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matching language-aboriginals
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Video, Kimberley Language Resource Centre, So they can know : language nests, 1997
The Bunuba, Gooniyandi and Kija language nests portrayed here are run by the Kimberley Language Resource Centre and supported by the communities. The nests allow pre-school children to learn their own traditional languages in a stimulating environment. They are immersed in the language through activities like dancing, fishing and collecting bush tucker.videocassettebunuba, gooniyandi, kija, western australia, language education -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Report, Maori Language Commission, Annual report of the Maori Language Commission for the year ended 30 June 2006, 2006
Bi-Lingual report into a variety of areas of Moaori Language Maintenance.maori culture, bilingualism -
NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)
Book - NMCOT, School; and, Lan is Sick: edited by Miriam Faine for the Migrant Women's Language Centre, NMCOT, Circa 1990s
Two small books written or edited by Miriam Faine and illustrated by David Pearson. Produced by Migrant Women's Language Centre, NMCOT, with support from Victorian International Literacy Year Secretariat. The book "School" relates the experiences of four women from various cultures.2 books, 12 and 16 pages. Hand drawn illustartions.Both books are stamped withNMCOT Library Network stamps.english as a second language, literacy, migrant women's language centre, nmcot, nmit, -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Annette Schmidt, The loss of Australia?s Aboriginal Language heritage, 1993
Overviews Aboriginal language situation; examines attitudes to language; analyses language maintenance and revival programs, bilingual education, effectiveness of funding and National Aboriginal Languages Program; availability of linguistic training, characteristics of language loss and the place of creoles in language programs.Maps, chartslanguage loss, language maintenance, reports -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Aboriginals at Carrs Plains, 2006
... Aboriginals at Carrs Plains ...5563-1a Anthony Anderson 5563-1b King of Birchip 5563-1c Weapons demonstrated by Blind Tommy 5563-1d Carrs Plains Aboriginals 1870's 5563-1e Carrs Plains Aboriginals with Holford W 1870s 5563-1f Carrs Plains photos of Aboriginals from Vic Museum via Steve WettenhallPhotographs of Aboriginals at Carrs plains on CDstawell -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Michael Walsh, Language and culture in Aboriginal Australia, 1993
A series of studies of aspects of language and culture in different parts of Aboriginal Australia. It includes ?language ownership?, historical aspects and how Aboriginal languages are now being used in media and education.Maps, word listssociolinguistics, linguistics, social history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Christine Walton, Language : maintenance, power and education in Australian Aboriginal contexts, 1990
Conference themes of language and power, language maintenance and language in education raised in an Aboriginal context; papers separately annotated.maps, tablesyolngu, yirrkala school, language maintenance, bilingualism, vernacular language -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Group of Aboriginals. Carrs Palins about 1868
... Group of Aboriginals. Carrs Palins about 1868 ...AboriginalGroup of Aboriginal People in European cloathes in front of two lean toos.At Carrs Plains, Wimmera District. Taken in Victoria 1868 -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Language of the Aborigines of the colony of Victoria, 1859
This is the second edition of a book published originally in 1851. It is an early work concerned with the recording of aboriginal languages and was published in Geelong. The author, Daniel Bunce (1813-1872) was a botanist who went on journeys with aborigines in Victoria in 1839 and later in 1846 joined Ludwig Leichhardt’s second expedition in his attempt to cross Australia from east to west. This was unsuccessful. Bunce’s experiences in 1839 and in 1846 enabled him to write his book on aboriginal languages. In 1858 Bunce became the Director of the Geelong Botanic Gardens and designed and planted out the gardens. No information has been found on Noel Hallowill. This book is of antiquarian interest as an early dictionary of aboriginal languages and as a book written by the botanist, Daniel Bunce. This is a hard cover book of 60 pages. The cover is yellow with black lettering. There is an ornamental border around the printing. There are two blue stamps of the Warrnambool and District Historical Society on the front cover and on the first page. The book is bound with brown tape. The book has a Preface, an Introduction and sections on the aboriginal languages in areas of Victoria and beyond. A copy of a letter from the explorer, Ludwig Leichhardt, is included at the end of the book. Stamp of ‘Noel Hallowill’ (name unclear) daniel bunce, aboriginal languages, ludwig leichhardt -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Aboriginal language areas in Victoria, 1/07/1996 12:00:00 AM
Listing of all aboriginal languages spoken in Victoria.The distinction between language and dialect id discussed. Map, bibliagraphy.aborigines, aboriginal languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
CD-ROM, Yirruk Tinnor Gunnai Language Program, Nambur Ganai : an interactive Indigenous language program, 2000
Accompanying workbook also available for beginner levelCD-ROMganai, curriculum development -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Bunganditj Language Reclamation Working Party, Boandik/Bunganditj language reclamation project, 2012
B&w illustrations, word listsbuandig, boandik, bunganditj, mount gambier, south australia -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Cooperative, A Gumbaynggir language dictionary =? Gumbayngirr bijaarr jandaygam, 2001
Maps, b&w illustrationsgumbaynggir, janggadi, birrbay, yugumbal, anaiwan, burrgadi -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Cooperative, Gumbaynggirr language course unit 10 : from missions to the present, 2005
word listsgumbaynggirr -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
DVD, Languages Unit Curriculum K12 Directorate NSW Department of Education and Training, My language, my country : teaching Aboriginal languages in NSW, 2007
This film is designed for use by those involved in teaching Aboriginal Languages in schools. It shows how schools in Gumbaynggirr country (in NSW) work with the community to develop their language programs. It shows the cooperation between teachers, linguists and community tutors in preparation and delivery of Aboriginal Language programs in Gumbaynggirr country, NSWDVDgumbaynggirr -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Thesis, Stephen Morey, The verbal system of the Central Victorian language, the Aboriginal language of Melbourne : an investigation into the manuscripts of Rev. William Thomas (1793-1867)
This thesis examines and analyses the linguistic data in the papers of the Reverend William Thomas (1793-1867) in the Mitchell Library, Sydney (Thomas MS 214). This data was found to refer mainly to the Aboriginal language of the Melbourne area, described by Blake and Reid (1998) as the Central Victorian Language.word listswathawurrung, wathaurong, boonwurrung, boon wurrung, woiwurrung, thagungwurrung, djadjawurrung, tjapwurrung, wergaia, wemba baraba, wemba wemba, yeti, madhi madhi, ledji, wadi, nari nari, wimmera, ballarat, bacchus marsh, gippsland, mount gambier, wonnin, john green, george augustus robinson, r h mathews, luise hercus, linguistics, sociolinguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Paul Paton et al, Peetyawan weeyn : a guide to Language revival planning, 2011
Provides a new framework for Aboriginal language reclamation work; it aims to support communities in managing their own language revival process. Chapter headings: Starting Out, Sounds and Words, Sentences and Grammar, Developing the Language, Major Resources, Consolidating and Advanced Language Revival.Colour photographs, word lists, screen shotslanguage revival, education, language learning, endangered languages, victorian languages, linguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Julie Bishop, Aboriginal students and English language acquisition, 1993
Assisting educators in South Australia to respond to specific language and literacy needs and goals of Aboriginal students.maps, tablesnepabunna, raukkan, coober pedy, education, resource-based learning, literacy, carlton primary school, english language acquisition -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Jakelin Troy, Australian Aboriginal contact with the English Language in New South Wales : 1788 to 1845, 1990
Early language contacts between Aboriginals and Colonists. Looks at the history of the area and explorationa dn pastoralists.Maps, word listscolonisation, pidgin -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Barry Blake, The Warrnambool language : a consolidated account of the Aboriginal language of the Warrnambool area of the western district of Victoria based on nineteenth century sources, 2003
A consolidated account of the Warrnambool language of the Western District of Victoria based on early sources. It is intended to serve as a convenient reference guide for the Aboriginal people of the Warrnambool area and for all researchers.Maps, tables, word listswarrnambool, bunganditj, buwandik, colac, dhudhuroa, djadjawurrung, eastern kulin, western kulin, kulin, gippsland language, woiwurrung, thagungwurrung, kurnkupanut, language revival, endangered languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Susanne Hargrave, Language and culture. Work papers of SIL-AAB, Series B, Volume 8, 1982
Six papers on the relationship of language and culture in the Australian Aboriginal context are presented. "Some Thoughts on Yanyuwa Language and Culture" by Jean Kirton gives an overview of some language-culture relationships and examines seven kinds of possession in one language. "Nyangumarta Kinship: A Woman's Viewpoint" by Helen Geytenbeck outlines kinship and its terminology as learned by a field linquist for her work with this group. In "A Description of the Mathematical Concepts of Groote Eylandt Aborigines," Judith Stokes describes an Anindilyakwa mathematical language in its cultural context, refuting popular generalizations about the limited counting ability of the Aboriginal people. "Facts and Fallacies of Aboriginal Number Systems" by John Harris criticizes anthropologists' and linguists' neglect of and bias concerning existing data about the mathematics of Aboriginal groups. In "Aboriginal Mathematical Concepts: A Cultural and Linguistic Explanation for Some of the Problems," Barbara Sayers suggests that the mathematical problems of some Aboriginal schoolchildren are real, but have a cultural rather than linguistic basis. "A Report on Colour Term Research in Five Aboriginal Languages" by Susanne Hargrave describes and presents preliminary analyses from a research project on color terminology.B&w illustrationslinguistics, language and culture, sociolinguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
CD-ROM, Gadj Maymuru et al, Listen and learn Aboriginal language, 2007
These easy to use activities assist learning, skill development and cultural awareness, enabling viewers to gain an insight into Aboriginal language and culture.CD-ROMyolgnu matha, north east arnhem land, linguistics, storytelling -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Conference proceedings, Hywel Glyn Lewis, Reversing language shift : how to re-awaken a language tradition : proceedings of the fourteenth FEL Conference : Camarthen, Wales 13-15 September 2010, 2010
Keynotes, Attitudinal issues, Govenrment-supportedstrategies and community initiated projects, Teaching-resource creation for language revitalization, Language use and standards, The role of the education system in language shift and its reversal, Langauge standardisation, Intergenerational transmissionTablesendangered languages, language revival, language policy -
NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)
Brochure, Making a world of difference: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality. [and] ELICOS English Language, 1997-2001
Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality brochure (1997) gives details of the Hospitality, Tourism and Commercial Cookery programs at Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE. ELICOS brochures (1999 and 2001) give details of English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students and lists acredited programs for overseas students. The 1999 brochure includes a lift out on cost of living and accomodation, and an application form with terms and conditions of enrolment.3 colour brochures. One on Tourism and Hospitality, two on ELICOS English Language.tourism, hospitality, course brochures, elicos, english as a second language, esl, nmit, -
Clunes Museum
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
DVD, Ramahn Allam, Talking Language with Ernie Dingo, 2013
In this six-part series, Ernie Dingo explores the revival, maintenance and creation of languages which are in a constant state of change. He reveals the complex balance between language and relationship to country, and discovers how this balance has been affected since European colonisation. Ernie asks an important question of the Elders he meets - What is the future of the Aboriginal language spoken in their community?DVDgunditjmara, yirrkala, yolngu, arnhem land, ngarrindjeri, coorong, vicki couzens, arrernte, alice springs, yindjibarndi, roebourne, bill harney, wardaman, language revival -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, George Yule, The study of Language, 2006
Issues in language study: origin of language, animals & human language, writing, phonetics, phonology, words & word-formation processes, morphology, grammar, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, language and the brain, language acquisition, gestures and sign languages, languages and regional variation, language and social variation, language and culture.B&w illustrations, b&w photographs, mapslinguistics, sociolinguistics, history and language -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book with CD, Yugal : Gamilaraay & Yuwaalaraay songs, 2003
Songs in Language and English.Maps, colour illustrations, colour photographs, word listsgamilaraay, yuwaalaraay -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
DVD, Bernadette Crawford, Brewarrina's Aboriginal language program, 1998
The language program was developed by teachers at Brewarrina, and is designed to appeal strongly to the imaginations of their students. The students are encouraged to work in groups and individually to unearth their local history and cultural backgrounds, by studying family trees and gathering oral histories, by making excursions to significant sites, and by re-discovering Aboriginal language and cultural practices.DVDbrewarrina central school, aboriginal language program, multiculturalism, genealogy, local history, research -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Conference proceedings, Joe Blythe, Maintaining the links : language, identity and the land : proceedings of the Seventh FEL Conference, Broome, Western Australia, 22-24 September 2003, 2003
Major headings: Languages & Land claims; Toponymy & Topography; Planning for the future; Language, identity & the environment; Language & Identity: Home & Away; Language revitalisation: Maintenance; Documenting ENdangered LanguagesMaps, graphs, word listsland claims, east kimberley, ecotourism, nsw, borroloola, gurr-goni, maningrida