Showing 79 items
matching orbost museum
Orbost & District Historical Society
Photograph - Opening of Orbost Museum
... Opening of Orbost Museum...Orbost Museum... to open the Orbost Historical Society's Museum in Nicholson Street... covered jinker to travel to open Orbost Historical Museum... to travel to open the Orbost Historical Society's Museum ...This is a photograph of Mr & Mrs Peter Nixon about to board Kaye Lynn's covered jinker which is pulled by a horse to travel to open the Orbost Historical Society's Museum in Nicholson Street, Orbost. The original location of the Museum 1967 was in the building which is now (2022) used by the Cricket Club & Senior Citizens. The Library was also located there. Since 1994 and following the Orbost Shire's amalgamation into East Gippsland, the Library and Museum were located into the Shire's Business Centre in Ruskin Street, Orbost.photograph of an event in Orbost A b/w photograph of large car on the right hand side, two people in the centre, and a horse and sulky on the left. They are in a street.On back: Mr and Mrs Nixon are about to board Kaye Lynn's covered jinker to travel to open Orbost Historical Museum in Nicholson Street, Orbost. peter nixon mp, orbost museum, kaye lynn -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Invitations, 1967
... orbost-museum document-invitation...Made for the Orbost Historical Society. The first Orbost... of the Orbost Museum in December, 1967.... of the Orbost Museum. orbost-museum document-invitation The Committee ...Made for the Orbost Historical Society. The first Orbost Museum was opened in 1967. It was situated in Nicholson Street, Orbost.This item is an historic record of the opening of the Orbost Museum.Six blue rectangular cards with darker blue print and a gold scalloped edge. They are unused invitations to the opening of the Orbost Museum in December, 1967.The Committee of the Orbost Historical Society invite _________ to the OPENING OF THE HISTORICAL MUSEUM by the Hon. Peter Nixon MP, Minister for the Interior on FRIDAY DECEMBER 1st 1967 at 3.00pmorbost-museum document-invitation -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Visitors Book
... visitors-book Orbost-Museum...' book for the Orbost Museum....ORBOST HISTORICAL MUSEUM Opened on December 1st, 1967...' book for the Orbost Museum. This book records those who have ...This was used as the Orbost Historical Society's visitors' book for the Orbost Museum.This book records those who have visited the Orbost Museum. It indicates where they are from and their thoughts about the museum.A large album with a brown cloth cover. There is gold lettering on the front cover - Visitors Book.ORBOST HISTORICAL MUSEUM Opened on December 1st, 1967 by Hon. Peter Nixon M.P., Minister for the Interior.visitors-book orbost-museum -
Orbost & District Historical Society
framed black and white photograph, December 1 1967
... Museum-Orbost-opening Nixon-Peter... For The Interior officially opening the Orbost Historical Society Museum...on front below the photograph - " Opening of the Orbost... For The Interior officially opening the Orbost Historical Society Museum ...This photograph shows Peter Nixon, Minister For The Interior officially opening the Orbost Historical Society Museum on December 1st, 1967. The first Orbost Museum was opened in 1967. It was situated in Nicholson Street, Orbost. Peter Nixon grew up on the family farm on the Snowy River. He entered Federal Parliament in 1961 as the Member for Gippsland, holding various portfolios before retiring in 1983.Peter Nixon grew up on the family farm on the Snowy River. He entered Federal Parliament in 1961 as the Member for Gippsland, holding various portfolios before retiring in 1983. The Nixon family has been in the Orbost district since 1885.A large black / white photograph of a man in a suit with one hand in his pocket Standing behind him are two men and a woman. The photograph has been taken inside the museum. The photograph is mounted on a white buff card and is in a white wooden frame. on front below the photograph - " Opening of the Orbost Historical Society Museum by Mr Peter Nixon M.H.R., Minister of the Interior 1st December 1967"museum-orbost-opening nixon-peter -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newspaper clippings, 1928 - 1975
... Orbost- Museum anchor-Orbost street-names-Orbost St-James... Museum". 746.2, August 9, 1967, is titled, ""Orbost Historical... and as such are useful reference tools. Orbost- Museum anchor-Orbost street-names ...These newspaper articles were collated by Mary Gilbert. Mary Isabelle Gilbert was born in 1905 in Orbost, Australia. She was born to John Gilbert and Annie Cameron Gilbert, and had seven sisters and one brother. Four siblings died at a young age. She was a teacher historian loved and respected by her family and the wider community.These articles are contemporary records of events in the history of Orbost and as such are useful reference tools.A manila folder containing black / white newspaper cuttings of articles relating to the local history of Orbost. They are from the Snowy River Mail. 746.1 is titled, "Historic anchor for Orbost Museum". 746.2, August 9, 1967, is titled, ""Orbost Historical Museum". 746.3 is titled, "When The Snowy Was Angry". On the back is "Resident's Sudden Death - Mrs Ada Bowtell (67)". 746.4 from 1934 is titled, "The Duke's Visit - Welcome at Cann River'. 746.5, Wednesday November 24, 1954 is titled, "Naming of Orbost District Landmarks". 746.6, Wednesday November 24, is titled, " Convict First White Settler in Orbost District?". 746.7, Wednesday, July 25, 1928 is titled, " Dedication of St James' Memorial Church, Orbost". 746.8 and 746.9, Wednesday September 24, 1975 are titled, "Piece of History Returns".orbost- museum anchor-orbost street-names-orbost st-james'-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
framed photograph, APFA- Davisigns (PG & ME Davis)
... This photo was inherited when the Orbost Museum... gippsland This photo was inherited when the Orbost Museum ...This photo was inherited when the Orbost Museum was established in its present building. R.G.Davey was the Orbost Shire Engineer from 1922 -1930,Secretary and Engineer from 1930-1937 and Shire Engineer in 1938.A framed photo, head and shoulders of R.G. Davey. It is a black and white photo in a black wooden frame with a label on the back.R.G.Davey Shire Engineer 1922-1930 Secretary & Engineer 1930-1937 -Shire Engineer-1938municipal shire-engineer davey-r.g. orbost-shire-council -
Orbost & District Historical Society
shoulder tabs and braided rope, Orbost Band, 1932-1985
... on the Orbost Municipal Band uniform dated between 1932-1985.Instruments... is displayed in the Orbost Museum The various Orbost bands over ...The braided rope and the shoulder tabs would have been used on the Orbost Municipal Band uniform dated between 1932-1985.Instruments and some history on the local band is displayed in the Orbost MuseumThe various Orbost bands over the years played a major role in community activities providing entertainment and musical experiences for the many members. Yellow braided rope with tassels on the end and also 6 0rbost shoulder tabs which are in an arc shape, with a black background with yellow machine stitching stating Orbost, both used for the municipal band.machine stitched in yellow/ Orbost on a black background on the shoulder tabs/"ORBOST"tasseled rope, shoulder, tabs, orbost municipal band, 1932 1985 australia victoria -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Elizabeth and Philip, January 1, 1947
... who was the first curator of the Orbost Museum. ... who was the first curator of the Orbost Museum. This book ...This is a short study of Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten, written expressly to coincide with their wedding. It tells some of the stories behind the Royal romance as well as sketching the personalities and characters of the young Royal couple. The book probably belonged to Mary Gilbert, a prominent member of the Orbost community - a teacher and historian who was the first curator of the Orbost Museum. This book is a useful reference tool.A 64 pp dark blue hardback book with gold print on the cover - ELIZABETH and PHILIP and underneath a gold line - LOUIS WULFF, M.V.O. It contains b/w photographs and stories of Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten. It is authored by Louis Wulff, M. V. O.Inside front cover - in brown pencil - Gilbertsroyal-family princess-elizabeth gilbert-mary -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newspaper clippings, February 1971
... was the first curator of the Orbost Museum and a prominent historian... was the first curator of the Orbost Museum and a prominent historian ...These articles were compiled by Mary Gilbert who was the first curator of the Orbost Museum and a prominent historian / teacher in Orbost. The 1971 floods at Orbost were the worst on record. At Jarrahmond the river rose to a height of 11 metres and on the flats spread to one and a half kilometres wide. Considerable damage was done to railway infrastructure, roads and farms. More information from the APRIL, 2008 newsletter by John Phillips. (see articles are contemporary records of a significant historical event in Orbost.A manila folder containing black / white newspaper clippings from various publishers. They all relate to the 1971 floods in Orbost. (Details of contents in catalogue 735-900)floods-orbost-1971 -
Orbost & District Historical Society
shell ornament, c. early to mid 20th Century
... . The figurine in Orbost Museum was donated by Elma..... The figurine in Orbost Museum was donated by Elma. This item ...Mrs Elma Camm (nee Freeman) was the wife of Herbert Desmond Camm. Des and Elma lived in Orbost from 1971-1980/1. Des died on 9/11/1980 and is buried in Orbost Cemetery. Elma moved away and is presently (2013) in care at Lakes Entrance. Elma's hobby was collecting shells and crafting them into interesting forms. Much of her work is in the Shell Museum in Lakes Entrance. The figurine in Orbost Museum was donated by Elma.This item is an example of the handcraft skills of women in the early to mid 20th century.A small figurine made completely of different shaped shells and set onto a wooden block as its base. The block was originally a Wee William cigar box. The figure is playing a stringed instrument, possibly a guitar, held in front of him/her. The hat is a small figurine recycled-materials -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photographs, first half 20th century; 1971
... was the first curator of the Orbost Museum, and a local teacher. She... was the first curator of the Orbost Museum, and a local teacher. She ...These photographs are associated with Mary Gilbert. The Mary Gilbert Garden no longer exists. Mary Gilbert was the first curator of the Orbost Museum, and a local teacher. She received a B.E.M. for services to education in 1971. Mary Isabelle Gilbert was born in 1905 in Orbost, Australia. She was born to John Gilbert and Annie Cameron Gilbert, and had seven sisters and one brother. Four siblings died at a young age. .She was a teacher historian loved and respected by her family and the wider community. Mary Isabelle Gilbert was born in 1905 in Orbost, Australia. She was born to John Gilbert and Annie Cameron Gilbert. She was a teacher historian loved and respected by her family and the wider community.Four black / white photographs associated with Mary Gilbert. 3136.1 is of an older women shaking hands with a man in a ceremonial uniform. It has been taken inside a hall. 3136.2 is of a woman sitting on ? outside an athletics track. 3136.3 is of two woman in front of a netball court where girls are playing.A group of spectators in school uniforms is watching the game. 3153.4 is a photograph of a garden and pond in front of a school building.3136.1 - on back -"Mary Gilbert receiving her Queen's Honour. Melbourne Gov. House from Sir Rohan Delacombe" 3136.2 - on back -"Mary Gilbert" 3136.3 - on back - "Mary Gilbert"gilbert-mary-orbost education-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Red Cross badge and membership card, 1980's
... Gilbert was the first curator of the Orbost Museum, and a local... Gilbert was the first curator of the Orbost Museum, and a local ...The Australian Red Cross Society (ARCS) was formed just after the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914, initially as a branch of the British Red Cross Society. Its first president was Lady Helen Munro Ferguson, wife of the then governor-general. Via a network of state branches and division, also presided over by women, the organisation extended its influence throughout the community of Australian women, urban and rural. Mary Gilbert was the first curator of the Orbost Museum, and a local teacher.Mary Gilbert was the Orbost Red Cross Superintendent. She was a long time member of Red Cross.Mary Gilbert was a member of Red Cross for over 40 years. She was a noted Orbost identity.1518.1 is a rectangular brass and blue, white and red enamelled badge. The badge shows a red cross in the centre and the words 'RED CROSS EMERGENCY SERVICE'. The reverse has a pin fastening. 1518.2 is a yearly Red Cross membership card. 1518.1 front- Red Cross Emergency Service 1518.2 - Membership Number -8813 Mary Gilbert, East Gippsland 26/12/1988 red-cross membership-card badge -
Orbost & District Historical Society
tennis racquet, 1930-1940
... to the Orbost Museum to go in the racquet press so that people would... to the Orbost Museum to go in the racquet press so that people would ...The tennis racquet belonged to John Phillips who used it in the late 1950s / early 1960s. It was not a new racquet when Ihe started using it, but a pass-me-down from his father. He purchased his first new racquet in the mid 60s and gave this racquet to the Orbost Museum to go in the racquet press so that people would have an idea of what the item (press) was used for - to stop wooden framed racquets with gut strings from warping. John played tennis at Orbost Tennis Club from 1969-1981 - vice president 1971-77, president 1977-81, secretary of Orbost & District Tennis Association 1975-81. He is a Life Member of the Orbost Tennis Club (1980). John is also a Life Member of the Orbost & District Historical Society.This item is an example of an early piece of sports' equipment which was manufactured using different materials.A wooden tennis racquet with a reinforced cane handle. The handle has a black leather grip. The frame is wooden ash with gut strings.ALL ENGLAND Genuine Weather Proof SLAZENGER Reinforced Cane Sealed finishtennis-raquet sport recreation phillips-john orbost-tennis-club -
Orbost & District Historical Society
framed photograph, 1971
... the founder of the Orbost Historical Society and Museum... the founder of the Orbost Historical Society and Museum ...Mary Isabelle Gilbert was born in 1905, the daughter of John and Annie (nee Cameron) Gilbert. She had seven sisters and one brother. Four siblings died at a young age. She died in 1989 aged 84. .She was a teacher historian loved and respected by her family and the wider community. Mary Gilbert was not only the founder of the Orbost Historical Society and Museum but was a teacher at bhe Orbost High School for many years. She contributed much to the community as she was involved in so many aspects of it. Mary Isabelle Gilbert was born in 1905 in Orbost, Australia. She was born to John Gilbert and Annie Cameron Gilbert. She was a teacher historian loved and respected by her family and the wider community.A black / white photograph of an elderly women accepting an award from a young womanl. Below the photograph is a medal and inscription on a light blue buff card. This is all inside a light blue wooden frame with gold edging.on front - "British Empire Medal, Miss M. Gilbert for Services to Orbost High School and Education in Greneral"gilbert-mary-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
gold panning dish, mid - late 19th century
Panning dishes were used for washing fine gold from river sediments or from the residue trapped in cradles and puddling tubs. They were often used on the edge of streams/rivers to sift gold from alluvial soil or crushed quartz. This simple pan would have been filled with sand and gravel which might have contained gold. The pan was submerged in the water and shaken to sort the gold from the gravel and other material, with the lighter material gradually being washed over the lip until only the heavy deposits, such as gold, remained at the bottom. (ref. Museum Victoria) This pan was used by George Henry Douglas Russell Snr. As a young man prior to his enlistment in WW1 he panned for gold using this dish. During the war he became a vet sergeant in charge of horse lines.Gold panning is the oldest and simplest method of extracting gold. Gold pans had widespread use in alluvial gold fields where water is available. This item is an example of the type of pan commonly used on Victorian gold fields.A circular dull metal panning dish which has a wide rolled top lip which tapers down to a smaller diameter for the base which is flat. The pan has been made from ironmetal which has a coating of another metal with a matte grey finish. It has a small hanging hole and a reinforcing ring all around the top.russell-doug gold-panning mining -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, McLaren & Co Pty Ltd, 1939 1945, C1945
This book/magazine is a record of the company's tasks in WW11. It acknowledges the "debt owed to the armed forces involvement and role in defeating the enemy". The Australian operations of this company were originally founded by Hugh V. McKay in the 1890s. In 1906, H.V. McKay moved his manufacturing operations from Ballarat to Braybrook Junction (later Sunshine) on the western outskirts of Melbourne. In 1921 the company became H.V. McKay Pty Ltd. In 1930 it merged with the Australian operations of the Canadian agricultural implement and tractor manufacturer Massey Harris, to become H.V. McKay Massey Harris Pty Ltd. Throughout World War II H.V. McKay Massey Harris exported over 20,000 Sunshine drills, disc harrows and binders to England to facilitate the increase in food production. (ref Museum Victoria, Wickipedia)Inside this magazine is a photograph of a sprocket similar to that made by Orbost Motor Works during WW11. (Registration No 2001)A large stapled cardboard covered magazine with a tan coloured cover. On the front cover in dark brown print at the bottom is a rising sun with "H. V. McKay Massey Harris Pty Ltd Australia" underneath it. At the top in large font is 1939 1945. It contains coloured photographs and text. massey-harris -
Orbost & District Historical Society
scrapbooks, Gilbert, Mary, 1960's
... community. Mary Gilbert was the first curator of the Orbost Museum ...Belonged to Mary Gilbert who was a passionate local historian. She was awarded a British Empire medal in recognition of her work for education and the community. . Mary Isabelle Gilbert was born in 1905 in Orbost, Australia. She was born to John Gilbert and Annie Cameron Gilbert, and had seven sisters and one brother. Four siblings died at a young age. .She was a teacher historian loved and respected by her family and the wider community.Mary Gilbert was the first curator of the Orbost Museum, and a local teacher. These scrapbooks contain articles which reflect the social standards of the 1960's.Two scrapbooks containing pasted in cut-out magazine articles on manners, presentation and clothes for young women.Handwritten on the front cover of 1840.1 : Words of Wisdomgilbert-mary scrapbooks 1960's -
Orbost & District Historical Society
scrap books, Gilbert, Mary, 1960's
... community. Mary Gilbert was the first curator of the Orbost Museum ...Belonged to Mary Gilbert who was a passionate local historian. She was awarded a British Empire medal in recognition of her work for education and the community. .Mary Isabelle Gilbert was born in 1905 in Orbost, Australia. She was born to John Gilbert and Annie Cameron Gilbert, and had seven sisters and one brother. Four siblings died at a young age. .She was a teacher historian loved and respected by her family and the wider community. Mary Gilbert was the first curator of the Orbost Museum, and a local teacher. These scrapbooks contain articles which describe historical events of the 1960's.Three scrapbooks containing clippings of newspaper articles of historical events. A list of contents is pasted on the front cover of each.Handwritten on the covers: 1842.1-Mary Gilbert Book1 ; 1842.2 - Mary Gilbert Book 2 ; 1842.3- Mary Gilbert Book 3gilbert-mary scrapbooks 1960's -
Orbost & District Historical Society
rabbit traps, First half 20th century
During the Great Depression from 1929 to 1932, rabbit trapping was a means of survival for many people. Rabbits provided meat and pelts which were sold for making felt hats such as the Akubra. Rabbit populations are controlled in the 21st century by poisoning, destroying or 'ripping' burrows (warrens), biological control with rabbit haemorrhagic disease and myxomatosis, and by shooting. Rabbit-proof fences also prevent the spread of rabbits into some areas. (ref. Powerhouse Museum) Steel-jawed rabbit traps were widely used in urban and rural Australia from 1880 to 1980. This trap is symbolic of the battle that Australians have waged against burgeoning rabbit populations for over a century. Rabbits cause enormous damage to Australian soils and biodiversity. The introduction of rabbits to this country was an environmental disaster.Two iron rabbit traps. Each consists of a pair of jaws held closed by spring tension and a triggering mechanism. When the trap is triggered the jaws close over the top of the bridge, plate and tongue mechanism that is designed to trigger the trap. A chain is attached by a hook on the bent end of the trap's spring with a long steel spike looped over the last link of the other end of the chain. The trap is designed so that the metal jaws snap shut against each other when the trap is activated by the application of weight to the pressure plate. In use, traps are set with open jaws, buried lightly just below the surface of the earth. When an animal steps on the pressure plate, the jagged teeth of the jaws snap around the animal's leg, usually breaking bone and sinew. Thus the animal is immobilised.rabbits rural trapping -
Orbost & District Historical Society
photograph, H.M.S. Rattlesnake, leaving Port Essington 1846-1849 BY STANLEY, OWEN
"The marine Hydrographers of the British Admiralty wanted desperately to chart a safe passage through the Great Barrier Reef and the gap between the northern tip of Australia and Papua New Guinea, which would open up the new colony to the East Indies trade. They commissioned the Rattlesnake, a 28 gun frigate of the Royal Navy, whose captain was a keen amateur artist and whose name, Owen Stanley, was given to the mountain ranges of PNG. After the passage out, Stanley brought aboard Oswald Brierly, later to be the marine painter to Queen Victoria, and together these men made two voyages through the Great Barrier Reef, painting and sketching all the while. They produced a visual record of 19th century contact between Europeans and the indigenous people of Northern Australia and New Guinea in an album which contains the original of this copy. It is held in the Mitchell Library in Sydney." (ref. State Library New South Wales) Sir Oswald Brierly, a young marine artist, arrived in Sydney in 1842 on the yacht Wanderer. Settling at the whaling station of Boyd Town in Twofold Bay, he painted extensively and left a vivid account of the whaling life during the five years he spent there. However it was the open sea and adventure that lead Brierly to accept a position on the HMS Rattlesnake as shipboard artist. This item is associated with the anchor of the The Rattlesnake. This anchor is in the main street of Orbost in front of what was once the museum.This is a copy of a picture of the H.M.S. Rattlesnake at sea with a canoe of Aborigines rowing towards it.h.m.s.-rattlesnake brierly-oswald stanley-owen -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Royal Society of Victoria Proceedings, 29 January 1969
The Royal Society of Victoria was formed in 1859 from a merger between The Philosophical Society of Victoria and The Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science, both founded in 1854. The first president of the Royal Society was Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller, then Government botanist. In 1860 the R.S.V. organised the Burke and Wills expedition. The Society has played an important role in the life of Melbourne and Victoria including establishing the Melbourne Museum and National Parks, convening the first Australian Antarctic Exploration Committee in 1885, organising the Burke and Wills expedition and establishing the Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences in 1978. The Royal Society of Victoria has published articles of scientific interest in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria annually since 1854. The aim of the Proceedings magazine is to contribute to the advancement of science by enhancing the knowledge and appreciation of science and technology and their impact on society. This magazine is a useful research tool.A 148 pp magazine, Royal Society of Victoria Proceedings - East Gippsland Symposium Vol 82 Part 1 - 29 Jan 1969. It contains a series of scientific articles pertaining to East Gippsland. The Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria is a refereed journal, published annually. The front cover is grey with black text. At the top is the royal coat of arms. Below that is the title Royal Society of Victoria Proceedings in white print on a black background. On the bottom left is a black drawing of the Royal Society of Victoria building.Stamped twice on front cover is ORBOST HIGH SCHOOLscience-research-east gippsland royal-society-of-victoria -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Mallacoota Memories, 1980
This book was produced by the Mallacoota and District Historical Society. The Society, founded in 1974, has a museum housed in a World War 2 Bunker in Mallacoota . The bunker was handed over to the Society by the R.S.L.A small 104 pp book titled Mallacoota Memories. On the front cover is a coloured photo of lakes and trees. The title is in red. The book contains early observations by J.[G] A. Robinson; contact with settlers; mentions Biduelli, Kruatungulung, Murring, Ben- Kurnai, Mallekotang Mittong, Tinnon, Kyrekong, Ponedyang, Worarer Mittong groups. The history is from 1841 -1945. It was produced by Mallacoota and District Historical Society.mallacoota-history robinson-j.a -
Orbost & District Historical Society
rabbit trap, first half 20th century
During the Great Depression from 1929 to 1932, rabbit trapping was a means of survival for many people. Rabbits provided meat and pelts which were sold for making felt hats such as the Akubra. Rabbit populations are controlled in the 21st century by poisoning, destroying or 'ripping' burrows (warrens), biological control with rabbit haemorrhagic disease and myxomatosis, and by shooting. Rabbit-proof fences also prevent the spread of rabbits into some areas. (ref. Powerhouse Museum) This trap was used in the Orbost district. Steel-jawed rabbit traps were widely used in urban and rural Australia from 1880 to 1980. This trap is symbolic of the battle that Australians have waged against burgeoning rabbit populations for over a century. Rabbits cause enormous damage to Australian soils and biodiversity. The introduction of rabbits to this country was an environmental disaster.A rusted iron rabbit trap which consists of a pair of jaws held closed by spring tension and a triggering mechanism. When the trap is triggered the jaws close over the top of the bridge, plate and tongue mechanism that is designed to trigger the trap. A chain is attached by a hook on the bent end of the trap's spring with a long steel spike looped over the last link of the other end of the chain. The trap is designed so that the metal jaws snap shut against each other when the trap is activated by the application of weight to the pressure plate. In use, traps are set with open jaws, buried lightly just below the surface of the earth. When an animal steps on the pressure plate, the jagged teeth of the jaws snap around the animal's leg, usually breaking bone and sinew. Thus the animal is immobilised. rabbit-trap rural -
Orbost & District Historical Society
war souvenir
These pieces of canvas are from a German plane brought down by an allied fighter. The pilot was shot through the head. It was given to Mary Gilbert by Alex P. Cameron to be donated to the museum.This item is a reminder of the personal stories of WW1.Two small pieces of canvas from a German plane brought down by another fighter. It is part of a black cross on the plane. There is hand-written information written on the back of both pieces.souvenir ww1 -
Orbost & District Historical Society
First croquet committee in Orbost started up in 1919. (ref : The Whos' Who of Orbost Settlers - Mary Gilbert). Often croquet lawns were in private gardens eg. at Connort (now Moogji)..This shield is part of the history of the Orbost Croquet Club. In the museum, there is also an old copy of the rules of Croquet, a mallet and a photo of the first committee.A wooden shield. The Dorothy Andrews Handicap Singles Memorial Shield for the Orbost Croquet Club. There are smaller metal shields for the names of the winners.Names on the shields are: Amy Gall; Gwen Reynolds; Ann Nixon; Don Herbert; Ann Kerr; Ella Evans; May Herbert; Izy Trewin; Maisie Nixon; Millie Leatham; Dot Eatoncroquet recreation leisure trophy -
Orbost & District Historical Society
hat band and badge
... , the first curator of the Orbost Museum, was recognised for her work ...The hat band was part of the girls' school uniform and attached to their straw hats. The school badge was designed by Clarke Cowell, a student in the first Senior class at Orbost Higher Elementary School in 1912. The Latin inscription "Acti labores jucundi"can be freely translated as "Finished work is pleasant." The hat band and badges formed part of the Mary Gilbert Collection. Miss Mary Gilbert attended Orbost Higher Elementary School 1917-1920. She was dux of the school in 1920 and returned as a trained teacher in 1927. She taught at Mordialloc H.S. in 1932, at Lilydale in 1933/34 and returned to Orbost H.E.S. in 1935, remaining there until her retirement in 1969.Mary Gilbert, the first curator of the Orbost Museum, was recognised for her work in education and the community when she was awarded the British Empire Medal. Orbost High School / Orbost Secondary College has played a significant part in the education of senior students in the Orbost district . It is the sole senior educational institution. This uniform is representative of its history.A yellow, navy and white striped hat band. A badge of the Orbost Higher Elementary School emblem is sewn on. A metal badge with the school emblem is attached.gilbert-mary orbost-secondary-college education-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
framed photo, APFA- Davisigns (PG & ME Davis)
This photo was inherited with the building when the museum was established. Lind was born in 1878 in East Charlton, Victoria, the son of Oliver Nicholas Lind, a farmer from Denmark, and his Welsh wife Mary Ann Clay. In 1882, drought forced the family to move to East Gippsland where Lind was educated at Lucknow, and then to Bairnsdale in 1884 where he attended Bairnsdale state school. In October 1920, he was elected to the Victorian Legislative Assembly for the seat of Gippsland East for the Victorian Farmers' Union. Lind was made Minister of Forests, President of the Board of Land and Works and Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey in Albert Dunstan's cabinet. He was knighted in 1951. In 1926 two national parks east of Orbost were named the Albert and the Lind national parks after him.A framed photo of Sir Albert Eli Lind. It is a black and white head and shoulders photo in a black wooden frame.Sir Albert E. Lind Knighted !951photograph politician lind-albert government -
Orbost & District Historical Society
dish, 1950-1970
... ). Ref: Powerhouse Museum Sydney. souvenir dish Orbost Grandview ...Small china pieces carrying scenic views of holiday destinations were a popular kind of souvenir during much of the 20th century. The pictures on the souvenirs ranged across natural beauty spots (beaches, waterfalls, rivers), civic buildings and monuments (town halls, war memorials), and indicators of local progress (commercial centres and occasionally even industrial sites). Ref: Powerhouse Museum Sydney.Small souvenir dish. White with gold edging and a picture of Orbost in bottom centre. Picture is a view from Grandview Heights. White, square, bone china dish with fluted rim trimmed with gold. In the centre of the dish there is a coloured transfer of a scene labelled as 'Sturt Street, Ballarat'. The scene shows grand Victorian buildings in the background, shops with verandahs and verandah posts lining one side of Sturt Street, trees on the other side of the street, and a tram in the foreground. A transfer on the underside gives manufacturer's information. Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-CommercialUnderneath- Royal Stafford -Bone China, Made in England, 3444 Top- Orbost From Grandview Heights, Vic.souvenir dish orbost grandview-heights crockery domestic stafford-royal -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Bakewell Family
There are 3 items about this family of early European settlers in Victoria: 1/A photocopy of an extract “Early Pioneer Families of Victoria and Riverina” – Henderson Page 441-442 The Bakewell Family of Burnewang and Tooradin”. It includes a photo of John Bakewell (1807-1888). It contains two pages and describes Bakewell’s property expansion. 2/An original copy of handwritten, unsigned undated research notes on John Bakewell property holdings taken from St Kilda Rate Book (1859-1873). It describes the land allotment. 3/A typed, unsigned, undated extract from 'The Howitts in Australia by Mary Howitt' - Mary Howitt, Vic Hist Mag 1913 Vol 3 No. 1. Reference – Memoirs of a Stockman, Harry Peck, 1853 Map, Foot Plot CCXLVI at Kooyong & Glen Eira Road. It provides a brief outline of the lives of brothers Robert and John Bakewell.the bakewell family, early pioneer families, henderson, bakewell john, port phillip, burnewang, bakewell robert, howitt godfrey dr, lord goderich, tooradin, phoebe, friends' school ackworth, yorkshire, nottingham, shaw john wyberg, plenty river, businesses, goldsbrough richard, goldsbrough mort and company ltd., glaziers, squatters, burnewang, mantons, tooradin, red bluff, torbinurruck, great swamp, brenanah, westernport, numerella, snowy river, orbost, green hills b, caramut, lyall william, mickle john, buckland john, notts, england, balderton, weddings, jane emily, howitt emanuel, farnsfield, lever mary, howitt thomas, heanor, derbyshire, howitt godfrey, scales john, exeter college oxford, downing college cambridge, guerard von, wayne john, south warnborough manor, harrison robert, lord john, jamaica, mary alice, dr. miller, miller john francis compton, emmie joan, mary emily, clifton hotel welbeck street, phoebe alice, anne edith, british museum, land values, settlements, st. kilda, elsternwick, inkerman street, st. kilda east, kew, memoirs of a stockman, harry peck -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK - JAPANESE PRISON CAMPS WW2, Rohan D. RIVETT, "Behind Bamboo", 1947 (First published May 1946
"BEHIND BAMBOO" "An Inside Story of the Japanese Prison Camps" Author - ROHAN D. RIVETT "War Correspondent Prisoner of War, on the Burma-Siam Railway"Hard cover book. Cover - cardboard, light orange buckram with red and white print on front and spine. 400 pages - cut, plain, off white paper, illustrated - black and white and colour illustrations. Front end papers - owner's name, owner's stamp, book seller's label. Price notation.Front end papers - Owner's name - handwritten, black pen, "O.PELL / 7 VIOLET ST/ BGO" "M. PELL/ ORBOST" Owner's stamp - black ink "BENDIGO DISTRICT RSL SUB BRANCH INC/ PO BOX 42/ LONG GULLY 3550. Book seller's label - silver on black background A.J. DIGBY/ BOOKSELLER AND STAT (?)/ BAIRNSDALE" price notation - grey lead pencil "$10/ DMTY"books, military history, ww2, japanese prison camps