Showing 22 items
matching orb
Swan Hill Regional Art Gallery
Painting, BRIEN, Michael F, Golden orb spinner, 2008
Rubber Mould, Untitled
Round rubber mould depicting a kneeling male nude holding an orb.Nonematcham skipper, mould, rubber, male nude, orb -
Silicon Mould, Untitled
Oval silicon mould depicting a male nude holding an orb. Nonematcham skipper, mould, silicon, male, nude, orb -
Silicon Mould, Untitled
Silicon mould containing two designs both depicting a female nude bending around an orb.Nonematcham skipper, mould, silicon, female, nude, orb -
Federation University Art Collection
Ceramic - Artwork - Ceramics, High Rise by Grant Finck, c1987
Grant FINCK Grant Finck graduated from the Victorian College of the Arts in 1991. He started a professional career as a sculptor and ceramicist in the late 1970s, From 1993 Finck coordinated and was a design participant in a regionally based urban design program. From 1996 he has completed a substantial number of public sculpture commissions. In 1987 Grant Finck has a solo exhibition at the Switchback Gallery, Churchill.Earthernware dry glaze orb pot.ceramics, jan feder memorial ceramics collection, gippsland campus, grant finck, churchill -
Rubber Relief, Untitled
Oval rubber relief depicting two female nudes embracing an orb.Nonematcham skipper, mould, jewellery, female, nude -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Orb shaped glass jar with pattern around neck and pull off lid.Sicker with text 'Coal Creek'. -
Rubber Mould, Untitled
Round rubber mould depicting two figure groups standing upon orbs.Nonematcham skipper, mould, jewellery, nude -
Rubber Mould, Untitled (Atlas)
Oval mould of an oval design depicting a male nude carrying a large orb; possibly Atlas carrying the world. Nonematcham skipper, mould, jewellery, nude -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Pioneering East Gippsland, 1983
The author, Denis O'Bryan was an assistant forester in Orbost, 1977/78.This book is a chronological history of East Gippsland.A small paperback book with a bright orange front cover. It has a stylised picture with historical drawings of a settler, sheep and Aboriginal art. The book was written by Denis O'Bryan and is a chronological account of the history of East Gippsland. It contains black and white photos.In pen - Marina Johnson $5.95 stamp of Orbost Historical Society Box 344 2190 Orb ostpionering-east-gippsland o'bryan-denis history-east-gippsland -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Box, pill, 1930-1940 ref: Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences
As per another example in better condition displayed on shelf above Drawers 1+2 in Chemist ' Beechams Pills as sold by the proprietors St.Helens, Lancashire England. Beechams Pills Ltd. Melbourne VIC'. Earliest mention in Victorian Newspapers TROVE : Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 19 December 1884, page 7 'A WONDERFUL MEDICINE BEECHAMS PILLS Are admitted by thousands to be worth above a guinea a box for bilious and nervous disorders such as wind and pain in tho stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c The first dose will give relief in 20 minutes This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of cases. Every sufferer Is earnestly invited to try one box of these pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these pills are invaluable as a few doses of them carry off all humours and bring about all that is required No female should be with-out them There is no medicine to be found to equal Beecham's Pills for removing any obstruction or Irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver they act like "Magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine They strengthen tho whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame These are ' facts ' admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated Is Beechams Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world Full directions are given with each box Sold by all druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout the colonies'. Most recent article in Victorian newspapers : TROVE : Wodonga and Towong Sentinel (Vic. : 1885 - 1954), Friday 24 December 1954, page 1. 'MUM KNOWS BEST SHE KEEPS THE FAMILY FIT WITH BEECHAM'S PILLS SAFE because Beecham's Pills contain no harmful habit-forming drugs-they are a purely vegetable laxative. Pills balanced formula gives natural laxative action without harsh purgative effects banishes constipation. MOTHERS know how to keep growing children in their teens fit and happy-with Beecham' s Pill, the family laxative. TAKE Beecham's Pills WORTH A GUINEA A BOX'. Relevant local newspaper article reference : TROVE : Gippsland Times (Vic. : 1861 - 1954), Thursday 29 October 1942, page 1 'ln times like these old friends are best You will not have to go far before finding a friend who can tell you by personal experience how gentle and reliable Beecham's Pills are--and how effectively they banish head aches. digestive upsets and liverish ness. Purely vegetable....1/-....2/...per box Worth a guinea a box' Cylindrical wooden box with the remains of an orange, red and white printed label on top, containing small orb shaped pills.Label on lid : Beecham's pills...............Beecham's Pills Ltd., Melbourne, Vic.laxitive, pills -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document, Natalie Lloyd, Little Worlds: Australian Zoological Gardens, 2008
Article in Orb & Sceptre: Studies in British Imperialism and its Legacies, by Natalie Lloyd (ref. to Alfred Lynch's design of Melbourne Zoo)natalie lloyd, australia, zoological gardens, alfred lynch -
Bendigo Military Museum
Instrument - BUGLE, GERMAN WW1, Enemy Forces, 1914-1918
Refer Cat No 6631P re “Fleming” 1. THIS COAT OF ARMS, WAS ONE OF THE KINGDOM'S OF PRUSSIA. The sword and the mace pattern was used between about 1803 - 1898. (It was superseded by a sword and orb with a cross surmounted on the orb). This second pattern lasted till 1918 with the fall of the House of Hohenzollern). 2. CHR REISSER was a well known instrument maker in those days. 3. ULM is a town in Wurtemberg, Germany.This is a brass bugle. On top is a crest, it is set in a raised circle. It features an eagle wearing a crown - wings spread. One talon has a sword, the other talon has what appears to be a mace. The mouthpiece is secured with a short brass chain.Stamped at opening of the outside is "CHR REISSER" "ULM"ww1, bueles, germanic, bugle -
City of Ballarat
Public Artwork, Sir Edgar Bertram MacKennal, Queen Victoria Memorial Statue by Bertam MacKennal, 1902
The Queen Victoria Monument by Australian Sculptor Sir Bertam MacKennal has a granite plinth with 4 bronze picture plates and granite bowl. The work was once a drinking fountain with decorative bronze spouts and taps set into the columned granite base. Queen Victoria died 22 January 1901, this work was commissioned and gifted to the City of Ballarat by the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. This work marked the end of her long reign on the English throne and as Empress of the British Empire including Australia. This magnificent statue commemorates the reign of Queen Victoria (1837 - 1901), and is located in Sturt Street, Ballarat, just outside the Town Hall. Listed on the Victorian Heritage Database (B7272), the Queen Victoria Monument is significant to the people of Victoria. The Queen Victoria Monument, Ballarat, is a key component of Sturt Street in Ballarat, a notable streetscape of the late Victorian era. It represents a pivotal element in the extensive series of public art forms erected during the late nineteenth century in the heyday of Ballarat and added to during the twentieth century. The Queen Victoria Monument is an over life size statue mounted on a freestone pedestal containing four bronze relief interpretive plaques. It is situated in front of the Ballarat Town Hall, a prominent position on the wide notable picturesque boulevard of Sturt Street. The presence of the monument in the notable Sturt Street gardens precinct together with other significant statues is of importance. The Queen Victoria Monument at Ballarat is historically significant as a fine example of a tribute to the reigning monarch, initiated by citizens, on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee, prior to her death. It reflects the fervour of the citizens of the town that played an important role in the development of the State of Victoria during the latter half of the nineteenth century. The Monument is important for its aesthetic characteristics in that it displays a combination of excellent examples of the artistry and technical skills of the sculptor E.B. MacKennal. These elements are evident in design, carving, and in casting of relief modelling.Sicilian marble statue of Queen Victoria with hand outstretched holding the Sovereign's Orb with small gold angel figure. Includes granite plinth with 4 bronze elements and granite bowl. Victoria Dei Gratia Britt Regina Fid. Def. Ind. Imp. 1900. Incorporates four fine bronze scenes from her life; Accession to the Throne (1837), Coronation (1838), Diamond Jubilee (1897) and Signing of the Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth (1900).queen victoria -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Postcard - Alice McGregor Postcard Collection, 1900 - 1920
Alice McGREGOR Born: 1908; unknown parents. Possibly adopted by the Salter family? Electoral Roll 1936: Highland Terrace Kangaroo Flat. Alice Mary Salter and William Robert Salter living together; presumed to be sister and brother. William Robert Salter was killed in a MVA in Bendigo in 1937 aged 26. In Victoria in 1938, Alice Mary Salter married James Thomas McGregor (born Victoria 1917, died Victoria 1983, buried Fawkner Cemetery) Lived: 1968; 22 Wade Street Golden Square Alice McGregor Died: 1999 aged 91 at Anne Caudle Centre, Bendigo Buried: Kangaroo Flat Cemetery See additional research. Postcard Album of Alice McGregor contained 86 post cards.Postcard Album of Alice McGregor containing 86 post cards. See 1400 Colour image of a female statue on a plinth holding an orb beside a lake. Two swans on lake. Pine trees at RHS Addressed to Miss A. Stapleton, Arcade, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia Sender - Unknown Stamp dated 9 July 1905 Addressed to Miss A. Stapleton, Bendigo, Victoria postcard, collector, alice mcgregor -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Print - Commemorative Portrait, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Ca. 1954
This commemorative framed print was a gift presented by Freemason, Worship Brother J. Wishart Junior, who also had the title of Worshipful Master of the Masonic Lodge from 1983-1954. This print was possibly presented by Wor. Bro. J. Wishart to the Masonic Lodge in Warrnambool the year following the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, just after Wishart completed his term as the Worshipful Master of the Lodge. It is likely that the portrait was also part of the furnishings when one of Flagstaff Hill's village buildings was set up as a 19th century style Masonic Lodge, as shown in the map of the village in 1994 and was activated by a member of the Masonic Lodge. (Before this time the building was a Reference Library, and some time afterwards it was a Reading Library, and is now a Mechanics' Institute.) Australia is part of the British Commonwealth. Respect for the reigning monarchy of the colony of Australia has been shown here since colonisation and continued after Federation. Portraits of the reigning sovereignty have been displayed in public organisations, government departments and clubs over the years. Children in schools have been taught to 'Honour the flag, serve the Queen" (or King) etc. In February 1952 King George VI of England passed away. His daughter was proclaimed Queen, and crowned as H.M. Queen Elizabeth II on June 2nd, 1953, at Westminster Abbey, London. It is interesting to note that on 12th April, 1997, Warrnambool's Masonic Centre in Kepler Street held a 150 years celebration of the settlement of Warrnambool and District. A time capsule was inserted in the 'foundation stone' and one of the items inside it was a Flagstaff Hill Heritage Centre leaflet. The portrait of the coronation of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and her continued reign of 70 years is significant, as it marks a very special occasion in the history of Britain and its Commonwealth. This portrait is similar to many other portraits of the Queen's coronation and is familiar to Australian citizens of the current generation and the ongoing link to Britain's colonasit6ion of Australia.Print, coloured, framed behind glass. Portrait of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II at her Coronation on June 2nd, 1953. The Queen is seated and wearing a white gown and white-trimmed blue cape. She is wearing a jewelled crown and holds the ceremonial Orb and Sceptre. In the background is Westminster Abbey. The decorative frame is cast composite or plaster. A card provided with the print advises that the print was presented by J. Wishart - it is attached to the reverse.Handwritten in ink on card "H.M.QUEEN ELIZABETH II / PRESENTED BY / WOR. BRO. J. WISHART JNR. / WOR. MASTER 1953-1954."flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, 2-06-1953, westminster abbey, scepter, orb, royal crown, coronation, queen elizabeth ii, hm queen elizabeth ii, royal portrait, h.m. queen elizabeth ii, worshipful brother, worshipful master, time capsule, 19th century style masonic lodge, warrnambool 150 years celebration, coronation of queen elizabeth ii, freemasons, j. wishart, flagstaff hill masonic lodge building, portrait -
Bendigo Military Museum
Refer to service of Tony Cornelius Cat 1874.2 3176333.1. & 2. These are two adhesive backed signs. They have a red background and in the centre is a goldish crown topped with an orb and with blue inside the crown. Below the crown is a white ribbon banner with the words "ANZUK FORCE" printed in black.anzuk force, army signs -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Personalities and Stories of the Orbost District 3rd Edition 1992 Index, 1993
"Personalities and Stories of Early Orbost' was written by historian , teacher and prominent Orbost local, Mary Gilbert. The stories were gathered from writings of the early pioneers orb their children. Other information derives from obituaries and newspaper reports. The third edition was organised by the Orbost & District Tourist Association and was re-printed after her death. This index was compiled by Linda BarracloughA soft covered stapled booklet with a lime green cover and the title in black print. It is an index to the 1992 third edition of Mary Gilbert's book, "Personalities and Stories of the Orbost District". -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Framed Portrait, Cecil Beaton, Queen Elizabeth II, 1953
Portrait photographs of royal figures were hung in government offices and buildings. In some cases they were also displayed in homes. There are numerous portraits of Queen Elizabeth II most of which have been widely reproduced.Framed portrait photograph of Queen Elizabeth II, taken June 2, 1954, by Cecil Beaton. Although the image appears at first glance to be set in Westminster Abbey, the photographer actually employed a theatrical backdrop for the photo, which was taken in a drawing room at Buckingham Palace. Her Majesty wears the imperial state crown, created for Queen Victoria’s 1838 coronation, and holds the orb and scepter, looking every bit the picture of reigning British royalty.queen elizabeth ii, cecil beaton, royal portraits -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white copy of photo taken by Batchelder. Colonial Bank of Australasia. 2 storey rendered building, with parapet and orbs. 1st floor 3 rectangular windows, ground floor 2 arched windows and central arched doorway. 6 adult males on footpath at front. Single storey shop with verandah at left. Batchelder photographic cart at left front , at right, laneway with gas lamp above. At far right, double storey building. In image ' Manufacturing/Goldsmiths' On back in pencil '41'Batchelderbuildings, bank, colonial bank of australia -
Orbost & District Historical Society
wagon wheel rim, mid 19th century -mid 20th century
Could have been from a hay rake and used on a local farming property.This item is an example of early farming machinery used in the Orb ost district.Rim of an iron wheel. Possibly from agricultural machinery. The 13 spokes have been cut off.iron wheel-rim agricultural-machinery -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Group of people, old Life Saving Club, Port Melbourne, 1990 - 1991
Colour photo of group in front of old Life Saving Club (originally Port Melbourne Yacht Club) c1990, including Reg 'Ox' Earle at rightDetails in ballpoint ink on backsport - swimming, societies clubs unions and other organisations, ian murphy, orb smith, colin ward, reg 'ox' earle, colin quigley, port melbourne life saving club, leo 'doc' wood