National Wool Museum
Journal, Leach's Matinee Coats and Bonnets in Knitting and Crochet
... Leach's Publications Ltd... Leach's Publications Ltd Knitting Handicrafts - history Crochet ...
This book and a number of others like it were owned by the mother and aunts of the donor, Mrs Dorothy Boyle. They were prolific producers of hand knitted and hand made items of clothing and also knitted and sewed for the armed forces during the Second World War. This book is English and is number 117 in Leach's Sixpenny Knitting and Handcraft Series. It contains patterns for baby clothes.LEACH'S / MATINEE COATS / AND / BONNETS / IN KNITTING / & CROCHET / 6D. / DAINTY DESIGNS FOR THE MODERN BABY / LEACH'S SIXPENNY KNITTING & HANDCRAFT SERIES No. 117knitting handicrafts - history crochet, leach's publications ltd, knitting, handicrafts - history, crochet