facility and community facility. 213 objections and petition of over 1400 signatures received. Minister for Planning and Local Government orders an independent investigation into valuation and sale. 9 October 1996 - Permit granted by Nillumbik Shire Council commissioners, in controversial circumstances. A Planning Special Committee consisting of 3 commissioners and 3 community representatives considered 32 community objections. One commissioner declared a potential conflict of interest so only 2 commissioners were able to vote. After hearing all objections, the community representatives moved a foreshadowed motion to refuse a permit. The commissioners then closed the meeting, formerly opened a council meeting (for about a minute) and approved the application. October 1996 - Community members appealed planning decision to Administrative Appeals Tribunal. November 1996 -Minister for Planning and Local Government Robert McClelland calls appeal in and directs MT to refer this 'major policy issue' to the Governor in Council. February 1997 - Planning panel (Dimity Reed and Margaret Pitt) established to consider submissions. March 1997 - New council elected with five councillors. April 1997 - Three of the five new councillors vote to fight Commissioner's decision to grant a permit. April 1997 - Planning panel (Dimity Reed and Margaret Pitt) conducts hearings at Nillumbik Shire offices. June 1997 -Planning panel rejected Dallas Price Homes proposal as being 'totally inappropriate' for the site and recommends the site be rezoned for 'public purposes'. July 1997 - Dallas Price Homes threatened to sue Council and individual councillors. October 1997 - Report released of an Advisory Committee (Paul Jerome) established by the Minister for Planning and Local Government. Committee considered Dallas Price Homes proposal and an alternative concept plan proposal by Council for a gallery, workshop, offices and cinema community-based development. Advisory Committee recommended Dallas Price Homes proposal be rejected as not satisfying the requirements of the planning scheme and recommended further testing of the financial viability of Council's proposal. December 1997 - Dallas Price Homes withdrew from the contract of sale, just prior to Council announcing a withdrawal from the contract, which expired on 28th November and was not renewed by either side, after previously being extended twice pending a decision by the Minister. Council had to pay developer $58,000 for demolition costs. February 1998 - Dallas Price Homes application rejected by Planning and Local Government Minister. October 1998 - Nillumbik Councillors suspended and an Administrator appointed (until March 1999). The demolition of the former Shire of Eltham offices and proposed sale and development driven by the Commissioners for Nillumbik Shire Council brought the community together in substantial protest at the infrigement of ratepayers democratic say in local government and ciommunity assets combined with protests about inappropraite development of Eltham's Gateway. This issue led to the formation of the Eltham Community Action Group which still operates strongly today (2023) on behalf of the community to ensure appropriate development within the community.895 main road, commissioners, dallas price homes, development application, eltham hub, hungry jacks, nillumbik shire council, re-zoning, shell service station, town planning, eltham gateway, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, shillinglaw cottage, shillinglaw farm, shillinglaw trees, jim connor collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - News Clipping, Advertiser, Public Outcry at Abbott Veto with 'Reserve Power; 200 residents yell abuse as commissioners give ok to Eltham service station; Advertiser, Tuesday, October 15, p1, 1996
... Jim Connor Collection... Shillinglaw Trees Jim Connor Collection Dallas Howgate Frank Burgoyne ...Nillumbik Commissioners used 'reserve power's to permit a controversial Shell service station and Hungry Jackls restaurant development at the former Eltham Shire Office site at 895 Main Road. More than 200 people attended the Council meeting in the public gallery and protested at the decision. 32 personal submissions were made to Council's Planning Special Committee meeting whose members vioted 3-2 against the development. The Committee consisted of the three Nillumbik Commissioners and three community members (Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske). Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, a former Shell employee excused himself from voting and the three communbity memebrs voted against the submission. The other two commissioners, Vin Heffernan and Kevin Abbott voted against it. They then immediately closed the meeting and opened a Council meeting lasting just seconds to use special reserve powers to overturn the decision. The demolition of the former Shire of Eltham offices and proposed sale and development driven by the Commissioners for Nillumbik Shire Council brought the community together in substantial protest at the infrigement of ratepayers democratic say in local government and ciommunity assets combined with protests about inappropraite development of Eltham's Gateway. This issue led to the formation of the Eltham Community Action Group which still operates strongly today (2023) on behalf of the community to ensure appropriate development within the community.895 main road, commissioners, dallas price homes, development application, eltham hub, hungry jacks, nillumbik shire council, re-zoning, shell service station, town planning, eltham gateway, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, shillinglaw farm, shillinglaw trees, jim connor collection, dallas howgate, frank burgoyne, robert marshall, nillumbik planning special committee, jim connor, bronwyn south, janet mattiske, don cordell, vin heffernan, kevin abbott -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - News Clipping, Jodie Guest, Shrewd tactics row, Diamond Valley News, October 15, p1, 1996
... Jim Connor Collection... Shillinglaw Trees Jim Connor Collection Dallas Howgate Nillumbik ...Nillumbik Commissioners used 'reserve power's to permit a controversial Shell service station and Hungry Jackls restaurant development at the former Eltham Shire Office site at 895 Main Road. More than 200 people attended the Council meeting in the public gallery and protested at the decision. 32 personal submissions were made to Council's Planning Special Committee meeting whose members vioted 3-2 against the development. The Committee consisted of the three Nillumbik Commissioners and three community members (Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske). Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, a former Shell employee excused himself from voting and the three communbity memebrs voted against the submission. The other two commissioners, Vin Heffernan and Kevin Abbott voted against it. They then immediately closed the meeting and opened a Council meeting lasting just seconds to use special reserve powers to overturn the decision. The demolition of the former Shire of Eltham offices and proposed sale and development driven by the Commissioners for Nillumbik Shire Council brought the community together in substantial protest at the infrigement of ratepayers democratic say in local government and ciommunity assets combined with protests about inappropraite development of Eltham's Gateway. This issue led to the formation of the Eltham Community Action Group which still operates strongly today (2023) on behalf of the community to ensure appropriate development within the community.895 main road, commissioners, dallas price homes, development application, eltham hub, hungry jacks, nillumbik shire council, re-zoning, shell service station, town planning, eltham gateway, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, shillinglaw farm, shillinglaw trees, jim connor collection, dallas howgate, nillumbik planning special committee, jim connor, bronwyn south, janet mattiske, don cordell, vin heffernan, kevin abbott -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - News Clipping, Jodie Guest, Residents have their say on former shire offices, Diamond Valley News, October 16, p9, 1996
... Jim Connor Collection... Shillinglaw Trees Jim Connor Collection Dallas Howgate Nillumbik ...Nillumbik Commissioners used 'reserve power's to permit a controversial Shell service station and Hungry Jackls restaurant development at the former Eltham Shire Office site at 895 Main Road. More than 200 people attended the Council meeting in the public gallery and protested at the decision. 32 personal submissions were made to Council's Planning Special Committee meeting whose members vioted 3-2 against the development. The Committee consisted of the three Nillumbik Commissioners and three community members (Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske). Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, a former Shell employee excused himself from voting and the three communbity memebrs voted against the submission. The other two commissioners, Vin Heffernan and Kevin Abbott voted against it. They then immediately closed the meeting and opened a Council meeting lasting just seconds to use special reserve powers to overturn the decision. Community residents who made submissions included Russell Yeomans speaking on behalf of the Eltham Gateway Action Group and Eltham District Historical Society, Des Ryan on belaf of Eltham Senior Citizens, Angela Newhouse, others on behalf of Our Lady Help of Christians Primary School and Judge Book Village, Tom Munro, Ian Jennings, Margartet Ball a fifth generation descendant of the Shillinglaw family, one of the early settlers of the area and owner of the land that was sold to Council, Frank Burgoyne who said "there will be a lot of creaking and rumbling in the cemetery if this goes through. So many old people who have done so much for Eltham are buried up there and it is up to us to pass on what they left to the younger generation. Eltham is a beautiful spot; why louse it up?" A second article "Anger over reserve power" by Laeta Antonysen provides commentary from the three Planning Special Committee community members, former Eltham Shire Councillor Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske about the process that took place and the first time use of the spoecial reserve power to overturn the decision of the committee. Barry Rochford, Nillumbiuk CEO defends the use of the power.The demolition of the former Shire of Eltham offices and proposed sale and development driven by the Commissioners for Nillumbik Shire Council brought the community together in substantial protest at the infrigement of ratepayers democratic say in local government and ciommunity assets combined with protests about inappropraite development of Eltham's Gateway. This issue led to the formation of the Eltham Community Action Group which still operates strongly today (2023) on behalf of the community to ensure appropriate development within the community.895 main road, commissioners, dallas price homes, development application, eltham hub, hungry jacks, nillumbik shire council, re-zoning, shell service station, town planning, eltham gateway, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, shillinglaw farm, shillinglaw trees, jim connor collection, dallas howgate, nillumbik planning special committee, jim connor, bronwyn south, janet mattiske, don cordell, vin heffernan, kevin abbott, russell yeomans, eltham district historical society, eltham senior citizens, des ryan, our lady help of christians primary school, judge book village, angela newhouse, tom munro, ian jennings, margaret ball, shillinglaw cottage, frank burgoyne, andrew biasci, barry rochford -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - News Clipping, Advertiser, Planning Committee closed by Commissioners, Advertiser, October 29, p5, 1996
... Jim Connor Collection... Connor Collection Dallas Howgate Nillumbik Planning Special ...Nillumbik Commissioners used 'reserve power's to permit a controversial Shell service station and Hungry Jack's restaurant development at the former Eltham Shire Office site at 895 Main Road. More than 200 people attended the Council meeting in the public gallery and protested at the decision. 32 personal submissions were made to Council's Planning Special Committee meeting whose members vioted 3-2 against the development. The Committee consisted of the three Nillumbik Commissioners and three community members (Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske). Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, a former Shell employee excused himself from voting and the three communbity memebrs voted against the submission. The other two commissioners, Vin Heffernan and Kevin Abbott voted against it. They then immediately closed the meeting and opened a Council meeting lasting just seconds to use special reserve powers to overturn the decision. Subsequent to this the Commissioner run Council held a special meeting on Wednesday, October 23, 1996 where Commissioners Kevin Abbott and Vin Heffernan thanked all three community members of the Planning Special Committee and advised that their powers had been revoked. The article includes a joint statement from all three sacked members in which they state they have been able to bring a community perspective to the planning applications placed befopre the committee which has resulted in modifications to planning decisions. The members stated that "unfortunately, despite our best efforts to express considered apolitical opinions, it appears the Commissioners believe that any dissenting comment is politically motivated, and should therefore be disregarded." "We feel sad that this situation exists even though we have done everything possible tio represent the views of our community, whilst maintaining the integrity of the planning process."The demolition of the former Shire of Eltham offices and proposed sale and development driven by the Commissioners for Nillumbik Shire Council brought the community together in substantial protest at the infrigement of ratepayers democratic say in local government and ciommunity assets combined with protests about inappropraite development of Eltham's Gateway. This issue led to the formation of the Eltham Community Action Group which still operates strongly today (2023) on behalf of the community to ensure appropriate development within the community.895 main road, commissioners, dallas price homes, development application, eltham hub, hungry jacks, nillumbik shire council, re-zoning, shell service station, town planning, eltham gateway, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, shillinglaw farm, jim connor collection, dallas howgate, nillumbik planning special committee, jim connor, bronwyn south, janet mattiske, don cordell, vin heffernan, kevin abbott -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - News Clipping, Jodie Guest, Council axes planning body after split on shire office site, Diamond Valley News, October 30, p3, 1996
... Jim Connor Collection... Connor Collection Dallas Howgate Nillumbik Planning Special ...Nillumbik Commissioners used 'reserve power's to permit a controversial Shell service station and Hungry Jack's restaurant development at the former Eltham Shire Office site at 895 Main Road. More than 200 people attended the Council meeting in the public gallery and protested at the decision. 32 personal submissions were made to Council's Planning Special Committee meeting whose members vioted 3-2 against the development. The Committee consisted of the three Nillumbik Commissioners and three community members (Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske). Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, a former Shell employee excused himself from voting and the three communbity memebrs voted against the submission. The other two commissioners, Vin Heffernan and Kevin Abbott voted against it. They then immediately closed the meeting and opened a Council meeting lasting just seconds to use special reserve powers to overturn the decision. Subsequent to this the Commissioner run Council held a special meeting on Wednesday, October 23, 1996 where Commissioners Kevin Abbott and Vin Heffernan thanked all three community members of the Planning Special Committee and advised that their powers had been revoked. The article includes a joint statement from all three sacked members in which they state they have been able to bring a community perspective to the planning applications placed befopre the committee which has resulted in modifications to planning decisions. The members stated that "unfortunately, despite our best efforts to express considered apolitical opinions, it appears the Commissioners believe that any dissenting comment is politically motivated, and should therefore be disregarded." "We feel sad that this situation exists even though we have done everything possible tio represent the views of our community, whilst maintaining the integrity of the planning process."The demolition of the former Shire of Eltham offices and proposed sale and development driven by the Commissioners for Nillumbik Shire Council brought the community together in substantial protest at the infrigement of ratepayers democratic say in local government and ciommunity assets combined with protests about inappropraite development of Eltham's Gateway. This issue led to the formation of the Eltham Community Action Group which still operates strongly today (2023) on behalf of the community to ensure appropriate development within the community.895 main road, commissioners, dallas price homes, development application, eltham hub, hungry jacks, nillumbik shire council, re-zoning, shell service station, town planning, eltham gateway, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, shillinglaw farm, jim connor collection, dallas howgate, nillumbik planning special committee, jim connor, bronwyn south, janet mattiske, don cordell, vin heffernan, kevin abbott -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, River Bend House, 130 Laughing Waters Road, Eltham, 7 September 2013
... Jim Connor Collection... District Historical Society Heritage Excursion Jim Connor ...Laughing Waters Walk, 7 Sep 2013 This Society excursion was a follow up to the Laughing Waters Story told to us by Jane Woollard at our Annual General Meeting in March 2013. It involved a walk commencing from the corner of Laughing Waters and Overbank Roads along Laughing Waters Road to its eastern end and returning partly over the same route - a total distance of about 2.5km. On the way we visited the two artist in residence properties, River Bend and Birrarung, to view the houses on them that are associated with Alistair Knox, Gordon Ford and others in the local mud brick and artistic community. We also able to walk around the derelict ruin which was once home to Gordon and Sue Ford, Boomerang House. An unexpected afternoon tea was offered to us by the artists in residence at Birrarung House and we had a brief opportunity to view inside the house. River Bend was designed and built by Alistair Knox for Rosemary and Bill Cuming in 1968. It sits in a deep cutting on a steep slope above the Yarra River and features floor to ceiling windows and glass doors set into mission brown timber frames and walls of reclaimed bricks in pinkish hue. Rosemary laid the brick paving around the house, a copy of the shell paving found in the ancient French town of Colmar, where the family had lived for a period. The kitchen was equipped with a 1960s stove as well as a cast iron wood stove reclaimed from Rosemary's sister's home in Armadale. Max and Tini Huygens, migrants from Holland, purchased the property in 1975 and named it Tilwinda from an Aboriginal word meaning 'hole in a rock'. In late 1981 Tini died after a short illness, but Max continued to live at Tilwinda until he moved to a retirement village in 2000 and the property was sold to Parks Victoria. Renamed River Bend, the property became part of the Laughing Waters Artist in Residency Program in 2008. Nillumbik Shire Council upgraded the property in 2012 with solar panels, a heat pump for hot water and double glazing to improve the comfort of the artists in residence and make the house more energy efficient. For a more in-depth description of the property and biographies of the various artists in residence commencing from 2008 to 2015, see Jane Woollard's book, "Laughing Waters Road; Art, Landscape & Memory in Eltham" published 2016.2013-09-07, activities, artists in residence, eltham district historical society, heritage excursion, jim connor collection, laughing waters road, river bend house -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Birrarung House, 195 Laughing Waters Road, Eltham, 7 September 2013
... Jim Connor Collection... District Historical Society Heritage Excursion Jim Connor ...Laughing Waters Walk, 7 Sep 2013 This Society excursion was a follow up to the Laughing Waters Story told to us by Jane Woollard at our Annual General Meeting in March 2013. It involved a walk commencing from the corner of Laughing Waters and Overbank Roads along Laughing Waters Road to its eastern end and returning partly over the same route - a total distance of about 2.5km. On the way we visited the two artist in residence properties, River Bend and Birrarung, to view the houses on them that are associated with Alistair Knox, Gordon Ford and others in the local mud brick and artistic community. We also able to walk around the derelict ruin which was once home to Gordon and Sue Ford, Boomerang House. An unexpected afternoon tea was offered to us by the artists in residence at Birrarung House and we had a brief opportunity to view inside the house. Birrarung is situated near the end of Laughing Waters Road. It was built in 1974 by Graeme Rose for Gordon Ford who he had asked to build him a small ‘bach’. Builder Peter Jarvis who did his apprenticeship with Alistair Knox for a couple of years recalled there were no drawings. It evolved as more funds became available. Graeme would source second-hand building materials around which he would shape the house. The fireplace was built with chicken wire over which it was rendered with faro cement. A brick floored glass studio, added later, faces a wall of boulders pressed into a manmade cliff, a large pond the link between the rock wall and glass studio. A waterfall, fed by river water, no longer functions. The property became part of the Laughing Waters Artist in Residency Program with the first artist taking up residency in 2001. For a more in-depth description of the property and biographies of the various artists in residence commencing from 2001 through to 2015, see Jane Woollard's book, "Laughing Waters Road; Art, Landscape & Memory in Eltham" published 2016.2013-09-07, activities, artists in residence, eltham district historical society, heritage excursion, jim connor collection, laughing waters road, birrarung house -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Boomerang House, 195 Laughing Waters Road, Eltham, 7 September 2013
... Jim Connor Collection... Historical Society Heritage Excursion Jim Connor Collection Laughing ...Laughing Waters Walk, 7 Sep 2013 This Society excursion was a follow up to the Laughing Waters Story told to us by Jane Woollard at our Annual General Meeting in March 2013. It involved a walk commencing from the corner of Laughing Waters and Overbank Roads along Laughing Waters Road to its eastern end and returning partly over the same route - a total distance of about 2.5km. On the way we visited the two artist in residence properties, River Bend and Birrarung, to view the houses on them that are associated with Alistair Knox, Gordon Ford and others in the local mud brick and artistic community. We also able to walk around the derelict ruin which was once home to Gordon and Sue Ford, Boomerang House. An unexpected afternoon tea was offered to us by the artists in residence at Birrarung House and we had a brief opportunity to view inside the house. Gordon Ford and photographer Sue Winslow were married in 1965. They set up home in an old log cabin on the property Gordon had purchased in 1954 on Laughing Waters Road. Situated between the Yarra River and Overbank Road, Gordon had built a small mud-brick shack on the river and a pontoon. Over the decades the shack has been locally referred to as “the love shack”, the “rooting shack” or simply “Gordon’s shack”. Gordon and Sue commissioned local builder Graeme Rose to do a wattle and daub renovation and extension to the old log cabin on the north side of Laughing Waters Road. The work had only just been completed in 1965 when a bushfire swept through the area and destroyed the cabin. Gordon and Sue relocated to his property, Fulling, in Pitt Street, Eltham. In 1970 work started on a new house at the Laughing Waters property. Originally known as the Banana House, it is now known as Boomerang. Designed by Alistair Knox, the mud-brick house includes iron window grilles made by Matcham Skipper that puncture the curved mud walls. The grilles were made from ‘off-pressings’ from the Sidchrome tool works in Heidelberg. Gordon, Sue and family moved into the house in 1972. Their marriage fell apart and Sue moved to Sydney with the children around the same time Gordon commenced building Birrarung just below Boomerang on the Laughing Waters Road block. After the Fords moved out, Boomerang it was rented out to various share households of students, musicians, artists and environmentalists for twenty-four years. Gordon Ford sold Birrarung and Boomerang to Melbourne Water in 1999. The Laughing Waters Artist in Residence Program was developed as a partnership between Parks Victoria and Nillumbik Shire Council. Boomerang was deemed unfit for habitation so was used as a day studio only. By 2001 Boomerang was in a poor state of repair and by 2002 the last artist in residence was to use the house as a studio. Nillumbik Shire Council had been granted funds from the Melbourne Community Fund to restore both Boomerang and Birrarung but it was apparent in early 2003 that the funds would be insufficient to restore both houses. Boomerang was infested with termites which presented a risk to any occupants and so the decision was made to close Boomerang and concentrate funding on Birrarung. Boomerang was fenced off for safety and to prevent intrusion and remains ‘caged’ today (2023). However, it is readily apparent the property has been occupied by squatters over the years. By 2023 it was clear that the squatters had abandoned the property and sections of the roof structure have given away in some areas and collapsed internally. For a more in-depth description and history of the property and that of Gordon and Sue Ford, see Jane Woollard's book, "Laughing Waters Road; Art, Landscape & Memory in Eltham" published 2016.2013-09-07, activities, eltham district historical society, heritage excursion, jim connor collection, laughing waters road, boomerang house, gordon ford -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Fireplace, Boomerang House, 195 Laughing Waters Road, Eltham, 31 August 2021
... Jim Connor Collection... Connor Collection Laughing Waters Road Boomerang House Gordon ...Gordon Ford and photographer Sue Winslow were married in 1965. They set up home in an old log cabin on the property Gordon had purchased in 1954 on Laughing Waters Road. Situated between the Yarra River and Overbank Road, Gordon had built a small mud-brick shack on the river and a pontoon. Over the decades the shack has been locally referred to as “the love shack”, the “rooting shack” or simply “Gordon’s shack”. Gordon and Sue commissioned local builder Graeme Rose to do a wattle and daub renovation and extension to the old log cabin on the north side of Laughing Waters Road. The work had only just been completed in 1965 when a bushfire swept through the area and destroyed the cabin. Gordon and Sue relocated to his property, Fulling, in Pitt Street, Eltham. In 1970 work started on a new house at the Laughing Waters property. Originally known as the Banana House, it is now known as Boomerang. Designed by Alistair Knox, the mud-brick house includes iron window grilles made by Matcham Skipper that puncture the curved mud walls. The grilles were made from ‘off-pressings’ from the Sidchrome tool works in Heidelberg. Gordon, Sue and family moved into the house in 1972. Their marriage fell apart and Sue moved to Sydney with the children around the same time Gordon commenced building Birrarung just below Boomerang on the Laughing Waters Road block. After the Fords moved out, Boomerang it was rented out to various share households of students, musicians, artists and environmentalists for twenty-four years. Gordon Ford sold Birrarung and Boomerang to Melbourne Water in 1999. The Laughing Waters Artist in Residence Program was developed as a partnership between Parks Victoria and Nillumbik Shire Council. Boomerang was deemed unfit for habitation so was used as a day studio only. By 2001 Boomerang was in a poor state of repair and by 2002 the last artist in residence was to use the house as a studio. Nillumbik Shire Council had been granted funds from the Melbourne Community Fund to restore both Boomerang and Birrarung but it was apparent in early 2003 that the funds would be insufficient to restore both houses. Boomerang was infested with termites which presented a risk to any occupants and so the decision was made to close Boomerang and concentrate funding on Birrarung. Boomerang was fenced off for safety and to prevent intrusion and remains ‘caged’ today (2023). However, it is readily apparent the property has been occupied by squatters over the years. By 2023 it was clear that the squatters had abandoned the property and sections of the roof structure have given away in some areas and collapsed internally. For a more in-depth description and history of the property and that of Gordon and Sue Ford, see Jane Woollard's book, "Laughing Waters Road; Art, Landscape & Memory in Eltham" published 2016.jim connor collection, laughing waters road, boomerang house, gordon ford -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, The Love Shack, 195 Laughing Waters Road, Eltham, 7 September 2013
... Jim Connor Collection... Historical Society Heritage Excursion Jim Connor Collection Laughing ...Laughing Waters Walk, 7 Sep 2013 This Society excursion was a follow up to the Laughing Waters Story told to us by Jane Woollard at our Annual General Meeting in March 2013. It involved a walk commencing from the corner of Laughing Waters and Overbank Roads along Laughing Waters Road to its eastern end and returning partly over the same route - a total distance of about 2.5km. On the way we visited the two artist in residence properties, River Bend and Birrarung, to view the houses on them that are associated with Alistair Knox, Gordon Ford and others in the local mud brick and artistic community. We also able to walk around the derelict ruin which was once home to Gordon and Sue Ford, Boomerang House. An unexpected afternoon tea was offered to us by the artists in residence at Birrarung House and we had a brief opportunity to view inside the house. Gordon Ford and photographer Sue Winslow were married in 1965. They set up home in an old log cabin on the property Gordon had purchased in 1954 on Laughing Waters Road. Situated between the Yarra River and Overbank Road, Gordon had built a small mud-brick shack on the river and a pontoon. Over the decades the shack has been locally referred to as “the love shack”, the “rooting shack” or simply “Gordon’s shack”. Gordon and Sue commissioned local builder Graeme Rose to do a wattle and daub renovation and extension to the old log cabin on the north side of Laughing Waters Road. The work had only just been completed in 1965 when a bushfire swept through the area and destroyed the cabin. Gordon and Sue relocated to his property, Fulling, in Pitt Street, Eltham. In 1970 work started on a new house at the Laughing Waters property. Originally known as the Banana House, it is now known as Boomerang. Designed by Alistair Knox, the mud-brick house includes iron window grilles made by Matcham Skipper that puncture the curved mud walls. The grilles were made from ‘off-pressings’ from the Sidchrome tool works in Heidelberg. Gordon, Sue and family moved into the house in 1972. Their marriage fell apart and Sue moved to Sydney with the children around the same time Gordon commenced building Birrarung just below Boomerang on the Laughing Waters Road block. After the Fords moved out, Boomerang it was rented out to various share households of students, musicians, artists and environmentalists for twenty-four years. Gordon Ford sold Birrarung and Boomerang to Melbourne Water in 1999. The Laughing Waters Artist in Residence Program was developed as a partnership between Parks Victoria and Nillumbik Shire Council. Boomerang was deemed unfit for habitation so was used as a day studio only. By 2001 Boomerang was in a poor state of repair and by 2002 the last artist in residence was to use the house as a studio. Nillumbik Shire Council had been granted funds from the Melbourne Community Fund to restore both Boomerang and Birrarung but it was apparent in early 2003 that the funds would be insufficient to restore both houses. Boomerang was infested with termites which presented a risk to any occupants and so the decision was made to close Boomerang and concentrate funding on Birrarung. Boomerang was fenced off for safety and to prevent intrusion and remains ‘caged’ today (2023). However, it is readily apparent the property has been occupied by squatters over the years. By 2023 it was clear that the squatters had abandoned the property and sections of the roof structure have given away in some areas and collapsed internally. For a more in-depth description and history of the property and that of Gordon and Sue Ford, see Jane Woollard's book, "Laughing Waters Road; Art, Landscape & Memory in Eltham" published 2016.2013-09-07, activities, eltham district historical society, heritage excursion, jim connor collection, laughing waters road, boomerang house, gordon ford, gordon's shack, love shack -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Rob Roy Hill Climb Circuit, Clintons Road, Christmas Hills, 12 May 2016
... Jim Connor Collection... was held at Rob Roy in February 1937. Jim Connor Collection 2016-05 ...Rob Roy-EDHS visit 12 May 2016 On 12th May 2016 some members of the Eltham District Historical Society and others were fortunate to have the opportunity to visit and explore the Rob Roy Hillclimb in Clintons Road, Christmas Hills. This followed an invitation from Don Kinsey and Wayne Ruston, members of the MG Car Club, which operates Rob Roy. At the time, both men were actively involved in the running of the meetings there, Don, an EDHS member, as a course commentator, with a wide range of motorsport experiences, and Wayne as the main organiser of the meetings. Don Kinsey welcomed the group and spoke about the historical background of the property and the hillclimb, then led those interested around the site and up the hillclimb track, stopping at spots along the way to provide additional information. Everyone enjoyed their experiences, including inspecting Wayne Ruston’s MGBV8. The Rob Roy Hill Climb originated in 1935 on the property of former Heidelberg Mayor, William Clinton, where he reared the Rob Roy breed of miniature ponies. He established Pleasure Grounds on part of the property attracting groups of Sunday visitors from Melbourne's inner suburbs. Visitors enjoyed a picnic area, pony rides, a dance hall and a tap room. Young men would ride their BSA or Harley Davidson motorcycles to the property which led to regular club-organised hillclimb meetings between 1930 and 1936. In 1935 Clinton offered the use of his property to the Light Car Club of Australia for their hillclimbs. The track was sealed that same year and the hillclimb at Clintons Road was one of only three specially designed bitumen surface hillclimbs in the world, the others being Shelsey Walsh and Prescott Hillclimbs in the UK. The first Light Car Club of Australia hillclimb was held at Rob Roy in February 1937.jim connor collection, 2016-05-12, activities, christmas hills, clintons road, heritage excursion, rob roy hill climb, eltham district historical society -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Eltham Community and Reception Centre, 801 Main Road, Eltham, 9 July 2008
... Jim Connor Collection...: Riley Barden & Kirkhope Builder: L.U. Simon Pty Ltd Jim Connor ...The Eltham Community and Reception Centre was Australia's first public mud-brick building. Commissioned in 1977 by Eltham Shire Council, led by Shire president (and architect) Robert Marshall, architects Whitford and Peck were asked to design a multipurpose facility in mud-brick and timber. The official opening was performed by the Hon. R.J. Hamer; E.D., M.P., Premier of Victorai on Saturday, April 22, 1978. Architects: Whitford & Peck Pty Ltd Quantity Surveyor: D.J. Cant & Associates Structural Civil Engineers: Charlett & Moore Pty Ltd Landscape: Peter Glass, Dennis Edwards Mech Elec: Lobley Treidel & Partners Pty Ltd Acoustics: Riley Barden & Kirkhope Builder: L.U. Simon Pty Ltdjim connor collection, eltham community and reception centre, eltham community centre, mudbrick construction -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Lilies on Brougham, 62a Brougham St, Eltham, 1 April 2009
... Jim Connor Collection... melbourne Jim Connor Collection Brougham Steet Eltham Lilies ...jim connor collection, brougham steet, eltham, lilies on brougham, restaurants -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Lake, Eltham Cemetery, 40 Mount Pleasant Road, Eltham, 9 September 2009
... Jim Connor Collection... Connor Collection Eltham Eltham Cemetery Lake Mount Pleasant Road ...Robert Boyle Landscape Design created the original design and construction of the lake in 1993. They are renowned local landscape designers and have carried out numerous projects at the Cemetery, including the major upgrades to the lakeside design in 2020.jim connor collection, eltham, eltham cemetery, lake, mount pleasant road -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Residents Gallery, Montsalvat, 5 September 2010
... Jim Connor Collection... melbourne Jim Connor Collection Montsalvat Residents Gallery 1 image ...jim connor collection, montsalvat, residents gallery -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Young Man Awakening, Matcham Skipper 2008, Eltham Cemetery, Mount Pleasant Road, Eltham, 13 November 2011
... Jim Connor Collection... in recognition of the cemetery's 150th anniversary. Jim Connor Collection ...Commissioned by the Eltham Cemetery Trust in 2008 in recognition of the cemetery's 150th anniversary.jim connor collection, 150th anniversary, art in public places, eltham, eltham cemetery, eltham cemetery trust, main road, matcham skipper, sculptures, young man awakening -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Young Man Awakening, Matcham Skipper 2008, Eltham Cemetery, Mount Pleasant Road, Eltham, 24 August 2015
... Jim Connor Collection... in recognition of the cemetery's 150th anniversary. Jim Connor Collection ...Commissioned by the Eltham Cemetery Trust in 2008 in recognition of the cemetery's 150th anniversary.jim connor collection, 150th anniversary, art in public places, eltham, eltham cemetery, eltham cemetery trust, main road, matcham skipper, sculptures, young man awakening -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Eltham Village Shopping Centre, corner Arthur Street and Main Road, Eltham, 3 July 2013
... Jim Connor Collection... in 1970. Jim Connor Collection Arthur Street Ella Bache Eltham ...Site of the former Eltham Shire Council offices and Public Hall, opened November 21, 1941. Council built new offices at 895 Main Road in 1964 and the site was sold to Woolworths in 1970.jim connor collection, arthur street, ella bache, eltham shopping centre, eltham village, eltham village shopping centre, main road, shopping centre -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Montsalvat, 7 April 2014
... Jim Connor Collection... melbourne Jim Connor Collection Montsalvat 1 image - born digital ...jim connor collection, montsalvat -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Edendale Farm Homestead, 11 December 2014
... Jim Connor Collection... living. Jim Connor Collection Edendale Community Farm Edendale ...Edendale Farm is Nillumbik Shire Council's environment centre situated in Gastons Road, Eltham between the railway and the Diamond Creek. The homestead on the property was built in 1896 and is of historical significance, being the subject of a Heritage Overlay under the Nillumbik Planning Scheme. The Edendale property was originally part of an extensive land purchase in 1852 from the Crown by pioneer Eltham farmer Henry Stooke. He initially purchased 51 acres and later expanded his holdings by purchasing another three adjacent Crown allotments extending northerly from Josiah Holloway's Little Eltham subdivision. Despite clearing the land, Stooke did not build on this property, choosing to live on his property "Rosehill" at Lower Plenty. In 1896 Thomas Cool, Club Manager of the Victoria Coffee Palace in Melbourne purchased 7 acres of the original Stooke land and built the house now known as Edendale. Cool did not farm the land, instead using it as a gentleman’s residence, retiring to Eltham at weekends. In 1918 he purchased an additional 7 acres but in 1919 he sold the property. Later owners included J.W. Cox, the Gaston family and D. Mummery. In the 1980s the Eltham Shire Council purchased the site for use as a Council depot, but this use did not proceed. Subsequently, it was used as the Council pound. The Edendale Farm Pet Education and Retention Centre was established in the summer of 1988/1989 and was set up to replace the existing dog kennels with a high standard pet retention centre. The design style of the building was established to compliment the features of the existing house. It was equipped with 10 retention pens, a veterinary room and a pet education area where school children and other interested parties learnt about pet care procedures. It was later developed into a community farm and was run by an advisory committee and in 2000 it became an Environment Centre. In early 2006 an advisory committee was established for the development of a master plan for future development at Edendale Farm. The committee included Russell Yeoman, a former long-time shire planner and founding member of the Eltham District Historical Society. At the time of filming the Master Plan and future for Edendale was about continuing to develop Edendale as a centre of environment learning and looking at expanding displays and school program, running a lot more of life-long learning and workshops around sustainable living.jim connor collection, edendale community farm, edendale farm, eltham, gastons road -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Commercial Place and Pryor Street, Eltham, 12 June 2015
... Jim Connor Collection... melbourne Jim Connor Collection Commercial Place Cycling Eltham ...jim connor collection, commercial place, cycling, eltham shopping centre, jock & eddie, pryor street -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Eltham Library, 11 August 2015
... Jim Connor Collection... for children’s services and others. See also EDHS_02111 Jim Connor ...Designed by multi-award-winning architect, Gregory Burgess, for which he won the 1995 Royal Australian Institute of architects (Vic.) Merit Award in the New Institutional category. Eltham Library Service 1930s - 1994 Originally collated by Harry Gilham, President, Eltham District Historical Society Inc (1993-2009) (edited 2022) In the Eltham township area, in the early 1930s, library books for adults were available from E J Andrew's newsagency in Main Road. In the newsagency cum haberdashery, some shelves were set aside for a lending library of adults' books. In 1935, Mr & Mrs JC Rains purchased the newsagency and continued the lending service until the late 1940s. At this time the business was extended from haberdashery to sell ladies' and men's clothing. The library section was discontinued. In the 1930s a mobile book library was also run by a Mr Foster of Bible Street, Eltham. In the 1950s adult books were available from racks in the foyer of the Eltham Shire Offices which was then located beside the Eltham Hall on the comer of Arthur Street and Main Road. In the early 1950s a referendum of ratepayers was called to seek public opinion on the issue of raising money for a public library for which the rates would have to be increased - the motion was defeated. On 11 November 1965 Eltham Shire Council, in conjunction with the City of Heidelberg and the Shire of Diamond Valley, met to form the Heidelberg Regional Library Service. Eltham was represented by Councillors Charis Pelling and John Lewis. The first library service for the Shire of Eltham from this group came in the shape of a bookmobile van which had, amongst others, a central stopover near the Shillinglaw trees outside the newly opened Shire offices at 895 Main Road, the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage and the former Shillinglaw farm. Present-day Wingrove Park was another stopover and the many recorded requests for this service can be read as denoting the areas of population or gathering points at that period throughout the Shire. 1968 saw the Shire convert the ‘Brinkkotter’ house in Dudley Street to house both adult and children's books. This library was originally staffed from the City of Heidelberg Library and records of committee meetings range from borrowing Heidelberg's old library shelving to trying to increase the Government's subsidy to a dollar for dollar basis. Book loans in the period 1966-67 totalled 30,400 and the following year ran to 52,113. With 2 books plus 1 paperback the limit per person, it was overcrowded and unable to house the range of other services which had become common library stock. Planning to extend the Shire Offices by the addition of the south wing was an opportunity to re-house the Shire's Library. The opening of the library in the extension was carried out on 17th August 1971 by the Hon R J Hamer ED, MP, Chief Secretary of Victoria. Cr Geoffrey Dreverman officiated as the Shire President. The Heidelberg Regional Library Service continued until September 1985 when it disbanded. On 21 November 1985 the Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service was established. At that time Eltham was represented by Councillors Mary Grant and Robert Manuell. By 1987, over-crowding of the Eltham Library and an inability to house the range of other services yet again rose to prominence. At a Council meeting held on 1 June 1987, the Councillors supported a resolution which threatened to close the library on 30 September 1987. Council's frustration arose from yet another re-run of the annual State Government versus Council Library funding and records show first arose in Eltham Council in 1967 with the Government of 1he day. After prolonged public anger and petitions the motion to close the library was rescinded in August 1987. Council, considering the community's concern, set up a ‘Library Review Working Party’ which a year later became the Library Occasional Committee with direct access to Council. This Committee investigated the workings of the 386 square metre library and found inadequate space for storage and display, lack of equipment, out-of-date furniture together with an increasing patronage which resulted in queues of borrowers becoming longer no matter when the library was open. Community consultation took the form of 1,000 questionnaires sent to users and non-users along with noticeboard reminders of what was planned. Council developed a strategy to set aside capital funds from 1988 on an annual basis so that preliminary planning and consultative expenses could be met, and construction could be completed early 1997. The Committee visited metropolitan libraries which were catering for a similar population as was projected for Eltham. Australia-wide Federal Government funding grants under the Local Capital Works Program became available from October 1992 for community projects endorsed by local Councils. The Eltham Council submitted a proposal, based on library findings and requirements accumulated by the Library Occasional Committee, to the Federal Grants Committee to build a new Eltham Library. The Federal Grants Committee supported the funding request allowing commencement of the library project three years earlier than planned. With finance finalised, the Council set up its Eltham Library Re-development Special Committee which was given the task of overseeing what could be the last major expansion of the Shire's Library Service as Eltham's population nears its projected maximum. The new library was designed by Gregory Burgess and Peter Ryan of Gregory Burgess Pty Ltd. Construction of the library commenced in 1993 and was officially opened May 22nd, 1994. The library building was designed to reflect its parkland setting. External features include: the roof which includes interesting aspects when viewed from Main Road; verandahs which provide ramp access and give a sheltered entrance to the building; walls which feature locally made mudbricks, conventional bricks and copper panels; and space for an outdoor courtyard/reading area which will be developed later. Internally there are several features. The building includes a foyer with a fireplace suitable for displays including artwork, a community multi-purpose room suitable for meetings or functions and an outdoor cafeteria. The ceilings are lined with Victorian Ash. The shapes for the ceiling give a free-flowing form to the building. Brush Box has been used for the circulation and information desks. The tree trunk columns are Grey lronbark from New South Wales. Arches and various-shaped windows add interest to the internal structure. The carpet design reflects the Eltham environment and compliments the natural colours and timbers used in the building. Tiles by artist Felix Bosari feature in the building and additional art by local artists added externally and internally to the building. Since 1994 the library has undergone a major extension to cater for children’s services and others. See also EDHS_02111jim connor collection, eltham, eltham library, panther place -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Eltham Library, 7 May 2016
... Jim Connor Collection... for children’s services and others. See also EDHS_02111 Jim Connor ...Designed by multi-award winning architect, Gregory Burgess, for which he won the 1995 Royal Australian Insitute of architects (Vic.) Merit Award in the New Institutional category. Eltham Library Service 1930s - 1994 Originally collated by Harry Gilham, President, Eltham District Historical Society Inc (1993-2009) (edited 2022) In the Eltham township area, in the early 1930s, library books for adults were available from E J Andrew's newsagency in Main Road. In the newsagency cum haberdashery, some shelves were set aside for a lending library of adults' books. In 1935, Mr & Mrs JC Rains purchased the newsagency and continued the lending service until the late 1940s. At this time the business was extended from haberdashery to sell ladies' and men's clothing. The library section was discontinued. In the 1930s a mobile book library was also run by a Mr Foster of Bible Street, Eltham. In the 1950s adult books were available from racks in the foyer of the Eltham Shire Offices which was then located beside the Eltham Hall on the comer of Arthur Street and Main Road. In the early 1950s a referendum of ratepayers was called to seek public opinion on the issue of raising money for a public library for which the rates would have to be increased - the motion was defeated. On 11 November 1965 Eltham Shire Council, in conjunction with the City of Heidelberg and the Shire of Diamond Valley, met to form the Heidelberg Regional Library Service. Eltham was represented by Councillors Charis Pelling and John Lewis. The first library service for the Shire of Eltham from this group came in the shape of a bookmobile van which had, amongst others, a central stopover near the Shillinglaw trees outside the newly opened Shire offices at 895 Main Road, the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage and the former Shillinglaw farm. Present-day Wingrove Park was another stopover and the many recorded requests for this service can be read as denoting the areas of population or gathering points at that period throughout the Shire. 1968 saw the Shire convert the ‘Brinkkotter’ house in Dudley Street to house both adult and children's books. This library was originally staffed from the City of Heidelberg Library and records of committee meetings range from borrowing Heidelberg's old library shelving to trying to increase the Government's subsidy to a dollar for dollar basis. Book loans in the period 1966-67 totalled 30,400 and the following year ran to 52,113. With 2 books plus 1 paperback the limit per person, it was overcrowded and unable to house the range of other services which had become common library stock. Planning to extend the Shire Offices by the addition of the south wing was an opportunity to re-house the Shire's Library. The opening of the library in the extension was carried out on 17th August 1971 by the Hon R J Hamer ED, MP, Chief Secretary of Victoria. Cr Geoffrey Dreverman officiated as the Shire President. The Heidelberg Regional Library Service continued until September 1985 when it disbanded. On 21 November 1985 the Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service was established. At that time Eltham was represented by Councillors Mary Grant and Robert Manuell. By 1987, over-crowding of the Eltham Library and an inability to house the range of other services yet again rose to prominence. At a Council meeting held on 1 June 1987, the Councillors supported a resolution which threatened to close the library on 30 September 1987. Council's frustration arose from yet another re-run of the annual State Government versus Council Library funding and records show first arose in Eltham Council in 1967 with the Government of 1he day. After prolonged public anger and petitions the motion to close the library was rescinded in August 1987. Council, considering the community's concern, set up a ‘Library Review Working Party’ which a year later became the Library Occasional Committee with direct access to Council. This Committee investigated the workings of the 386 square metre library and found inadequate space for storage and display, lack of equipment, out-of-date furniture together with an increasing patronage which resulted in queues of borrowers becoming longer no matter when the library was open. Community consultation took the form of 1,000 questionnaires sent to users and non-users along with noticeboard reminders of what was planned. Council developed a strategy to set aside capital funds from 1988 on an annual basis so that preliminary planning and consultative expenses could be met, and construction could be completed early 1997. The Committee visited metropolitan libraries which were catering for a similar population as was projected for Eltham. Australia-wide Federal Government funding grants under the Local Capital Works Program became available from October 1992 for community projects endorsed by local Councils. The Eltham Council submitted a proposal, based on library findings and requirements accumulated by the Library Occasional Committee, to the Federal Grants Committee to build a new Eltham Library. The Federal Grants Committee supported the funding request allowing commencement of the library project three years earlier than planned. With finance finalised, the Council set up its Eltham Library Re-development Special Committee which was given the task of overseeing what could be the last major expansion of the Shire's Library Service as Eltham's population nears its projected maximum. The new library was designed by Gregory Burgess and Peter Ryan of Gregory Burgess Pty Ltd. Construction of the library commenced in 1993 and was officially opened May 22nd, 1994. The library building was designed to reflect its parkland setting. External features include: the roof which includes interesting aspects when viewed from Main Road; verandahs which provide ramp access and give a sheltered entrance to the building; walls which feature locally made mudbricks, conventional bricks and copper panels; and space for an outdoor courtyard/reading area which will be developed later. Internally there are several features. The building includes a foyer with a fireplace suitable for displays including artwork, a community multi-purpose room suitable for meetings or functions and an outdoor cafeteria. The ceilings are lined with Victorian Ash. The shapes for the ceiling give a free-flowing form to the building. Brush Box has been used for the circulation and information desks. The tree trunk columns are Grey lronbark from New South Wales. Arches and various-shaped windows add interest to the internal structure. The carpet design reflects the Eltham environment and compliments the natural colours and timbers used in the building. Tiles by artist Felix Bosari feature in the building and additional art by local artists added externally and internally to the building. Since 1994 the library has undergone a major extension to cater for children’s services and others. See also EDHS_02111jim connor collection, eltham, eltham library, panther place