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matching letters of sympathy.
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTERS of SYMPATHY, 2 Dec 1941
... LETTERS of SYMPATHY...LETTERS OF SYMPATHY...Letters of Sympathy for "M.C. Townsend", Dental Surgeon...Handwritten letters of Sympathy. 1. Letter of Sympathy from... goldfields Letters of Sympathy for "M.C. Townsend", Dental Surgeon ...Letters of Sympathy for "M.C. Townsend", Dental Surgeon on HMAS SYDDNEY, KIA on 15/11/41. Refer Cat No. 2313P for Townsends service.Handwritten letters of Sympathy. 1. Letter of Sympathy from George Cole, Geelong on white note paper dated 2.12.41. 2. Letter of Sympathy from G & C Alexander on cream colour note paper dated 10/12/41.1. Headed "Ramleh, 66 Virginia St. Newtown, Geelong". 2. Headed "52 Burke Crescent, Geelong. 10/12/41".hmas sydney, kia, letters of sympathy, ww2, mervyn clive townsend -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTERS of SYMPATHY, Dec 1941
... LETTERS of SYMPATHY...Letters of Sympathy....Letters of Sympathy from Bendigo Locals to parents...Handwritten letters of Sympathy for M.C. Townsend. 1... goldfields Letters of Sympathy from Bendigo Locals to parents ...Letters of Sympathy from Bendigo Locals to parents of " Mervyn Clive Townsend" , KIA on HMAS SYDNEY on 15/11/41. Refer Cat No. 2313P for Townsend service.Handwritten letters of Sympathy for M.C. Townsend. 1. Letter of Sympathy from A. Brazier, Eaglehawk - on small blank white note paper. 2. Letter of Sympathy from Jim Condon - on blue paper, lined, dated 6/12/41.hmas sydney', ww2, mervyn clive townsend, letters of sympathy. -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTERS of SYMPATHY, DEC 1941
... LETTERS of SYMPATHY...LETTERS OF SYMPATHY...Letters of Sympathy from friends to parents of "M.C...Handwritten letters of Sympathy to parents of M.C. Townsend... goldfields Letters of Sympathy from friends to parents of "M.C ...Letters of Sympathy from friends to parents of "M.C. TOWNSEND" who died on sinking of HMAS SYDNEY on 15/11/41. Refer Cat 2313P for Townsends service.Handwritten letters of Sympathy to parents of M.C. Townsend. 1. Letter of Sympathy from L.R. Wheeler, NSW on single white lined paper dated 4th Dec '41. 2. Personal letter of Sympathy from a friend, Les, of M.C. Townsend. Letter dated 14.12.41.hmas sydney, letters of sympathy, ww2, mervyn clive townsend -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTERS of SYMPATHY, Dec 1941
... LETTERS of SYMPATHY...Letters of Sympathy from a range of Victorian school...Seventeen (17) letters of sympathy from various schools... goldfields Letters of Sympathy from a range of Victorian school ...Letters of Sympathy from a range of Victorian school for Dental Surgeon M.C. Townsend, KIA with sinking of HMAS Sydney on 15 /11/ 1941. Refer No. 2313P for Townsends service.Seventeen (17) letters of sympathy from various schools around Victoria, primarily to the parents of "Mervyn Clive TOWNSEND".Varioushmas sydney, ww2, mervyn clive townsend -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTERS of SYMPATHY, Dec 1941
... LETTERS of SYMPATHY...Various letters of Sympathy to the parents of "Mervyn Clive...18 Individual letters of Sympathy to the parents of "Mervyn... goldfields Various letters of Sympathy to the parents of "Mervyn ...Various letters of Sympathy to the parents of "Mervyn Clive Townsend" killed in action on board the HMAS SYDNEY by a German raider on 15/11/41. Refer Cat No 2313P for Townsends service.18 Individual letters of Sympathy to the parents of "Mervyn Clive Townsend". All letters are handwritten on various types of note paper and dated around Dec 41. Letters are all from regional Victorian locations.hmas sydney, kia, ww2, mervyn clive townsend -
Bendigo Military Museum
... LETTERS OF SYMPATHY...Various Letters of Sympathy for Dental Surgeon "Mervyn...Various handwritten letters of Sympathy for Mervyn Clive... goldfields Various Letters of Sympathy for Dental Surgeon "Mervyn ...Various Letters of Sympathy for Dental Surgeon "Mervyn Clive Townsend" KIA on HMAS SYDNEY 15/11/41. Refer Cat No. 2313P for Townsends service.Various handwritten letters of Sympathy for Mervyn Clive Townsend from the Melbourne Metropolitan area to his parents. Letters are of various sizes and various types of paper. All dated in late November to December 1941. Forty three (43) letters in total.hmas sydney, kia, ww2, mervyn clive townsend -
Bendigo Military Museum
... LETTERS OF SYMPATHY...Twenty five (25) Letters of Sympathy for the death... MERVYN CLIVE TOWNSEND Twenty five (25) Letters of Sympathy ...Dental Surgeon " Mervyn Clive Townsend" was KIA on the sinking of the HMAS SYDNEY on 15/11/41 by a German Raider. Refer Cat No. 2313P for Townsends service.Twenty five (25) Letters of Sympathy for the death of Mervyn Clive Townsend to his parents. All handwritten on various sizes and colours of note paper. Dated around Dec 1941 period.hmas sydney, ww2, kia, mervyn clive townsend -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTERS of SYMPATHY, Dec 1941
... LETTERS of SYMPATHY...Various handwritten letters of Sympathy for "Mervyn Clive... KORMORAN Various handwritten letters of Sympathy for "Mervyn Clive ...Various letters to parents of "MERVYN CLIVE TOWNSEND" KIA on the sinking of the HMAS SYDNEY on 15/11/41 by a German Raider. Mervyn was a Dental Surgeon serving on board. Refer Cat No. 2313P for Townsends service.Various handwritten letters of Sympathy for "Mervyn Clive Townsend", from various people and organisations from Williamstown area. Letters are of various sizes and various types of white on cream note paper and dated around Dec 41.hmas sydnbey, kia, ww2, mervyn clive townsend, hsk kormoran -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTERS of SYMPATHY, Dec 1941
... LETTERS of SYMPATHY...Letters of Sympathy to parents of Dental Surgeon "M.C... goldfields Letters of Sympathy to parents of Dental Surgeon "M.C ...Letters of Sympathy to parents of Dental Surgeon "M.C. Townsend", KIA on HMAS SYDNEY on 15/11/41. Refer Cat No. 2323P for Townsends service.1. Handwritten letter from Dental Officer's Mess, Puckapunyal, Victoria on blank white paper. 2. Typed letter from Chaplain, Flinders Naval Depot to Mr. Townsend. 1. Signed “Eric Wollff” and dated 2/12/41. 2. Signed “Norman Symes”, Chaplain, RAN and dated 6/12/41.hmas sydney, kia, mervyn clive townsend, ww2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
... LETTERS OF SYMPATHY...Letters of Sympathy in relation to " Mervyn Clive Townsend... goldfields Letters of Sympathy in relation to " Mervyn Clive Townsend ...Letters of Sympathy in relation to " Mervyn Clive Townsend" who was killed in action on HMAS Sydney on 15/11/41. Refer Cat No. 2313P for Townsends service.Various handwritten notes of Sympathy from various people/ Groups from Bairnsdale of various sizes. 1. Dated 1/12/41 from Grace Suding. 2. Not dated from E. Bruckwell. 3. Dated 2/12/41 from Charlotte Laird. 4. Dated 3/12/41 from Tech School, W.B. Langdom. 5. Dated 14/12/41 from R.E. Fraser. 6. Dated 16/12/41 from W.G. Goibi (?). 7. Dated 10/12/41 from Mr. Beattie. 8. Dated 2/12/41 from E.B. Seatt. 9. Dated 22/12/41 from Mary & Jim Porves. hmas sydney, kia, mervyn clive townsend -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTERS of SYMPATHY, 3 Dec 1941
... LETTERS of SYMPATHY...Letters of Sympathy from RAAF Units for Dental Surgeon... goldfields Letters of Sympathy from RAAF Units for Dental Surgeon ...Letters of Sympathy from RAAF Units for Dental Surgeon "Mervyn Clive Townsend" lost on HMAS SYDNEY on 15/11/41. Refer Cat No. 2313P for Townsends service.1. Handwritten letter on white paper. Paper headed with RAAF stamp and name of Military Base. 2. Handwritten letter on cream white paper. Royal Australian Air Force stamp in top left corner and name of RAAF Unit in right corner. 3. Handwritten letter of cream white paper. Stamp at top of bird with outstretched wings with crown at top.1. Listed from RAAF Station, Nhill, Victoria and dated 3/12/41, signed by “Edward Campbell”. 2. Listed No. 1 School of Technical Training, Radio Mechanics Course, Dated 1st December and signed “Allan Davis”. 3. Listed No. 2 METO Course, School of Technical Training and dated 3/12/41.hmas sydney, kia, ww2, mervyn clive townsend -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTERS of SYMPATHY, Dec 1941
... LETTERS of SYMPATHY...Letters of Sympathy from various businesses for the Dental... goldfields Letters of Sympathy from various businesses for the Dental ...Letters of Sympathy from various businesses for the Dental Surgeon "Mervyn Clive Townsend", KIA on sinking of HMAS SYDNEY on 15/11/41. Refer Cat No. 2313P for Townsends service.Various handwritten letters from different businesses to parents of M.C. Townsend. 1. From Commercial Bank of Sydney on blank white paper and black writing, dated Dec 1st '41. 2. From Longman's Green & Co Ltd, London, on Company letterhead note paper dated Dexc 1st 1941. 3. From Royal Standard Hotel - on white blank note paper dated 8th Dec '41. 4. From Hemingway & Robertson, Accountants, typed letter in black. Dated 4th Dec '41. 5. From J.A. Rodgers & Co - Wine Merchants - on white letterhead note paper, dated 1st Dec '41.letters, ww2, hmas sydney, kia, mervyn clive townsend -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTERS of SYMPATHY, DEC 1941
... LETTERS of SYMPATHY... white piece of paper. Letter LETTERS of SYMPATHY ...Letters of condolence written to parents of "M.C. Townsend" KIA on sinking of HMAS SYDDNEY on 15/11/41. Refer to Cat No. 2313P for Townsends service.1. Handwritten letter of Sympathy from John Lemmon, Parliament House, Victoria. Stamp of Legislation Assembly, Victoria on top. 2. Handwritten letter from Electoral office, Bendigo to parents, on folded over white piece of paper.1. Signed “John Lemmon”, Headed - Parliament House, Melbourne C1, and dated 11/12/41. 2. Signed “Tilbert J. Boyle”, Headed Electoral Office Bendigo and dated 2/12/41.hmas sydney, kia, ww2, mervyn clive townsend -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTERS of SYMPATHY, Sgt D.P. Pullen, DEC 41
... LETTERS of SYMPATHY...SYMPATHY LETTERS... writing. Letter LETTERS of SYMPATHY Sgt D.P. Pullen ...Letter of Sympathy from RAAF Unit for Dental Surgeon "Mervyn Clive Townsend", lost on HMAS SYDNEY on 15 /11/41. Refer Cat No. 2313P for Townsends service.Letter of Sympathy from Sgt D.P. Pullen. White faded paper, lined with emblems on top of each page for YMCA, Salvation Army, A.C.F. and Returned Sailors and Soldiers League. Both pages same structure with handwritten message in black writing.Listed from “401581, Sgt Pullen D.P. No.1 ED RAAF”hmas sydney, sympathy letters, mervyn clive townsend -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BUSH COLLECTION: CARDS/LETTERS (SYMPATHY)...Letters and sympathy cards relating to the death of Mrs. S... PERSON Family bush collection (family Letters and sympathy cards ...Letters and sympathy cards relating to the death of Mrs. S. A. (Nina) Bush. Approx 70 letters or cards.person, family, bush collection (family -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Sympathy Cards Mc Intyre, 1917 and 1918
... acknowledging letters of sympathy sent to them on the loss of their sons ...Standard sympathy cards sent by family acknowledging the loss of their sons killed during World War OneStandard sympathy cards sent by parents acknowledging letters of sympathy sent to them on the loss of their sons.2 Cards and one envelope stuck to white a4 paperEnvelope Addressed to Mrs J MC Intyre Elcho Lara Australia, includes a one penny stamp. Two standard printed Cards " Thanking you for your kind Sympathy ........." . One card from Mr. and Mrs. Lodge for the loss of their son Corporal James A lodge ( France March 26 1917) Little River and the other from Mr. and Mrs. J Duggan Lara on the loss of their son Private Horace James Duggan. (France 27th March 1918) For God, King and Country with the Australian and English flag. -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - SYMPATHY LETTER and ENVELOPE, 1) 27.11.1917. .2) 2.12.1917
... and death. Sympathy letters Military .1) “In the field 27.11.17 ...The letter is to Mr J Pierce from Chaplain Carter 6th BTN AIF with sympathy for the loss of his son George Frederick Pierce DCM. Refer Cat No 1891P for his service details, award and death..1) Letter on graph paper written by hand in blue ink. .2) “OHMS” envelope, yellowed and stamped in red, “passed by sensor”.1) “In the field 27.11.17”, “George W Carter Chaplain 6th BTN AIF”. .2) “Mr Pierce Sebastian Post Office Via Bendigo Victoria Australia”sympathy, letters, military -
Bendigo Military Museum
Re Lieut William Edwin Cook British Army, KIA. Refer 398P, 401, 655.3. Letter of condolence or sympathy, original. Small, yellow background. red coat of arms at top with "Buckingham Palace" underneath. Short typed note with signature of King George V.letters, the king -
Essendon Football Club
Thank you card, 1954
Cards were sent by John Coleman in response to letters of support received after he injured his knee in 1954. He never played again. Thank you card on cream cardboard with rounded corners and message in calligraphy script printed in blue ink; message reads: "Sincere thanks for your kind expressions of Sympathy and Good-will during my recent football injury. I can asssure you it is deeply appreciated. John Coleman." Handwritten message in blue ink on back of card reads: "Thanks, Ray, for your very nice letter. The "Dons" are going along well now, don't you think. (Should make the four). Kind regards, John Coleman. essendon football club, john coleman -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Ten letters mostly to the Secretary of the St. Paul's Red Cross. Some are apologies for non attendance at meetings, one is a list of members at a meeting. One refers to St Paul's Circle about to disband. One is an expression of sympathy from P R Smith. One mentions a meeting of St Paul's R C C held on 13/9/1939. One mentions inviting the members of the St Paul's Ladies Guild to the Annual Meeting of the Bendigo Branch.essential services, red cross, letter, john jones collection - letters to red cross, mrs jones, e m weeks, geetie wirth, r brooks, mrs chalmer, b marsh, i marsh, nellor, w malloy, c malloy, j malloy, e malloy, f henderson, t jones, w jones, j gall, cambridge, woolterton, a wallis, vains, willman, mrs pickford, anne harris, michell, g alexander, anthony, j rowe, muriel vains, s webster, gladys christie, edna pickford, vera c francis, p r smith, o williams, mrs secombe, e mallory, mrs maddern, mrs f jones -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Letter - Expression Of Sympathy Regarding Loss Of Chalet, 29.08.1961
Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This letter is significant because it reflects the relationship between Bob Hymans and the Management Committee.A letter from the Management Committee expressing sympathy for the loss of Grand Coeur Chalet by fire. They also request to be informed of Mr Hymans' intentions regarding rebuilding.falls creek tourist area management committee, grand coeur chalet