Showing 2432 items
matching notice
St Kilda Historical Society
Administrative record - Notice, Final Notice Dog Act, 1915
Final notice of payment required for dog registrationCream coloured paper printed in blackAnnotated by hand to show date of issue (30 August 1915); the date of the first notice (10 August); the fine (5 shillings); and the recipient of the notice (Mr Kerry, 46 Selwyn Avenue, Elwood)city of st kilda, dog registrations, 1890 dog act - victoria -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Yarra Trams, "Notice to Employees - Lunar Festival and Riversdale Trackwork at Victoria and Hoddle Streets - 2010", "Notice to Employees - St Kilda Road Track Works Phase 2 - 2010", 2010
Set of three documents concerned with track works. .1 - Notice - three A4 stapled sheets - titled "Notice to Employees - Lunar Festival and Riversdale Trackwork at Victoria and Hoddle Streets - 2010", outlining bus replacement arrangements and staff supervision and CSE arrangements - lists names of people involved. .2 - Notice - three A4 stapled sheets - "Notice to Employees - St Kilda Road Track Works Phase 2 - 2010", outlining bus arrangements. .3 - List of Officers and locations for the above works on 14 June and tram services affected..1 - has "Hugh" in ink along the top of the first page. .3 - has "Hugh" in red ink along the top of the first page.trams, tramways, yarra trams, road works, victoria st, kew depot, st kilda rd, bus replacement -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Hard rubbish collection, City of Port Phillip. Port Melbourne Office. Important notice, 14 Jul 1994
First notice from amalgamated City of Port PhillipCity of Port Phillip. Port Melbourne Office. Important notice. Long pale yellow notice with black printing of hard rubbish collection. Four sections - English; Greek; Vietnamese; Turkish14 July 1994 (on back in Pat Grainger's writing). First notice from amalgamted cityutilities, city of port phillip, david graham -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Notice, Arbuckle Waddell Pty Ltd, "Notice Paper for Special Meeting of Caulfield City Council", c. 1957
Notice paper generated by council documenting the minutes of a special meeting of Caulfield City Council to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the proclamation and declaration of the "Caulfield Road District" and held as part of the 1957 Centenary of Caulfield Celebrations.Paper notice printed in black ink on cream colour paper, bound with red ribbon. 2x A3 sheets of paper folded to make a booklet including a cover and inside pages include an agenda; image of the Caulfield Town Hall; Council summons and a list of the Caulfield City Council. -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Notice to Employees - Remembrance Day Observance - Friday 11th November 1977", 3/11/1977 12:00:00 AM
Quarto paper duplicated notice titled "Notice to Employees - Remembrance Day Observance - Friday 11th November 1977", about observing two minutes silence at 11am on that day. Dated 3/11/1977.trams, tramways, notices to staff, anzac, remembrance day -
National Wool Museum
Booklet, Dennys, Lascelles Limited 1857 - 1957 Notice of Meeting and Annual Report to Members 1957, 1957
"Dennys, Lascelles Limited, Notice of Meeting and Annual Report to Members 1957l". Includes the Centenary Review (1957) Historical Summary by Philip L Brown.Three copies. Book, pale green coloured, paper cover printed in black. "Dennys, Lascelles Limited, Notice of Meeting and Annual Report to Members 1957". 14 pagesDennys, Lascelles Limited, Notice of Meeting and Annual Report to Members 1957wool brokering wool sales, dennys, lascelles limited, wool brokering, wool sales -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Notice, Notice of Eltham Community Centre involvement in the Eighth Eltham Community Festival October 15, 16, 17, 1982; 8 August 1982, 1982
David Sadedin, Coordinator Proposed program for Eltham Community Centre involvement in the Eighth Eltham Community Festival October 15, 16, 17, 19822 pages, photocopied of hand written notice on Eighth Eltham Community Festival letterheadNoted in green ink at top "Russell Yeoman P.O. Box 137 Eltham" (Shire of Eltham Historical Society Secretary)1982, david sadedin, eltham community centre, eltham festival -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), Notice to Passengers - New Year Celebration - Special Tram and Bus Services", 26/12/1940 12:00:00 AM
Notice or Timetable notice printed on off white paper, titled Notice to Passengers - New Year Celebration - Special Tram and Bus Services", for New Year celebrations 1940/41. Provides details of the last trams to various destination, other routes extended services and that all night services will be maintained with shorter intervals. Dated 26/12/1940, signed by S.M. Richardson as Manager.trams, tramways, st kilda, notices and information, timetables, events, all night services -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, The Melbourne Tramways Trust, "Notice Papers", 1885 - 1886
Collection of notice papers from meetings held 1885 of the Melbourne Tramways Trust - 22 sheets.trams, tramways, notice of meetings, minutes, melbourne tramways trust -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Notice to Employees - Staff Signalman and Ticket Examiner Relief Depot Starter", 30/06/1977 12:00:00 AM
Notice - duplicated foolscap sheet titled "Notice to Employees - Staff Signalman and Ticket Examiner Relief Depot Starter", calling for applications for the positions, gives salary range, conditions, closure date for applications. Dated 30/6/1977. Signed by W. Aird Secretary.trams, tramways, signalmen, mmtb, inspectors, officers, wages -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Special notice to conductors - Salvation Army Friday 19 December 1919. free riding by authorised collectors, 17/12/1919 12:00:00 AM
Notice of Memorandum - dated 17/12/19 duplicated onto a half foolscap sheet, titled "Special notice to conductors - Salvation Army Friday 19 December 1919. free riding by authorised collectors - gives time and conditions. Acting General Manager using a rubber stamp.trams, tramways, mmtb, donations, salvation army, fund raising -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Yarra Trams, "Notice to ESSuper Scheme Members", 4/01/2010 12:00:00 AM
Notice - A4 sheets, printed with Yarra Trams logos, titled "Notice to ESSuper Scheme Members", dated 4 Jan 2010 advising of three options in the job offer letter of November. 2009 with regard to their Superannuation. Gives details of the sessions at depots and actions to be taken. Singed by Des Davies Human Resources Director.trams, tramways, superannuation, yarra trams, employment, retirements -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, The Met, Public Transport Corporation, "Notice to Ticket Sellers - The Met - McDonalds special free travel offer.", Oct. 1991
Notice - single A4 sheet double sided, titled "Notice to Ticket Sellers - The Met - McDonalds special free travel offer.", dated 5/10/1991 to 30/11/1991. Gives details of the promotion, coupons, how managed and a sample layout of the coupon. Signed Andrew McLean, Group Manager, Revenue Management.trams, tramways, notices and information, notices to staff, free tram, mcdonalds -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Australian Tramway & Motor Omnibus Employees Association (ATMOEA), "Notice to Passengers - Support Tram workers' Action to Save the Footscray - Moonee Ponds Trams", Oct. 1985
Notice or Flyer or Pamphlet - printed on a yellow A4 sheet titled "Notice to Passengers - Support Tram workers' Action to Save the Footscray - Moonee Ponds Trams" about a stop work meeting to be held at Essendon Tram depot 23/10/1985 and that services will not be running - apologise and ask for public support. Authorised by the ATMOEA Essendon Depot.trams, tramways, essendon depot, atmoea, unions, footscray, moonee ponds, closure, services -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Notice to Traffic Staff - East Burwood Tram Route Extension", 13/07/1978 12:00:00 AM
Duplicated foolscap notice - titled "Notice to Traffic Staff - East Burwood Tram Route Extension", printed by the MMTB, dated 13/7/1978 - signed by R. C. Drummond as Traffic Manager, No. C 2768 - advising of the opening of the extension on 20/7/1978, tram stops, running times, traffic signal lights, toilet facilities and track telephones.trams, tramways, mmtb, east burwood, opening, new tramway -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Notice to Employees - War Gratuity Bonds", Jun; 1920
Notice - Gestetner printed foolscap sheet titled "Notice to Employees - War Gratuity Bonds", offering to purchase the bonds including interest, applicant had to have a need and contact person - J. D. Barton Accounts Officers. Signed using a machine stamp, W. O Strangward, Secretary 29/6/1920. See also Reg Item 4241 for other documents.trams, tramways, mmtb, world war 1, finances, bonds -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Notice - (Used Tickets)", Jan. 2022
Draft of a MMTB Notice, typed on a quarto sheet for passengers, "Notice - (Used Tickets)" advising passengers that it is an offence to litter streets by throwing used tickets away. Gives locations of baskets or bins in five location. in pencil in top right hand corner "OPK will you let me have two printed copies in due course" with initials and dated 21/1/22.Has various initials and the stamp of the Chief Managertrams, tramways, mmtb, tickets, passengers, behaviour -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Registrar of Court of Industrial Appeals, "Notice calling upon the Employees of the MMTB to nominated a representative on the Appeal Board", 8/06/1920 12:00:00 AM
.1 - Notice - printed on a foolscap sheet, titled "Notice calling upon the Employees of the MMTB to nominated a representative on the Appeal Board", calling for nominations under the MMTB Act 1918 for a person to represent them following the death of Mr. T. K. Partington. Dated 8/6/1920, signed W. H. Gray Registrar of Court of Industrial Appeals. .2 - "Notice of Poll for the election of Employee on Appeal Board" - gives names of two candidates for the election to be held on 20/7/1920 at 15 locations - signed by Vivian Tanner as Returning Officer. Candidates Robert Nathaniel Cooke and Jean Frederick Rigaldi. Two copies held.trams, tramways, mmtb, unions, appeals, election -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Tramway Board, "Special Notice - Last Cars", Jul. 1919
Notice, half foolscap sheet, titled "Special Notice - Last Cars" - giving times for the last cable cars from the city and suburban terminus - at about 7pm. A coal shortage due to strike action was the reason behind this. Issued by the Tramway Board. See Page 4 of The Argus 17/7/1919, accessed 29/12/2019.trams, tramways, tramway board, strike, cable trams, last tram -
St Kilda Historical Society
Administrative record - Notice, Notice to Householders. Regulation for the Removal of Dust and Kitchen Refuse, 1913
Notice to householders of St Kilda in 1913 about removal of kitchen refuse and house dust.Buff coloured paper printed in blackcity of st kilda, regulations -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, The Met, "Notice to Traffic Staff - New Type of Automatic Points", Nov. 1987
Photocopied Instruction or Notice titled "Notice to Traffic Staff - New Type of Automatic Points", 3 stapled A4 sheets detailing the operation of points fitted with an inductive loop control system at Spencer St in Bourke St (Up) and Clarendon St at Whiteman St (Down). Gives details of their operations, associated signals. Provides a diagram. Signed by Dennis Griffiths Regional Operations Manager, Northern 20/11/1987.trams, tramways, mmtb, points, operations, safety -
NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)
Notice Book - CTS, Teachers' Notice Book. Collingwood Technical School. 1914-1931, 1914-1931
The occasional notice from Principal or Vice Principal relating to staff duties and responsibilities.Instructions to staff in the formative yers of the school.Green hard cover minute book with memoranda pasted inside and signed by staff members.Notices are signed by Principal, and by staff after reading the notice.collingwood technical school, cts, staff notices, teachers, nmit, -
St Kilda Historical Society
Administrative record - Notice, Notice to the Burgesses and Ratepayers of St Kilda, 17 May 1869 (original)
Notice to St Kilda burgesses and ratepayers of proposed public works and a loan for the funding them, dated 17 May 1869 Photocopy of 3-page foolscap document, printed single sidedst kilda - history, borough of st kilda, 19th century -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Australian Tramway & Motor Omnibus Employees Association (ATMOEA), "Notice to Passengers - Today Tramway Workers are not wearing Uniforms", Mar. 1986
Notice to Passengers - Duplicated A4 sheet, both sides, titled "Notice to Passengers - Today Tramway Workers are not wearing Uniforms" about the Union's actions and views on the proposed Government reduction of services or employment changes in order to meet the budget. Notes less services, poorer maintenance, the growth of the MTA Management since 1983. Asks passengers to support by writing on the leaflet and sending to Tom Roper, Minister for Transport. Authorised by Jim Harper of the ATMOEA. Dated March 1986, no specific date.trams, tramways, notices and information, crews, unions, redundancies, atmoea, uniforms, mta, the met -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, The Met, "Notice to Passengers travelling on Latrobe Street tram services", Jun. 1989
Notice - A4 sheet - titled "Notice to Passengers travelling on Latrobe Street tram services" - advising that from Monday 26/6/1989, increased frequencies on the shuttle between Spencer St and Brunswick St, alterations to the routes 13, 14 and 93 - West Preston, Latrobe Uni and Bundoora and the Mont Albert route 23 and North Balwyn (route 24) services. Contact details provided and that timetables are available from The Met shop and depots. Two copies held.trams, tramways, the met, latrobe st, la trobe st, route 13, route 14, route 93, route 23, route 24, west preston, latrobe university, bundoora, mont albert, north balwyn -
St Kilda Historical Society
Administrative record - Notice, Valuation and General Rate Notice, 1948
A valuation and general rate notice that was issued in 1948 by the City of St Kilda for property held by the 2nd St Kilda Boy Scouts Troop.Pink coloured paper printed in black on both sides and inscribed with typed details in blueTyped details of addressee: Trustees 2nd. St. K. Boy Scouts Troop, 61b Pakington Street, St Kilda S.2. Typed details of assessment: no. 7702/4; location 59a/61a Pakington Street; net annual valuation 60 pounds; general rate 6 pounds 15 shillings. Valuations same as last year. Stamped notation that the general rate was twenty seven pence in the pound as made by the City of St Kilda on 10th November 1947boy scouts, city of st kilda, st kilda rates -
St Kilda Historical Society
Administrative record - Notice, Valuation and General Rate Notice, 1960
A valuation and general rate notice that was issued in 1960 by the City of St Kilda for property held by the 2nd St Kilda Boy Scouts Troop.Pink coloured paper printed in black on both sides and inscribed with handwritten details in blueHandwritten details of assessment: no. 8826; nett annual value £30; rates due £2-2-6. Stamped cash register receipt for payment made on 1 July 1960.boy scouts, city of st kilda, st kilda rates -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Increased wages to Employees", "Notice to Employees at Kew, Malvern and Hawthorn Depots", Jun; 1920
Set of two Notices - Gestener printed foolscap sheet titled Signed using a machine stamp, W. O Strangward, Secretary. .1 - dated 30/6/1920, titled "Increased wages to Employees" and "Temporary bonus to other employees" advising of the cost of living adjustment for those with an agreement and a bonus for those not under the Union agreement. .2 - dated 1/7/1920 - titled "Notice to Employees at Kew, Malvern and Hawthorn Depots" advising that the pay week will end on Sunday in lieu of Wednesday, to bring into line with other depots under the board control. Two copies held.+trams, tramways, mmtb, payroll, wages, unions, agreements, hawthorn depot, kew depot, malvern depot, pmtt, htt -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Public Transport Corporation (PTC), "Notice to Tram Patrons", 6/06/1995 12:00:00 AM
Printed A4 sheet - "Notice to Tram Patrons" - apology for disruption when the overhead was pulled down at Domain Interchange - Tuesday 6 June 1995. Signed by Russell Nathan, Managing Director, Met Tram. Printed on PTC paper in black and white. Has been folded into three.trams, tramways, ptc, domain junction, notices and information, overhead, accidents -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Notice to Conductors", Jul. 1979
Notice or Instruction to Conductors, duplicated foolscap sheet, No. D 2917, about the change over of ticket machines on buses from printing a cash fare value to a letter code. Gives a list of the transfer points that these tickets could be offered, and the value of the code letters. Signed by R. C. Drummond, 25/7/1979.trams, tramways, ticket machines, buses, tickets, transfer tickets