Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Photograph [copy], Council Family Hotel, Cotham Road, circa 1888, c.1888
... licenees - ryan family... - kew (vic) licenees - ryan family Mrs Ryan Exterior - Council ...
The Council Family Hotel was the fifth of the eight hotels to be licensed in Kew during the 19th Century. They were licensed in the following date order: The Woodman Inn (1854), The Harp of Erin (1854), O’Shaughnessy’s Kew Hotel (1855), the Prospect Hill Hotel (1858), the Council Family Hotel (1861), the Princess Hotel (1864), the Clifton Hotel (1868) and the Greyhound Hotel (1873).Rare photograph of a landmark Kew hotelExterior - Council Family Hotel in Cotham Road, Kew (Vic) with Mrs Ryan, wife of the licensee at frontMrs Ryanhotels - kew, council family hotel - kew (vic), licenees - ryan family