Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Hub for artists to unite, 22/05/2013
... lin van hecke... in Montmorency in 2013 with an exhibition of paintings by Lin van Hecke... of paintings by Lin van Hecke, inspired by the murder of Jill Meagher ...
The Busybird Publishing Studio Gallery opened in Montmorency in 2013 with an exhibition of paintings by Lin van Hecke, inspired by the murder of Jill Meagher. The Gallery is owned by Kev Howlet and Blaise van Hecke.This is a new gallery opened in Montmorency, aiming to bring local artists together.News article, text and colour image.DV Leader May 22 2013.busybird publishing studio gallery, linvanhek, lin van hecke, blaise van hecke, kev howlett, montmorency