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matching military album
The Beechworth Burke Museum
... military album... annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day. military album military ...Taken some time between 1914-18, the photograph depicts an aerial view of trenches in France. The image mostly shows rural landscape, although there is a house in the bottom right corner. A dotted line has been drawn across the photograph, marking the section of trenches that belonged to British forces during World War I. It is believed that the line marking on this record denotes a section of the Western Front. The Western Front was the main theatre of war during World War I. Following the outbreak of war in August 1914, the German Army opened the Western Front by invading Luxembourg and Belgium, then gaining military control of important industrial regions in France. The German advance was halted with the Battle of the Marne. Following the Race to the Sea, both the French-British and German armies dug in along a meandering line of fortified trenches, stretching from the North Sea to the Swiss frontier with France. Between 1915 and 1917 there were several offensives along the Western Front. The attacks employed massive artillery bombardments and massed infantry advances. Entrenchments, machine gun emplacements, barbed wire and artillery repeatedly inflicted severe casualties during attacks and counter-attacks and no significant advances were made. Among the most notable of these offensives were the Battle of Verdun (1916), the Battle of the Somme (1916), and the Battle of Passchendaele (1917).The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day.Sepia rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Obverse: A.3FE.O.146 / G2R 29 . 6 . 18 (Y p.m) / F= 10 1/4 / British Line / ------------------------------------------ / P. 250 1040 / 0. 30d. 0010 / 0. 30d. 3070 /military album, military, war, wwi, world war i, france, great britain, trenches, village, rural, western front -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
... military album... annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day. military album military ...Taken some time between 1914-18, the photograph depicts an aerial view of trenches in France. The image mostly shows rural landscape, although there is a cluster of houses in the top right corner. It is believed that this record denotes a section of the Western Front. The Western Front was the main theatre of war during World War I. Following the outbreak of war in August 1914, the German Army opened the Western Front by invading Luxembourg and Belgium, then gaining military control of important industrial regions in France. The German advance was halted with the Battle of the Marne. Following the Race to the Sea, both the French-British and German armies dug in along a meandering line of fortified trenches, stretching from the North Sea to the Swiss frontier with France. Between 1915 and 1917 there were several offensives along the Western Front. The attacks employed massive artillery bombardments and massed infantry advances. Entrenchments, machine gun emplacements, barbed wire and artillery repeatedly inflicted severe casualties during attacks and counter-attacks and no significant advances were made. Among the most notable of these offensives were the Battle of Verdun (1916), the Battle of the Somme (1916), and the Battle of Passchendaele (1917).The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Obverse: A.3.FE.2.291 / 62D O.20bd.P.25O.C / 16.7.18 / 12 / F 8 1/4 / Reverse: 6532military album, military, army, war, wwi, world war i, france, trenches -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1944
... military album...-wave, information systems and satellite links. military album ...Taken in 1944, depicted are two unidentified soldiers presumed to be part of the Army Signal Detachment Unit. They are cooking a meal outdoors around Mt. Stanley. A secret experimental micro-wave radio station was established and tested near this site by the Army Signal Detachment Unit during World War II. It was part of an experimental Ultra High Frequency (UHF) link between Melbourne and Sydney. At the time, it was highly classified. It intended to enquire into the hitherto unexplored transmission of micro-waves; that is, a radio signal which could only be transmitted by line of sight, and thus required hill-top to hill-top location.The photograph is historically significant as it pertains to World War II; the largest global conflict in history. This significance is enhanced by Australia's prominent involvement in campaigns across the Pacific, particularly on land in New Guinea and across the Huon Peninsula. It was also the first time that the Australian mainland came under direct attack by the Axis, with Japanese forces targeting north-west Australia and Sydney Harbour. These battles became Australia's largest and most complex offensives during the war. The record is also historically significant as it relates to the Royal Australian Corps of Signals, or "RA Sigs". This significance is strengthened by Australia's unique distinction of having the first established signal unit under the British Empire. This unit provides electronic warfare. They enable commanders to implement highly dynamic battle control against opposing forces by using a number of methods including radio, fibre optic, micro-wave, information systems and satellite links.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: BMM5095.6 / Our Cookhouse / 32 /military album, army album, military, war, wwii, world war ii, army signal detachment unit, royal australian corps of signals, mt stanley, beechworth, victoria, melbourne, sydney -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1944
... military album..., defence and foreign policies after 1945. military album army album ...Taken in 1944, the photograph depicts an Australian Army truck driving along an unsealed road from Stanley to the top of Mt. Stanley. A secret experimental micro-wave radio station was established and tested at Mt. Stanley by the Army Signal Detachment Unit during World War II. It was part of an experimental Ultra High Frequency (UHF) link between Melbourne and Sydney. At the time, it was highly classified. It intended to enquire into the hitherto unexplored transmission of micro-waves; that is, a radio signal which could only be transmitted by line of sight, and thus required hill-top to hill-top location.The photograph is historically significant as it pertains to World War II; the largest global conflict in history. This significance is enhanced by Australia's prominent involvement in campaigns across the Pacific, particularly on land in New Guinea and across the Huon Peninsula. It was also the first time that the Australian mainland came under direct attack by the Axis, with Japanese forces targeting north-west Australia and Sydney Harbour. These battles became Australia's largest and most complex offensives during the war. The record is also historically significant as it relates to the Royal Australian Corps of Signals, or "RA Sigs". This significance is strengthened by Australia's unique distinction of having the first established signal unit under the British Empire. This unit provides electronic warfare. They enable commanders to implement highly dynamic battle control against opposing forces by using a number of methods including radio, fibre optic, micro-wave, information systems and satellite links. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing scholarly and public interest in war, military history, the ANZAC legend, and the continuing existence of the RA Sigs. The historic context of this record can provide insight into Australia's history, military, technological innovation and advancements, as well as national economic, defence and foreign policies after 1945.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: BMM5095.7 / The track up (?) from / Stanley to the top / 32 /military album, army album, military, war, wwii, world war ii, army signal detachment unit, royal australian corps of signals, beechworth, victoria, stanley, mt stanley, melbourne, sydney -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
... military album... April, known as ANZAC Day. military album military war world war ...Taken on an unknown date, depicted is a full-length portrait of a young, unidentified male soldier. He is dressed in an Australian military uniform. It is believed that this soldier was part of The Australian Imperial Force during World War I. This can be inferred by the 'Rising Sun' collar badge on his coat. Australia, unlike most other Commonwealth countries, did not adopt metal regimental badges during the First World War. All units were issued with the Australian Army General Service Badge, better known as the 'Rising Sun’ badge. This insignia is almost always identified with the Australian Imperial Force.The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The first significant Australian action of the war was the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force’s (ANMEF) landing on Rabaul on 11 September 1914. The ANMEF took possession of German New Guinea at Toma on 17 September 1914 and of the neighbouring islands of the Bismarck Archipelago in October 1914. On 25 April 1915, members of the AIF landed on Gallipoli in Turkey with troops from New Zealand, Britain, and France. This specific event holds very strong significance within Australian history. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day.Black and white postcard printed on card.Reverse: BMM 2640 / POST CARD / KODAK / 5 CORRESPONDENCE / ADDRESS ONLY / AUSTRAL / AUSTRAL / KODAK / R. McGEEHAN, PHOTO, 57 ELM GROVE RIPPONLEA, / EXTRA COPIES & ENLARGEMENTS OBTAINABLE. /military album, military, war, world war i, wwi, australian imperial force, aif, rising sun, uniform, portrait -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
... military album... April, known as ANZAC Day. military album military war world war ...Taken on an unknown date, depicted is a portrait of a young, unidentified male soldier kneeling beside a grave in a cemetery. He is dressed in an Australian military uniform. The cemetery pictured is the Arnos Vale Cemetery in Bristol, United Kingdom. There are multiple crosses marking graves in this photograph, all marked in memory of different soldiers who fought with the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) during World War I. It is believed that the soldier who is kneeling was also part of the Australian Imperial Force. This can be inferred by the chevron rank insignia visible on the uniform. The placement of this insignia on the sleeve of the right arm suggests that this soldier was either a Warrant Officer or a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO). Another signifier of the Australian Imperial Force uniform are the three inverted chevron stripes positioned on the lower part of the left sleeve, near the wrist. These are called Good Conduct Stripes and were worn by Warrant Officers and NCOs. This patch consisted of a single chevron stripe for each year of military service meeting certain requirements of good conduct. Additionally, the man in this photograph is also wearing a 'Rising Sun' collar badge on his coat. Australia, unlike most other Commonwealth countries, did not adopt metal regimental badges during the First World War. All units were issued with the Australian Army General Service Badge, better known as the 'Rising Sun’ badge. This insignia is almost always identified with the Australian Imperial Force. Furthermore, the grave that this unidentified soldier is kneeling next to is the resting place of Private John James (J. J.) Simpson. He was born in Stanley, Victoria in 1883. He enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force in Melbourne, Victoria on 12 July, 1915, with the service number 4909. John James Simpson was then posted to the 60th Company Depot at Seymour for military recruit training. John James Simpson was reported wounded in action in France on 19 July, 1916. He was admitted to 13th General Hospital, France with gunshot wounds to his legs. From Boulogne, France, he traveled to the United Kingdom aboard the Hospital Ship 'St. Denis' for medical care. Upon arrival, he was admitted to 2nd Southern General Hospital, Bristol, England on 27 July, 1916. John James Simpson passed away from his wounds on 1 August, 1916. He was 33 years old.The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The first significant Australian action of the war was the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force’s (ANMEF) landing on Rabaul on 11 September 1914. The ANMEF took possession of German New Guinea at Toma on 17 September 1914 and of the neighbouring islands of the Bismarck Archipelago in October 1914. On 25 April 1915, members of the AIF landed on Gallipoli in Turkey with troops from New Zealand, Britain, and France. This specific event holds very strong significance within Australian history. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day.Sepia rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper mounted on card.Obverse: A.I.F. / AUSTRALIA / 441, PTE.T. / T (?) / 26B (?) / 6.1.17 / (?) / LANGTON RD. / ST. ANNES PK. / BRISTOL / A.I.F. / AUSTRALIA. / 708, GNR B.L.CRAWFORD. / FR / 5 D.A.C. / 13.2.17 / A.I.F. / AUSTRALIA. / 4481, P (?) D.MORRIS. / (?) / 31.12.(?) / A.I.F. / AUSTRALIA. / 4909, PTE J.J.SIMPSON. / 608(?) / 1.8.16 / Winchester / LANGTON RD. / ST. ANNES PK / BRISTOL / Reverse: 2641 /military album, military, war, world war i, wwi, australian imperial force, aif, j. j. simpson, uniform, cemetery -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1908
... military album... study and research. military album military war wwi world war i ...Taken in 1908, the photograph depicts a long line of Australian soldiers riding atop horses. They marching down Ford St, Beechworth. This group were part of the Beechworth Mounted Rifles; a voluntary detachment of the Australian Light Horse Militia. This unit consisted of soldiers from the Euroa, Longwood, Violet Town, Benalla, Thoona, Wangaratta, Rutherglen, and Beechworth Detachments of Victorian Rifles, and subsequently formed into the 8th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles). The Victorian Mounted Rifles was gazetted as a volunteer formation on 2 December 1885 with the aim of consolidating all the disparate calvary units dispersed across Victoria into a coordinated and single administrative and military unit. The Victorian Mounted Rifles fought in the Second Boer War (1889 - 1902), although it is unknown if the group depicted in this image were involved in the conflict.The photograph is historically significant due to its connection to the Australian Light Horse Regiment, specifically of the Victorian Mounted Rifles. This unit retains a special significance within Victorian culture, as there is a memorial and monument - erected in 1903 - honouring their service on St. Kilda Road in Melbourne. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing scholarly and public interest in war, military history, and the ANZAC legend. The historic context of this record can provide insight into Australia's history, military and defence policies. Lastly, as the Victorian Mounted Rifles remain a largely unexplored topic in comparison to other military units and divisions, the record presents a unique opportunity for further and important study and research.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.military album, military, war, wwi, world war i, beechworth, ford st, parade, horses, mounted rifles, soldiers, victorian mounted rifles, australian light horse militia -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
... military album... album army war wwi world war i france charleroi train military ...Taken some time between 1914-18 in France, the photograph depicts extensive wreckage of a railway train. There are collapsed buildings, debris, and helmets scattered all across the landscape. There is one unidentified soldier standing in the middle of the photograph. With research that is currently available, it can be inferred that the wreckage depicted in this photograph is from the tragic Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne derailment which occurred on December 12, 1917. The railway accident involved a troop train carrying almost 1,000 French soldiers on their way home for leave from the Italian Front in World War I. As the train descended into the Maurienne Valley, a sudden, uncontrollable acceleration caused a catastrophic crash and subsequent fire. 675 people died in the accident.The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day. Additionally, there is only limited information available about the Sant-Michel-de-Maurienne derailment. The record may be a useful springboard for further investigation into this accident and its history.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: 6530 / Destruction of train carrying / German helmets (?) to (?) prior to / his retreat at Charleroi /military album, army, war, wwi, world war i, france, charleroi, train, military, wreckage, europe, belgium, saint-michel-de-maurienne, maurienne valley -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
... military album.... military album army military war wwi world war i sport football ...Taken some time between 1914-18, depicted is a large group of unidentified males. Four of them are dressed in Australian military uniforms. The remaining 19 men are dressed in striped uniforms. The male in the centre of the front row is cradling a football, suggesting that the group was part of a football or rugby league team. It is believed that the soldiers in this photograph were part of the Australian Imperial Force. This can be inferred by the chevron rank insignia visible on their uniforms. The placement of this insignia on the sleeve of the right arm suggests that this soldier was either a Warrant Officer or a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO). Additionally, they are also wearing 'Rising Sun' collar badges on their coats. Australia, unlike most other Commonwealth countries, did not adopt metal regimental badges during the First World War. All units were issued with the Australian Army General Service Badge, better known as the 'Rising Sun’ badge. This insignia is almost always identified with the Australian Imperial Force. Sport has always been entwined with war. Both sport and war demand peak physical fitness, camaraderie, strategy, and allegiance to a team collaboratively working towards a common goal: to win. The connection between sport and war is especially strong in Australia since these two concepts form the basis of our national identity. The Australian War Memorial has a number of World War I recruitment posters linking war and sport in its collection. One of the posters produced in 1915 by the State Parliamentary Recruiting Committee in Victoria attempted to shame young men into enlisting by juxtaposing the image of an Australian soldier standing guard over his deceased mate with a photograph of a Victorian Football League match. Another poster, produced in 1917, features vignettes of different sports including cricket, bowling, boxing, kayaking and golf. Its slogan reads, "Join Together - Train Together - Embark Together - Fight Together: Enlist in the Sportman's 1000".The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day. Additionally, the record presents a unique opportunity to further explore the relationship between the arts, sport and war. This statement of significance has already established that war is integral to Australia's national identity - and sport is of equal importance. Specifically, the record begs to question how the peak physical fitness and camaraderie valued in team sports were creatively translated into military recruitment campaigns during World War I. Evidently, this record and its historic context demonstrates that there is potential here, and if further research is completed on this topic, it may provide insight into Australian military recruitment tactics used in the past and present, and into the future.Sepia rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper mounted on card.Reverse: 6529 / hyossest (?) / (?)1/11/1 /military album, army, military, war, wwi, world war i, sport, football, rugby, aif, australian imperial force -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
... military album... on the fequently misaligned sections. burke museum military album trench ...Taken during World War I on the Western Front, this photograph depicts four soldiers dressed in full uniform and kit walking through muddy trenches on wooden duckboards.On the Western Front, the war was fought by soldiers in trenches. Trenches were long, narrow ditches dug into the ground where soldiers lived. They were very muddy, uncomfortable and the toilets overflowed. These conditions caused some soldiers to develop medical problems such as trench foot. There were many lines of German trenches on one side and many lines of Allied trenches on the other. In the middle was no man's land, which soldiers crossed to attack the other side. 'Duckboards' (or 'trench gratings') were first used at Ploegsteert Wood, Ypres in December 1914. They were used throughout the First World War being usually placed at the bottom of the trenches to cover the sump-pits, the drainage holes which were made at intervals along one side of the trench. This made it easier to pump out the pits when necessary. The raised edges of the boards in theory helped protect men's feet from accumulated water; walking along them (especially at night and in the wet) was something of an art as it was easy to lose one's footing and slip or trip on the fequently misaligned sections.Sepia rectangular reproduced photograph on matte photographic paperReverse: 6528/ (A copyright and reproduction notice from the Australian War Museum, printed in blue ink)/burke museum, military album, trench warfare, duckboards, soldiers, ww1, wwi, world war 1, world war i, western front -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Postcard, 1916
... military album... and Australia in the past and present. military album army war wwi world ...The photograph on the obverse side of the postcard was taken in Egypt on 4 March 1916, during World War I. Depicted are three unidentified Australian soldiers part of the Australian Imperial Force. They are dressed in military uniforms. Each of these men are seated atop a camel's back. All three camels are draped in - what are believed to be - traditional Egyptian textiles, including tassels, carpets and beads. In the background, we can see a triangular pyramid and the Great Sphinx of Giza. The Australian Imperial Force (AIF) were established by the Australian government in August 1914. This announcement marked the beginning of Australia's involvement in World War I. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The first contingent of the AIF departed Australia by ship in November 1914. England was their destination. Although, their convoy was diverted to Egypt after the Australian High Commissioner in London, Sir George Reid, and the British military authorities unanimously agreed that the overcrowded military camps in England were unsuitable for so many men over winter. The AIF disembarked in Alexandria, Egypt on 3 December 1914, and the men moved to training camps near Cairo. It was in Egypt that the AIF and the New Zealand Expeditionary Force (NZEF) formed one united corps - the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC). This group of troops trained in the desert beneath the pyramids until March 1915.The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. On 25 April 1915, members of the Australian Imperial Force landed on Gallipoli in Turkey with troops from New Zealand, Britain, and France. This specific event holds very strong significance within Australian history. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day. The record's unique research potential is strengthened by its relationship to a historically significant site: the Egyptian pyramids. Since the postcard was produced in 1916, the record can be used as primary evidence for historians and conservationists studying these sites, or how these sites have evolved over time. The record may also be a useful resource for those interested in the history of Egyptian textiles. Furthermore, it may also provide insight into international relations between Egypt and Australia in the past and present.Sepia rectangular postcard printed on paper.Obverse: 172 / Reverse: 6536 / CARTE POSTALE / 4/3/16 / Rough riders under / the shadow of the / pyramids /military album, army, war, wwi, world war i, egypt, pyramid, great sphinx of giza, textiles, australian imperial force, aif, uniform -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Postcard, 1918
... military album... April, known as ANZAC Day. military album army aif uniform ...It is believed that the photograph on the obverse side of the postcard was taken in 1918. Depicted are ten Australian male soldiers. Their names are transcribed in pencil on the reverse side of the postcard. Each soldier is dressed in a formal military uniform. It is believed that these soldiers were part of The Australian Imperial Force during World War I. This can be inferred by the chevron rank insignia visible on the uniforms of nine of ten men. The placement of this insignia on the sleeves of their right arms suggests that they were either Warrant Officers or Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO). Specifically, the number of chevron stripes - here, nine men have three - are believed to signify a Corporal rank. The men pictured on this postcard are also wearing 'Rising Sun' collar badges on their coats. Australia, unlike most other Commonwealth countries, did not adopt metal regimental badges during the First World War. All units were issued with the Australian Army General Service Badge, better known as the 'Rising Sun’ badge. This insignia is almost always identified with the Australian Imperial Force. Another characteristic of the Australian Imperial Force uniform are the rectangular colour patches worn by all men on this postcard. In March 1915, a new scheme of unit identification was devised to replace the wearing of unit titles. This consisted of cloth colour patches on the upper arms of a soldier’s tunic. The black and white nature of the record means that we cannot establish which battalion these soldiers were part of. However, one of the handwritten signatures on the reverse side of the postcard reads "W.A. Griggs". This was the signature of Sergeant William Archibald Griggs. Further research shows that Griggs was part of the 5th Australian Division Signals Company. Therefore, it is believed these soldiers were part of the ANZAC Signal Companies. The main role of the Signal Companies during World War I was the laying and maintenance of telephone cables and switchboards, used to connect various units in their area. Furthermore, the man standing in the back row, third from the left side, has an Overseas Service chevron patch on his coat. In January 1918, the Australian Imperial Force approved the wearing of the overseas service chevrons which had been adopted by the British Army. These were embroidered or woven inverted chevrons worn above the cuff on the right arm. Due to a shortage of supply, some men had chevrons privately made. For each year of war service, a blue chevron was awarded, and those men who had embarked in 1914 received a red chevron to indicate that year’s service; however, the black and white nature of the postcard makes it difficult to determine what colours are on this man's patch.The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The first significant Australian action of the war was the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force’s (ANMEF) landing on Rabaul on 11 September 1914. The ANMEF took possession of German New Guinea at Toma on 17 September 1914 and of the neighbouring islands of the Bismarck Archipelago in October 1914. On 25 April 1915, members of the AIF landed on Gallipoli in Turkey with troops from New Zealand, Britain, and France. This specific event holds very strong significance within Australian history. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day.Black and white rectangular postcard printed on paper.Obverse: Oh 'Serg!' / Reverse: CARTE POSTALE / 6537 / Correspondance / Adresse / w.a. Grigg / J. Fain / Ruckling / R.J Farrar / (?) / Clarke / L (?) / GFFisher / R. M. Forrest / With Compliments / Sgt's Mess / November 1918 /military album, army, aif, uniform, military, wwi, world war i, rising sun badge, william archibald griggs, anzac, signal companies, postcard, patches, chevron -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
... military album... April, known as ANZAC Day. military album army aif australian ...The photograph on the obverse side of the postcard was taken some time between 1914-1918. Depicted are five unidentified Australian soldiers. They are all dressed in military uniforms. It is believed that these soldiers were part of The Australian Imperial Force during World War I. This can be inferred by the 'Rising Sun' collar badges on their coats. Australia, unlike most other Commonwealth countries, did not adopt metal regimental badges during the First World War. All units were issued with the Australian Army General Service Badge, better known as the 'Rising Sun’ badge. This insignia is almost always identified with the Australian Imperial Force. Another characteristic of the Australian Imperial Force uniform are rectangular colour patches. One is visible on the soldier in the front row, first from the left on this postcard. In March 1915, a new scheme of unit identification was devised to replace the wearing of unit titles. This consisted of cloth colour patches on the right arms of a soldier’s tunic. The sepia nature of the record means that we cannot determine the colour, and therefore cannot establish which battalion this soldier was part of. Furthermore, the man seated in the middle of the front row has an Overseas Service chevron patch on his coat. In January 1918, the Australian Imperial Force approved the wearing of the overseas service chevrons which had been adopted by the British Army. These were embroidered or woven inverted chevrons worn above the cuff on the right arm. Due to a shortage of supply, some men had chevrons privately made. For each year of war service, a blue chevron was awarded, and those men who had embarked in 1914 received a red chevron to indicate that year’s service; however, the sepia nature of the postcard makes it difficult to determine what colours are on this man's patch.The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The first significant Australian action of the war was the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force’s (ANMEF) landing on Rabaul on 11 September 1914. The ANMEF took possession of German New Guinea at Toma on 17 September 1914 and of the neighbouring islands of the Bismarck Archipelago in October 1914. On 25 April 1915, members of the AIF landed on Gallipoli in Turkey with troops from New Zealand, Britain, and France. This specific event holds very strong significance within Australian history. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day.Sepia rectangular postcard printed on paper.Reverse: CARTE POSTALE / hyossest (?) / 6538 /military album, army, aif, australian imperial force, postcard, wwi, world war i, portrait, soldiers -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, c. 1918
... military album...-bretonneux ruins military album Reverse: (A copyright ...Taken in c. 1918, this photograph depicts the ruins of the French village Villers-Bretonneux. In the foreground of the image are rows of shell damaged houses and buildings. In the background of the image stands a tower of the ruined church.On 24 April, Villers-Bretonneux was captured by the Germans as they advanced towards the regional city of Amiens. If they achieved their goal and drove onto the French coast, splitting the British and French armies, the Allied cause might have been lost. The fate of Amiens hung in the balance as two Australian brigades were given the task of retaking Villers-Bretonneux through a swift night-time counter attack. One brigade would assault from the south, while another would attack from the north. The assault began at 10pm on 24 April. The 13th Brigade in the south were held up by German machine guns, before the Australians linked up east of the village. After dawn on 25 April Australian and British troops were involved in fierce fighting to clear the Germans from the village. Some Germans escaped Villers-Bretonneux through nearby woods. Later on the morning of 25 April, three years to the day after the Anzacs landings at Gallipoli, French and Australian flags were raised over Villers-Bretonneux.Black and white rectangular reproduced photograph printed on matte photographic paperReverse: (A copyright and reproduction notice from the Australian War Museum, printed upside-down in blue ink) Church x Ruins/ Villers Bretonneux/ (in pencil) burke museum, world war 1, ww1, wwi, france, australia, villers-bretonneux, ruins, military album -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 5 November 1917
... military album... characterize the remainder of the war on the Western Front. military ...Taken on the 5 November 1917 by James Francis Hurley, this photograph depicts the a war damaged Ypres. The shell damaged wall of the Cloth Hall is featured in the centre of the photograph, with an army vehicle and personal are located on the street beneath the ruined wall.First Battle of Ypres, (October 19–November 22, 1914), first of three costly World War I battles centred on the city of Ypres (now Ieper) in western Flanders. Attempted flank attacks by both the Allies and the Germans failed to achieve significant breakthroughs, and both sides settled into the trench warfare that would characterize the remainder of the war on the Western Front.Black and white rectangular reproduced photograph printed on mate photographic paperReverse: 6525/ (A copyright and reproduction notice from the Australian War Museum, printed upside-down in blue ink)military album, burke museum, world war one, world war 1, ww1, ypres, belguim, ruins, first battle of ypres, james francis hurley -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, c. 1917
... military album... to the Canadians. military album burke museum beechworth military vehicle ...This photograph depicts the third battle of Ypres (Battle of Passchendaele). Depicted is a trench battlefield that has been turned to mud. Two army tank vehicles have been buried in the mud of the trenches. A single soldier stands in the background surveying the battlefield.After mid-1917, and following mutinies in the over-strained French Army, the British Forces had to assume an even greater role in the war on the Western Front. For Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, the British commander-in-chief, this provided an opportunity to launch an offensive that he had long wanted. Attacking from Ypres in Belgium, he planned to drive the Germans from the surrounding dominant ridges and even hoped to reach the Belgian coast. Following on the success at Messines in June, he unleashed his great attack on 31 July 1917. Fighting went on, often in appalling weather and despite crippling losses, until November. Finally, with the army stuck in muddy fields churned up by the artillery fire, the bloody offensive came to an untidy close. Many would afterwards call this offensive, actually a series of battles, after the name of the village that had become the last objective – 'Passchendaele'. In the Battle off Passchendaele, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Australian Divisions captured Broodseinde Ridge on 4 October 1917. It was a vital victory. But, then it began to rain. Five days later the 2nd Australian Division suffered heavily in a further attack in the mud. Finally, on 12 October, another attack, involving the 3rd Division assisted by the 4th, was made against the village of Passchendaele atop the main ridge. In the face of heavy fire, the men fought in the mire while struggling to keep up with their artillery barrages. Ground was taken but it could not be held. In wretched conditions, with casualties mounting at an appalling rate, the Australians had to fall back. The troops were finally exhausted and could do no more; by 15 November they handed over to the Canadians.Black and white rectangular reproduced photograph printed on mate photographic paperReverse: 6523/ (A copyright and reproduction notice from the Australian War Museum, printed upside-down in blue ink)/military album, burke museum, beechworth, military vehicle, trenches, trench warfare, wwi, world war one, world war 1, ypres, belgium -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
... military album... as ANZAC Day. military album wwi world war i villers-bretonneux ...Taken some time between 1914-18, the photograph depicts an aerial view of Villers-Bretonneux in France, a region which was part of the Western Front during World War I. The image mostly shows rural landscape. The Western Front was the main theatre of war during World War I. Following the outbreak of war in August 1914, the German Army opened the Western Front by invading Luxembourg and Belgium, then gaining military control of important industrial regions in France. The German advance was halted with the Battle of the Marne. Following the Race to the Sea, both the French-British and German armies dug in along a meandering line of fortified trenches, stretching from the North Sea to the Swiss frontier with France. The First Battle of Villers-Bretonneux occurred between 30 March - 5 April 1918. It took place during Operation Michael, part of the German Spring Offensive on the Western Front. The offensive began against the British Fifth Army and the Third Army on the Somme, and pushed back the British and French reinforcements on the north side of the Somme. The capture of Villers-Bretonneux, close to Amiens, a strategically important road and rail-junction, would have brought the Germans within artillery-range. In late March, troops from the Australian Imperial Force were brought south from Belgium as reinforcements to help shore up the line. In early April, the Germans launched an attack to capture Villers-Bretonneux. After a determined defence by British and Australian troops, the attackers were close to success until a counter-attack by the 9th Australian Infantry Brigade and British troops late in the afternoon of 4 April restored the situation and halted the German advance on Amiens. The Second Battle of Villers-Bretonneux occurred between 24 - 27 April 1918, during the German Spring Offensive to the east of Amiens. It is notable for being the first occasion on which tanks fought against each other. A counter-attack by two Australian brigades and a British brigade during the night of 24 April partly surrounded Villers-Bretonneux, and on 25 April, the town was recaptured. On 26 April, the role of the Moroccan division of the French army was crucial in pushing back German units. Australian, British and French troops nearly restored the original front line by 27 April.The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. Additionally, the record's significance is enhanced by its depiction of Villers-Bretonneux. The battles that occurred in this town during World War I are especially historically significant to Australia as this is where the Australian Imperial Force had one their greatest World War I victories. An Australian flag still flies over Villers-Bretonneux in the present. Furthermore, a plaque outside the Villers-Bretonneux Town Hall recounts the battles fought to save the town in 1918. Kangaroos feature over the entrance to the Town Hall, and the main street is named Rue de Melbourne. More officially, recognition of the significance of the battle in Villers-Bretonneux is found at the Australian National Memorial, which was built just outside the town. It commemorates all Australians who fought in France and Belgium and includes the names of 10,772 who died in France and have no known grave. Each year, a small ceremony is held at the memorial to mark the sacrifice made by the soldiers. Lastly, the record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day.Sepia rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Obverse: yAE.2.35. / 125 / 62d.2834.35.36.VA.5. / 12.G.18-11 / F.-(?)" /military album, wwi, world war i, villers-bretonneux, australian imperial force, aif, france, war, army, conflict, germany, 1918, battle -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Newspaper - Photograph, c.1950
... Military Album... Museum World War One Military Album Trenches Nighted Queen ...Taken in the 1950s, this picture is of two veterans of the First World War, Colonel Sir William Leggatt and Brigadier Sir Lionel Harris who fought together in France over 30 years prior. The two men were invested by the Queen at Buckingham palace as Knights, a prestigious honour for Australian soldiers, who for another 20 years would have no official recognition by the Australian government through the 'Order of Australia.' This image showcases the role of Australian service members who fought during the first world war being honoured by the British Government, personally meeting the Queen. Black and white photograph accompanied by text below taken from a NewspaperObverse: VICTORIA'S Agent-General, Colonel Sir William Leggatt (right) and his old / cobber's Brigadier Sir Lionel Harris, outside Buckingham Palace yesterday after hav- / ing received the accolade form the Queen. Thirty-two years ago as sergeant and private / they shared a trench in France. Yesterday as they waited to be knighted by the / Queen, Sir William said, "if anyone had told us then that we were ever going to / meet like this, we would have thought he was off his block. - Today's radiophoto / Reverse: 6539 (in pencil) / burke museum, beechworth, beechworth museum, world war one, military album, trenches, nighted, queen, buckingham palace, wwi, sir william leggatt, sir lionel harris -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, c1914
... Military Album... War One Military Album Burke Museum Beechworth Beechworth ...Aerial photograph of a battle field in France during World War OneBlack and white rectangular photograph printed on photographic paperObverse: Railway / British Line (in pen) / Reverse: Villers Brut /military album, burke museum, beechworth, beechworth museum, world war one, wwi, trenches, aerial photo, aerial photo trenches -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, c1914
... Military Album... War One Military Album Burke Museum Beechworth Beechworth ...Aerial photograph of a battle field in France during World War OneBlack and white rectangular photograph printed on photographic paperReverse: 6534 / Australian Official Photographs, No. E1253 /military album, burke museum, beechworth, beechworth museum, world war war, wwi, trenches, aerial photo, battlefield -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1944
... military album..., defence and foreign policies after 1945. military album army album ...Taken in 1944, the photograph depicts the surrounding farmland from Mt. Stanley in Victoria. A secret experimental micro-wave radio station was established and tested at this site by the Army Signal Detachment Unit during World War II. It was part of an experimental Ultra High Frequency (UHF) link between Melbourne and Sydney. At the time, it was highly classified. It intended to enquire into the hitherto unexplored transmission of micro-waves; that is, a radio signal which could only be transmitted by line of sight, and thus required hill-top to hill-top location.The photograph is historically significant as it pertains to World War II; the largest global conflict in history. This significance is enhanced by Australia's prominent involvement in campaigns across the Pacific, particularly on land in New Guinea and across the Huon Peninsula. It was also the first time that the Australian mainland came under direct attack by the Axis, with Japanese forces targeting north-west Australia and Sydney Harbour. These battles became Australia's largest and most complex offensives during the war. The record is also historically significant as it relates to the Royal Australian Corps of Signals, or "RA Sigs". This significance is strengthened by Australia's unique distinction of having the first established signal unit under the British Empire. This unit provides electronic warfare. They enable commanders to implement highly dynamic battle control against opposing forces by using a number of methods including radio, fibre optic, micro-wave, information systems and satellite links. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing scholarly and public interest in war, military history, the ANZAC legend, and the ongoing existence of the RA Sigs. The historic context of this record can provide insight into Australia's history, military, technological innovation and advancements, as well as national economic, defence and foreign policies after 1945. Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: BMM5095.1 /military album, army album, wwii, world war ii, army signal detachment unit, mt. stanley, beechworth, victoria, 1940s, australian army, melbourne, sydney, royal australian corps of signals -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1944
... military album..., defence and foreign policies after 1945. military album army album ...Taken in 1944, the photograph depicts the view of surrounding hills from Mt. Stanley. A secret experimental micro-wave radio station was established and tested at this site by the Army Signal Detachment Unit during World War II. It was part of an experimental Ultra High Frequency (UHF) link between Melbourne and Sydney. At the time, it was highly classified. It intended to enquire into the hitherto unexplored transmission of micro-waves; that is, a radio signal which could only be transmitted by line of sight, and thus required hill-top to hill-top location.The photograph is historically significant as it pertains to World War II; the largest global conflict in history. This significance is enhanced by Australia's prominent involvement in campaigns across the Pacific, particularly on land in New Guinea and across the Huon Peninsula. It was also the first time that the Australian mainland came under direct attack by the Axis, with Japanese forces targeting north-west Australia and Sydney Harbour. These battles became Australia's largest and most complex offensives during the war. The record is also historically significant as it relates to the Royal Australian Corps of Signals, or "RA Sigs". This significance is strengthened by Australia's unique distinction of having the first established signal unit under the British Empire. This unit provides electronic warfare. They enable commanders to implement highly dynamic battle control against opposing forces by using a number of methods including radio, fibre optic, micro-wave, information systems and satellite links. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing scholarly and public interest in war, military history, the ANZAC legend, and the ongoing existence of the RA Sigs. The historic context of this record can provide insight into Australia's history, military, technological innovation and advancements, as well as national economic, defence and foreign policies after 1945.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: BMM5095.2 / 32 /military album, army album, wwii, world war ii, army signal detachment unit, royal australian signal army corps, war, beechworth, victoria, mt. stanley -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1944
... military album... and foreign policies after 1945. military album army album beechworth ...Taken in 1944, the photograph depicts the view from Mt. Stanley. A secret experimental micro-wave radio station was established and tested at this site by the Army Signal Detachment Unit during World War II. It was part of an experimental Ultra High Frequency (UHF) link between Melbourne and Sydney. At the time, it was highly classified. It intended to enquire into the hitherto unexplored transmission of micro-waves; that is, a radio signal which could only be transmitted by line of sight, and thus required hill-top to hill-top location.The photograph is historically significant as it pertains to World War II; the largest global conflict in history. This significance is enhanced by Australia's prominent involvement in campaigns across the Pacific, particularly on land in New Guinea and across the Huon Peninsula. It was also the first time that the Australian mainland came under direct attack by the Axis, with Japanese forces targeting north-west Australia and Sydney Harbour. These battles became Australia's largest and most complex offensives during the war. The record is also historically significant as it relates to the Royal Australian Corps of Signals, or "RA Sigs". This significance is strengthened by Australia's unique distinction of having the first established signal unit under the British Empire. This unit provides electronic warfare. They enable commanders to implement highly dynamic battle control against opposing forces by using a number of methods including radio, fibre optic, micro-wave, information systems and satellite links. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing scholarly and public interest in war, military history, the ANZAC legend, and the ongoing existence of the RA Sigs. The historic context of this record can provide insight into Australia's history, military, technological innovation and advancements, as well as national economic, defence and foreign policies after 1945.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: BMM5095.3 / 32 /military album, army album, beechworth, victoria, mt. stanley, australian army, wwii, world war ii, royal australian signal corps, army signal detachment unit -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1944
... military album... and foreign policies after 1945. military album army album wwii world ...Taken in 1944, the photograph depicts the view from Mt. Stanley. A secret experimental micro-wave radio station was established and tested at this site by the Army Signal Detachment Unit during World War II. It was part of an experimental Ultra High Frequency (UHF) link between Melbourne and Sydney. At the time, it was highly classified. It intended to enquire into the hitherto unexplored transmission of micro-waves; that is, a radio signal which could only be transmitted by line of sight, and thus required hill-top to hill-top location.The photograph is historically significant as it pertains to World War II; the largest global conflict in history. This significance is enhanced by Australia's prominent involvement in campaigns across the Pacific, particularly on land in New Guinea and across the Huon Peninsula. It was also the first time that the Australian mainland came under direct attack by the Axis, with Japanese forces targeting north-west Australia and Sydney Harbour. These battles became Australia's largest and most complex offensives during the war. The record is also historically significant as it relates to the Royal Australian Corps of Signals, or "RA Sigs". This significance is strengthened by Australia's unique distinction of having the first established signal unit under the British Empire. This unit provides electronic warfare. They enable commanders to implement highly dynamic battle control against opposing forces by using a number of methods including radio, fibre optic, micro-wave, information systems and satellite links. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing scholarly and public interest in war, military history, the ANZAC legend, and the continuing existence of the RA Sigs. The historic context of this record can provide insight into Australia's history, military, technological innovation and advancements, as well as national economic, defence and foreign policies after 1945.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: BMM5095.4 / 32 /military album, army album, wwii, world war ii, mt stanley, beechworth, victoria, melbourne, sydney, royal australian corps of signals, army signal detachment unit, military, war -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1944
... military album..., defence and foreign policies after 1945. military album army album ...Taken in 1944, depicted are members of the Army Signal Detachment Unit with local residents at at Lake Kerferd. David Pittard (back row, right) is standing beside Dorrie Elliot. The other people are unidentified. A secret experimental micro-wave radio station was established and tested at this site by the Army Signal Detachment Unit during World War II. It was part of an experimental Ultra High Frequency (UHF) link between Melbourne and Sydney. At the time, it was highly classified. It intended to enquire into the hitherto unexplored transmission of micro-waves; that is, a radio signal which could only be transmitted by line of sight, and thus required hill-top to hill-top location.The photograph is historically significant as it pertains to World War II; the largest global conflict in history. This significance is enhanced by Australia's prominent involvement in campaigns across the Pacific, particularly on land in New Guinea and across the Huon Peninsula. It was also the first time that the Australian mainland came under direct attack by the Axis, with Japanese forces targeting north-west Australia and Sydney Harbour. These battles became Australia's largest and most complex offensives during the war. The record is also historically significant as it relates to the Royal Australian Corps of Signals, or "RA Sigs". This significance is strengthened by Australia's unique distinction of having the first established signal unit under the British Empire. This unit provides electronic warfare. They enable commanders to implement highly dynamic battle control against opposing forces by using a number of methods including radio, fibre optic, micro-wave, information systems and satellite links. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing scholarly and public interest in war, military history, the ANZAC legend, and the continuing existence of the RA Sigs. The historic context of this record can provide insight into Australia's history, military, technological innovation and advancements, as well as national economic, defence and foreign policies after 1945.Sepia rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: BMM5095.5 / Relaxing with some of / the Stanley locals / David Pittard (back row Rt.) / next to Dorrie Elliot / I can't recall the others / Lake Sambell, I think / Kerferd /military album, army album, lake kerford, army signal detachment unit, royal australian corps of signals, military, war, wwii, world war ii, beechworth, victoria, sydney, melbourne -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1944
... military album... and foreign policies after 1945. military album army album wwii world ...Taken in 1944, the photograph depicts two trucks and a trailer park at an undisclosed location inside the Stanley forest. An unidentified young man is standing in the background. There are also two tents installed on either side of the vehicles. A secret experimental micro-wave radio station was established and tested in Stanley, Victoria by the Army Signal Detachment Unit during World War II. It was part of an experimental Ultra High Frequency (UHF) link between Melbourne and Sydney. At the time, it was highly classified. It intended to enquire into the hitherto unexplored transmission of micro-waves; that is, a radio signal which could only be transmitted by line of sight, and thus required hill-top to hill-top location.The photograph is historically significant as it pertains to World War II; the largest global conflict in history. This significance is enhanced by Australia's prominent involvement in campaigns across the Pacific, particularly on land in New Guinea and across the Huon Peninsula. It was also the first time that the Australian mainland came under direct attack by the Axis, with Japanese forces targeting north-west Australia and Sydney Harbour. These battles became Australia's largest and most complex offensives during the war. The record is also historically significant as it relates to the Royal Australian Corps of Signals, or "RA Sigs". This significance is strengthened by Australia's unique distinction of having the first established signal unit under the British Empire. This unit provides electronic warfare. They enable commanders to implement highly dynamic battle control against opposing forces by using a number of methods including radio, fibre optic, micro-wave, information systems and satellite links. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing scholarly and public interest in war, military history, the ANZAC legend, and the continuing existence of the RA Sigs. The historic context of this record can provide insight into Australia's history, military, technological innovation and advancements, as well as national economic, defence and foreign policies after 1945.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: BMM5095.8 /military album, army album, wwii, world war ii, army signal detachment unit, royal australian corps of signals, ra sigs, stanley, army truck, victoria, beechworth, melbourne, sydney -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1944
... military album... and satellite links. military album army album wwii world war ii army ...Taken in 1944, the photograph depicts an Australian Army vehicle with a trailer driving through bushland in Victoria. A secret experimental micro-wave radio station was established and tested in Stanley, Victoria by the Army Signal Detachment Unit during World War II. It was part of an experimental Ultra High Frequency (UHF) link between Melbourne and Sydney. At the time, it was highly classified. It intended to enquire into the hitherto unexplored transmission of micro-waves; that is, a radio signal which could only be transmitted by line of sight, and thus required hill-top to hill-top location.The photograph is historically significant as it pertains to World War II; the largest global conflict in history. This significance is enhanced by Australia's prominent involvement in campaigns across the Pacific, particularly on land in New Guinea and across the Huon Peninsula. It was also the first time that the Australian mainland came under direct attack by the Axis, with Japanese forces targeting north-west Australia and Sydney Harbour. These battles became Australia's largest and most complex offensives during the war. The record is also historically significant as it relates to the Royal Australian Corps of Signals, or "RA Sigs". This significance is strengthened by Australia's unique distinction of having the first established signal unit under the British Empire. This unit provides electronic warfare. They enable commanders to implement highly dynamic battle control against opposing forces by using a number of methods including radio, fibre optic, micro-wave, information systems and satellite links.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: BMM5095.9 / Our outfit (fully mobile) / on the move / 32 /military album, army album, wwii, world war ii, army signal detachment unit, royal australian corps of signals, ra sigs, australian army, army truck, beechworth, stanley, victoria, melbourne, sydney -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1944
... military album... and foreign policies after 1945. military album army album wwii world ...Taken in 1944, the photograph depicts a van with two large, round satellite dishes installed on the roof stationed near Mt. Stanley, Victoria. There is a transmission tower in the background. Four unidentified young men are in the foreground on the right hand side. A secret experimental micro-wave radio station was established and tested at this site by the Army Signal Detachment Unit during World War II. It was part of an experimental Ultra High Frequency (UHF) link between Melbourne and Sydney. At the time, it was highly classified. It intended to enquire into the hitherto unexplored transmission of micro-waves; that is, a radio signal which could only be transmitted by line of sight, and thus required hill-top to hill-top location.The photograph is historically significant as it pertains to World War II; the largest global conflict in history. This significance is enhanced by Australia's prominent involvement in campaigns across the Pacific, particularly on land in New Guinea and across the Huon Peninsula. It was also the first time that the Australian mainland came under direct attack by the Axis, with Japanese forces targeting north-west Australia and Sydney Harbour. These battles became Australia's largest and most complex offensives during the war. The record is also historically significant as it relates to the Royal Australian Corps of Signals, or "RA Sigs". This significance is strengthened by Australia's unique distinction of having the first established signal unit under the British Empire. This unit provides electronic warfare. They enable commanders to implement highly dynamic battle control against opposing forces by using a number of methods including radio, fibre optic, micro-wave, information systems and satellite links. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing scholarly and public interest in war, military history, the ANZAC legend, and the continuing existence of the RA Sigs. The historic context of this record can provide insight into Australia's history, military, technological innovation and advancements, as well as national economic, defence and foreign policies after 1945.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: BMM5095.10 / Our station set-up / in operation beside / the old Fire Watchers / Tower / 32 / It was man-handled / the last 50m. to the top /military album, army album, wwii, world war ii, army signal detachment unit, royal australia corps of signals, military, war, australian army, mt. stanley, victoria, beechworth -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1944
... military album... and foreign policies after 1945. military album army album australian ...Taken in 1944, depicted is an aerial view of an Australian military camp set up at Mt. Stanley in Victoria. There are two large tents along with a vehicle and trailer surrounded by bushland. A secret experimental micro-wave radio station was established and tested at this site by the Army Signal Detachment Unit during World War II. It was part of an experimental Ultra High Frequency (UHF) link between Melbourne and Sydney. At the time, it was highly classified. It intended to enquire into the hitherto unexplored transmission of micro-waves; that is, a radio signal which could only be transmitted by line of sight, and thus required hill-top to hill-top location.The photograph is historically significant as it pertains to World War II; the largest global conflict in history. This significance is enhanced by Australia's prominent involvement in campaigns across the Pacific, particularly on land in New Guinea and across the Huon Peninsula. It was also the first time that the Australian mainland came under direct attack by the Axis, with Japanese forces targeting north-west Australia and Sydney Harbour. These battles became Australia's largest and most complex offensives during the war. The record is also historically significant as it relates to the Royal Australian Corps of Signals, or "RA Sigs". This significance is strengthened by Australia's unique distinction of having the first established signal unit under the British Empire. This unit provides electronic warfare. They enable commanders to implement highly dynamic battle control against opposing forces by using a number of methods including radio, fibre optic, micro-wave, information systems and satellite links. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing scholarly and public interest in war, military history, the ANZAC legend, and the continuing existence of the RA Sigs. The historic context of this record can provide insight into Australia's history, military, technological innovation and advancements, as well as national economic, defence and foreign policies after 1945.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: BMM5095.11 / Our camp / From the top. / (?) (?) /military album, army album, australian royal corps of signals, army signal detachment unit, mt. stanley, victoria, beechworth, wwii, world war ii, melbourne, sydney -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1910
... military album... December 1909. military album burke museum burke beechworth ...Lord Kitchener visited Seymour as part of his review of Australia's military capabilities. Lord Kitchener was Commander-in-Chief of the British Army at the time of his visit. At the invitation of Prime Minister Alfred Deakin, Kitchener visited Australia in 1909 to inspect the existing state of defence preparedness of the Commonwealth, and advise on the best means of providing Australia with a land defence. Kitchener’s report, submitted in February 1910, recommended the introduction of compulsory military training which was immediately adopted, as was the establishment of the Military College, Duntroon: It has been definitely decided that Seymour will be the site of the Kitchener camp. The troops which will make the strongest muster at the camp will be the Light Horse. This being so, the suitability of the chosen area for cavalry operations has necessarily had to be considered in selecting the site, and an additional factor is that Seymour is practically in the centre of the Light Horse districts. The country round Seymour is also suitable for artillery manoeurves, and there is no available area in the vicinity of Melbourne where these could be so well carried out. As it is considered that Field-Marshal Lord Kitchener will desire to see the troops on the move, the reason for choosing such a district as Seymour is apparent. The eight days to be devoted to the camp will be mainly occupied in moving the troops over a considerable area, and in carrying out certain tactical operations. Many of the sites recommended have been inspected by officers of the head quarter staff, and all that now remains is that the exact situation for the main camp should be selected, Major Luscombe will visit Seymour on Saturday to inspect the surround country, and select the most suitable places. The intention will be directed to sites closer to the town. Yea Chronicle (Yea, Vic), 9 December 1909. Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper and mounted on board.Obverse: Beechworth Light Horse (pen) / Kitchener Camp / Seymour / 1910 / Reverse: 8743 / Mrs R Scott / military album, burke museum, burke, beechworth, beechworth light horse, light horse, world war one, wwi, 1910