Showing 17 items
matching kelleher
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Church, John, Second to None: 2 RAR as the ANZAC battalion in Vietnam (Copy 1)
John Church was born in Perth in 1928. He entered the Royal Military College Duntroon in 1946 and graduated as an infantry officer in December 1948.John Church was born in Perth in 1928. He entered the Royal Military College Duntroon in 1946 and graduated as an infantry officer in December 1948. australia. army. royal australian regiment. battalion, 1961-1975 -regimental histories - australia, kelleher, david, david kelleher -
Yarrawonga and Mulwala Pioneer Museum
Cow Bell
Used in the district by Mr Thom.Very heavy metal cow bell with rectangular base.Low ringing sound.Hanging loop at the top broken.Kelleher.cow bell, dairy -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Church, John, Second to None: 2 RAR as the ANZAC Battalion in Vietnam (Copy 2)
John Church was born in Perth in 1928. He entered the Royal Military College Duntroon in 1946 and graduated as an infantry officer in December 1948.John Church was born in Perth in 1928. He entered the Royal Military College Duntroon in 1946 and graduated as an infantry officer in December 1948.australia. army. royal australian regiment. battalion, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -regimental histories - australia, david kelleher, kelleher david -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Book - Holy Cross Church, Glen Huntly Road, 705, Caulfield South
Days At Holy Cross (1929 – 1937) by Bryan J. Kelleher. His recollections of school and years growing up in South Caulfield and involvement with Holy Cross Parishkelleher james, henty hospital, bricker’s woodyard, brown blanche, old caulfield south market, quinn mallde miss, lockhart street, local history, games, camden theatre, catholic church, holy cross primary school -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains one item: A print out from the Australian Historic Records Register, date and researcher unknown, pertaining to six family or personal records of residents of the Caulfield area. These include: Biggs family records, Abraham Feiglin personal and professional records, Harry John Bell personal records, Watson, Hothouse and Poole family records, Robb and Kinnear family records, Bryan John Kelleher family and research records.biggs trevor leonard, biggs edna annie, bovill edna annie, world war 1939-1945 diaries and journals, armed forces, caulfield military hospital, bell harry john, photographs, military camps, robb elizabeth cathleen, red cross, voluntary workers, charitable organisations, world war 1914-1918, kelleher bryan john, holy cross parish school, ellington street, caulfield south, schools, caulfield hebrew congregation, feiglin abraham, annual reports, primary schools, orrong grove, caulfield, jewish communities, watson john boyd, labassa, watson flora katie, mansions, historic buildings -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fourth Stawell Salvation Army Brownie Pack December 1970
Pack Leader Gilian Ackroyd, Pack Helper Elizabeth Watson, Brown Owl Mavis Ackroyd, District Commissioner Margaret Hutton, Mrs Laurene, Captain Laurens Julie Krause, Linda Mason, Joan Folkes, Angela Welsh, Julie Perry, Sheryl Laurens, Helen Presser Susan Hurley, Vicki Hall, Annette Kelleher, Leone White, Freda Ackroyd, Wendy O'Neill, Rhonda Baulch, Debbie Leithead, Helen Kennedy, Susan Wilson, Louise Gaylor B/W photograph of brownies with leaders in front of wooden fence and treeguides -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Athole, Poplar Grove, 18, Carnegie
Two items about this property: 1/Pages 17 and 18 of the Real Estate section of the Caulfield Southern Cross 29/07/1992 including an article on Athole, Poplar Grove, 18, Carnegie, with a sketch of the house and a detained architectural description about its historic features. It also gives a brief history of the house and the life of its designer and owner, architect John T. Kelleher. Names and contact numbers of the Real Estate auctioneers are provided and there are a number of advertisements for other houses in Glen Eira. 2/A photocopy of 2 colour photographs of the exterior and garden of 'Athole' circa 2012.carnegie, poplar grove, athole, kelleher john t, biggin and scott, auctions, stables, stockdale and leggo, glen huntly, wattle avenue, munro avenue, edgewood street, brick houses, glen huntly road, glenhuntly road, j r buxton, caulfield south, pyne street, elsternwick, stanley street, noel jones and associates, brukarz jack, fitch karl, moonya road, wattle avenue, mcpherson street, timber houses, caulfield north, aroona road, dunbar avenue, urandaline grove, lascelles street, mclaurin road, trevelyan street -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Nov. 2015, November 2015
This is Vol. 4 of the Moorabbin Mirror produced by CMHS members Fran & Holger Bader , Valma Sharp November 2015 The Moorabbin Mirror reflects the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin - derived from Mooroobin, ' a resting place' in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994 the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. Members are asked to assist GECC Arts & Culture Dept. with information about the Caulfield Repatriation Hospital. Fran compiled a brief history of the 'Garden Suburb of Ormond, Henry Lawson and ANA Society with a contribution from Rosemary Kelleher describing her father Brian's love of poetry. All members are invited to attend the final Open day on November 29th to join with the Henry Lawson Society and ANA for their Annual Brian Kelleher Memorial Picnic . Photographs of the CMHS at Bunnings, Stanley's Menswear and the 'Unmentionables' display at Box Cottage are included in this issue. The CMHS thanks the retiring President Frank Thatcher and Treasurer Bill Richardson for their work for the Society and welcomes the incoming Committee lead by Mrs Valma Sharp President. Mrs Lorna Thatcher was recognised for her long service to CMHS with Life Membership accepted by members. Open Days are listed with an invitation for new members showing the benefits and duties of CMHS membership. CMHS thanks The Office of the Hon. Andrew Robb AO MP Minister for Trade & Investment, Federal Member for Goldstein, who photocopied this newsletter under community printing entitlements.A4 x 3 paper folded to A5 x 4 pages with colour photographsMoorabbin / Mirror / November 2015 Issue 4moorabbin mirror, bader fran, bader holger, sharp valma,gallipoli landings 1915, robertson macpherson, reitman august, brighton cemetery, bendigo bank ormond, stanley's menwear bentleigh, glen eira historical society, glen eira city council,, thatcher lorna, thatcher frank, richardson bill, henry lawson society, ana society, kelleher brian, sharp valma, monash, kingston, bayside, -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Australian Natives Association (Caulfield Branch No. 307)
This file contains 3 items. 1/ Handwritten letters from Keith Stodden of 10 Leslie Street Elsternwick to ‘friends of the G.E.H.S’, dated 15/10/2009, enclosing a photograph of the Role of Honour of the Australian Natives Association Elsternwick and Caulfield Branch of Soldiers in the First World War, noting that it is from the ‘burnt album of the late Councillor Dollman’. 2/ Photograph of this Roll of Honour. 3/ Bound booklet by Bryan J. Kelleher, ‘Australian Natives Association, Some Notes on Caulfield Branch No. 307, 1932 to 1989’, produced by him and noting on the cover that he lived at 47 Bowen Street, Chadstone, Vic, and dated 18/05/1995/ The booklet consists of a typewritten text of 21 pages and an Appendix of 18 pages. It includes a history of the Branch, with biographical information on leading members, plus lists of members, photographs, etc.australian natives association, war memorials, elsternwick, caulfield, kelleher bryan j., kelleher james d., packer jack h., adkins charles, adkins philip, adkins allan b., smith douglas, dollman councillor, honour boards, world war 1914-1918 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - CENOTAPH RESTORATION WORKS, C. 1987 - 1988
This is the sixth in a series beginning with Cat No 8255 showing the progress towards the Restoration of the Bendigo Cenotaph over the Bendigo Creek. All in the photos are Bendigo RSL Committee personal except Councilor Mary Hall. .1) People from left to right. Rex Willis, Roy Thurlow, Max O' Haloran, Jack Plant, Cr Mary Hall. .2) People from left to right, Jack Barnes, Rex Willis, Max O' Haloran, Norm Smart, Cr Mary Hall, unknown. .3) The wording on the sign. City of Bendigo. Project: Restoration of the Cenotaph. Consultants. Architect. Robinson LOO WYSS & Schneder PTY LTD. Engineer. R Kelleher & Associates. Bridgework. TE & FA HPD. Cenotaph Stone Mason. Lodge Bros PTY LTD. Builder. HF. Yuncken PTY LTD Bendigo..1) Photograph colour, shows 5 people one with a mallet on the Bendogo Cenotaph. .2) Photograph B&W shows 6 people on the same structure. .3) Photograph colour shows signage at the Cenotaph restoration site..1) On rear in red pen, "Cenotpah - laying last brick", stamped on rear, "17 March 88". .2) On rear in blue pen, "March 88". .3) On rear in red pen, "Renovating Cenotaph Dec 87 - taken by Frank Thomas"brsl, smirsl, cenotaph, bendigo -
Vision Australia
Poster - Image, 2000 Vision Australia Library award winners, 2000
To encourage the development of audio books, a series of awards were established by the National Library of Australia in 1988, and sponsored by TDK from 1991 until their demise in 2000. Open to both commercial and non-commercial publishers, it aimed to recognise the quality achievements by individuals and publishing houses and to promote the inclusion of audio books into the mainstream market. After the conclusion, Vision Australia Foundation decided to continue the awards in-house.1 digital image of poster created to celebrate award winnersVision Australia Library 2000 Awards Night Presentation Dinner held at Hotel Sofitel, The Carillon Room Braille Book of the Year: Happy Families by Susan Varga Sanderson Young Adult Narrator of the Year: Stuart Halusz for The Ivory Trail Sanderson Young Adult Audio Book of the Year: joint winners The View from Ararat by Brian Caswell & The Ivory Trail by Victor Kelleher Narrator of the Year: Helen Morse for Happy Families Audio Book of the Year: Happy Families by Susan Vargavision australia foundation, awards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Aug 2007, August 2007
The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest.Helen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS. Tom Sheehy, a past President of CMHS, was an Historian and Author of ‘Battlers tamed the Sandbelt’, the Lawson family were early settlers, Dr Graham Whitehead, is Historian for Kingston CC and the Henry Lawson Society promotes the Poet’s works.A4 paper printed both sides x1. Issue 3 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in August 2007. Members of the CMHS are shown 3 photocopies of ‘quaint Account Overdue ‘ notices c 1940,. An excerpt from the 1962 Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter, edited by the President Tom Sheehy, describing the 1860’s decade that saw ‘the establishment of Edward Zorn’s Tomato factory in Clayton’s Road in 1862 and then Henry Comport’s Sauce factory in Cheltenham. ‘New settlers’ arriving in the area were William Highett , near Hampton, Mr McKinnon , an Oakleigh farmer, and Mr Stephen Tuck and wife to Cheltenham while Mr John Kingston was looking for land.. 60 children were enrolled at St Stephen’s Common School on Tucker Road. George Higginbotham., William Highett and Tommy Bent were confident of the years ahead.’ Upcoming events at CMHS were August 26th Mr Bob Lawson will talk about World War 1, on October 28th a talk by Dr G Whitehead titled ‘Murder’, and at the last meeting for year November 25th Frank Thatcher, CMHS, will welcome the Henry Lawson Society and Australian Natives Association who will again come to Box Cottage to celebrate their Bryan Kelleher Memorial Picnic Day. CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / AUGUST 2007 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, oakleigh, kingston, highett, hampton, clayton, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, sheehy tom, thatcher frank, tucker road, st stephen’s common school, henry lawson society, australian natives association, whitehead dr graham, lawson bob, lawson nan, kelleher bryan, comport henry, zorn edward, highett william, bent tommy, higginbotham george, kingston john, le roy tracy, sydney, tomato sauce factory -
Melbourne Legacy
Instrument - Violin, The Changi Violin
This violin was played by VX30301 Dvr Roy Arnel, as a member of the Australian Imperial Force Concert Party, in the Changi POW camp, Singapore from 1942-1945. It is claimed that the violin, in its case was thrown over the wall by a Chinese civilian. Roy Arnel, a South African by birth enlisted on 7 June 1940 at Royal Park, Melbourne and served with 2 AASC Company as a driver. He was captured by the Japanese Imperial Army at the fall of Singapore in February 1942. There was more than one concert party in Changi as indicated on the rear of the violin. The details of the Dutch, British and American Concert Parties scratched in to the varnish. There are the some well known names scratched into the violin including: The English author and cartoonist, Ronald Searle; Australian entertainer, Frank Rich; and Australian Author, Russell Braddon. Mr Arnel died in 1982 and the violin was presented to Melbourne Legacy for preservation, safe keeping and display. Further research found that one of the AIF comedians, Harry Smith, had a catch phrase, 'You'll never get off the Island' which became almost the watchword of the prisoners throughout the captivity. That ties with the phrase etched around the outside of the violin, "We'll never get off the island."A very valuable piece of equipment brought back from World War II now on display in Legacy House function room.Violin (00078.1): Violin case (00078.2): Bow (00078.3): Bag of violin parts (00078.4):Around the edge of the instrument's body: "We'll never get off the island" On the front body of the violin: "AIF concert party"; "P.O.W. camp Singapore" Names inscribed on the front body of the violin in columns from left to right: Ray Tullipan, Fred Stringer, Herb Almond, L Jacques, Keith Harris, Jack Garrett, Dave Goodwin, H Sabin, Fred F Brightfield, Jack Boardman, Ern Warne, Ern Banks, T Hoffman, Roy P Arnel, Harold W Reid, W Middleton, Douglas Matthews, Bob Picken, Harry Smith ('appy Harry), Ted Druitt "VIOLIN PLAYED BY" VX30301, (DVR) R S Arnel AIF Concert Party in POW Camp Selerang and Changi Gaol Singapore 1942-1945; T Mack O.C and Producer Harry Tennall; Jack Smith; Walter W Dains; Keith C Stephens; C E Trotter; W Sullivan, Syd Piddington; John Nibbs; Doug Peart; John Wood; Jack Geoghegan; Berry Barton; Barney Bolton; Tom Hussey; Kim De Grey; Clarrie Barker; Ron Caple; Russ Bradon; Bernard McCaffrey; Bart Galbraith; Charles Wiggins; Stan “ Judy” Garland. Rear of Violin has inscriptions top to bottom, left to right. Hans???en; Dutch Concert Party; H.S. Van der Linden; M Bark; B Freunbusch; F Horguine; H. J. Hurgarden; Lt H. J. Scholer (Violin); H.A.F. Pet; M Van Dyk; W J Witte; G H Fransen; E Ewig; M Ruwart (Hypnotist); A V Korem(Dancer) C N Rob (Violin) C H Kuipers (Guitar); W C Emmenes (Cellist) L H R???? (Violin) British Concert Party Alex????; P Holland ( “ Dutchy” Accordian); Wray Gibson :AH!; E J Bawer (Drums); Clem (Lofty) Relf(Clarinet); Bill Williams (Piano); Ken Luke; Ronald Searle; Charles Dobman “Good Luck”; Dan Harts(”Professor”); Gil Mitchell ( Violinist); John Fitzgerald; E Botor (Tenor Horn); Ronald Lewis; Ronnie Horner; Robin Wilbury; Jack M Wood ( Producer); Denis A S Houghton (Bass); C J Buckingham; Stan Mesurier; E B Dobson USA Concert Camberts Party Don Smith; Owen Baggett; Denis Roland; Stan Willner; Albert “ HAP” Kelley (Trombone); Joe Manella; Charles Kelleher. Internal manufactures tag “ “Excelsior” Brand Specally made for the Tropic and reputed for good ton and workmanship Made in Czechoslovakia”changi violin, pow -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Elsternwick Fire Station, Selwyn Street
An article from the Port Phillip/Caulfield Leader of 03/08 circa 1989 about the history and features of the Elsternwick Fire Station. The article includes a colour photograph (104mm x 127mm) of the exterior of the fire station.kelleher john thomas, southwick david, elsternwick, selwyn street, metropolitan fire brigade, elsternwick fire station, abc tv, fire stations, architects, architectural features, motor vehicle repair shops, brick, athole, carnegie -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Athole, Poplar Grove, 18, Carnegie
3 page photocopy of an article on Athole, Poplar Grove, 18, Carnegie, from the Caulfield Conservation Study by Andrew Ward in 01/1995. Article includes a description, brief history, state of significance of Athole, poor quality photography and a bibliography.carnegie, poplar grove, athole, kelleher john thomas, rosstown swamp, market gardens, mackay richard, fish kareen, strathnaver estate, land subdivision, architects, brick houses, stables, greenhouses, architectural styles, architectural features -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine, ANAPress, No.5, December, 1973, 12/1973
The Australian Natives' Association (ANA) was founded in 1871.Sixteen page black and white magazine of the Australian Natives' Association. Contents include: * The story of the Eureka Stockade by Keith Rash. * Who wants to be a Lodge Secretary? * Obituary for Sydney Gordon Herron * District Councils and Branches * Anakie No 138 - 80th Anniversary * Foreign Imports: how do they flourish * Obituary for Albert Edward Daviesaustralian natives' association, ana, eureka, keith rash, rash, bryan kelleher, -
Disability Sport & Recreation Victoria
Photo album, Photo album - Foundation Members Dinner, April 1994; Athletes Together Meet, January 1995; The Great Aussie BBQ in the Park, February 1995; South Melbourne Opening Day, 7th July 1995, 1995-1997 (approx)
The photo album includes photographs of several disabled sports events and functions, including: - Dinner for Foundation Members Wheelchair Sports Victoria, April 1994 - Athletes Together Meet VIP Function, January 1995 - The Great Aussie BBQ in the Park, February 1995 - Opening Day of Wheelchair Sports Victoria's South Melbourne office in July 1995Photo album containing 100 pages and 122 photographs of several disabled sports events, as well as some negatives. Photo album is a blue binder format.The photo album cover includes the following labels. - Foundation Members Dinner, April 1994 - Athletes Together Meet, January 1995 - The Great Aussie BBQ in the Park, February 1995 - South Melbourne Opening Day, 7th July 1995wheelchair sports victoria, disabled sports, max kelleher