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matching night lanes
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, House in Doncaster East Road, 15/05/2001 12:00:00 AM
... night lanes... of a network of night lanes in Mitcham... Mitcham melbourne doncaster east road mitcham night lanes Coloured ...Coloured - House in East Doncaster Road, Mitcham which was moved in two pieces onto vacant site. Note lane on side - one of a network of night lanes in Mitchamdoncaster east road, mitcham, night lanes -
Orbost & District Historical Society
program, 1797
"The theatre itself was located in a barn close to the village pond. Its location is indicated on the attached 1827 map of Hampton Wick and the Swan arrowed where tickets were to be had. The picture of Ye Swan around 1900 is probably not too dissimilar to how it would have looked in 1797. One of the regular patrons at the theatre is believed to have been William, Duke of Clarence (later King William IV, uncle of Queen Victoria). The Duke lived in Bushy House about a mile away from the village and was a known devotee of theatrical entertainments. The theatre had disappeared by 1865. It would have been a touring company who were playing on the night of 3 October 1797." ( information from Ray Elmitt, historian of Hampton Wick ) The doors were to be opened at 6 to begin precisely at 7 o'clock,. Boxes were 3 shillings, Pit seats were 2 shillings and seats in the gallery were 1 shilling. Tickets could be bought at the printing office in Kingston or from Mr Ansel of Adam and Eve in Kingston or from Mr Pattenden of the Swan in Hampton Wick. "First Love" is a 1795 sentimental comedy play by the British playwright Richard Cumberland. It was first performed at the Drury Lane Theatre in May 1795. Frederick Mowbray becomes the protector of Sabrina Rosny after her abandoment by Lord Sensitive. The Agreeable Surprise is a 1781 comic opera to music by Samuel Arnold and a libretto by John O'Keeffe. The work in two acts was first performed at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket (London), on 3 September 1781. It was one of the most performed works of its kind in London in the last quarter of the 18th century. In England the 18th century saw the flourishing of theatre as a popular pastime. Many theatres were enlarged and new playhouses built in London and the provinces. This item was kept as a souvenir / memento and brought to Australia by an early settler.A very old program from the Richmond Company at the Theatre Hampton-Wick. It is white with black print. There are two performances - First Love and The Agreeable Surprise. There is a cast list for each. theatre hampton-wick-richmond-company -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Photograph - Digital Image, Peter Simmenauer, Storm damage, Barclay Park 2021, 27/10/2021
Storm damage incurred on night of 27-28/10/2021 at Barclay Park, cnr. Mackenzie Street & Plenty Lane, Greensborough. SES have lopped some of the dangerous tree limbs, but some are still resting on electric and communication wiring. Colour digital photographDate stamped: 31/10/2021barclay park, mackenzie street greensborough, plenty lane greensborough, storm damage -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Photograph - Digital Image, Peter Simmenauer, Storm damage, Barclay Park 2021, 27/10/2021
Storm damage incurred on night of 27-28/10/2021 at Barclay Park, cnr. Mackenzie Street & Plenty Lane, Greensborough. SES have lopped some of the dangerous tree limbs, but some are still resting on electric and communication wiring. Colour digital photographDate stamped: 31/10/2021barclay park, mackenzie street greensborough, plenty lane greensborough, storm damage -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Photograph - Digital Image, Peter Simmenauer, Storm damage, Barclay Park 2021, 27/10/2021
Storm damage incurred on night of 27-28/10/2021 at Barclay Park, cnr. Mackenzie Street & Plenty Lane, Greensborough. SES have lopped some of the dangerous tree limbs, but some are still resting on electric and communication wiring. Colour digital photographDate stamped: 31/10/2021barclay park, mackenzie street greensborough, plenty lane greensborough, storm damage -
Tramway Heritage Centre
Photograph Album (part of), Ray Pearson's Photo Album - Trams of Victorian Railways, Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong
Page 4 of Ray Pearson's Photo Album. Brown card page with two metallic look postcards (landscape format) placed on page using clear plastic photo corners. Both postcard images depict trams in Ballarat. Both postcards have come loose of two of their photo corners (top and bottom on the left) and are not secure on the page.Printed text to back of postcard at top: BALLARAT TRAMS / 1887 to 1971 / A series of four postcards. / NO. 2 EARLY ELECTRIC TRAMS / Electric trams first ran in / Ballarat on 18th Aigust, 1905. / Twelve of the horse trams were / converted to electric cars by lengthening them at both ends. / Eight of the remaining horse / trams were used as trailers to / the motor cars. / The electric trams were / given a secret trial during the / previous night to the opening / date, but the drivers clanged / the gongs so much that it / brought people out of their / beds in night attire. They / formed an unofficial guard of / honour around Wendouree / Parade. / The trams were gaily decor- / ated for Opening Day. As the / line of cars came down Camp / Hill (Sturt Street) filled with / local dignitaries, the brakes on / the last car failed and it crashed / into the one in front. The win- / dows of both cars were / smashed, and the occupants / who had been sitting in state / made an undignified exit. / Seating accommodation was / from 32 to 36. Six small electric / trams were purchased from the / Sydney Tramways in 1905 and / were converted to a similar / pattern to the 12 re-built / Ballarat horse trams. In 1906 / two open summer cars with / open cross seats (popularly / called toast racks) / were intro- / duced. These trams were packed at week-ends with / families en route to picnic by / the lake. A fine printed vertical line runs down the centre of the blank writing space to the left of the body text. Above is written: POSTCARD Printed text to right of image on bottom postcard: BALLARAT TRAMS / 1887 to 1971 / A series of four postcards. / NO. 4 THE LAST DAYS OF THE TRAMS / Despite opposition from reg- / ular tram users, the decision / was taken in 1971 to replace / the trams with buses. A brief / statement issued in July by the / Transport Boar marked the / end of the eighty-four years / during which the trams were an / integral part of the life of / Ballarat: “The change-over to / buses will begin on 23rd / August when buses will replace / trams to the Gardens via / Drummond Street North and / Victoria Street services. The / change on the Gardens via / Sturt Street West and Mt. / Pleasant will take place on 6th / September, and on the Sebas- / topol-Lydiard Street North / routes on Monday, 20th Sep- / tember.” A fine printed vertical line runs down the centre of the blank writing space to the left of the body text. Above is written: POSTCARDpostcard, ballarat trams, ballarat tramways, vintage trams, tram postcard, electric trams -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Music Sheets
A collection of 41 music sheets. 5 - The Blackpool Walk / Angels of the Mons 6 - Love is Where you Find It / A Little Love, A Little Kiss 9 - Brown Eyes, Why are You Blue? / Poor Little Me 12 - My Dear / Why / You're as Pretty as a Picture / My Own (2 Copies) 13 - Cinderella Sweetheart / Hi-Ho Silver 14 - That Week In Paris / Two Sleep People 16 - Rock it for me / Say THat You Care For Me 17 - On The Bumpy Road to Love / There's Honey On The Moon Tonight 18 - The Same Sweet You / On Parade 21 - Cinderella / The Chestnut Tree 22 - Skating Down The Old Mill Stream / What Have You Got That Gets Me 26 - All Ashore / Sixty Seconds Got Together 32 - I Go For That / Junior 33 - The Great Waltz / Don't Wake Up My Heart 34 - Strike Up The Band / Kinda Lonesome 35 - Peace Of Mind / minute For Modern Miss 37 - The Night / Honolulu 38 - Hang Your Heart On A Rickory Limb / That Sly Old Gentleman 40 - Grandma Said / Something to Sing about 41 - Loving You / Killy-Ka-lee / I'll Still Be Loving You 91 - Waltzes From Vienna 96 - To You Sweetheart Aloha / Did I Remember 102 - At The Close Of A Long, Long Day / I Have Lost Me Heart In Budapest 111 - Man Of My Dreams / Life Is Empty Without Love 120 - Have You Ever Been Lonely / Sitting In The Dark 121 - And So I Married The Girl / Someone to Care For 122 - Thank Heaven For You / All Over Italy 123 - There's a Bridle Hanging On The Wall / You'll Never Go To Heaven 125 - There's a Lull in my Life / A Nic Cup Of Tea 138 - On Wings of a Song / Harmony Lane 149 - Swing it Here to Sway / The One Rose 150 - What Harlem is Tome 156 - Fifty Million Robins Can't Be Wrong / Nice Work If You Can Get It 162 - Sail Along, Silvery Moon / I Love To Whistle 164 - I Double Dare You / The Snake Charmer 168 - Sweet As A Song / Toodle Do 177 - I've Got A Pocketful of Dreams / When The Organ Played Promise Me 182 - This May Be The Night / I've Got A Date With A Dream 179 - At A Perfume Counter / On Linger Longer Island 183 - I Married An Angel / Spring is Here -
National Wool Museum
Photo Album, 1930-1934
The Photo Album was created by Hans Beck, who interned with the donor's father (Wilhelm Eckels). The Photo Album depicts wool buying and sheep station related life between 1927-1939. Each photograph has been individually labelled.Straw coloured booklet with gold cursive writing on front cover spelling 'Photo Album'. Inside are 18 pages containing 63 photographs, each individually captioned. Internal pages show signs of age with discolouration, particularly in areas of previous adhesive application.Lettering, Front: Historic Interest Before WME arrived - 1930-1934 Wool & Sheep Photo Album Lettering, Internal by Page: Page 1 - Bottom Left Conner: Table from right:/ O. Hilbert sen. / WW. Richter, W. Ehrig/ Sampler: C. McCarthy/ at desk: E.S. Bottom Right Corner: 1927/ Wool Sample Room/ O. Hilbert/ Terranora Buildings/ Reiby Lane Page 2 - Bottom Middle: 1931/ Opening Sale/ Sydney Page 3 - Bottom Middle: 1934/ Opening Sale/ Sydney Page 4 - Bottom Middle: 1933/ Wool Auctions/ Brisbane Page 5 - Top Left Corner: 1930 Escapade/ Sydney to CAIRNS/ via Bourke, Central/ Queensland, Hinter-/ land & Atherton/ Table Lands Top Right Corner: Dubbo: Main Street/ (1st Night)/ 31.7.1930 Middle Right: 1st Night-"OUT"/ Stranded 11 miles/ from Bourke. (Red/ Dust in Carburettor Bottom Right Corner: Our "ERSKINE'/ hits Culvert &/ breaks both King-/pins. 1 1/2 miles from/ CUNNAMULLA SW-Q. Page 6 - Top Right Corner: "Rosevale Station"/ via Cunnamulla SWQ/ "Gidgi" country/ Gidgi Creak &/ Warrigo R. Middle Left: STAN HILL Page 7 - Middle Top: Blackhall/ Tattersall's Hotel/ Yarning at Cross-/roads. Middle Left: FO Wool Sales/ 22 Horse team Middle Right: Roadsign to:/ ISIS DOWNS &/ Homestead (Fart Page 8 - Middle Top: Muster: 3000 sheep/ Semi-circular/ Shearing shed/ ISIS DOWNS Page 9 - Middle Top: Shearer/ Water Tower/ Counting out/ pens Middle Bottom: Shearers Cook/ Hot Water & Soup/ Cake for Shearing/ Shed Charity Ball Page 10 - Middle Left: Isis Downs Home-/ stead with fire// flood Lookout./ Artesian Borewell Bottom Right: Manager: Moore/ & Alfred Loh-/ mann with kills/ Ducks & Emus Page 11 - Top Middle: PORTLAND DOWNS/ Muster: 10,000/ Sheep Bottom Left: Manager:/ Mr. Luck/ with A.L./Moore Page 12 - Middle Top: ROOKWOOD Station/ near/ HUGHENDEN/ Central NWQ Page 13 - Top Middle: 'HINTERLAND"/ Cattle country/ Spear Grass/ Tracks Bottom Middle: Crossings:/ Creeks: Quick/ Sand/ Rivers: rocky Page 14 - Middle Right: Lyndhurst stat/tion/ Head Stockman Middle Left: -Valley of la-/goons/ Station Bottom Right Corner: Master Atkinson/ saves/ Petrol shortage Page 15 - Top Middle: ATHERTON TABLELANDS/ LAKE BERRINE Middle Centre: Tropical Rainforest/ near/ Lake Berrine Page 16 - Top Middle: ATHERTON TABLELANDS/ Timber Country Bottom Middle Edge: CAIRNS/ Imperial Hotel Page 17 - Hans Beck with/ Betty Hilbert/ Lapstone Hill 1931 wool - transportation, wool sales, wool growing, wool growing agriculture farming, wool industry, wool sales - sydney, wool sales - brisbane, dubbo, 1930, bourke, cunnamulla, isis downs, shearing, shearing - lifestyle, portland downs, muster, hughenden, hinterland, lake berrine, cairns -
Ballarat Heritage Services
digital photographs, degraves street, 2017
... Office goldfields heritage melbourne lane laneway restaurants ...heritage, melbourne, lane, laneway, restaurants, night -
Sunbury Family History and Heritage Society Inc.
Photograph, Lamgama Park - Soccer Pitch, C 1970s
Sunbury United Soccer Club was established in 1973 by a group of expatriate Europeans who wanted to play the game they grew up with. Their first games were played on the recreation reserve in Evans Street on the ground designed for AFL football. (Now the site of a shopping complex). In August 1975, Sunbury United moved to its present home on seven and a half acres of sporting ground at Langama Park in Mitchells Lane . Over the years that area has developed and there are now three senior, and two junior soccer pitches with two cricket pitches and practice nets. Although there is still room for improvement to the floodlighting on the main pitch, the night games have proven successful. The Sunbury United Soccer Club has played an important roll in district competition and is one of the many sporting clubs in Sunbury.A non-digital black and white photograph of a soccer ground showing a set of goal posts with the clubrooms and change rooms in the, sunbury united soccer club, football, langama park, mitchells lane -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Laneway, off Stokes Street, Port Melbourne, Glen Cosham, 1998
Four (4) colour photographs of lane running off Stokes Street, between Nos. 18 and 20. In particular, showing the hatch at the rear of No.26 where the "dunny man" would collect the "night soil".built environment - domestic, stokes street -
Darebin Parklands Association
Interview by Reg Johnstone of Laurence J. Course, 5th November 1976, Laurie Course, 1976
Audio recordings, including a recording of a radio interview (approximately 12 minutes) in which Laurie Course discusses the early history of the Rockbeare Park; the significance of the area; and plans to develop the area into the Darebin Parklands.Audio tape. This item and all other Darebin Parklands Association archival material is now held by State Library Victoria (Accession No: YMS 13746). Please contact State Library Victoria if access is required.Covered with cardboard sleeve wth annotation that incluces: [Interview by Reg Johnstone of Laurence J. Course of the Rockbeare Park Conservation Group at 1.30 in the Hardware Lane Studio in Cyclone House & was broadcast on 3ZZ at 8.15 that night on Friday 5th November 1976]. Annotations also on tape itself.