Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Solomon and bardwell, Holmes Family
... lawrence carter holmes... (1822 -1886); Lawrence Carter Holmes (1829 - 1935).
.2) A man... lawrence carter holmes robert reid .1) Verso: "Willie, Uncle Teddy ...
The Coghills were early settlers in the Ballarat district, with Coghill's Creek being named after them. .1) Three men pose for a studio photograph taken in Melbourne. From left to right the men are: Willie [Lawrence's son William Henry Carter Holmes (1867 - 1928)]; Edward Carter Holmes (1822 -1886); Lawrence Carter Holmes (1829 - 1935).
.2) A man sits in a studio photograph taken in Ballarat. The man is Robert Reid who married Adelaide Helen Holmes in 1857. Adelaide was the sister of Catherine Dorothy Holmes who married William Coghill and lived at Coghill's Creek near Ballarat. .1) Verso: "Willie, Uncle Teddy and Father"
.2) "I think this could be the same person as the one designated "Uncle Teddy" on the other photo. What do you think?"
Photographer: Solomon and Bardwell. No.4938.holmes family archive, coghill, ballarat, william carter holmes, edward carter holmes, lawrence carter holmes, robert reid