National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Pamphlet, A Summary of the War Situation in the country over the past days
... Lunar New Year...From the 30th to the 1st day of Tet (Lunar New Year...From the 30th to the 1st day of Tet (Lunar New Year ...
From the 30th to the 1st day of Tet (Lunar New Year), the VC have shamelessly violated the truce that they themselves proposed. The have attacked a number of town in Central Vietnam and in the Highlands. On the nights of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of Tet, they have taken advantage to infiltrate into the capital, Saigon - and into Gia Dinh and Cho Lon. They have also attacked in the provinces of the 3rd and the 4th Tactical Zones to destroy infrastructure and public utilities. However, thanks to the rapid reaction of the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, they have been completely and humiliatingly defeated. (1968)
On the reverse side reads: Herewith are the casualty rates of us and the enemy: Period: 30-01-68 - Our causalities 282 killed and wounded. Enemy 2,338 killed on the spot, 182 captured.
Period 1-02-68 - Our soldiers: 203 killed and wounded. Enemy 2,617 killed, 198 captured.
Period 2-02-68 to 12 midday: Our soldiers 211 killed and wounded. enemy 2,112 killed, 119 captured.
Summary: Our casualties: 706, Enemy casualties 7,561.
Enemy weapons captured: 144 crew-served weapon; 2,253 individual weapons.TONG KET TINH HINH CHIEN SU TRON 3 NGAY - VUA QUA TREN TOAN QUOC - A Summary of the war situation in the country over the past days: On one side there is information in Vietnamese and on the reverse side the information is in a table format.pamphlet, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, viet cong, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment, terry michael collie, 2790361, lunar new year, central vietnam, saigon, gia dinh, cho lon