Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Tin Tea Pyramids Blend, early 1900's
... loose leaf tea containers... was not overlooked by the "canny" rural family. loose leaf tea containers ...
This early 1900's tin which contained loose leaf blended tea was imported into Australia by those tea merchants who wanted to provide the Australian tea drinkers with quality tea. It could well be early Lipton distributors to both city and rural clients and consumers. This was in a period when most rural families were heavy tea drinkers. It was well before the introduction of coffee as a drink (especially instant) for the early morning, after meals and general "drink any time" pick me up beverage.This relatively large tea tin marks a period in time when loose leaf tea was in great demand and large quantities were not only used by families but also restaurants, workers mess halls and remote large rural families. The ability to obtain a quick tea supply in semi remote rural areas such as the Kiewa Valley was not possible due to the factors of all weather road access and the economics of traders going out of their way. Stocking up with important beverages, such as tea, was a "one of those things" that early rural communities had to endure with. Bulk storage tins such as this item were not only a requirement but also offered storage for other household items. This usefulness was not overlooked by the "canny" rural family.This large metal tin container was specifically manufactured for the kitchens requiring a bulk storage "bin" type of loose leaf tea content. When emptied, it could also be used as a general kitchen storage container for other bulk consumables.On the front side and in the background, there are three sketches of Egyptian pyramids(increasing in size from left to right). At the forefront there is a camel "train" loaded with supplies and handlers, making their way over the sandy desert going towards a large sign(in a freehand script) "PYRAMIDS BLEND". The left side "Specially Selected" and underneath "PURE TEAS" below this and within a circle is the figure of a Geisha clad of Asian appearance (with a fan in a raised hand with boxes(of varying sizes) around her. All these are in (off white design and wording on a green background. On the back in green print on off white background "PYRAMIDS BLEND" and underneath "OF SPECIALLY SELECTED PURE TEAS". On either side are columns of similar print. To the left "THESE UNRIVALLED BLENDS ARE GUARANTEED TO CONTAIN ONLY PURE TEAS".To the right "SPECIALLY SELECTED FROM THE CHOICE GROWTHS OF CHINA INDIAN & CEYLON". Below both columns is "for delicacy & fragrance of flavor, combined with great strength, and are confidently recommended to the public as the best values in teas obtainable" On the last side is a sketch of an " Indian encircled, holding a staph with palm trees in the background and four tea containers on his left, with "PYRAMID BLEND" as a subject heading. There are two Oxen pulling a two wheeled cart with a load of six large boxes. On lid and barely readable "FIVE POUNDS NET"loose leaf tea containers, food storage tins, kitchen tidies